dicho de misceláneo …
jesús Christ! two other "big-named" influencers got outed recently:
Destiny, for revenge porn and leaking nudes without the women's consent (he apparently also used to take pictures of underage girls back in 2012, just to degrade them);
DJ Akademiks, for talking sexually to, and grooming a 15-year-old boy on stream
why the fuck is it so god damn IMPOSSIBLE for these low-life losers to NOT be disgusting sexual deviants?!? publicado hace 16 días
Destiny, for revenge porn and leaking nudes without the women's consent (he apparently also used to take pictures of underage girls back in 2012, just to degrade them);
DJ Akademiks, for talking sexually to, and grooming a 15-year-old boy on stream
why the fuck is it so god damn IMPOSSIBLE for these low-life losers to NOT be disgusting sexual deviants?!? publicado hace 16 días