Xiaolin Showdown Kimiko And Chase

viper963 posted on May 06, 2007 at 07:26PM
everyone thinks there a good coupl do you think they do?I think they do sometimes and sometimes not .

Xiaolin Showdown 9 respuestas

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hace más de un año ilovemichael said…
i think they would make a good couple, everyone thinks kimiko and rai should be together but kimiko and chase seem to have a small connection
hace más de un año larxene said…
eh they're ok i guess ALOT better than wuya+chase
hace más de un año kuromiko said…
kimiko and rai is a better pair than kimiko+chase.
hace más de un año duncylovescourt said…
raikim forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have loved them since episode 1 , and its soooooo obvious. where do u get chaser and kimiko from????????? i mean realy!
hace más de un año XSFanatic said…
Hell no! Kimiko and Chase have hardly said 2 or 3 sentences directly to eachother! Besides, there are SO many RaiKim hints! How in Dashi's name did they think of CHASEKIM?!?!?!?!?!?
hace más de un año duncylovescourt said…
thank u XSFantic exactly wat iw as saying
hace más de un año Tavril said…
i think raikim would be better
chase & Wuya would be a cool couple 2
hace más de un año SammyFearest said…
Sorry but all your arguments about RaiKim are invalid. Chase and Kimiko are way better. >.>
hace más de un año NightFrog said…
I personally can't see them as a couple, but seeing their personality's clash or blend would be interesting. I just can't see them getting along for very long, and it will just be constant fighting.

As for the Raikim arguiments, I guess I can see why people prefer it more, considering it's more canon and they have more "moments." I personally don't care for Raikim- even if they did have their "moments" I never really found them interesting or developing. It just felt like a very bland pairing to me, but this isn't to be taken to offence by those who do like it, sometimes people see what others can't.

I ship Chase with Jack, and I don't regret it. I know I just bashed Chase and Kimiko for most likely not getting along even though Chase and Jack display that constantly, but I just prefer them both as characters, and they're even more interesting when around eachother. Call it a guilty pleasure.