publicado hace más de un año
3,514 lifetime gold
Eeey I'm that MsIkarishipper chick that sang a lot of mlp songs lmao
en fanpop desde March 2010
- Female, 25 years old
- 💗, Up Ariana's culo
- My Website: lol this is my YouTube channel that used to be pretty popular among the bronies not sure if it is anymore but I'm restarting my channel
- Favorite Musician: Ariana GrandeFavorite Book or Author: Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass
mi muro
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I amor your icono c:
publicado hace más de un año
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Im a estrella Wars fan too!!! Who is your favourite character? and tu have a medal for Total Drama Island (how did u get it?) good job!
publicado hace más de un año