Sussie Sapphire

en fanpop desde May 2010

  • Female, 28 years old
  • la la land, dreamworld
  • Favorite TV Show: Gargoyles, DeathNote, Poke'mon, Monster Rancher, FMA(B), Vampire Knight, Hetalia, SPN
    Favorite Movie: Pokemon the 1st Movie, FMA Return to Shamballa, Nightmare Before navidad
    Favorite Musician: Paramore, Eminem, Shinedown, Disturbed (continues talking forev.)
    Favorite Book or Author: Buso Renkin, Canterella, Nana, Paradise Kiss, Pet comprar of Horrors
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Mis Clubes

Dedicated Fan in 23 clubs Dedicated (23) Die-Hard Fan in 35 clubs Die-Hard (35) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

mi muro

darkmoon47 dicho …
Guess who's back.....back again publicado hace más de un año
darkmoon47 dicho …
Hi! publicado hace más de un año
zutaradragon comentó…
HOOOI hace más de un año
So many gifs that have decided to look like horribly fuzzy things in image vista previa XD publicado hace más de un año