Dream Diary Forest Of Dreams .: RolePlay:.

allicyn123 posted on May 03, 2012 at 09:33PM
In this dark forest there is no hope,
No light,
No life
You will have to find yourself and prey that the forest gives you mercy,
Which is unlikely
Because here your dreams aren't just images or feeling
They're REAL
This isn't all fun and games anymore
You can DIE
Pick your path carefully and try to prey for the dreams to end
Because these aren't nightmares anymore
They could mean DEATH.....

Dream Diary 1301 respuestas

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Showing Replies 351-400 of 1301

hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: *Tips hiss head to the side and what had cracked in his eyes was guilt that spreads through his once solid eyes like glass* Your not alone on that one...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Sasha: *suddenly somthing long and black comes from the lake and blows into Sasha's legs knocking her over* What the?
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- I want to say I'm sorry for bringing you in to want's soon to come...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: *shrugs* Nothings that bad anymore *Looks up into the black sky*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- Not now at less...But what's to come will truly test us.


Misty- Sasha!? What happen?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Sasha: *stands up shakily* We gotta get outta here! *Somthin runs up to her, a wolf that's about half grown and bits her hoodie tugging on it* We got Toyken let's go! *runs over to Misty her eyes pierced with fear and suddenly another black thing comes out of tue mist and clubs Sasha right on the knees and she falls over again* Fuck! *Another one clubs Misty on the ankles*

Ryan: What's gonna test us? I mean, How's it gonna test us?
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- It's not a what it's a who. And that person going to try to break us and every else around us...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: Everyone around us? *Eyes crack with worry but his face is emotionless*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- Friends, family, people you we know...Anything that mit get me the littlest of hapiness...That person is going to do whatever it takes to break me. Even though I'm all ready broken!

Misty- Shit! ~she falls~ What hell was that!?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: *Gives a cheesy smile and sarcastic laugh*Wow,

Sasha: *Tries to stand but suddenly the same black thig grabs her legs and twines up her body until it's at her shoulders, another black like twine starts to creep up Misty* Oh god *turns white with fear and struggles a hysterical laughter makes her stop struggling*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- ~she begins to panic~ Sasha! Sasha what's going on?! ~The black thing gets higher~ Someone help! HELP! ~she screams~


Envy- I guess it's just my Destiny...To die?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: *shrugs* aren't all our destinies to die?

Sasha: Calm down! *Even her words sound paniced and suddenly a figure walks through the trees a girl with mesmerizing black eyes and long purplish hair her fingers spread way to the black things that squeeze Misty and Sasha tighter*

????: Oh hello Sasha and how's my little sister doing today?

Sasha: Great, just great *Looks up at the sky* And don't you mean step sister Sinseta? *Winces at the tighness*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- In the end yes but what about what happens in between from the time you are born to the time you take your last breath?


Misty- Sinseta? ~she whispers under her breath~
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: You go through doors, try to turn it around if you pick the wrong one*

Sasha: Ha thanks for the greeting one point for you *The black vines slide off Sasha but not Misty*
Sinseta: Who's this? *The vines drag Misty over to Sinseta and pull her upright so that she's standing right in front of her* Ah this is Misty? The one you told me about? *chuckles and smiles at Misty* Boy what I've heard and seen about you...
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- And I'm hoping to hear about you!

Envy- I just your right?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: That's what I was told... Long time ago... Look at me I sound old, *sighs*

Sinseta: *raises an eyebrow and the black vines release her* I don't think so...
Sasha: Yay smoky reunion can we leave now? *walks up to them her eyes turned to Sinseta with that 'Dont you dare look' * You know our friends are kinda dying and stuff so yeah, nice seeing you let's go
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- Fine...~she never takes her eyes off Sinseta~

Envy- Your not the only one that sounds like that!
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Sinseta: You two aren't going anywhere, *The black vines hook onto there ankles but no farther up*
Sasha: Oh come on Sinseta! Please, we really have to go...
Sinseta: Sasha I can see right through you, you don't care if you make it there on time you just don't want me slipping any of your secrets out...
Sasha: *gives her a cold stare*
Sinseta: *returns Misty's gaze and her once black eyes start to turn into a colorless glass like color* So, Misty, Misty, what would your book have to tell? *paces around her* Sasha why don't you help me for once on this?
Sasha: *shakes her head coldly*

Ryan: Ha, Well I guess, *sits up again and looks around* Danm we got into a mess, With your whole Critca thing, This forest, Destiny... That's hard to believe right now
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- Here's another thing I've learned in this forest about me and my family. You know that I'm a princess right?


Misty- What do you mean?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: I do now,

Sasha: Washing your memory, *Throws a switchblade onto the black thing on her ankle and it recoils back into one of Sinseta's fingers*
Sinseta: God danm Sasha take it easy, I'm not really goin to was your little friends memory! Why do you even care I thought you didn't like her *Clutches her finger and smiles evilly*
Sasha: I don't, however; *Walks up to Sinseta and throws another switch knot the vine on Misty's ankle* I hate you even more... So let me and Misty return back and I won't tell
Sinseta: Ah but Sasha your outnumbered this time... Remember YOUR secret? Tell mine and yours is out, now I just have to decide if I want to let you free... *Thinks for a second* Nope,
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- Go right wash my memory away I'd be better off with out it! I could start new and wouldn't have to think every second of every day about what I did...

Envy- Oh well sorry about not telling that some princess! I'm one of the three princess of Darkanthia. Darkanthia is the kingdom of dark and evil magic like witches and stuff. My mother is the ruler of all evil and one day enther me Harm or Misty will become Queen. But I learn that I'm not going to be the Queen...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: Oh,

Sasha: No you dont!* Sounds paniced at Misty's words*
Sinseta: Come now Sasha! I'll let you do it, *Hands Sasha somthing but Sasha refuses to take t*
Sasha: I don't want that thing, what yo do is sick Sinseta,
Sinseta: Your just to weak, to small, You'll never be good enough anyways what does it matter?
Sasha: *eyes crack at the familiar words and she leans in close whispering in Sinseta's ear somthing not meant for Misty and when she pulls back she has an evil smirk on her face and Sinseta's staring at her wide eyed*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- You have no idea the memories I have and would die to get rid of...

Envy- It's okay because I really didn't want to be Queen I don;t want to be like my mother...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: What's so bad about your mom?

Sasha: *turns to Misty her eyes wide and purple* And what about the memories you love?!?!
Sinseta: I'll do it right now! Take all those horrible memories away.. *Disappears and reappears beside Misty* All the pain... It would just vanish
Sasha: And so would all the happiness... *Stares at Sinteta her eyes accusing*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- I only have at less five good memories that I would like to keep but about a million that are just dead to me...

Envy- She'll a horrlible person would I think about it she was mad at her own sister just because she turned into a fairy instead of being a which so they become enemies they and this huge battle between there to kingdoms. Are family is a mess!
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: At least you have a family,

Sasha: But- *Sinseta cuts in front of her*
Sinseta: Little Sid why don't you go hide in the corner like ussual and me and Misty here will talk, *looks back her eyes glint with evil and amusement*
Sasha: *Her eyes change and look more like they belong to a six year old then her and she turns to leave*
Sinseta: *Smiles with satisfaction* Run along weakling!
Sasha: *turns back suddenly furious and throws a blade just barely misses Sinsetas face and soars past misty hitting a nearby tree* Weakling?
Sinseta: *nods* Yes, you act like your five
Sasha: * thrusts her fingers into the air and they stretch out into red vines just like Sinteras black ones she grabs Sintera and throws her on the ground* How bout now?
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- Hey there's no need to fight! Besides Sasha you don't even like me why would you care? It's my choice any way!

Envy- Sometimes I wish I didn't that castle and kingdom only hold evil and hate and anger why live in a place like that?
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Sasha: *turns to face her angrily letting go of Sinseta* Fine! Sell your soul to the devil, but remember the catch, She takes away your memory no more pain! Guess what else? No more love, oh but don't worry, you won't need to say goodbye to Alec she *points at Sinseta* Will make sure he dies of a completely natural reason that's extra painful for you and him why am I saying this again? Ha! you won't remember! *walks away into the mist*

Ryan: Hmmm let me think of GoldenRose again... Hate, check, Anger, check, evil, meh, half a check *looks up at her* Guess you win by half a check
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- ~Her eyes twitch with anger she turns to Sinseta~ I'm sorry it sounded like a good Idea at first but I can't...

Envy- someones pretty funny to day and there's worst things there...death pain murder spirit ghost darkness...more that I can't even name..
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: Pain, murder death check you got me at the whole spirit this. Thing though

Sinseta: *smiles* You wont ven remember him it's not like it would hurt! How you girls care about love *Laughs* It's stupid! Why would it even last *turns to Misty* You reall think he loves you? Ha! Fools! *walks away*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- Yes he does love me! It's not you would know what love fells like because who would love you?! I bet your parents don't even love you I mean Sasha hates you!

Envy- My life is like a wheel of all of that mixed together and it never stops...
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Sinseta: I would much rather have ones hate then ones love. And the only reason Sasha hates me is because I won't tell her what happened the first 11 years of her life,

Ryan: I used to be like that. The wheels gotta stop eventually...
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- I hope it stops soon...

Misty- Well a good reason why she hates you! Why won't you?!
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: It will until then you just gotta hold on, don't give in

Sinseta: I have many secrets that died with her memory *smiles evilly* as long as she dosn't remember nobody will and those secrets will finally stay hidden forever...
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- It's her life why would care if she knew who she was?!

Envy- If been holding for a long time it's kind of getting old?

~P.S I am going to camp this week end and I won't be on my lap top so bye!~
hace más de un año allicyn123 said…
Ryan: Then you just have to take a deep breath, and jump off *smiles*

Sinseta: Sasha will never know who she is and I'll make sure of it! *Turns her back to Misty and starts walking away* Mark my words! Sasha will NEVER know EVER! And even if she finds out I'll make sure she forgets, she will NEVER!!!!
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- I wish I could but I've kind of got my self in to deep it's hard to dig yourself out...

Misty- And I thought that I could Never find out who I truly was but guess what I did and you can't wash away memories! Memories are what make up a person memories are life there who you are and they can never be truly gone there always be in you no madder how deep they are...there in her and YOU can't take that away.
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Sinseta: No! I took them away! There gone, she'll never find them! I wont let her! *sounds more frightened then angry*

Ryan: Hey, I'll be here till you can get off *smiles*

hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- It could take some time!

Misty- The brain is something that is amazing it can forget but then remember...it met not be a clear picture if what the memorie is but it's still there and no magic can take away what a person is there memories past and future no one can take that away fully not even you!
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Ryan: I'll wait my whole life if that's what it takes

Sinseta: She's too weak to find them, she'll never find them! And if she does... *hesitates* I'll just take them again! *storms away disappearing into the mist before she can reply*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- Them? ~she looks around and doesn't know which way to go so she start's going east and yells Sasha's name~ Sasha!? Sasha where are you!?

Envy- Have fun waiting then!
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Ryan: Okay *smiles sarcastically*

Sasha: *grabs Misty's hand and appears out of however her eyes red with anger, Toyken at her side* Let's go,
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- Don't worry I'll try not to let you wait that long!

Misty- Okay! ~she starts to walk behind her~ Your...step sister, she's Interesting?
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Ryan: *sarcastic* Yay!

Sasha: *shakes her head* You have no idea, she visits me twice a day just to make sure I don't remember.
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Misty- It's funny because know one can truly forget because memories are what make up a person Memories are what makes them, them. And know one can truly take them away from you, not even her.

Envy- Don't get to excited!
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Sasha: Well then I'm too stupid to find it, or blind, or I'm STILL not trying hard enough *stops and looks up and shakes her head roughly* Who am i kidding? Let's just get this to Harma and Ryan *breaks off running at swift speed Toyken next to her*

Ryan: okay, *peers back up at her*
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- I said I'll try I'm not saying I will!

Misty- What where are you going!? ~She looks at the herbs~
hace más de un año allicyn1234 said…
Sasha: *stops and leans over to Toyken's collar and grabs a bottle of greenish blue liquid off it* This, this is the potion I told you and Envy about, it's a healing potion,

Ryan: I bet you can! Your strong, you've made it this far right?
hace más de un año malmcd said…
Envy- Being strong is harder then it looks!

Misty- Okay!