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posted by rachele_X
I slowly opened my eyes. I was laying flat on my back, in a room shrouded in mist. Above me, two eyes, glowing bright white, bore into mine. The face that contained them was a waxy green hue, dusted with a few freckles. It was the Martian girl. Another enemy. She seemed startled that I had awoken. All the better.
I sprung forward, thrashing violently, trying to attack. She held her hands up slowly, and I was dropped back onto the surface on which I was laying, and sank back into oblivion.

When I awoke again, it was in a different room. The surface I was on was soft. The room was bathed in harsh artificial light. As my eyes came into focus, I realized I was in what seemed like a hospital. My cama was surrounded por them, the enemies. The Martian girl from earlier was there, as were all her other friends, and as I slowly sat up, they smiled and cheered. I narrowed my eyes. They were to be eliminated.
A girl with long, jet-black hair stepped forward. Her eyes were covered with dark sunglasses. Her face lit up when she saw me. I did not reflect these emotions; she was the enemy, after all. She leaned forward, as if to hug me. I brushed her off. “Aisling!” she cried.
I realized the others were saying it too, the word bouncing out of their mouths and echoing around the walls. Another realization came, that that was my name. Aisling. I let the word roll around on my tongue.
Suddenly a redhead darted forward, trying to bóveda, bóveda de onto the edge of my bed. Another boy, with a strong, wide, frame and a chiseled face, pulled him back. “No, Wally,” he dicho firmly. “She might still attack.” The redhead, Wally, gave a feisty grin, a wild glint in his green eyes, and pushed adelante, hacia adelante anyways. “Aisling! So glad you’re better!”
I glared at him, and he seemed taken aback, because he backed up until he fell right off the edge of the bed. I gave a dry laugh. The others didn’t follow suit.
“Megan?” asked the dark-haired boy, whose eyes were also obscured por thick shades. “Um, I thought tu dicho tu fixed her...”
The Martian, whose name appeared to be Megan, frowned. “I did. Well, I fixed the memories. Any thoughts she still had I couldn’t get to. It’ll just take a little getting used to.”
The girl with sunglasses was slowly edging her way towards my bed. “Aisling?” she asked softly. I didn’t reply. She was on the cama now, sitting as close to the edge as she could, presumably so she could make a quick getaway if I attacked. “It’s me, Fin. Remember me? We were...” she faltered slightly, as if she had trouble saying the words. “We were friends.”

Friends. The word felt so foreign to me. Friends? But they spurned me, I thought desperately. They rejected me, they...I stopped. No. That wasn’t right. She was the one who was right. The memories were flooding in now. Everything we had done together, every time she had stuck up for me, and me for her. We were. We were friends. I sat up slowly, and a smile began to creep over my face. Without warning, I lunged forward, and Fin instinctively jumped backward, but instead of attacking, I locked her into an embrace. The others began cheering, Fin’s eyes were beginning to water, possibly from the emotion of the situation, o possibly because I was practically squeezing the breath out of her. Either way, I loosened my grasp.

“Aisling!” Fin squealed, when she regained her breath. “You’re better!”
I nodded. She grinned. We stared at each other, not sure what to say, when Aqualad broke in. “How do we know for sure?” he asked suspiciously, turning towards Megan. “This could all be an act.”
Fin shook her head vigorously. “I just know. Look, her eyes are blue again.”
Aqualad nodded reluctantly, but I still didn’t understand. “My eyes?” I asked.
“Yeah,” Fin said. “When tu were hacked--that’s what they did to you, hacked your memories--, they were red.”
That I understood, but there were still some pieces that weren’t quite fitting together. “But that can’t be right!” I burst out, and the others turned to face me. I continued. “When Robin was hacked, his eyes were blue. How is that possible?”
The Team was speechless. Robin was chuckling, then, without warning, he burst out laughing. His loud cackle filled the entire room, as he slapped his knees, oblivious to the strange looks that we were giving him. When he had regained his breath, he straightened up, clutching his side, and began to talk. “The reason my eyes weren’t red,” he croaked, pausing to chuckle some more. “Was because I wasn’t hacked. I was pretending.” He bust up laughing again.
We stared, incredulously. We couldn’t believe our ears, and I still couldn’t quite get a grasp on what was funny about that. Artemis was glaring, Wally was giggling, Aqualad and Superboy were expressionless, and Fin looked as if she was getting ready to slap him senseless.
“But why?” Wally asked, and the others murmured in assent.
“Yeah,” Fin snapped, her voice filled with venom. “You almost killed me!”
Robin shook his head, gradually regaining his composure. “I was never going to kill you. I’ll tell tu what happened.”
“I’d be honored,” Fin snarled, dripping with sarcasm. “Do continue.”
“They did try to hack me. They almost got to me, but I resisted. I managed to prevent them from getting to me, from corrupting and stealing my memories, without them knowing. I had to pretend they got to me, though. I knew they were watching, and if they knew I had resisted, they would’ve killed me. tu see, when I did it, I turned it around, in a way. Got some information from them.”
Fin was looking slightly less angry, although she was still glaring, and the others were nodding in agreement. “What did tu find?” asked Artemis.
“Well, the organization is named Kaos, and they have four main leaders. I think they’re a fairly new organization, and an independant one as well, which would explain why we’ve never heard of them. I didn’t get all the leader’s names, but I do know that the one who hacked me was named Chardys, and the one who hacked Aisling was Axxis. I couldn’t figure out their ultimate goal, but the memories they targeted, at least on myself, were those of my past. They aimed to actually remove those, steal them, más like; and they were going to corrupt the rest, make it so that I would be on their side. I’m assuming that’s what happened to Aisling too.”
He trailed off, and we all stood in silence, absorbing what he had said. My thoughts were whirling, and I sat up. “So this means...”
“Well, can tu remember anything?” Robin asked. I closed my eyes, trying to bring to mind the memories. None came. My parents’ names, where I lived, how I got my powers, nothing. After a few moments, I shook my head.
The mood in the room had suddenly gotten solemn, and tu could taste the tension woven between us. “So they’ll be back,” Fin dicho grimly. “This isn’t the last time we’ll be meeting Kaos.”
We nodded. Wally had stepped forward, and a smile began to creep onto his face. “C’mon guys,” he dicho perkily. “She’s awake and better! We should be celebrating!” Fin’s face brightened, and soon, even Superboy was looking happy. Artemis came up to my bed.
“Hey Aisling?” she asked, and for once, she wasn’t glaring at me. “I just wanted to say, I’m really glad that you’re not trying to kill us anymore.” Coming from her, this was like the compliment of the century. I smiled.
“No problem.”
Wally jumped up onto the bed, inching adelante, hacia adelante until we were practically rubbing up against each other. He had his hand in my hair, which I was itching to tie back up into its usual ponytail, and he was leaning in uncomfortably close.
“Um, Wally?” I asked, unhappy that my personal el espacio was being so awkwardly invaded. “Could I have a little, um, space?”
“Of course,” he said, turning a little red. “You just...” He trailed off, going bright pink.
Was he flirting with me? It sure seemed like it. I didn’t know how to feel about him. Luckily, the moment was spared por Batman, who had appeared out of nowhere and was slowly walking towards us. Wally, whose face was identical to a ripe tomato, fell off the cama for the segundo time that día and lay sprawled in a heap on the floor.
“Another mission?” asked Aqualad, and the Team let out a collective groan. We were exhausted, o at least I was. batman shook his head, and I gave a sigh of relief.
“I was just going to say, this was quite an interesting mission. tu showed great teamwork and leadership, yet this entire battle was completely preventable. If tu had done a proper job on your first mission, and investigated the fuente of the fuego as tu were told to do, Aisling might not have been hacked. With that being said, tu did handle the situation skillfully, and I applaud tu on that. However, this mission is not over. Whoever hacked her--”
“Kaos,” Robin informed him.
“--then Kaos, will be back for more. We don’t know when, o what they have in store, but we do know that they didn’t take Aisling’s past for no reason. We just have to be on guard. In the meantime, let’s get out of this hospital.”
He nodded, and I slowly stood up. My legs still felt a little shaky, but otherwise I was fine. A nurse waddled in at that moment, a cruzar, cruz expression on her face, and, seeing me out of bed, was about to admonish me when she saw Batman’s dark figure. She squealed and hurried out the door.
“Let’s get going then,” batman said, and motioned for the Team to follow. We left the hospital and set off for the streets of Gotham city.
It was just after nightfall, around 6 o’clock, and the evening hustle and bustle had begun. batman had slunk off somewhere, so we were left on our own. As we slid into the alley with the telephone booth, I looked at the others. They were, I realized, the best friends I could ever have.
posted by Robin_Love
Wally's brain was running in overdrive. Finding out what had happened to Robin led him to a fork in the road. After visiting Wayne Manor, it was clear that Robin was not there. In fact, it seemed that every one in Gotham city and surrounding areas knew Robin had vanished. But there were no leads to follow, no change in superhero protected cities. And that meant one of two things.
Robin had decided it was enough and ended his misery.
Robin had just disappeared.
Wally hoped to heaven, hell, and back that it was the latter; if he had made Robin cut is own life short...Wally had no idea what he would...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Lily awoke suddenly. She was in a dark room. She could hear voices outside the enclosed myserious room. She then attempted to sit up and put a hand to her migrating head. But that's when she relized she was straped down. It almost reminded her of that gory horror movie she watched once where the girl gets sawed in half por a creepy puppet. She took a deep breathe and attempted to squirm out. But no luck.
Lily then heard approching footsteps. She turned her head in the direction of which it was coming from. The fimiular figure of Chesire walked in.
"Good. You're awake." She smirked evilly....
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posted by KatRox1
"Com'on Miles!" I almost shouted. I was trying to keep my voice low. If we finally had found them, I didn't want to lower our chances of getting them. "I still don't know why Zero wants us on this mission. I mean, seriously Reese, they're just a bunch of 'powers!" Miles dicho arrogantly. He was so stupid sometimes. I wanted to burn his head off. I could, very easily, but since he was my partner I would probably get my butt kicked for doing it. "Well," I dicho annoyingly, "Zero dicho that these guys are incredibly dangerous. Do tu want them to just wander the city hurting people?" Miles sighed....
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posted by Robin_Love
“What's wrong with me?” Robin groaned out loud.
He had been feeling so...weird around Wally. But they were best friends! o at least used to be. Wally had totally nounced ( as apposed to announced) their friendship as over four days ago. But the team had definatly noticed and Robin couldn't keep the other boy off his mind. He wanted to explain to Wally why he'd been ignoring and avoiding him. But Robin didn't know that himself. It had just happened. And here he was, weeks after it all began, crying because he was an idiot.
“Why didn't I just hide it?”
The emotions that stirred inside...
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 "Bank robbery. 31st street. Be there."
"Bank robbery. 31st street. Be there."
Suddenly, a man who wore a grayish costume with spiky goggles ran up to us. His squarish chin reminded me of our batman back home.
"What's the situation, Bats?" Evelyn asked.
"Bank robbery. 31st street. Be there." He walked off without another word.
"Assemble the team," the other Robin told Evelyn. "This is serious--"
"Hold on," I interrupted him. "Take us instead. I'd like to see how tu work."
Evelyn looked at Robin apprehensively, but smiled. "Sure! Let's go!"
Since we'd traveled por the teleporter, we had to borrow the other Miss Martian's bioship, which was blue in color. We had gotten...
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posted by KatRox1
So here she was, perched on the parte superior, arriba a warehouse building, peeking through the skylight. Anna had gotten the call 2 days hace about Kane practically taking Max hostage. She had decided not to contact Robin and the team, because one hostage was good enough. Anna was practically frozen, waiting for the right moment, but as for now, she remained hidden. Kane was probably 30 feet below, just waiting there, occasionally fight practice o a simple phone call. But what Anna was looking for was the perfect moment when both Kane and Max were in the same room so she could kick Kane and his friends' butt,...
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posted by december2
She woke up with a terrible headache. What happened? she thought. "We had to knock tu out, tu were trying to kill us!" Screamed a voice. "Who is that?" i asked out loud. It's me, dicho the martian. "I see you're awake," dicho Batman, "Thats good. Now tell us who you're working for." It was más of a command, not a question. "I won't tell you." "Yes, tu will." replied the red-headed boy. My Master would kill me if i did, though. Not a good sight for young, immature children. "We're not children!" dicho the youngest one. Thats the one tu were talking to earlier, i thought. Any help? i tried...
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 "Batman, I got your call."
"Batman, I got your call."
"Nightfury, B08," announced the automated computer as the three of us transported back to the Cave, our hearts racing.
batman was standing in front of the large computer screen, frowning at the news reportar Summer Gleeson was giving. I didn't have to listen to it to remember what happened.
batman looked at me, clearly troubled. "Did tu see where the blast came from before the explosion?"
I shook my head. "We were after these robbers when it happened. Nobody was in the alley when it occurred."
Again, he looked at the screen. Police cruisers and fuego trucks were surrounding the hole, which looked...
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posted by Skittles98
 Robin pointed to a small clearing.
Robin pointed to a small clearing.
We got there and found the team hiding in a forest.
“Why are tu g-” I was cut off por Robin slapping his hand over my mouth.
“Shhhh!” he whispered. I pulled his hand off.
“Why are tu guys hiding?” I whispered
“You know how tu found another magical epicenter here? Well, we found her alright. And she is p*ssed” Robin pointed to a small clearing. In the clearing a four año old girl was throwing a tantrum. When ever she dicho something o stomped, a large wave of magic would spread from her body.
“You guys are hiding from a little girl?” I mused
“It’s not funny. She took out...
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posted by Skittles98
I let go of the delfín and used a small propulsion spell to keep pace with Kalder. We peeked out behind some coral. A lady with long purple hair and a black dress was standing there working a spell. But that’s not what surprised me. What surprised me is that she was with a gorilla.
“Grod. This is not good” Kalder muttered. Grod turned and I pulled Kalder behind the coral.
“Tala. She’s worse” I said.
“Who’s Tala?” Kalder whispered
“She was an apprentice to Felix Faust before he died. Again. She’s extremely skilled, but compared to Faust, she’s an amateur. She’s known...
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posted by Skittles98
“If my calculations are correct, the magician is in- oh no” I gasped
“Where is he?” Robin asked
“The magician is in A-Atlantis” I swallowed. Kalder’s eyes widened. The computer beeped. I looked back at the screen. There was another dot blinking. It was up in Canada. This one was much más powerful.
“I have an idea. But it involves splitting up” I warned
“What is it?” Kalder asked
“How about Kalder and I check out Atlantis, while tu five go to Canada and check it out” I suggested
“Why do tu get to go to Atlantis?” Wally demanded
“Two reasons: one: Faust went there...
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posted by Skittles98
“That’s impossible. There’s no such thing as Helios o Prometheus. Those are just ways to explain the weather” he rolled his eyes
“Ask Flash then. Him, Batman, Superman, J’onn and Diana went to Themyscira and fought Hades with Hypolita. If all those Greek myths are really just that, then how is Diana alive? Amazon’s are one of those myths. Same with Hades. Explain that” I challenged
“That just proves that fuego is magic, not your mumbo jumbo” he said
“So, how do tu explain this?” I asked “Lex eeb nacorb” his goggles turned into spiders. He screamed like a little girl....
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 "And hopefully, his reign of terror will finally end."
"And hopefully, his reign of terror will finally end."
"Just yesterday, two scientists were arrested and charged with kidnapping and attempted murder," dicho Summer Gleeson, the morning newscaster. "Their trial is expected to be in three weeks."
"But on a lighter note," she dicho brightly, "Nora Fries, the famed wife of the supervillain, Mr. Freeze, is on the race to recovery with the help of two superheroes, Robin and Nightfury. Mr. Freeze has agreed to go to jail and wait for conviction until his wife is cured, where he'll be set free and hopefully, his reign of terror will finally end."
I shut off the televisión with the remote and rested my head...
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 "We never have time to talk privately."
"We never have time to talk privately."
I clutched the steering wheel tightly, maneuvering the bioship carefully without hurting its passengers.
Behind me, Robin was changing into his diving suit. It took every inch of my mere human strength to not look back at him while he was changing.
"This is nice," he dicho finally, sitting in the asiento beside me. "We never have time to talk privately."
I smiled as I gave the wheel to him and changed into my diving suit. "Batman's really killing me with the work hours he's giving; could tu persuade him to give us a día off?"
He looked at me as if that task was impossible. "You're talking about...
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posted by Skittles98
I stepped back, confused and red-faced. The guy who had kissed me was tall with pale blonde hair and eyes the color of butter. His skin was the color of leche chocolate and his black anguila tatuajes spiraling down his arms looked extremely painful. His face was red to as the other people looked at him in shock. One with red hair pulled him away from the group. He dicho something, then the pale hair one looked away and murmured something in reply. I tried to speak, but my voice evaded me. I just wish they could here in my mind. I felt my ear and found a weird device in it. I pulled it out and realized...
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posted by TOTALIzzyluver
Soooooooooooooo HAI
I am working on a Blussuming Flower, I just write it out. so acutally for me im on chapter 9 while tu guys are awaiting chapter 4. I really wanna make it awesomeee to be patient. I wanna do some picks for it cuz i need some ideasss. Soo be sure to answer themmm.
Ehh what the heyy I'll survey them here right now
finsish the sentence:

1) My story should have more....

2) Lily should....
a. get captured por the shadows.
b. get a boyfriend
c. find a unicorn

3) I would amor to seeeeee....
a. Wally and Artemis get together
b. Robin get abucted...
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posted by Skittles98
I walked to my room and sighed. I would leave to the dojo now. It was about time I made my leave. I packed my small back pack consisting of my extra clothes, weapons and bathing suit. I slipped it on my back and walked out. I saw batman typing something in on the holo-screen.
“Batman, I am leaving for a while. I must return to my dojo to teach the siguiente generation of students. I will be back when I can. If tu ever need help, feel free to call me” I said. I whistled and Tiny and Killer came running. I bent down and scratched under Tiny’s chin.
“Time to go inicial guys” I smiled. I slipped...
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Im close!ahhhh the warehouse just exploted!
I ran looking under the pieces of broken walls and moved a huge cement block N-no....
The team was behind me.I looked at her I was horrified she promised she would get out of there and come out alive.
"Dove!!"M`gann screched
"Woah!dude is she dead."Wally added kneeling siguiente to me.
Yeah but it seems so unrealistic like its not happening.
We took her to Mt.Justice where we waited.
"Im so very sorry weve tried everything nothing works she is..gone."Manhunter informed.
"No Uncle J`hon she can`t be."M`gann was crying so was Artemis.
M`gann if she is then we can`t...
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posted by Skittles98
So, your master’s master is mad at tu for it taking your invisibility away?” Wally asked
“No. It’s mad at me for falling in love” I murmured
“You loved me, but it didn’t harm me” Wally pointed out
“No. It harmed me when we broke up” I muttered
“But tu were fine with it. tu didn’t care we had broken up” Wally tilted his head. I looked away. Robin whispered something in his ear. Wally gasped. He told something to Artemis, and she gasped.
“Night, I-I didn’t know. Honest!” they both said.
“It doesn’t matter. The past is the past. It can’t be altered now” I muttered...
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posted by Skittles98
“Who are you?” I demanded, lifting Kalder’s un-moving body in my arms.
“My name is Tula. I’m a friend of Kalder” she said. I grinded my teeth at the pressure of my broken arm.
“Do tu need any help with him?” Tula asked as I carried him to the infirmary.
“My masters once told me to embrace pain, for it makes a stronger warrior” I dicho as I laid Kalder down on the bed. I clicked my comm. unit.
“Guys, get to the infirmary right now. It’s Kalder” I dicho quickly. A minuto later, the team was standing with Kalder. I felt Wally’s hand rest on my shoulder. Even though he was...
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