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added by zanhar1
Source: nrvqsr
added by gwevin12
Source: I did not make this.
added by gwevin12
Source: I did not make this. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!
added by ktlady
Source: http://rufftoon.deviantart.com/
added by jessowey
Source: cartoonwatcher.com
So on this one encuesta 'who would win a fight to the death' I kind of went on this rant as to why I thought Azula would win. And I thought I'd put it in articulo form.

First and foremost, the obvious; Azula has Blue fuego (supposedly hotter than any other fire) on the show. This is something unique to Azula and Azula alone. Where as Bloodbending is not unique to Katara. And metalbending is not unique to Toph. Others have done it before and (in Toph's case) after. Plus Katara can only do it during the full moon whereas Azula's blue fuego and lighting are present at all times. And she is very skilled...
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por TBEMike
avatar the last airbender
billie eilish
I did not make this video. I am simply puting it on this fan page for your entertainment. This video is made por AnonymousSakura.
added by lord1bobos
added by zanhar1
Source: http://no-eskeipe.tumblr.com/ (Really amazing artist right here)
added by zanhar1
Source: belleweather
added by zanhar1
Source: Zucest
added by pumpkinqueen
added by BB2010
Source: deviantart
added by pumpkinqueen
Source: tumblr
added by MintPheonix
added by lord1bobos