
en fanpop desde July 2017

  • Female
  • India
  • Favorite TV Show: friends
    Favorite Musician: justin bieber
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Aish-12345 dicho …
Running form your mistakes?
Why we should RUN? sometimes life really give us even the third chance but its just with o without that person..Trusting someone is not a mistake but ya trusting the wrong person over n over again is a mistake but ik we all do this because of the image our mind had created in it of that person ..we never accept them as bad But sometimes they are the only one who hurt us in the very heartbreaking way.But the human is not that weak it knows how to pretend to be happy publicado hace más de un año
fangirl4evz dicho …
Justin Bieber is gross. Michael Jackson is WAY better. Just sayin'. publicado hace más de un año