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Author's Note: I know starting another fanfiction might be a bad idea considering that I have to write the upcoming chapters for two other stories, but I needed to write this one, I guess. The other two will come out eventually so...yeah. This story will mainly be about Tecna, Musa and Layla. (But others will sneak their way into the story) It will have a lot of violence and be set in a post-apocalyptic world. It will be in an alternate universe (Or AU), taking place 2,000 years after the downfall of Magix. más will be explained in the story so, I hope tu enjoy this.

It happened 107 years ago. The people of Magix suddenly found themselves faced with a new predator. They were far más powerful than the them, and they were immediately pushed to the brink of extinction. The survivors built three walls: Maria, Rose and Sina. There, they enjoyed a century of peace. However...

 The three, fifty meter walls that the people of Magix built to protect them from the Titans.
The three, fifty meter walls that the people of Magix built to protect them from the Titans.


A small group of people raced through the forest on their horses, the animales huffing and puffing as they worked strenuously to get their riders to their destination. Rain poured from the sky and wind blew fiercely around them, making their capes fling around them like whips.

"Everyone!" A voice suddenly, shouted over the raging elements. "Prepare for battle! We have one target! Take it down if it's the last thing that tu do!" The voice was harsh and cold, but it did not belong to any man. The leader of the group was a woman with long, white hair, tied into a high ponytail to so it would avoid interfering with her work. She had piercing blue eyes that shined even in the dim light and she exuded power and control. "Distance to target 400 meters!" Another voice shouts. "It's coming our way!"

The caballos whinnied and huffed loudly as they soon saw what was approaching them. A huge, humanoid-looking being was making its way across the forest floor. With each step that it took, the whole ground shook. A few of the people in the group gasped from the sight, but their objective still rang clear in their minds; they had to take it down...even if it was the last thing that they did.

The leader, the woman with white hair, lifted her right arm and pointed to her right. "Split into five groups just like during practice!" She barked, everyone soon getting into their predesignated groups and running off into different directions.

"Distance to target 100 meters!"

"To all attack teams," She shouted, her right hand falling from the reigns and gripping a handle at her side. "Switch to three-dimensional maneuver gear!" She took out a small handle and pressed on the trigger, causing a low hiss to emanate from a small container that clung to her side. This caused a small wire to explode from inside the container, a metallic--three legged spike--digging its claws into the el maletero, tronco of a tree. In an instant, she was lifted off of her horse and sped around the forest using this device, moving from one árbol to another using the wire and a propelling gas.

 Explanation of how the 3D maneuver gear works.
Explanation of how the 3D maneuver gear works.

"Strike from all directions at once!" She shouts, unsheathing two long, metal blades from a compartment in the container. She quickly gained on their target, she lifting her swords--preparing to strike--spinning her body as she neared its neck. "Have a taste of Magix's strength!"


"See tu later, Layla." A girl with long, straight black hair whispered to her friend who was asleep in front of her. "Layla." She repeated, her friend still not snapping out of it. "Layla!" She shouted, her friend--Layla--finally snapping out of the daze. "Hm...?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes. "Wake up. We have to get back inicial now, it's getting dark." She said, her friend sighing and getting up, hauling the pack she used to carry wood over her shoulders.

The two made their way across the small field and into the large city inside the muro of Maria. There were people walking around; children playing; adults buying comida at the local comida stands; and several guards walking about.

Layla froze when one of them happened to make their way towards the two of them. "So how's it going today--Layla, Musa?" A muscular man with a short beard said, kneeling down to face them. "Hello Codatorta. Well we--" Layla began, but soon started coughing, pinching her noise to avoid smelling his breath any longer. "You stink of booze!" She snarled, he grinning. "Why don't tu registrarse us?" Layla looked uncomfortable from the question. "Nah...uh...what about work?" Codatorta frowned. "Oh! Today we man the gates!" He answered, giving an irritated sigh at his response. "We're supposed to stay here all día so it doesn't take long till we all become hungry and thirsty. Alcohol happens to be part of the meal sometime, but that's nothing to get all upset about." Layla glared at him How could he be so selfish?

"And when the situation calls for action, how are tu supposed to fight?" She snapped back, Codatorta raising an eyebrow at her question. "The situation? What situation?" Layla huffed, and clenched her teeth. "I can't believe I'm hearing this! It should be obvious! It's when they break the muro and enter the city! That's the situation!" She shouted, Codatorta flinching at her answer. "Hey Layla! Don't just shout out stuff like that..."

A few of the other guards around them began laughing. "Should they ever break the wall, then we'll deal with it. But tu see...that hasn't happened once in a hundred years." Layla shook her head. "But come on! We can't let our guards down like that! It's dangerous!" Codatorta sighed and nodded. "Well sure, you're probably right about that. But well...becoming a soldier might allow tu a chance to see them prowling around while you're busy reinforcing the walls. But this muro is fifty meters high so I fail to see how they'll work their way around that."

"What the hell!" Layla snapped, glaring up at Codatorta. "Then quit calling yourselves the stationary-troops. Wall-building squad would be más appropriate!" Codatorta laughed. "Yeah, that sounds good! But tu see Layla, an active army's not a good thing at all. It means things have gone sour...whereas so long as we're derided as useless freeloaders, life is peaceful for everyone."

A soldier chuckled. "Yeah, what Codatorta said. Damn...I just can't get these guys from the Survey Corps, going outside the walls and all that. It's like they get a kick out of playing warfare o something!" Layla glared at them, her fists clenching in anger, before she turned her focus back to Codatorta. "Even if we can't get outside these walls, we got comida and rest and that's enough to stay alive, but...a life like that is no different than if we were all cattle." And with that, she and Musa left them, making their way into the town.

Codatorta frowned, but then a sudden realization hit him. "Wait...she can't possibly be contemplating the idea of registrarse the survey corps...?"

After some time walking in silence, Musa finally spoke up. "Layla...you'd better forget about the survey corps." Layla stopped in her tracks and glared daggers at Musa. "What, you're going to say that they're stupid too?" Musa sighed and looked at her friend. "It's not so much making fun of them--"

The sudden sonorous timbre of a large campana sounding throughout the district caused everyone's focus to be drawn to the front gate. "The Survey Corps is back!" Someone shouted, Layla grinning at this information. "The heroes return victorious! Come on Musa!" She said, her voice full of excitement. She took off in a dash and began shoving past people until she made her way towards the main road. She maneuvered her way around by-standers and climbed unto a box to get a better view--Musa not too far behind her. Layla stood on her tip toes to get a better view and when she had a clear look at the group, her grin vanished.

The soldiers--well, those who remained--were all very badly injured. Most had bandages covering their face, arms, legs--and while most remained standing, a few were being pulled in via horse-drawn wagons. At the front of the squad was a woman with white hair. Her hair was pulled into a long ponytail, but it looked as if she had received several butchered haircuts. What was once a long and elegant strand, was cut shorter at one side, while the original length remained in several patches. Her eyes were wide and sullen, her face placid.

The state the soldiers were in certainly caused a buzz of chatter. "So few of them are returning..." One woman whispered, a man soon saying, "This trip has been awful as well...there were over a hundred of them when they first left. Now there aren't even twenty remaining...did the rest get devoured?"

"Flora! Flora!" A voice suddenly shrieked, an older woman with long, tan hair making her way towards the soldiers. "Ex-excuse me...my daughter...I can't see my daughter Flora...w-what happened to her...?" The captain looked shaken por the woman's outburst and a solider to her left whispered, "That's Flora's mother." Most of the color drained from her face when that was said, and she replied softly, "Bring it here..."

One of the recruits walked into the crowd, and grabbed something, eventually walking back with a solemn expression. They handed the bundle to their captain and she handed it to Flora's mother. The older woman looked at the package with wide eyes, not really knowing what to expect. "Wha...?" She began, quickly unraveling the cloth to find a limp, bruised arm.

"That's it...that's all we were able to recover." Flora's mother looked up at her, tears shining in her eyes as the horrible reality finally sunk in. Her lip trembled, and her whole body began to shake, she then letting out a loud and long wail of anguish as she hugged the bloody limb close to her.

After several minutos of silence, she finally managed to babble out, "B-but...my daughter...my daughter has been useful, hasn't she...?" The pregunta took the captain por surprise, but she dicho nothing. "It doesn't have to be anything outstanding!" The mother shouted, tears streaming down her face. "She contributed! Her death contributed to the retaliation of Magix, did it not?!"

"O-of course..." The captain finally said, she flinching at the lie soon after. "No...the exploration...this time again we...it was all for nothing! We didn't make any progress at all! I've been nothing but incompetent! Toying around with the lives of my soldiers! We couldn't find out where they come from! We haven't discovered anything new about the Titans!" She howled, the soldiers in her squad bowing their heads.

"This is horrible..." Someone mutters. "To think they could have lived peaceful lives inside the wall. They would've been fine. Our taxes could be better spent than on them. What a waste..." Layla could hear that the accusations were coming from people right in front of her, each slur against the good name of the survey corps only angering her more.

"So true..." Someone else says. "As it is, our taxes only serve in fattening them up por sending our men out there as free meals." Layla growled, having heard enough from these bumbling idiots. She grabbed a stick from her pile and slammed it against the head of one of the men commenting. The man howled from the sudden impact, and whirled around to shout at the little brat--only to see the assailant being dragged away por Musa. "You goddamn kid, what the hell do tu think you're doing?!"

"Hey...Musa...! Let me go!" Layla snarled, Musa huffing and flinging Layla at a wall, she hitting her back and making the wood fly all over the place. "What's the big idea?! Now the fire-wood is scattered everywhere!" Musa dicho nothing to this. "Layla...you were planning on joining the survey corps...you haven't changed your mind, have you?" Layla's eyes widened at the question, but she remained silent. After several segundos she finally dicho something. "Help me pick this up..."


"We're home." Layla announced, as she and Musa made their way into their home. Her mother, who was at the sink washing dishes, turned to face them. "Welcome home. But, you're late." Layla sighed, and put the wood in it's proper place. "Yeah...it's a long story.." Layla frowned when she could see her dad putting things away in his briefcase. "Huh? Dad's leaving?" Her father nodded. "Yes. I'm off to town for a couple of examinations." Layla nodded, and there was a moment of silence before Musa broke it. "Layla dicho that she wanted to registrarse the survey corps." Layla's jaw dropped. "M-Musa! I told tu to keep quiet!" She snarled, her mother having none of if. "Layla! What are tu thinking? Of all the people who go outside these walls, do tu have any idea how many of them died?!" She snarled, grabbing Layla por the shoulders. "Y-yes, I do!" Layla retaliated.

"Layla, why do tu want to go outside?" Her father asked, his voice and expression serious. "I want to know what's going on out there. I'd hate to live my entire life inside these walls and be ignorant! And...if no one here wants to pick up where they left off, all the people who laid down their lives so far have done so in vain."

"I see..." Her father finally said, his voice strained. "The ship will be here soon. I'll be on my way now." Layla's mother gasped. "Wait, talk some sense into Layla!" She snapped, her husband sighing. "Naomi, when a somebody is on a quest, there's no such thing as talking them down...Layla, when I get back, I'll mostrar tu that room in the basement that I've always kept secret." Layla grinned at this promise. "R-really?" Her father nodded, and soon walked out of the door, the family following him just till the door.

"Layla..." Naomi suddenly said. "I'm not going to let it happen. Only a fool would consider joining the survey corps." Layla glared at her mom. "Huh? A fool? As far as I'm concerned, those who would buy their own safety at the cost of living cooped up like cattle, are ten times sillier!" She snarled, taking off. "Layla...!" Noami sighed and turned to Musa. "Musa, she has a knack for getting into trouble. So help each other out when things get out of hand." Musa nodded and then took off after her friend.


"What's the matter, heretic? If you're not happy about getting hit, just hit back!" A tall boy snarled at a short girl with pixie-cut, red hair that shined rosado, rosa in the sunlight. He had lifted her por the camisa, camiseta collar and had her pinned to a wall, all his little friends snickering and going along with the bullying. "I...I...like hell I'd do that! I'm not stooping down to your level!" She snarled back, the boy grimacing. "Excuse me?" The girl glared at him. "You know I'm telling the truth...that's why tu have no choice but to hit me without even bothering to give me an actual answer. Yeah...s-so you're effectively conceding my point, are tu not?" The boy didn't seem to know how to respond to that. "Well...shut it tu smart-ass!" He snarled, getting ready to puñetazo, ponche her.

"Hey, what do tu think you're doing?!" Layla's voice suddenly snarled, she running quickly towards the group. "Hey it's Layla! This time around she's out for our blood, the little bitch!" A boy snapped, they preparing to fight Layla before they saw Musa running up behind her.

"Shit, she's got Musa with her! We're screwed!" They shouted, all taking off into the opposite direction. When Layla finally made it to the girl, she grinned in slight success. "Look at that...the mere sight of me made them scurry away like rats." The girl rubbed her side. "I-I don't think so...they ran away when they saw Musa..." She said, soon letting out a moan of pain. "Hey, tu okay Tecna?" Layla asks, offering her her hand. Tecna looked up at it reluctantly before refusing the assistance. "I...I don't need help to stand..."


"And I told them, that we would have to go outside the walls someday. That's when they hit me...called me a heretic." Tecna explained, Layla chucking a rock angrily at the river in front of them. "Dammit. How come tu get looked down upon just for mentioning tu want to go outside?" She snapped, Tecna frowning. "Well, that's because for the past hundred years we've spent inside these walls, life has always been peaceful. People are wary of screwing up and letting them in. The royal government has declared that taking any interest in the outside world would be taboo." Layla scoffed. "The king is just chickening out then, end of story." Tecna nodded in agreement. "You're right, but is that the only reason?" Layla shrugged. "It's our own lives at risk. No one has the right to stop us."

"You can't do that. No way." Musa finally said. Layla glared down at her. "Which reminds me, what possessed tu to tell on me to our parents?!" Musa shrugged. "I never dicho I would cooperate." Tecna looked at Layla. "So how'd it go?" Layla huffed. "Well, it wasn't exactly cheers and applause." Tecna nodded. "Yeah, I can imagine..." Layla's eyes widened. "What? Are tu going to tell me that they're stupid too?" Tecna nodded 'no'. "Well, it's dangerous, but I do see where you're coming from. But I'm also curious about the people who believe that that staying within the walls will actually protect us forever. The muro may not have been broken in a hundred years, but there's no guarantee that it won't be broken down today..."


In a huge blast of energy, a huge lightning bolt erupted from the sky, causing the entire Earth itself to shake from the impact. Layla and her friends were lifted from the ground and tossed to the side, everyone around them screaming o trying to figure out what had happened.

"W-what...what was that? Was it an earthquake o something?" Layla gasped, clutching her arm. They could see several people pointing at a point on the wall, causing más attention to be brought to this location. "Hey, what's going on...? Let's have a look!" Layla said, Tecna suddenly taking off to the right. "H-hey! Tecna!" Layla shouted, running after her. "Hey! What is it, can tu see something?" Layla asked, Tecna's terrified expression certainly answering her question. Layla followed her line of sight and couldn't believe what she was seeing.

On the muro of Maria, near the gate, was a large, glistening red head. It had gripped into the wall, cement cracking and crumbling under the force of it's hold. Smoke rose towards the top, swirling around a large and unrecognizable figure. The thing let out another puff before it's face could be seen. It was a huge, monstrous, evilly grinning Titan. It looked like a human face had been stripped of all its skin and all that could be seen were every individual muscle that lined a normal visage. The things cold eyes glared down at the petrified faces of all the people below, no one knowing what to do.

 The giant Titan that kicked through muro Maria.
The giant Titan that kicked through muro Maria.

"T-that's not possible...that muro is over fifty meters tall...! I-it's one of...them...a Titan." Layla whispered, her voice trembling from fear. Everyone watched in horror as the thing shifted its weight, each segundo passing por dreadfully slow. And then--


In one powerful kick, the enormous Titan had kicked a huge hole into muro Maria, causing rubble to fly everywhere, and Titans to enter the city; their hundred año hunger finally being able to be satisfied...


Author's Note: Well, if tu couldn't tell por now, this story is completely based off of the intense and "best anime of the year"--Attack on Titan. The show/manga itself is very graphic and depressing, so expect for this story to be the same way. Sorry if the whole Flora scene put tu off the story o disturbed you. It--it was a good scare. Besides that, I hope tu liked this long chapter and that tu will follow it through. Thanks for reading, and please comentario and fav.
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