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Can your OC(s) sing???????????

For example, Lexii can sing REALLY good but she is scared to preform infront of people so she usually just sings quietly when she is alone. lol i just wanted to know this. ;)
 Lexii23 posted hace más de un año
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Sharpey_Penguin said:
Are tu kidding me? I LOOOOOOOVE singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It cheers me up when I'm depressed... música is the best thing in the whole world and x1000000 times better then any of my obsessions! 8DDDDDDDD

Sharpey can sing yeah... :3 XD She is shy.. like me.... though. She loves any type of music, ANY. música is the greatest thing in history!!! Without it I have NO idea where I would be... I seriously amor música and canto and everything! I amor being creative! <3 :D
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posted hace más de un año 
Sharpey_Penguin posted hace más de un año
Without music, I'd be ... x_x ... You're so rigth :D
BirdG posted hace más de un año
WolfHeart23 said:
Lisa was born pitch-perfect, but does not like to sing in front of others. She usually practices when she's alone, with her electric guitarra and stereo. (Hmm, where have we heard that before? xD) She likes to sing más of the darker songs, because that's just her personality x3
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posted hace más de un año 
Icicle1penguin said:
I've been forced to sing when I was little. Haha, I liked it though. I can still sing I guess, but not that good. I still have problems with high notes and octives and blah. But other then that, I'm pretty good. Ish.

♪Cause you're breaking my hear-a-a-ar-a-a-a-ar-a-a-a-a-a-aaaart.♪

Dang. XD
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ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
skipperfan5431 posted hace más de un año
KJBiggestFan said:
lol she wishes. Auburn can't sing o even dance at all. XD
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posted hace más de un año 
Same here. XD
mixmaster15 posted hace más de un año
reidswifes234 said:
Actually my oc's. Jarez, Lilly,sarra,rica
do actually sing sometimes. there wovles
Jarez is skippers sister (adopted sister)

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posted hace más de un año 
Zelda4Efas said:
Singing, does not come naturally to Keira. However, she can mimic a whole lot of other animals. She CAN dance, (not saying she likes it) because of her highly developed flexibility. ( In RL I can mimic a cat)
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posted hace más de un año 
What's RL?
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
^ It means 'Real life'
KJBiggestFan posted hace más de un año
Ohhh. Cool!
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
VeeTruLxi said:
Vee can sing, but she can't do high notes. (Rolling in The Deep. SO. HARD.) And she doesn't sing in fornt of ANYONE except Davy and Roxanna.

Davy can sing but won't on his own. He may sing if Vee coaxes/forces him to. Millie and he do a duet sometimes though. But that's only if she gives him the perrito, cachorro dog look.

Millie can sing like Davy, only higher and softer than Davy's voice.

Bradley doesn't sing, but when he does (rarely) he can.

Roxanna can sing AMAZINGLY. She can mimic almost anyone singing.

Skylar can't sing. She tried once but was booed off the stage. But then she and Roxanna beat their tails.

Paige sings very softly, almost like an angel.

Kat can't sing either. o at least, that's what she says. She may o may not be able to sing.

Empress Julianna, Monica and Mo can sing, but they rap.

Octavian can sing Opera--VERY deep voice.

So...Some can, and some can't...Most of them can. o.O
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posted hace más de un año 
krissynaytowhow said:
tinisha can sound like ANYONE but doesn't sing
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posted hace más de un año 
CatThePenguin said:
I sound like Katie when she sings, except a little higher pitched. But I did spend half my life in Australia so I think that also altered my voice a little XD

John: I don't sing... not unless it's absolutely necessary :/
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posted hace más de un año 
ImAnEasel said:
I was thinking of asking this question, too! :)

Moonshadow can sing, she just doesn't. Well, none of my OC's do, but she isn't effected as much por the MP3 player's spell. She just gets an urge to sing, she doesn't have to. Erm... Venom isn't too good (He's terrible XD), Nebular is soft and light, Chloe is good, Squeak isn't so good, but not as bad as Venom, Experiment 1 is... average and Winston is even worse than Venom. Yup. I just completely made that up! XD

As for IRL, well... average, but I can mimic the characters from The Penguins of Madagascar easily enough. :)
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posted hace más de un año 
Lexii23 posted hace más de un año
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
Don't tu have one named Experiment 2 o something?
Gumball17 posted hace más de un año
^ Yupperdoodle! But this answer was made before I thought of him. Thanks for reminding me! I'll editar him in. :)
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
skipperfan5431 said:
Yes. Lilly can sing, but she keeps it to herself since she has a very high soprano vioce (Like me irl lol)
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posted hace más de un año 
Joan and Roxy can also sing, but Kam is hopeless XD
skipperfan5431 posted hace más de un año
GO KAM! Woot Woot!
Icicle1penguin posted hace más de un año
Sining Skills? O_O
Icicle1penguin posted hace más de un año
Hijinata said:
Crystal can't sing that well, she's not terrible, but she has an average voice (like me).
Prodigy can sing really good though :D
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posted hace más de un año 
karenkook said:
Rose can sing, but at first she was just horrible. violeta can sing so when they were younger, violeta helped Rose to sing as well as she can today. Rose sings mainly pop, jazz, and rock. violeta also helped Max sing, but Max likes to sing to metal, rock, and R&B songs. Sophia sings softly and like an angel, but doesn't like to showcase her talent. She freaks out if she has too. violeta can sing and she taught the two worst singers of their group, Max and Rose (Max being the worst since she sounds like Mumble when she first tried to sing). She sings mainly pop, R&B, and country.

Lea can sing. She's a soprano. Sal can sing too. He has a deep voice while singing, but hates to sing. He likes to play his guitarra and drums better.
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posted hace más de un año 
1Amberpet said:
Mya's voice=Freakin' heaven...When ever she sings to Yamcha, he freakin' faints of her awesomeness!
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posted hace más de un año 
Penguinangel said:
Yes she can! Angel's an amazing singer, and she loves to do it! Buutt, she's crazy shy, so she doesn't ever sing in front of others unless they're really good friends. She DOES amor to mermelada the radio and sing along as loud as she can when no one's around, though. ^^
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posted hace más de un año 
Kat32112 said:
Somewhat, because she's and Egyptian and was a bellydancer when she was really young, like 11-12 before she went to try and find her mother after she disappeared.
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posted hace más de un año 
BirdG said:
She sings a little different.. but this was the best video of a blackbird canto I could find. Normally, it's just the males canto in nature.
But Vanessa learned the song(s) too ^_^
She sings when being sad. o other...but it's always compared with a deep feeling.
Remember that song?

"Morning has broken
Like the first morning
Blackbird has spoken
Like the First Bird"

Oh, man, I'm melting when even thinking of it :3 (although it's a song of... but nvm :P)

I think, the blackbirds in Croatia have the most beautiful songs. ^_^
I think I filmed one there once... I always go hunting with my videocámara ;)
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posted hace más de un año 
Cool. Did tu film this?
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
No, this is just a video I found on youtube ^_^ - But I filmed a lot of blackbirds before... maybe I should put some of my nature films on youtube ^_^
BirdG posted hace más de un año
The blackbird in this video sings beautifully, por the way. :)
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
Jhordan232 said:
Yes my oc Can defiantly sing he sings Good :)
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posted hace más de un año 
"Cause this is TRHILLER! THRILLER NIGHT! And no-one's gonna save tu from the beast about to strike. Cause this is-" XXXXXXDDDDDDD *sorry, I have a laugh flash* XD
BirdG posted hace más de un año
It;s ok i'm the pingüino, pingüino de of canto huh XD
Jhordan232 posted hace más de un año
BirdG posted hace más de un año
13thHunter said:
Hunter, yes very well. Me in RL, eh not so much.
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posted hace más de un año 
BirdG posted hace más de un año
67Dodge said:
Richard is a miserable singer, unless he's in a jazz o blues club with his trombone, he sings rather perfect in the stages for those particular clubs. Dr. Damion however, is pitch-superior when it comes to singing, and performs even better than most others at the trumpet. His cronies Daniel and Johnston though, they sound worse than nails on a chalkboard.
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posted hace más de un año 
Kowalski355 said:
Ally can sing perfect, (like me, not to honk my own horn here xD blame my mom and Mrs. Phipps (Music teacher) for saying my voise is good. xDD) But she HATES to sing infront of anyone, so she keeps it to herself.

Josh sings horribly. XD he cant even sing if he tried, but he likes to dance at least. (Un-like me. total opposite of me. i amor to sing and hate to dance. XD)

and i have a 3rd main OC, Savanah, but i think im going to get rid of her. shes kinda annoying and i dont use her much.
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posted hace más de un año 
oh and Ally can hit every note. High o low.
Kowalski355 posted hace más de un año
I'd like to see Savanah. :) Is she a penguin?
ImAnEasel posted hace más de un año
^yes, shes a penguin. :) ok. ill post a pic of her and send tu the link.
Kowalski355 posted hace más de un año
penguinlover13 said:
My OC can sing amazingly. She doesn't like to sing in front of others much, but if asked she will. She's able to hit the high notes (descant) really well. But she can't go too low without sounding like she's growling (lol). She's a soprano, and a descant.
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posted hace más de un año 
stlouisfan said:
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posted hace más de un año 
BeKaTora said:
Yes my Oc (I) can sing ^^ It's the onliest what she can do realy good :)..after her computerlove :D Here for example link ;) and yes.. in this song are many errors ;D Wound=want in this song, it's a write error -.-
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posted hace más de un año 
-Animepenguin- said:
Kayla: Oh sure I can...Like I can draw, and dance, and read, do math equasions, write...blah...XD Annoying Kowalski. *starts canto and it sounds like hevan*

Logan: (my other OC) *faints* She is so awesome...

Kayla: Thats why they call me Red beauty! *winks*
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posted hace más de un año 
Tressa-pom said:
Tressa has so awesome voices and she can sing very well. But she is so shy, she has never sing when there is somebody near her. :)
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posted hace más de un año 
Gumball17 said:
He can sing pretty well, though he's like Skipper. Unless the world is ending around him, he's not gonna sing in public. (P. S. Unlike me cuz I loooooooove to sing in public IRL. ^_^) He usually likes/sings to rock like evanescence (? on spelling), pop like Katy Perry, and, sometimes, rap like Nicki Minaj. (P. S. IRL a song por Nicki Minaj is my fave song right now. :-D)
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posted hace más de un año 
lilzoey107 said:
YES i sometimes sing songs acopello but the most of the time it's a with a song :)
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posted hace más de un año 
hahahaidontcare said:
YEAH! I amor SINGING!!!!! If only I had some art skills, I'd subir a picture of my OC canto something!!!
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posted hace más de un año 
TornHeart said:
Technically everypony can sing, just some suck and some's voices are like heaven xD

Shaden can sing really well if he's canto metallica xD
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posted hace más de un año 
Yep my OC Emma can sing amazingly well(not like me in RL) and she was born with this special condition where she has different canto voices she can use and she can hit any pitch so it comes in handy. She's quite shy when it comes to canto infront of large crowds but if its just a few people, she will sing her corazón out. :)
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posted hace más de un año 
CuteCuddly said:
Yes, CC can sing. She's pretty good. (it really depends if I'm any good o not)

Rune can sing like a little angel, but only sings to herself in private. She tries not to let other people hear her.
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posted hace más de un año 
In real life, I guess I'm pretty good. I like to sing a lot, so I get the practice. -^_^-
CuteCuddly posted hace más de un año
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