TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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Gwen's POV

"Um, what about dinner?" I asked. Was he not just here ten minutos hace telling us not to bother him until then?

"My baby back ribs won't be for for give o take another hour, so I thought we should get started." He announced.

"You mean tu weren't talking about our dinner?" Bridgette asked. Chris just laughed. "Chef won't be here until tomorrow." He informed us.

"So wait, you're not going to feed us until tomorrow?" Heather asked.

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal." Alejandro added.

"Chillax already! I'm going to feed tu after the challenge! Fair?" He asked.

"I'm all for it, yo!" Ezekiel yelled, right before he tripped over, well...nothing. He just pulled a Tyler and fell flat on his face for no reason. Medication I bet. I heard that anti-zombie stuff is hard on your balance.

"Good. Meet me at the playa in ten, and don't forget to film me some juicy confessionals!" Chris dicho before walking away.

Ten minutos later, we were división, split into our teams and standing in the golden sand of the polluted Camp Wawanakwa Beach. Chris appeared, again wearing his shades and tan shorts.

"Okay teams, your first challenge is to take these pails, fill them with water, and try to fill your tub before the other team." He explained as he pulled out two good-sized metal buckets from behind his back.

"Easy! Where's the tub we'll be filling?" LeShawna asked. Chris smiled the only way he knew he knew how to: evilly, as he pointed towards the sky, o in this sense, the parte superior, arriba of the huge cliff. We all moaned and groaned.


Alejandro: Adios Mio! Is he mad? Oh wait, he's Chris.

Sierra: Ten percent of my bloggers say we're all going to die, and about fifteen percent say only Owen's going to die. The other seventy-five percent say Cody is still cute! Hehe!

End Confessional

"What do we have to fill these for?" Geoff asked.

"You'll see when tu reach the top." Was all he said. "Now, shoo!" He motioned to us as he threw the buckets. Heather caught ours while the other team's struck Zeke right in the head, adding to his ongoing lista of injuries.

"Alright, we need a game plan, people!" Courtney said, o rather screamed at us.

"Um, excuse me, but who died and made tu the team leader?" Heather challenged.

"Oh please, no one died and made me team leader, I just have a dado leadership ability." Courtney complimented herself.

"Yeah, cause tu lead us to pure victory last season!" Heather dicho sarcastically.

"At least I didn't lose the million to a half-zombie, half-homeschooled loser!" She screeched.

"At least I got to the million!" Heather said, pointing to herself. This just set Courtney off. After that, there was hair pulling and nail breaking, and lots of cursing added to the mix.

"Guys, we don't have time for this!" I tried stopping them, but LeShawna whispered to me.

"Leave 'em. That way if we lose, we can get rid of one of them. Don't tu want that?" She whispered to me.


Gwen: Well, I was really planning to try and make nice with Courtney so she wouldn't vote me off, but I'm liking this idea way better already.

End Confessional

"Sierra, Cody, Harold, got any ideas?" I asked them.

"We could get one of those spray bottles of water, and spritz them when they start doing this again." Cody offered.

"What? No, leave them! I meant about getting about getting ahead of the Cavemen." I said, looking on the colina like the rest of my team that wasn't trying to gauge another teammate's eyes out. Izzy was riding on Owen's shoulders carrying the full bucket of water, and Owen was running at parte superior, arriba speed to the parte superior, arriba of the hill, probably to get some of the hot, juicy filete that Geoff was holding since he could smell it from so far away, thanks to the fan Duncan was holding close to it. When he got to the parte superior, arriba of the hill, Izzy dumped the bucket of water, and then Duncan and Geoff took a step back, causing Owen to loose his footing and go backward down the hill. Then, they'd repeat the process. It's brilliant! Too bad we didn't think of it.

"Oh, sorry, I've got nothing." Cody shrugged. I was about to ask Sierra if he could think of anything, but I stopped when I saw that she was talking to Cody's underwear. But then, it gave me an idea.

"Sierra, hand that to me!" I said, taking the green prendas íntimas, ropa interior anyway. "Ew, ew, ew, a thousand times ew!" I yelled, holding the undergarments just barely in between my thumb and index finger until I found two really huge sticks. I handed them to LeShawna while I bit a hole into each side of the underwear. I'm surprised I still held my breakfast down. I controlled my gag reflex and threaded the green prendas íntimas, ropa interior into either side of the sticks, stretching them out so that were almost the size of Owen's waistline, so it was big.

"A giant slingshot?" Harold asked. I nodded proudly at my brilliant, yet disgusting invention.

"We'll have a filler, a loader, and someone at the parte superior, arriba to toss the bucket back down." I explained.

"We'll fill!" Sierra dicho as she head-locked poor Cody. She picked up our bucket and scampered off with Cody over her shoulders.

"And the Squids pull a MacGyver!" Chris announced, then we heard a grunt and yell coming from the cat-fight, "Ooh, and I think Heather just pulled a muscle! It's going to be tough catching up to the Killer Cavemen!" He said.

"Then we better get going!" LeShawna yelled and she yanked me and Harold over towards the cliff, away from the beach. I started up the cliff the same time Izzy and Owen were. I kept a steady pace siguiente to them, even passing them on occasion, but we ultimately reached the parte superior, arriba at the same time. I ran to the back part of the round silver tub and saw our silver bucket come flying through the air. I covered my face as the bucket came landing tortazo dab in the middle of the tub. It wasn't a whole lot of water, but it was a good start.

"Good shot, Harold!" I called down while I watched the bucket plummet back down the cliff.

I waited a few minutes, and soon enough the siguiente silver came flying and landed in the same place. It recurred like this a few más times until our bucket was almost full, and we were neck and neck with the Killer Cavemen. My corazón started beating rapidly as the competition heated up. Then, while waiting for the siguiente bucket, I thought of something: where the heck did they get a fan and a freshly cooked steak?

"Hey, Geoff! Where did tu guys get that food...and that misceláneo fan..." I trailed off.

"Owen's secret comida stash." Alejandro answered.

"Isn't that disgusting food, like, six months old por now?" I asked, about ready to faint at the thought of someone actually eating a six-month-old-steak.

"Dude still likes it." Geoff simply answered.

"Even though I was against it, the poor little cow..." Bridgette dicho sadly. (A/N: o is it bull? I don't know.)

"I understand how tu feel, mi amor." Alejandro dicho in a seductive tone, getting dangerously close to Bridgette's naturally tanned face. Geoff saw this and stormed over to the side, which Duncan wasn't expecting, so he toppled over into the nearly full tub of water, emptying it of nearly half of the water that was previously in it.


Geoff: That dude needs to stay away from my babe! Not cool, man, not cool!

Alejandro: My plan to throw Geoff off his game is working, and it's throwing Bridgette off her game, too! Bye bye, lovebirds. *evil laughter* Oh yeah, I'm back in action!

Noah: Am I the only sane one on this team?

End Confessional

"Oh, my gosh!" I dicho worriedly, kneeling over por the other team's water tubs and pulling Duncan out por his left arm. "Are tu okay?" Wow, stupid question, Gwen, of course he's okay! It's just water, dummy.

"I'm Good." Duncan dicho in a strained voice. Then, Chris just suddenly appeared at the parte superior, arriba of the cliff. Alright, let's see your tubs!" He yelled. I made sure Duncan got out of his team's okay before backing up to mine. I looked inside ours, and it was about five inches away from totally full. Not bad for the work of an underwear slingshot.

"Did we win? Do I get my steak?" Owen asked happily.

"Uh, sorry, buddy, but tu guys lost! Your tub is way less full than theirs. The Screaming Squids win the first part of the challenge!" He yelled, lifting up my arm boxing champion style.

"Woohoo! tu hear that, guys? We won the first part of the challenge!" I screamed down the hill.

"Yes!" Harold and LeShawna's voice echoed up, along with Sierra's squeal and Cody's cries of pain.

"Now, get everyone up here for part two." Chris said.

A half an hora later, we were all standing at the parte superior, arriba of the cliff, even Courtney and Heather! Both of them had disheveled appearances. Courtney's straps on her wedges were missing, along with her hair basically being a frizzy afro all around the cuts on her face. Heather had a shiner on her right eye, and she was missing both of her wedges. The material of her camisa, camiseta under her bust was torn to shreds. Both girls were once again covered head-to-toe in dirt.

"Just be glad that I was easy on you." Heather dicho with her eyes closed and both arms folded.

"Ha! tu puñetazo, ponche like a girl!" Courtney shot back.

"And tu wish tu punched like a girl." Heather dicho in a quiet, cold tone of voice.

"Uh, kitties? Might want to retract the claws, you're on the same team." Noah pointed out. We're already taking consejos from the enemy? This can't be good so early in the competition.

"Listen to Stringbean, tu two! We need to win this, 'cause if we don't, one of tu two are going to ride that loser barco tonight!" LeShawna threatened.

"Fine, my claws are safely tucked away...for now." Heather mumbled evilly.


Courtney: Forget about Gothie, if we lose this challenge, Heather is so out! Then it's the boyfriend stealer's turn.

End Confessional

"Alright, so I like to call the siguiente part of the challenge 'The bath of no return!'" Chris dicho with spider-like hand movements.

"Uh, what do we do?" I asked, eyeing the metallic container carefully.

"Each team must pick two players to ride their tub of water down the cliff. The first person will be blindfolded, and the other will be giving directions so that we don't have any casualties already. Whoever reaches the bottom first, and has the most water still in their tub wins the challenge, while the losers send someone down the Dock Of Shame." He said. "So, pick your victims!" He yelled, clapping all the way.

"Alright, who's going?" Heather asked irately.

"I'll do it! Who's coming with me?" Courtney volunteered, and was about to step into the water when Heather grabbed her arm.

"And have tu try and slow us down? No way. Someone else!"

"I'll do it!" Harold volunteered, whipping off his glasses and tying the red blindfold around his head.

"Fine. I'll give directions. Just mover slow." Heather ordered as they got into position. Across from them, the still sickly looking Ezekiel was tying the blindfold around his head.

"I'll help him!" Lindsay yelled innocently.

"Not if we want to win." Noah said.

"Fine then, I'll do it!" Tyler volunteered.

"Didn't I just say that we were planning on winning this?" Noah asked a now agrio, agria looking Tyler.

"I'll help tu out, buddy." DJ said, placing his hand gently on Zeke's shoulder.

"Sounds good to me." Noah said.

"Fine." Alejandro said.

"No objections here." Duncan said. The two boys then settled into their tub of water, with Ezekiel almost sitting on DJ's lap. Heather got in behind Harold and clutched her legs to her chest.

"I'll start tu guys off." I volunteered. I got into a good position to see that Tyler would be starting DJ and Ezekiel off. Chris blew his whistle and I pushed with all my might, and they soon started down the hill, gaining speed and losing water.

"Slow down, you're losing water!" Courtney screamed to Heather and Harold's retreating and terrified backs. We all sped down the colina alongside them after that, trying to give them tips on how to steer so that the water doesn't drip over the sides. We made it to the bottom just in time to watch our team cruzar, cruz the finish line first.

"Yes!" We all mutually yelled.

"The Screaming Squids win again!" Chris announced, and we cheered a bit louder this time.

"Left, Ezekiel, left! I meant your other left!" DJ could be heard screaming right before the two came flying over the finish line, their empty tub in tow. I winced while watching the duo's bodies contort in ways I didn't even know was possible.


Courtney: Okay, I'm glad we won and all, but that looked really painful.

Gwen: Ouch!

Duncan: Dude! That was so wicked! I've got to try that sometime in Juvie!

DJ: *patting face all over* I-I can't feel my face! Where is it, Mama? Mama? MAMA! *starts crying*

End Confessional

"Ouch...Bet it's even más sucktacular since tu guys have to get rid of someone tonight." Chris dicho to the two hurt boys. "Well, see tu Cavelosers at the campfire ceremony. Squids, wait up at the Dock, 'kay?" He asked us before starting to walk off.

"Wait, what about lunch, Kyle? tu dicho tu were going to feed us!" Lindsay called.

"You mean dinner?" Tyler asked, putting an arm around her.

"Oh yeah, I do! Thanks, Tony!" She said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Ignore the gagfest and hand over the chow already." Duncan commanded.

"Hand it over please." Courtney corrected him, to which he just rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Oh, right, I've got to feed tu o something." He dicho as he dug through his pocket. He pulled out a travel-sized bag of Baked Lays and examined it for a moment before tossing it to Duncan.

"Don't forget to share, kiddies!" He dicho laughingly, leaving to prepare for the first campfire ceremony of season four.

"Schmuck." Noah said.

"Psh, we should throw this back in his face!" LeShawna yelled.

"I'm surprised he gave us anything at all." Cody added.

"You mean your surprised he gave me anything at all." Duncan corrected. "Like I'm sharing my only food." He said.

"Please?" I asked smiling at him. He looked at me for a moment.

"Crap." Was all he dicho as he handed me the bag.


Geoff: *laughing* The dude gave up his chips? Man, this chick must be a really good kisser.

Duncan: She got me. Good.

Gwen: No way am I using Duncan to win o anything, in fact, I'm not using him for anything...*eats a chip* except for chips.

End Confessional

An hora later, my team and I were waiting at the Dock Of Shame to see who the Killer Cavemen voted off. Just I was hoping and praying that they hadn't gotten rid of Duncan, Ezekiel came hopping out with a pair of crutches. He didn't have a marshmallow.

"Ezekiel?" Courtney asked our opponents, who walked out to the dock after them, all eating their malvavisco delights.

"He lost the challenge for us." Bridgette explained.

"I kept telling him to go left!" DJ dicho in a panicky tone of voice.

"He hit his head, yo. Playa!" Ezekiel said. He threw up a peace sign as he hobbled por us and then onto the boat.

A couple "Bye!"'s were heard, but it was mostly waving o mental goodbyes until Ezekiel was out of sight, along with the boat.

"Poor kid always leaved first." Chris said. "'Kay, so I'm sick of tu already, so, like, go to sleep...or something. Whatever. Just be gone!" Chris shooed us. As we walked por him, we could hear Chris say something along the lines of "that kid better not mostrar up here." We all wordlessly entered our cabins, put on our nightclothes, and hopped into whatever cama someone wasn't sleeping in. I got a nice parte superior, arriba one por a new window that they had put in. It had a beautiful view of this árbol branch outside that I'm sure a drawing of is going to end up in my diary. I was thinking of the day's events, and how I went from hosting my video blog to racing tubs full of people and water down a thousand-foot cliff as I was about to fall asleep. I could hear a faint rustling coming outside, but I was too absorbed with sleep to check it out. I was about to just get up and look for it when I heard whispering through the crack I had made to let a bit of air in.

"'Night, Pasty."
Gwen's POV
I'm really starting to miss home. Mom making pancakes, Grandma Demeter yelling at her to make cereal instead,and even Dad mumbling to himself he can never read all of the paper before it bursts into flames. I even miss Cerburus. I know what your thinking, "Isin't Cerburus scary and like s to eat people?" But Cerburus his a puppy. Dad gave him to me on my first birthday. But I know there is no way of getting out of this prison called Camp Half-Blood. Oh God, a punk little boy is coming my way.

Duncan's POV
So I walk over to this beautiful girl and start talking to her.
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posted by FearlessSinger
(Gwen's POV)

So Heather and Lindsey waited in line behind me and Trent as I stared at Duncan and Courtney make out on the lockers. On the inside I was screaming. On the outside I was trying to act like I didn't care. I try to hold back the tears that were forming in my eyes. Why do I feel this way? What do I feel? I've never felt this way before. I really can't take it anymore. Every time I see Duncan with Courtney I feel like throwing up. I don't even know what's going on inside me. What is wrong with me? Am I sick? No, I can't be sick. Oh God help me.

"Gwen? Gwen? Hello?"
I lost my thoughts...
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added by iDxG101
Source: me
Gwen:Meet me outside when everyone's asleep
Duncan:Why? So we can make out?
Gwen:I'm serious Duncan,we need to talk*walks off*
Duncan:*worried look*


Duncan:We need to talk? What is she talking about? *pause* oh no,she doesn't mean....

Gwen:It's just not the same as before,sure he's being sweet and patient with me,but... *sigh* I just can't do this anymore.

.*.End of Confessional.*.


(Duncan and Gwen are alone,in the place where they were in TDA)

Duncan:What's going on?
Gwen:*sighs*Remember when we kissed back in World Tour?
Duncan:*wraps arms around Gwen*How...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
With Gwen and Duncan
Gwen: what is it Duncan
Duncan: i-i have millitary school i-i tried to expalin to my dad but he didn't care i'm so sorry Gwen: what...
Duncan: i tried to esplain to him it just wouldn't work i'm sorry *hugs Gwen and begins to cry*
Gwen: Duncan it's fine
Duncan: no it's not i got tu pregnant i went into a 21 año older bar and got busted and now i have to go to millitary school i'm the worst dad in the world
Gwen: no you're not Duncan
Duncan: YES I AM!!! sorry i just snapped at tu ut i'm really mad now i'm sorry
Gwen: it's fine
Duncan: do tu hate me becuase i understand if tu do
Gwen: i don't hate tu Duncan i understand
Duncan: Gwen i don't know when i'll come back but when i do i'll help tu as much as i can i promise
Gwen: thank tu *kisses Duncan
Duncan:*kisses back* i amor you
Gwen: i amor tu too

[b]i am soooo sorry i haven't updated in a while i have been really busy lately and sorry if a missspelled anything[b/]
posted by koalagirl9
Kayla:(Gwen's oldest Daughter)Wow mom tu look so tense
Gwen:Duncan Senior just got out of Jail and Now Duncan Jr. is in Jail
Kayla:What did he do now?
Gwen:He robbed a bank
Kayla:what how does he rob a bank??? hes 10!!
Gwen:Heck if i know..
Duncan:the babes up
Gwen:What i put Jen down for a nap 5 minutos ago!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan:I dicho babe not baby
Gwen: Ugh can tu be any less of a...
Kayla:MOM WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!No wonder your son is in jail,
Gwen:Kayla go to your room
(Gwen and Duncan Make out)
posted by NeonInfernoLord
k so this idea came up to me after having a dream of being on Total Drama and then everyone died…don’t ask. Anyways I’ll be working on this along with the fantasía matches tu guys request and I’ll see where it goes. I hope tu enjoy it.

“Welcome contestants to another glorious season of Total Drama folks!” Chris McClean, the host, yells as he stands in front of the camera. A scene of the ocean and a large cruise ship is seen behind him. “This season, all of our contestants will be sent overseas to compete for yet another million dollar prize! This is Total…Drama…TITANIC!”...
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posted by starburst-rock
I was waiting in line to buy some más notebooks and pencils for me to draw in and that's when I saw it. My attention was grabbed por the most shiniest drink I had ever seen. Duncan, my boyfriend, didn't let me near any caffienated drinks after the last time, but what was the chance of it happening again. I grabbed the largest of them all, a huge can that dicho Red toro on it. Anyways, I was so fucking thirsty I would've had tackled anyone with a drink within five feet of me. Be happy little kids with sippy happy...

It was now my turn in line and I went to buy my drawing supplies and...
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Chapter 1
(Duncan's P.O.V.)
*in the dudes' trailer thinking*
Man, when I got booted last season, i thought that was a load of toro crap, but everybody didn't have much of a choice. Gwen told me, "Sorry tu had to lose over a tray of stickybuns," 'Cause that fat-lard Owen didn't touch the tiki head when he got to camp.
God, i missed Gwe-OWEN!! The dude was, was r-really, umm... nice? Aw, who am I kidding. I dunno really who i missed the most; Gwen o Courtney. Not Owen. I'm talking about relationship wise.
Gwen is really awesome, into horror movies, likes heavy-metal music, we have a lot in common,...
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added by iDxG101
Source: Dalhia-Gwen
added by Gwendolynx3
Source: ME
posted by Draezeth
Sorry for not sharing your opinions, but I have to vent this. Before I start, though, I'm not saying the pairing isn't cute. It's 'meh' in my opinion. But as a person who has been through both relationship and rejection, I feel the need to speak my mind and explain why I HATE everything about it aside for the pairing itself.

I'm going to start por talking about the nature of their relationship first, and then the circumstances of their anterior break-ups followed por how they got together.

This couple lacks any sort of depth and chemistry. I just finished watching the entire series, and I found...
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posted by gwenlover15
(Gwen is 15 and shes a freshman in highschool)
(Duncan is 16 and he's a sofmore in highschool)
Duncan:*Wakes up and yawns* I cant believe its a begining of a new año aready *Looks at clock*
oh crap! the bus!!
Duncan:*Laughs and runs out door and into bus*
Courtney:*Waves at Duncan* hola Dunky!!
Duncan:*Rolls eyes* (thinks) I hate it when she calls me that
Courtny:*Smiles as watching Duncan then smile fades as he sits in the back*
Gwen: Mom!!
Gwens mom: Yes dear?
Gwen: Im nerves what if they dont like me?!?
Gwens mom: Im sure they'll like you...
continue reading...
Gwen P.O.V.

After waiting 10 minutes,Duncan came over.

Duncan:What happened at Trent's?
Gwen:Well it was uncomfortable at first cause his parents weren't home,and we were alone.
Gwen:Then after we finished watching a movie Trent kissed me,pulled me in his room and made out with me,And he started taking off my shirt,but I stoped him before he could do anything else.

I looked at Duncan,he looked pissed.

Gwen:Duncan,you ok?
Duncan:You deserve better Gwen.
Gwen:Oh then who's better?
Duncan:I amor tu Gwendolyn,i've always had and always will.

Before I could say anything...
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Gwen P.O.V.

I was at the bus stop waiting for Duncan,instead my boyfriend Trent came.

Trent:Hey Gwen!
Gwen:Hey Tre-
Trent:Where were you?
Trent:Yesterday,when I asked if tu wanted to go to the park tu dicho tu already had plans.
Gwen:I did.
Trent:With who?


Duncan:Hurry Gwen were gonna miss the movie!
Duncan:What's wrong?
Gwen:*signs*It's just that I haven't been spending alot of time with Trent and he might think I'm cheating on him o whatever with you.
Duncan:*Puts arm around Gwen*Don't worry Sweetheart everything's gonna be fine.C'mon...
continue reading...
Gwens P.O.V.
"Wha-what?" I stuttered. What the heck did she mean? She was trying to stand to confront me. She stumbled, she was still weak from crying. "d-dont play d-d-d dumb!" She used the back of her hand to wipe her nose. She tried to puñetazo, ponche my arm but her hand was weak. "Damn, why am i so weak?" Courtney asked. "Maybe bec-" Courtney cut me off "it was a stupid rhetorical (is that how tu spell it?) question!" She shouted. She started to calm down. She did a meditating symbol thing with her index finger and thumb. Then she took long breaths. "In, Out Court in, out. OK! I'll say it one more...
continue reading...
posted by i_love_music
Gwen:It seems that one loves me más than another.
Gwen and Duncan's phones ring

Gwen's conversation
Trent:Gwen!How long do tu stay with Bridgette at a juice?
Gwen:We talk...between the girls...
Trent:I am happy that tu are a friend with Bridgette!
Gwen:Yes, I am...

Duncan's conversation
Courtney:Duncan?How many times did I mentioned that tu must be home?I am scared!
Courtney:Did tu tell me "Whatever"?
Duncan:Um...I want to say...That tu are the best in..The whole world!
Courtney:Come on at inicial NOW!!!

The end of...
continue reading...
Duncan's POV
Why can't that fudging Miss Miracle leave us alone. I would do anything to protect Gwen but how am I going to know who's butt to kick. I banged on Gwen's door again and yelled, "Babe, please let me in! We need to talk!" Gwen opened the door. Before she could speak I gave her a kiss that lasted about 8 segundos until she pulled away. "Duncan, I don't think...." she started. I cut her off. "Gwen, we need to talk. Can we go to your room?" I asked. Gwen and I trudged upstairs into her room. She lied down on her bed. I lied down siguiente to her. We both stared at the stealing. Then, I looked...
continue reading...
Its After TDWT and Duncan and Gwen have split, and are with there other lovers.
"Trent, trent STOP"I said, trying to get away from Trent.
"But, I want to kiss you. so badly!"
I was working on homework and didn't want to get bothered.
"Trent, not now!!!! Can't tu see im working?" I Yelled
"You do NOT yell at me!"Trent said
"Whaat---*SLAP*" I passed out


When i woke up i was still on the ground, Trent was no ware to be found. I saw a not attached to the almohada of the bed. I got up and read it.

Note:We are THROUGH B!TCH! Love, Trent

Suddenly I started to cry. I felt alone,...
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