Akame ga Kill! Ghost's Akame Ga Kill! RP

TheAdventGhost posted on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:46PM

Imperial Arms/Teigu
Form (Weapon or armor or mark.):
Trump Card:
last edited on Jan 06, 2022 at 06:57PM

Akame ga Kill! 2076 respuestas

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hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *As Najenda made the order, he rushed forward, going after Satoru* [You can cloak yourself.... I can still find you.] *His eyes glowed red, finding Satoru as he continued to run down the hall* You won't make it! *He dashed even faster catching Satoru again* The wings weren't just for show.

Katsuki: No. But, I'd be more than happy to take your life where you stand... Especially for what you had done. Imperial Will! *His voice resonated again as the pressure around him increased*
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Satoru groaned as Ren caught up to him again, "Argh.. Yeah, I can see that now....." Satoru tried escaping from his grasp again but failed. He yelled down through the hall, "Isla!!"

Hearing Satoru's yell and feeling Katsuki's pressure around her, she felt her body fill with fear. "The last Emperor was seriously a joke, but Katsuki.... No, this is a whole different case."
With hesitation, Isla started slowly stepping back, "F- For what I've done? Please, you're acting like I've killed one of your people.... Kairi may be a different circumstance, but this..? I- It's really just a simple morning slumber party......"

Kairi soon caught up to Ren and Satoru, kneeling down in front of Satoru, "You both knew well enough what could've been the consequences if you tried turning your back a single time.... So, why?"
Satoru avoided making eye contact with her, "Isla makes the decisions, I just simply follow her lead."
Kairi sighed and stood up again, "Ren, take him to the cell and keep an eye on him.." She said as she then left and ran to the entrance, meeting with Katsuki and Isla. "Katsu!" Kairi yelled. "Just.. Don't...."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He then got Satoru, carrying him over his shoulder* Let's go.. *He said, beginning to take him to his cell* You couldn't have seriously thought you'd get through... And of course, Isla was planning from the outside the whole time. Though, judging from a bit of that pressure... I'm guessing she's getting acquainted with Emperor Katsuki....

Katsuki: What the hell else do you think I'm talking about? The fact that they're only asleep is just the reason you're still alive right now! *He said taking a few steps closer* If something had happened to Kairi.... If she were to have succumbed to Kurai.... I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself for letting that happen..... But, most importantly... I wouldn't rest until I hunted you down and killed you myself! *He then swiped his arm, leaving a wall of flame behind Isla to stop her from stepping back*
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"I don't even care about how this whole deal ended up anymore....." Satoru said, still trying to escape from Ren's hold. But, with each attempt he only grew tired and was slowly giving up, "I just hate that I told you that I'd be there to protect Isla... When I can't even do that now....."

Feeling the heat of the flames behind her, Isla stopped in her steps. With Katsuki moving towards her, she basically had no place to go. Isla could only stand there, frozen in fear, "Look, I apologize for that alright!? I let myself get over my head that night... Not to mention, I didn't know Kairi had such close connections to the Emperor until that day!" She said.
Kairi then walked up, standing alongside Katsuki, "Oh, so that would be the only thing stopping you? I hate that my heart still has a little bit of sympathy for you, even when you're so willing to throw me to the side!."
"Kairi....." Isla clenched her fists, "Where the hell is Satoru?!"
"If I were you, I'd just start worrying about yourself." Kairi then placed her hand over Katsuki's arm, "I know I'm not the one who makes the ultimate decisions, but I'd just take her to the cell for now...." She told Katsuki.
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Love makes us do crazy things.... Believe me kid, you aren't the first... And you certainly won't be the last... You say it's none of my business, yet I know how much you love her. *He said as he made it to the cells. He then put him on the ground of the cell* Still... I'm not gonna sympathize... Especially when the very girl you love, could've costed the Emperor his future Empress.

Katsuki: *He looked at Isla* ...... [I have her right in front of me..... I could do it one swift motion...... No...... You've got to keep control Katsu...] *He then looked at Kairi and nodded* I'll take her down to her cell... Can you get them woken up in the meanwhile. *He said as he grabbed Isla's wrist and the pressure started to slowly die down*
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"...... Future Empress, huh? I knew her and the Emperor had a close relationship with each other, but not to the point of marriage..." Satoru just sat on the ground of the cell, leaning his head against the wall. "Either way, I don't need your sympathy nor do I want it... I may admit to the fact that I love her, but that doesn't make me oblivious to the situations I put myself in for her... and I'll probably only continue to do it."

Isla's body felt less tense as the pressure died down, but the fear still lingered. For once she couldn't even muster up anything to say.
Kairi nodded, "Alright... don't do anything too crazy when you get there, Katsu... I trust you." She said. Kairi then went over to Leone, trying to shake her awake.
Leone slowly woke up, sitting up from the ground, She had her hand over her head, "Ah, I have a massive headache....." A few seconds later, Leone realized what happened, "God damn it! I trusted that girl for one second and she turned her back immediately!! Ah, I swear the moment I see he- .."
Kairi cut her off, gently patting her head, "She's already being taken care of Leone, don't worry. Don't speak too loud, you're gonna give yourself an even bigger headache." She said as she then woke up the remainder of the sleeping guards.
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Very well... I can't be the one to tell you how to live your life. . All I can be is a force...

Katsuki: *He then took Isla and made his way down to the cells* Here. . *He forced her into the cell, then closing it*
Ren: Katsu....
Katsuki: *He then looked between Satoru and Isla* I definitely wouldn't have thought you'd two would be this stupid... I mean seriously.... No means no... You're going to satiate that curiosity and end up starting some war...
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Isla!" Satoru quickly stood up, going to her as she was forced into the cell, "Are you ok??"
"Yeah, I'm fine..." Isla dusted herself off. She felt safer being in there, but she knows it didn't do her any good, "I didn't expect you to catch on so soon, even a few minutes could've gave me enough time. Besides, why should I care if it starts some war? I have no intention of being apart of it."
Kairi soon joined all of them, only overhearing what Isla said, "Yet you might as well be the center of the war for causing it...You'll only be targeted. The fact that you're even alive right now is because of me...."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: I swear, if Kairi wasn't stopping me... You would've been executed from the second I saw you.
Ren: You hold no regard for the peace that was built. Just for that fact alone... You'd already make yourself guilty of war crimes... *He then looked at Satoru* Then that leaves you... You'd be guilty right alongside her... What's gonna be the point if you both die for this?!
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Isla leaned against the back wall, slowly shrugging, "Well then my efforts truly would've been fruitless, it's not like I intended for things to ultimately end up this way. Though, with how things seem to be laying out now, it only makes me wonder how much longer Kairi can actually keep me alive..." Isla smirked, "You don't really want to see me dead, do you Kairi?"
Kairi was silent for a second but she gritted her teeth. A shadowy arm swiftly emerged from the ground, grabbing Isla and holding her against the wall, "Just because you're in your damn cell doesn't mean you can start talking your random shit again. Why make an Imperial Arm of all things!? Why can't you be satisfied with anything else??! All of this wouldn't have to turn out this way!"
Isla was unfazed with Kairi grabbing her, her smirk still on her face, "Oh please, There's only so much I can do now with Imperial Arms after all of these years, so why not go to limit!?"
"I don't get it!" Kairi yelled, "You could've moved onto something else, all of this is unnecessary!"
"There's no point in trying to change her mind if any of it, I've already tried to multiple times..." Satoru said.
"And yet you still mindlessly follow her...." Kairi took a deep breath, eventually releasing the shadow and dropping Isla. "Just leave her in there for the time being......"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ......
Ren: You should count your lucky stars... Doing what you're doing, would've ended in death from the moment we found out. Just like when he executed the Jaegers. *He sighed* [Now, I've got some preparations to make.] *He thought to himself as he headed off*
Katsuki: Oh... Another thing.... If I find out by any means that you escape... Well, remember what I said before about hunting you down.... And the next time, mercy won't exist. *He said as he headed off as well*
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Uh huh.... Noted.." Isla said, sounding unbothered but she knew deep down she feared it.
Kairi sighed, "Don't make me regret my decisions of doing this.."
Isla rolled her eyes, "Too bad, it's not like I'm doing any of this for you..."
Kairi just clenched her fists as she then headed out as well. She went back to the throne room.
Najenda still happened to be in there, waiting for them, "I was just planning to find with you to see if there were any updates, is everything ok??" She asked.
Kairi nodded, "Yeah.... We have them both locked up now..."
"I'm surprised you even kept them alive..." Najenda said. "But, are you alright Kairi? You almost seem... bummed out."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: *He stood in front of Kairi* Hey.... Don't start trying to put the blame on yourself... We've all got our reasons for the things we do.. I came to understand, you have yours. That's why I won't stop ya.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi looked down, "It's just... How do I know I'm making the right decision..? I don't want to ultimately cause even more problems, but...... Katsu I know you don't remember this but, last night you asked me something about living in a world without bloodshed and it's been lingering in my mind since..... You and Ren have every reason to want to kill Isla.. It just makes me wonder if we should keep killing off our problems like this..."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: ..... A world without bloodshed... It's the future I want..... Yet.. *He looked to the side* Are we for sure that could even be possible? This rule.... It wasn't something obtained through diplomacy. I know I was drunk last night, and I understand that's what I want. Being realistic, we can't live in a world without bloodshed, but... I could try the best I can to keep as far from my family as possible.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"But, if we would want it for our family, wouldn't we want it for our people too? Sure, you may not have gotten your rule through diplomacy, but everything has to start somewhere... It may be impossible, but perfection isn't what I would want to strive for...." Kairi sighed, "Maybe I just have too much hope for Isla.... Part of me hopes she'll actually change, but I'm probably just holding onto nothing.... I did the same when we had to deal with Noah, I don't know why I can't help it......"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: It's because you're someone who sees the good in people. It's a trait I can't necessarily blame you for. It's never wrong to believe in the good of people.... But, there are also times when we need to see reality for what it is. People in this world may be good, but.. There will always be the ones that get in the way of the good ones. I'll do what it takes to make sure I keep the good people alive, that means doing what I must to prevent pointless wars.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "Yeah, I understand what you mean.. I guess I just still can't help myself want to bring the good out of everyone... Well, mostly everyone." She looked back up to him, "I guess if I do become Empress, that could possibly make a decent balance between us, hm..?"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: You'll be the good guard to my bad guard. *He said kissing her forehead and pulled her to his chest* [Yet, it still begs the question... What exactly are we going to do with Isla and Satoru?] We're going to find our balance in this. That, I know we will.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded as she rested her head on his chest, "That makes me feel a lot better... For now we'll eventually decide on what'll be Isla's and Satoru's fate, but I want leave them down there in the meantime.." She looked up at him again, "And I can't keep letting myself feel down like this! After all, I'm the one responsible for Ren's and Najenda's dinner tonight, so I have to make sure I give them the best of the best."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mhm. *His hand stroked through her hair* Give them the best of the best... Show them the reason you're called the gourmet goddess.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi smiled as he said that wrapping her arms around his neck, "Hearing that nickname keeps reminding me how cute you were when you were drunk.... But, I'll make sure to do just that. I'll even save a plate for you, alright?"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: For real? Aw, thanks a bunch. Perhaps, I'll have to keep up with the title.. Especially if it means easier access. *He said jokingly* Seriously though, it's a nickname you've earned. No one can compare, my bias or not.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"And I'll forever appreciate it, Katsu.. Thank you, really." Kairi said, giving him a quick on the lips.
After awhile, Najenda finally chimed in again, "I'm still technically here you know.... I'm glad to see he got you feeling better, but don't start acting all lovey-dovey now." She said, only joking.
Kairi giggled, moving back from Katsuki, "Oh, you'll be fineee... Have you been thinking about what you're going to wear for your dinner tonight?"
Najenda sweatdropped, "Now that you bring it up, I haven't even thought about it at all...." She had her hand over her forehead, "I've been out of the game for so long, I feel like I don't even remember how to dress for something like this..."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mmm...... *He looked at Najenda, trying to picture her* ...... Someone who was called the hunk of the rebellion.... A tomboyish look... I dunno... Perhaps... A suit of some sort may do...
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi nodded, "Yeah! If anything I thought that's what you were going for."
Najenda thought about it, "Hmm, it did cross my mind... In all honesty, besides that I wouldn't really know what else to wear."
Kairi's eyes lit up as she remembered something, "Actually! Speaking of suits, I may need to run out a little later on an errand... While you were out getting drunk Katsu, I actually took the advantage to try getting you a little gift..."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Huh? A gift for me? *He blushed* Come on, you don't have to do all that.... [Though, I guess telling her that may be useless. Especially since she's got such the great heart. What do I do to deserve you Kairi?]
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Maybe I don't have to.." Kairi smiled sweetly, "But, that doesn't mean I don't want to."
Najenda crossed her arms, "So that's why you just disappeared on me yesterday?"
"Did I not tell you? Oops..." Kairi said, scratching the back of her head. "You were busy anyways!"
Najenda shrugged, "Eh, I'll give you that..."
"Anyways..." Kairi held her hands behind her back, "I just like doing it because I want to show how much I appreciate you, Katsu. I put the order in yesterday, I just have to check if they finished it yet. Maybe I can show you before their dinner starts?"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Mm, I suppose I wouldn't mind.... I know I've asked this question a lot at this point.. Yet I still can't help but wonder what I did to have someone as great as you.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Well, you've always been there for me before anyone else has.... I've always felt loved and protected by you, even before we were together... There really isn't anyone else that I'd rather be with, Katsu.." Kairi said. "So I want to keep expressing my love and appreciation for you, even if that means being a little extra..."
Najenda scratched the back of her head, "Starting to make me feel like I shouldn't even be in here right now. I'll let you two be, I think I'm going to go get myself ready." She said, heading out of the throne room.
Kairi nodded, then looking back to Katsuki, "Maybe I should start cooking soon, but... Whether or not you think you deserve this, I'll only keep going." She smiled, "After all, I really do love you, Katsu."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: [Give me a little time Kairi... I'll do something special of my own for you. I won't let you be the only one doing this.] *He gave her a quick kiss on the lips* I love you too Kairi... Just give me a bit of time.. I promise I'm gonna make something happen. [I know what I must do... But I need to figure out how I'm going to execute this..]
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Oh?" Kairi smiled, "Take all the time you like then, because I have no intentions of going anywhere.... I'm going to go start on their dinner now, alright? I'll come find you once I have that gift!" She said as she then left the throne room.
(Wanna time skip?)
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
(Yeah, let's do it.)
*Later that night, Ren met with Jatsuki in yhe throne room*
Ren: I won't lie to you Katsu.... I'm a little nervous...
Katsuki: You will be at first... But believe me, you'll do great. You've worked up the courage just to ask her out. Your dinners made by the best.
Ren: The rest us up to me.... *He took a deep breath*
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi shortly went into the throne room, holding a box against the side of her hip. "Alright, the dinner's all prepared and ready to be served! Which will also be done by yours truly... But.." She smiled, "I managed to go pick up your gift as well, Katsu."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Kairi.... *He looked at the box at her side*
Ren: While I'm sure dinner's gonna be the greatest... I'm very curious to see this gift you got for Katsu.. And I can't doubt that Katsu's curious as well.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Hehe, if he just thinks back to the day we first kissed, I think he could pinpoint what it could possibly be..." Kairi started. "We went shopping together once and the idea of fireproof fabric was tossed around a bit... Of course, that wasn't a thing at the store, but I wanted to actually look into it for him.. Soooo....." She then placed the box in his hands, "With enough running around, I actually found someone who would make specialized clothing like this specifically for Imperial Arms users. I did a little bit of snooping in your closet to see if they can replicate some of the things you already wear and..." She smiled, "I think you can only guess at this point what's in the box."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Hold on.... So you managed to..... *He opened the box* Kairi.... I..... *His eyes lit up as he looked at them* I would've thought it impossible.... But, you managed to make it happen..
Ren: Katsu.....
Katsuki: [If that's the case....... Then I need to make my move soon.... But how could I do it? I'll talk to Ren and some of the others, perhaps I may have an idea.] I'm..... I'm stunned... Seriously Kairi, thank you... A million times over thank you.
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
Kairi's smile only went brighter as she watched his eyes light up, "Of course, I'm seriously really happy you like it! A lot of it is things you would normally wear, and even some formal wear too. It was a pain to find, but ever since you mentioned it, I really wanted to see if I could make it happen for you..."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Katsuki: Yeah... Thank you.... *He then held the clothes close to him* Thank you so much.. Seriously... Kairi.... I don't know if I've said this in full before.... But... I swear I'm going to find a way to make you the happiest lady in this world. [Fireproof clothing... I really can still remember... That was basically the first date we ever went on... Kairi, she's a lady of detail..]
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Oh? Well, I can't wait to see what you have in mind because if you ask me, you already make me the happiest lady in the world." Kairi said, kissing his cheek. She then turned to Ren, "And for youu, I'm sure your precious date is already waiting for you at the balcony dining area... I'll be with you guys in a bit for your food."
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He grinned* Is that so? Very well then... Katsu, you rest well and easy. *He then took a deep breath* I think I should be cool.
Katsuki: You've got this dear brother... Just be calm and natural.
Ren: *He then made his way to the balcony, heading to Najenda*
Katsuki: [While Kairi tends to them.... Perhaps I could enlist some help... Let's call it a special mission...]

Ren: *He got to the balcony, looking at Najenda* Hey..... *He blushed, looking at her* Well, you're always beautiful... But, you really are beautiful tonight Najenda.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Ren...." Najenda looked at him as he walked onto the balcony, admiring him. "I can say the same for you, someone's looking more handsome than usual tonight..." Najenda chuckled, "Almost like we're twinning a little bit, huh?"

"I'll come to rest a little later tonight, after I'm done looking after these two new lovebirds.. I'll see you later, love." Kairi said giving him a quick kiss as she then left Katsuki alone in the throne room.
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: Yeah... [Just calm down Ren... It has been a while, but you've got this.] To think... My first date in a long time... That it'd been on the balcony of the Empire... In the beautiful moonlight, alongside a beautiful lady.

Katsuki: *As he was left alone, he then brought the box to his quarters* Now...... *He then headed to Chelsea's living quarters, knocking on her door* [Now that Kairi's with Ren and Najenda.. I can commence my enlistment for this special mission. Chelsea.... Please be awake...]
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Not to mention, we know for sure that the food we'll be eating together will be great.." Najenda then blushed a bit, "But, you're starting off so strong with the compliments, I'm flattered..."
Kairi then went up to the table, dressed in her part as a waiter and everything. "Ooh, I see my two lovebirds here are already getting along greatly... Are you ready to start off with some drinks?"

Upon hearing the knock on her door, Chelsea got out of her bed. "Girl's gotta get her beauty sleep, this better be important...." She opened her door, realizing now that it's Katsuki knocking. "Katsu, Emperor... You're the last person I'd expect to be at my door, is it something urgent?"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He looked at Kairi* Yes..... I guess we could start off with a fine red wine.. Uh... *He then looked back at Najenda* Well, that's if you'd be willing for that as well.

Katsuki: Uh...... You could say it is...... I need your help with a pretty special mission... I'm thinking.... It's about time I finally made my move..... But, I need this to be done right.... I want to figure out where Kairi would want to be engaged.... Perhaps even our wedding.... If you could find a way to bring up a proposal spot without drawing attention to it actually happening..
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"I don't mind that at all..." Najenda looked up to Kairi, "Red wine for the both of us will be good."
"Red wine it is! I'll come back with the appetizer as well." Kairi briefly left to go get their requests, later coming back. "Alright..." She placed wine glasses on either side of the table, pouring in some wine for each of them. She then placed the wine bottle on the side of the table of them. Afterwards placing their appetizer right in the center of their table. "I went down a more fancier route as it's your first date together and I think this will go pretty well with your red wine... So, to start of I made baked brie topped off with berry compote.. Of course, along the sides are slices of bread I toasted lightly, so you could eat it along with the brie."
Najenda's eyes followed along with the food and Kairi placed it on the table, "Ooh, feels quite fancy if you ask me..."
"Since you two are a little older than Katsu and I, I thought you'd enjoy more of the finer tastes.." Kairi said.
Najenda raised an eyebrow, "What is that supposed to mean? We're not that much older, you know..."
Kairi slightly giggled, "I'm just kiddingg... I hope you two enjoy!" She said before taking her leave.

"Woah... You really did have your heart set on marrying her. I'm touched you're putting this in my hands..." Chelsea grinned, "You can already consider it done. Do I have any specified deadline?"
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He looked at the food in awe* This is definitely quite the fancy feast... Well... This is only the appetizer... It's not even the real feast yet.

Katsuki: *He shook his head* I get the feeling if this had a deadline, we'd probably end up being found out.. Take as much time as you need...
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Mm, we can only wait and see what the rest is holding for us.." Najenda took one of the slices of bread, gently spreading the brie on it. "All of this only just started and it already feels so comforting... Some nice food.... A very handsome man along with me... Even the weather's my favorite." She took a bite of the bread and brie, already chuckling a bit as she set up her joke. "A little cloudy with a nice bries.."

Chelsea nodded, "Noted... Although, she is around you pretty often.. I feel if I'd ask her with you around, she could possibly catch on that way too. I'll have to find a way to take her from your hands for jusstt a little bit.." She chuckled a bit, "If that alright with you, of course." She said, just to tease him.
hace más de un año TheAdventGhost said…
Ren: *He laughed* Alright, now that'sa really good one. I'll admit, I wasn't expecting it.. I guess it's the ones you don't expect that are the funniest in general.. Nicely done Najenda. *He said as he got his bread and spreader the brie on it, taking a bite of it as well* Talk about a good fancy dinner... *He said as his eyes lit up from the taste*

Katsuki: Well, it's simple... Why don't you take her and have a ladies night? Even though she loves to cook, I'm sure she hasn't had much time to relax herself since she got here...
hace más de un año LillyBlack said…
"Heh, why thank you..." Najenda took another bite. "But, it really is good so far.. I honestly like to think Kairi's gotten better since we were still Night Raid... With so many of her worries gone, it's like she can really put her all into it now."

"Ooh, you practically read my mind exactly... It's a great idea and I should probably invite some of the other girls as well, just so Kairi can't read it into it." Chelsea pat his shoulder, "I'll have it all under control, Katsu."