
en fanpop desde October 2009

  • Female, 38 years old
  • Covington, Georgia
mosaico lista

Mis Clubes

Dedicated Fan in 30 clubs Dedicated (30) Die-Hard Fan in 129 clubs Die-Hard (129) Fanatic in 30 clubs Fanatic (30) Super Fan in 14 clubs Super (14)

mi muro

big smile
TeeMarie15 apoyar por mí a my images
hello my friend! tu are awesome!!! publicado hace 8 meses
possumsrawesome dicho …
Hi Nikki! How are you? I am back after a 10 yr absence, just wanted to see something innocent like fanpop that wasnt steeped in political overload. I used to be LTboy (i dont remember how to log into my old account so i made a new one.) I liked CM and paget back in the day. I made some new examen preguntas for the seinfeld club a few weeks ago, in case youre interested. Seems pretty dead on fp compared to the old days, although i'm not into any new shows thats probsbly why. Have a good one. :) publicado hace más de un año
laura1233214 dicho …
come and check out my other spots, registrarse if tu find some of them interesting

link publicado hace más de un año