Sad Derpy D:
I heard About Derpy "kicked" From MLP and it soo sad. Some Bronys in Poland start make somethink like "Save Derpy fan Group" and I Think Will All countries have somethink like this and someone do something huge about it AND Hasbro see this, they maybe MAYBE get Derpy back to show... dont know but one is complete know... MLP FIM maybe coming to... end... dont want end of FIM. Its End of MLP FIM o Its have LARGE changes LAAARGE... There Some Promosals from me about "changes" in MLP FIM. Maybe ALL 6 Ponies going to be alicorns like Twilight? o In Sad end its going be characters change? Guys do tu want characters change because i dont want see someone eleses in MLP FIM. The Changess coming...and it can be drastic changes for bronys...
(sorry For My English I From Poland)