Drop Dead Diva What Is Your Choice

cjniya posted on Sep 26, 2009 at 12:51AM
Recently the Drop Dead Diva begins its story, and I have to say I love this soap opera. It might be another Friends and it is certainly more wonderful than the Prison Break for women. At first I just think, God, if I came to that situation, I would like suicide rather than living in that fat ugly body. At least, Deb is slim, but Jane is huge. I bet that Jane could not even see her feet. But as the story goes, I found that Jane is cuter than Deb. She is helpful and smarter. She knows more than Deb and is more helpful than Deb. If Deb reborn in her own body, she might just become a Price Raising model, but Jane could help so many people out from the trouble.
In my eyes, Deb is the shining link, you could wear it to the bar or to the ball. It is sparkling in the dark, but outside of these places, it could be useless. But Jane is the classical silver wristband which you could wear it to anywhere. If she is slim enough, she could go to the bar or disco as Deb. Then this soap play gives us a question, what is more important to a female, the good-looking or the clever mind? Deb and Jane are the two opposite side, one is for the good-looking, and the other is with wisdom. There is no intermediate place. If I just want to be a lucky woman, I would choose the good-looking, with pretty face, you could get more help from the strangers----- it is the result of one research. But if I want to be helpful to others, I would like to be Jane, who is smart and warm-hearted; she does so many volunteer works and helps so many people. What about you? What is your choice?

Drop Dead Diva 1 reply

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hace más de un año Gleeful said…
I would be JANE a million times over!! Jane is really pretty and now she has Debs fun personality so she wins!