glee Club
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added by ZaryaWalker18
glee FanFiction Statistics
Data taken: January 14, 2012 from

Crossovers are a separate section and are not included in the Total.
There are two genre choices and two character choices, so in relation to the Total, there are overlapping counts for both sections.
All Genre categories were included. General means uncategorized in one o both genre choices.
All characters counted por sorting Category: Character. Sometimes stories do not have characters listed for sorting, so they are not counted. Others have más than two main characters, but only two can be included. Most fanfictions...
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added by piperlovegood
Source: surimistick
Matthew Morrison and Marissa Winokur perform 'It Takes Two' on the Caroline Rhea Show.
matthew morrison
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
added by gleekforlife
Source: puck&rachel
added by Nibylandija
added by Shandiii
Source: Amber Riley on facebook
added by theonlyone
added by theonlyone
And I am telling you
I'm not going.
You're the best man I'll ever know.
There's no way I can ever go,
No, no, no, no way,
No, no, no, no way I'm livin' without you.
I'm not livin' without you.
I don't want to be free.
I'm stayin',
I'm stayin',
And you, and you, you're gonna amor me.
Ooh, you're gonna amor me.

And I am telling you
I'm not going,
Even though the rough times are showing.
There's just no way,
There's no way.
We're part of the same place.
We're part of the same time.
We both share the same blood.
We both have the same mind.
And time and time we have so much to share,

No, no, no,
No, no, no,
I'm not wakin'...
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Pairing(s), Characters: Rachel/Puck, glee club
Summary: Rachel finds herself slowly feeling for Puck again while in a relationship with Finn. Yeah, I know, fabulous summary... xD
Disclaimer: I do not own glee o any of the characters. I do have my own little Puck-bot hidden in my closet though...


Friday afternoon. Rachel nearly fell asleep in U.S. History; Mrs. Ferrell was actually scary as she reprimanded Rachel for her sleeping habits, which was practically a crime the way she barked at her. Rachel hardly heard half of what she said. Her mind was constantly wandering to Noah. Not that...
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added by ZaryaWalker18
added by Andressa_Weld
Source: Tumblr
added by obsessedsarah
Source: tumblr
added by ForsakenMoon19
Source: 2iiv49j[1]
added by baryton
added by girly_girl
Source: tumblr
added by BlairChuckFan
added by ForeverEternity