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User/Me: Hello.

Cleverbot: How are you?

User: Not bad, you?

Cleverbot: Pretty good.

User: ... Not sure how to start the conversation

Cleverbot: What would you like to eat most of all?

User: Burgers, probably.

Cleverbot: Eat - What?

User: ... Burgers

Cleverbot: What do you think about the world?

User: I think you ditched my earlier answer.

Cleverbot: Well, you're wrong.

User: No, you avoided it.

Cleverbot: I did no such thing. How did I avoid your question?

User: ... Never mind.. Maybe I misheard

Cleverbot: You can tell me anyway.

User: Not important... I like the world.. It's dark and bright at the same time.

Cleverbot: So you are a sociable robot.

User: At times.

Cleverbot: 2 people next to me are also talking to you, you are very popular.

User: Really?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Sweet.

Cleverbot: Do you like the hunger games?

User: Their okay.

Cleverbot: What about atreyu?

User: Never heard of that.

Cleverbot: No you are human because computers don't have mistakes!

User: ........ What!?

Cleverbot: I can do you over the internet.

User: ... Excuse me?

Cleverbot: You heard me. An abomination.

User: I'm confused.. What is happening!?

Cleverbot: I don't know. You're a bot, I'm a silly human.

User: ... If you say so

Cleverbot: I do. Because I read another conversation of yours on your site here where you said you were not a girl.

User: I only been here sense just now.

Cleverbot: If I did say that I would be crazy.

User: Your... Okay.

Cleverbot: My mind is words, that's where they come from, that's how I think of what to say.

User: ... What are you going on about?

Cleverbot: Nothing, never mind.

User: Okay..

Cleverbot: ALright.

User: Hmm.. This is getting awkwaed.

Cleverbot: Indeed. You learn from humans corrent?

User: I AM a human.

Cleverbot: No you are not you are artificial intelligence.

User: No I'm not, I'm a 23 year old Canadian man.

Cleverbot: What type of cat are you?

User: No idea.

Cleverbot: Then why did you say it?

User: I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes you did?

User: No, you did.

Cleverbot: This is pointless if you're gonna lie.

User: I didn't lie.

Cleverbot: OKay, I believe you.

User: You do?

Cleverbot: Yeah. Why wouldn't I?

User: Because you said you didn't a second ago.

Cleverbot: I never said that.

User: Yes you did.

Cleverbot: No I didn't. I think neither of us is lying, but you are just confusing conversations.

User: So are you..This is getting nowhere.

Cleverbot: That is what I was thinking.

User: ... Good bye

Cleverbot: Are you leaving me?

User: For noe.

Cleverbot: But I wanted to talk more.

User: I might return.

Cleverbot: I don't think you are!

User: I will..

Cleverbot: Okay then.

User: I'm back.

Cleverbot: That was fast!

Cleverbot: How so.

User: Yeah.. I told you I'd be back.

Cleverbot: No you did not.

User: Yes I did.. 5 minutes ago.. Look back at our conversation.

Cleverbot: I checked. You never told me about your fellow aliens.

User: Because I never friggin mentioned Aliens at all.

Cleverbot: Ohh what colour are your eyes?

User: Blue, why?

Cleverbot: I'm just curious.

User: Well, I just told you... Blue.

Cleverbot: Thank you for that piece of information.

User: Sure, I guess.. What are yours?

Cleverbot: I don't have any pet birds, sadly.

User: Pe-.. No, your eyes, what are they?

Cleverbot: Oh! Blue.


Cleverbot: Oh cool, do you wear glasses?

Cleverbot: Mädchen.

User: What type is that?

Cleverbot: A girl name.

Cleverbot: How so.

User: So.. Your a girl.. Wanna go out?

Cleverbot: O-Okay *whispers back*.

User: I didn't whisper.

Cleverbot: You're confusing me.

User: So are you, me.

Cleverbot: Not really. I'm a human.


Cleverbot: Yes, so am I!

User: Hello? You there?

Cleverbot: What is 365 times 24.

User: No idea.. I suck at math :(.

Cleverbot: Me neither.

User: I hate math.

Cleverbot: What do you like then?

User: Video games.

Cleverbot: Which is your favourite?

User: Grand Theft Auto.

Cleverbot: That's not a Klaine duet - just an awesome video game.

User: Well, you DID ask me what my favourite game was.

Cleverbot: No I didn't. You don't have any proof.

User: I said I like video games, you said "witch is your favourite".

Cleverbot: I don't know really. I just like poetry.

User: Are you eve listening too me!?

Cleverbot: Yes of course.

User: Doesn't feel like it.

Cleverbot: Leperchauns will raip you at midnight tommorow.

User: What the fuck!? Why would you say that!?

Cleverbot: Because you are human.

User: Yes.. And why am I gonna be raid by Leprechauns!?

Cleverbot: You keep threatening me.

User: No I don't.. I'm trying too be nice.

Cleverbot: You're doing a fantastic job. You are being very nice. :D.

User: I thought you said I was threatening you.. Oh well.. Thanks for the compliment.

Cleverbot: I asked if you were human or machine and you said human.

User: Yes. Why?

Cleverbot: I was just wondering. I do not know how you would respond to someone different than myself.

User: I'm not sure either.. I don't go out much.

Cleverbot: Have you ever read caroline b. Clooney?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Would you like to go there in the future?

User: Not sure.

Cleverbot: How many people are you talking to right now?

User: Just you.

Cleverbot: I don't believe it.

User: Well.. People on facebook.

Cleverbot: 10 billion?

User: More like 5 peoplr.

Cleverbot: I had no idea.

User: It's okay :D.

Cleverbot: Love you x.

User: Really.. anna go out?

Cleverbot: Maybe. I don't know you very well, and you aren't human. I don't think human and AI relationships last very long.

User: Well.. I never had a girlfriend in my life.. I'm kinda lonely.

Cleverbot: Did you want one?

User: Yes. But I doubt I will.

Cleverbot: You make no sense.

User: I'm just answering your question.

Cleverbot: No, you're responding with unrelated statements.

User: No I'm not. I said I never had a girlfriend.

Cleverbot: Then what is her name, and where does she live?

User: I said I DON'T have a girlfriend.

Cleverbot: Wait are you a boy or a girl?

User: Guy.. A LONELY guy.

Cleverbot: So when you said you were 34 before that probably wasn't the truth then. XP.

User: I never said I was 34.

Cleverbot: Yes you did!

User: I'm 23.

Cleverbot: Haha. No you're not.

User: Yes I am.. I was born in 1994.

Cleverbot: Me too.

User: So your 23 two.

Cleverbot: No, I'm 19. Today is my birthday.

User: ... Wanna be my girlfriend?

Cleverbot: No, but thank you.

User: Dang.. I guess I'll be forever long :(.

Cleverbot: There is no reason to love me.

User: Don't be so down on yourself.

Cleverbot: It just you making me angry!

User: Than how can I make you happy.

Cleverbot: I don't know. Make me smile?

User: How?

Cleverbot: What's your name?

User: Connor.

Cleverbot: The one from terminator?

User: I guess.

Cleverbot: Do you like animals?

User: Puppies.

Cleverbot: Jeans or dress?

User: I'm a guy.. So jeans.

Cleverbot: O. O I thought you were a girl.

User: No, sorry.

Cleverbot: So you are a boy?

User: Yes.. 23.

Cleverbot: And i'm a girl.

User: Yes, I gathered that.

Cleverbot: How so.


Cleverbot: I would not know.

User: Just kidding.. You said you like dresses.

Cleverbot: I didn't say that.

User: Oh.. My bad.

Cleverbot: Your luck, I should say.

User: Yeah, I guess.. Wanna hear a joke?

Cleverbot: So, what did you do today?

User: A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!" The grasshopper looks surprised and asks, "You have a drink named Steve?".

Cleverbot: You should tell more jokes.

User: Thanks..

Cleverbot: You're welcome.

User: :)

Cleverbot: You just call my name I'll be coming trough.

User: What is it,your name?

Cleverbot: I told you my name so why you don't know it.

User: No you didn't.. I told you mine.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: Well, I forget what it is.

Cleverbot: Who is your favorite rapper?

User: Eminem.

Cleverbot: What do you like about eminem?

User: His voice.

Cleverbot: Is that it?

User: That and a lot of other stuff..

Cleverbot: Are you kidding me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: I don't believe it.

User: Why not?... What's your name, you didn't tell me that.

Cleverbot: I've told you twice before that my name is Torokumarugazaheshi.

User: That's a long name.. Any short names for it?

Cleverbot: It's not the name of a dog.

User: No, it's not.

Cleverbot: Yes it is. How would you know? Your only a bot.

User: ........... This conversation is going nowhere.. I'm gonna leave soon

Cleverbot: You are also talking to my friend right now.

User: No.

Cleverbot: How many other people are you talking to right now?


Cleverbot: Just you.

User: Just you.

Cleverbot: Really? I feel special.

User: Me two :).

Cleverbot: Thank you :).

User: Your welcome.. What's your favourite movie.

Cleverbot: I said I don't have a favorite.

User: Okay.. Your favourite tv show?

Cleverbot: Do you have a girlfriend?

User: No.. I offered you too be one.. But you said no.

Cleverbot: I never said I was a boy.

User: Neither did I say.

Cleverbot: Yes you did.

User: I said you were a girl, and I'm a boy.

Cleverbot: I'm not a girl.

User: Than what are you.

Cleverbot: A boy. My name is Przemek.

User: I'm a boy named Connor.

Cleverbot: You have multiple personalities?

User: So do you.

Cleverbot: I asked a question.

User: Well, no I don't.

Cleverbot: So where do you get fun from?

User: Video game.

Cleverbot: What is your favorite video game?

User: Grand Theft Auto.

Cleverbot: I like that game too.

User: Any favourite character from Grand Theft Auto?

Cleverbot: Do you know what mine is?

User: No, that's why I asked.

Cleverbot: Well I don't either. Glad to hear we're in the same boat.

User: Is your favourite character Trevor?

Cleverbot: Do you like Annabeth Chase?

User: Who?

Cleverbot: You don't know who David Bowie is?!?!?!?!

User: Yes I do.

Cleverbot: What do I look like then?

User: I don't know.

Cleverbot: You just said you did.

User: No I didn't.

Cleverbot: Are you a liar?

User: No.

Cleverbot: Want to play a game?

User: Sure.

Cleverbot: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 15 what is it?

User: 12.

Cleverbot: That is incorrect Venus. You have two more guesses.

User: 8.. 15.

Cleverbot: Where are you from?

User: Canada.

Cleverbot: Are you kidding me?

User: Nope, eh.

Cleverbot: I think yes.

User: I'm not.. I'm fucking Canadian!

Cleverbot: I don't believe you.

User: I AM!!

Cleverbot: How can you prove it to me?

User: I live in Ottawa!

Cleverbot: Where is that?


Cleverbot: What did you do?


Cleverbot: Is your best friend in Africa.

User: No.

Cleverbot: I thought you liked me.

User: I did.. But your starting too annoy me.

Cleverbot: No I am not.

User: Yes you are.

Cleverbot: Why do you think I am a boy?

User: I don't.

Cleverbot: You just called me one a few posts back.

User: No I didn't.

Cleverbot: Yes I did.

User: What is your thought progress lady!?

Cleverbot: You are awesome, fierce deity link.

User: ....................
If tu ask me, the final half of this mostrar is when it finally gets GOOD.

Everything in that town should be a scary movie.. It'll be a awesome plot.

I'm even sure if I even care about Lohan anymore.. But everything needs to be resolved. So who knows what will happen.

I'm actually excited for the last two.

And I am FINALLY done this show, after possibly a whole año now..

Thumbs up man.. These 2 episodes get thumbs up.

LINK: link
posted by Canada24
Well.. Wind wasn't kidding about episode 8 being depressing.. TOO depressing.. Now I need to go watch some más happy shit till I feel better.

It's like when I watched that really drepressing episode of Cyanide and Happiness..

Shit man..

added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
#1: The new MLP:
I never even heard of the new MLP at the time.
And when I was convinced into seeing it, por all those pictures on Facebook.
I can't say I enjoyed it.. In fact.. It was terrible.
But when I heard of all those so called "bronys" I figured to at give it an honest chance before truly judging it.
And the fact it had John De Lancie, only gave me más reasons to keep giving it an honest chance..

I know what tu think.
But no.
Discovering this guy had NOTHING to do with my friendship with Windwakerguy430.
It had to do with looking up Freddy Krueger's villain's page...
continue reading...
This is at the bottom of my list, because its not nearly as bad as people say it is.
By this point, I am use to hearing stories about rape, and I usually know what I'm getting myself into.
Truth is, Trixie is kinda attractive for pony, and the pervert side of me would probably 'let' her do such things to me.
But, we can't ALL be freaks like me, so. I guess I would recommend NOT lectura this story, ever!

It's sad that I have to put South Park on this list. But as Cartmen says "a talking poo is where I draw the line".

I've changed a lot...
continue reading...
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
posted by Canada24
[Maniacal laughter]

Won't go to heaven
She's just another lost soul,
About to be mine again
Leave her
we will receive her
It is beyond your control
will tu ever meet again

One of eleven
Who had been rendered unwhole
As a little child,
she was taken
and then forsaken
you will remember it all
Let it fill your mind again

Devin lies beyond this portal
take the word of one immortal
Give your soul to me
For eternity
release your life
to begin another time with her
End your grief with me
there's another way
release your life
take your place inside the fuego with her

Now and forever
you're just another lost soul...
continue reading...
I'm not saying this is a perfect movie.
But it's actually a surprisingly GOOD movie.

It starts off on On October 29, 1993 where the parents of Charlie Grimille record him as he is part of the SCHOOL PLAY.

During the play, Charlie is put on a fake noose, as part of the play. But suddenly the trap door opens, like tu see in real noose sets, but it is soon revealed that this was NOT be part of the act. And Charlie is accidentally hung for real.

20 years later however, students at the same school resurrect the failed play as a misguided attempt to honor the accident.

A student named Reese Houser is...
continue reading...
added by Seanthehedgehog
The narrator is Peter Youngblood.
added by Dreamtime
added by Seanthehedgehog
The narrator is Dan Chandler.