Caitlin Lopez

en fanpop desde March 2008

  • Female, 34 years old
  • Weslaco, Texas
  • Favorite TV Show: Grey's Anatomy, Dirt, hechiceras (Original), Friends, Alias, Private Practice, Melrose Place, Beverly Hills 90210, Pretty Little Liars, Outlander
    Favorite Movie: Titanic, The Notebook, The Parent Trap, Cruel Intentions, Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, Scream, Saw, and halloween series
    Favorite Musician: NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Rascal Flatts
    Favorite Book or Author: The Notebook, Harry Potter series, Animorphs
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Mis Clubes

Dedicated Fan in 62 clubs Dedicated (62) Die-Hard Fan in 27 clubs Die-Hard (27) Fanatic in 1 club Fanatic (1)

mi muro

daydreamer505 apoyar por mí a my videos
Have a great weekend! Have fun!🌞🌞🌞🌞 publicado hace más de un año
daydreamer505 apoyar por mí a my images
Hi there! Thank tu for adding me. publicado hace más de un año
LowriLorenza89 apoyar por mí a my videos
Hi, thanks for the add back publicado hace más de un año