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added by OTHForever_x
Source: www.entertainment.wallpapers.com
added by lacrosse1214
Source: google
added by neeki
Source: gossipgirlonline
added by bassw
added by g0ss1pG1rL
added by notesofchange
The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 7

“I’m not going to dance with you.” Chuck protested.
She payed him no attention and dragged him across the dance floor anyways. Blair threw her arms around his neck, but he stood there stiffly in her embrace.
“Come on Chuck, tu have to move. What’s the matter? Are tu scared to dance with me?” She asked cheekily.
He glared at her, but knew that he would not deny her challenge. So he put his arms around her waist, while they swayed to the music.
Chuck was deep in thought. In the two weeks since Blair had come to France, he felt completely different....
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added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just JARED
added by jlhfan624
Source: justjared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by Bad_Vlad
added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirl.tv.com
posted by GossipLover
Just sitting here at 12:46 AM. Maybe tu would like to hear some juicy details of someone's lives? And don't say that I'm that obsessed with "Gossip Girl". That's a TV show. And I'll tell tu a real story. Promise. That's what I've seen with my own eyes! tu can read o not, believe o not. Sometimes it's so good to distract from your own problems.
L was a good girl(don't forget to remember word WAS).Good,perfect,kind,polite,sweet.That's what everybody see.But tu and me know that there are no perfect people. We all fake something. The pregunta is what. And what exactly is wrong with l so she's...
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added by Cittycat19
added by Cittycat19
added by SupermanLover-1
Okay so it’s been awhile since I've updated my Numb Novel but I think I’d take a break from that old story and bring tu a new one... this is set after Blair told Chuck it was over in "Gone with the Will" so enjoy...

Her words kept echoing in his head like a broken record "It's too late, Chuck. I stood por tu through all of this but I can't watch tu self-destruct any longer." He understands though. He actually thought it was funny because he knew that she would come back to him. She always did. But a little voice in the back of his head kept saying "This time it was different."...
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added by TriineA