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posted by iluvPrinceMJ213
It’s been heavy on my shoulders the whole knock up thing and soon we have prom. Even though Connor doesn’t want to go he comes anyway. I wear a silk violeta dress with a real rose on the cinturón, correa and I straighten my hair. He rings the campana at 5 pm sharp. He wears a gray tux and an electric blue bow tie. I look him over and my corazón skips a beat. I he grabs my hand and walks me to his car. When we arrive we dance to “ A año without rain”. He then pulls we close and kiss me with such a passion everyone stops dancing and stares. But we don’t care. They then say “ the winner of prom king is Connor Hayes” he lets go of me and goes to the stage and has a crown put on his head. “ The prom queen is Keaira Dutch.” I run into his arms and he lifts me up and spins me then puts me down and kisses me.

It’s been a while and its graduation I’m starting to get scared about tonight. Gabriel’s the class valedictorian. They mostrar a slideshow with the song I’ll always remember you. I start crying and Connor holds we close. We each walk up and receive our diplomas. I decided to go to Dartmouth and so have Gabriel, Damon, and Connor. Pranet, Phoenix, and Kaden decided to go to Stanford and Seraphina and Tay are going to Canada for College and Callie decided to go to the universidad of Syracuse but visit Damon every other day. Gabriel goes up and makes his speech that I helped him with. “ On this día our lives begin we become más than just students we become adults this día no longer children and we are held accountable for our own decisions, not only our right ones but our wrong ones too and now our lives begin for real.” We all clap and again I cry. At the end of the ceremony we hop in Limo’s. Me, Damon, Connor, Callie, and Gabriel in one. Tommy, Mi, Jamal, and Bree in one and Kaden, Phoenix, Pranet, and Riss in one. We’re driving and then all of the sudden I hear a crash and I look out the window and see one of the limo’s rolling down the hill. “ NO” I scream. “ Callie starts crying in Damon’s lap and Connor gets out his phone and dials 911. “ One of the Limos has roll down a colina were on 108th and Wadsworth. I’m hyperventilating and Gabriel has a hand on my shoulder. I keep screaming as we drive towards the hospitable and when we get to the hospitable Connor has to carry me in. All of us wait for news they come and asks us “ Good news o Bad news first?” “Good” I say. “ Mi and Bree are going to be ok.” “ Bad?” “ Jamal and Tommy are dead.” “ NO!!!” Pranet starts crying and so does Phoenix, Callie, Me, and Bryon. The boys try to comfort us but it doesn’t work. I sleep over at Connor’s house that night and cry into his bare chest. I kept my deal with Damon and had sex with Connor but I refuse to think about it anymore. He holds me close as I cry.

A week later I take a pregnancy test and it shows up positive. Tommy and Jamal’s funeral put a damper on all our spirits and now mine has been rebuilt por the child inside me. Phoenix is to give birth in 2 months and his huge and Callie is to give birth in 4 months and Mi gave birth the día Jamal died to a little boy named Will. He had a turf of soft brown hair and cream and peaches skin his little face made with such skill that he looked like a poclien doll. His eyes are a bright ocean blue and his eyelashes make them pop because they’re so dark. I go to the doctor later that week and they say it’s a girl with Blonde hair and blue eyes. I go to Connor and tell him that I am pregnant he is quite for a while then he looks me up and down and says “ Is it a boy o a girl?” “ A girl with Blonde hair and blue eyes.” He then smiles picks me up and spins we around till I lose my breath. He places me down on my feet and I stand on my tip toes and kiss him. We all decided to stay in Colorado for College so we could raise our kids here.

I go to Damon’s apartment where he now lives with Callie. Her hair has started to turn blonde but the doctor says that its only temporary. “ hola Keaira” Damon says. “ I’m pregnant just like tu wanted.” Callie’s mouth hangs open and says “ Damon tu cheated on me!” “ No” I say “ he wanted me to get pregnant with Connor’s kid because tu were pregnant and Phoenix hates you.” “ She does not” Callie screams. “ Yea she does.” Callie gets off the sofá and walks to the bedroom. Damon looks at me and says “ I feel sorry for Connor.” “ Shut up.” He gives a smile and says “ Are tu sure we shouldn’t go to Dartmouth?” “ Yes if they want us now they’ll want us siguiente año just wait for everyone to get non knocked up.” He snickers and we watch Survivor. “ Where’s Connor?” “ Shopping for the baby.” “ How far along are you?” “ Two months.” “Hmmm… tu waited that long to tell me.” “ Yea I had to make sure I didn’t miscarry.” “ Ok is it a boy o a girl?” “ Girl.” “ Hair color?” “ Blonde.” “ Eyes?” “ Blue.” “ Skin?” “ Tan.” “ Lips?” “ Mine.” “Nose?” “ His.” “ Head?” “ His.” “ What about you?” “ What tu never told me.” “ Ok.” “ Hair?” “ Black.” “ Eyes?” “ Blue.” “ Skin?” “ Cream and Peaches.” “ Lips?” “ Hers.” “ Head?” “Mine.” I tiredly stretch out my back and rub my stomach that I know will soon be buldging. I then get a phone call “ Keaira Keaira its coming the bebés coming Kaden’s here but he doesn’t know what to do.” “ Calm down Phionex I’ll be right over.”
I pull into Phionex’s drive way and think to myself damn how could I forget it’s the 29th of August. I help Kaden get her in the car and take her into the hospitable. She says “ Kaden and Keaira come” they look at us and say “are tu family members?” “ I’m the bebés father” Kaden says. Knowing if I don’t say it they won’t let me back there I say “ I’m her sister.” “ Very well come on.”
An hora later at 6:57 pm on August 29th Mel Joseph Jaster was born he was just as they predicted dark skin and hair and dark brown eyes the spitting image of Phionex’s father. She holds him in her arms as Kaden looks down at him the dark look in his eyes has vanished and now only holds amor and his charming self. The child looks like her father but also like Kaden he has the frown on his face like mom dicho Kaden and I did when we were born. She hands him to Kaden who is mezmirized por the child who swings his tight little clenched fist about. Kaden hands him to me and starts the rub Phionex’s head. He clenches tight to my pinky and doesn’t let it go even when he’s asleep. Connor comes to see the child and smiles down at him. I can feel my own child kicking my stomach. Connor becomes más fascinated with the child and so does Kaden they all gravitate towards him. Callie has tried to hold him but Phionex doesn’t let her only proving my point that she doesn’t like Callie. Damon smiles but is not as fascinated with the child as every one else. Pranet loves the little guy and tickles him and plays with him constantly. Even Gabriel came and thought he was the cutest thing. In three days they got to take him home. I helped them when they were too tired to do it themselves and they say the are grateful I was always there to help them with Mel. Mel who was as tough as a train at only 4 days. He matured fast once I swear I saw him stretch his arms when he woke up. The good thing was he rarely cried but when he did oh my gosh was it loud it was like a loud buzzer at max volume.

I grew rapidly even though the doctors dicho the baby was only 3 pounds at the moment. Along with my rapid weight gain the time went por fast too before I knew it I was in the hospitable yet again watching the birth of Callie and Damon’s baby. When she was born she didn’t cry this scared the doctors. They soon found out she had a disease that caused her not to feel pain. They performed surgrey and fixed the problem. She was beautiful she had a perfect little tan body and her she had just enough hair to put in a bow. I did end up putting the velvet black hair in a red bow on parte superior, arriba of her head. Her eyes were a brilliant light blue. She looked like Callie with Damon every now and again. Callie adored her and whenever Callie wasn’t around I would hold her because Callie wouldn’t let me. Callie’s eyes were rimmed with black because she is so tired. Damon looks like he’s about to pass out on the floor. But Callie just won’t give up she’ll do anything so I don’t hold Debbie. But sometimes Debbie is happier when I walk in than she is when Callie is I think she thinks her mom needs sleep. Debbie is almost as cute as Mel but not as cute. Their kids make me amor my child inside me more. Connor hangs out with Pranet más since Kaden and Damon are busy taking care of their kids. We have the nursery painted like a sky with light blue every where and teddy bears on the floor and even a chair so I can read to her. On each nube her name is wrote. Dawn over and over again. I clutch my stomach now when I’m nervous as when I wasn’t pregnant I bit my lip like Damon. I spend even más time watching tv than I did before which seems impossible. Connor brings most of my homework inicial since its January meaning I’m 6 months pregnant so I can’t mover around much now. My hair which has never been taken care of but has always been silky is now dry which the doctors say is common when the baby is a girl. I crave Ice cream and chocolate all the time and hate salt when I used to amor it. I even hate war heads which are really agrio, agria and agrio, agria used to be my favorito! thing in the world. Connor has gained weight with me because I crave fast comida like crazy it gives him más weight too even though he probably needed it cause he was only 100 pounds and 5ft 8 inches. He weighed himself at my last appointment and he weighs 120 pounds and I weigh 140 when I used to weigh 110 pounds. The doctors say I’ll probably weigh 120 when 5 days after I give birth. They say when the bebés born she’ll be about 7.8 pounds. She’s about 5 right now. I go inicial and watch wizards of Waverly place I amor Gregg Sulkin as Mason. I also amor the song a año with out rain. When I think about it Damon’s daughter Debbie looks like Selena Gomez. I was babysitting Mel who is now 6 months old first crawled. Even though the doctor told me to stop babysitting I just can’t I amor them so much. Debbie claps her hands when ever she sees me which makes Callie quite jealous. On March 22nd I feel a surge of pain in my stomach and I shout “ CONNOR.” “ What?” “ She’s coming.” He runs back down the hall way and comes out with a leather duffle bag. He helps me out into the car. Where I feel sick to my stomach like I do every month. He helps me into the wheel chair at the hospitable and comes with the doctor’s into the delivery room. I push has hard as I can and the baby comes out. The doctors cut off her umblical cord and she cries that’s when I know she’ll be perfect. She has blond hair that curls up at the end and seurinne blue eyes and perfect tan skin. She yawns often and stretches her lips as if she wishes she could speak. Her lips are pieced when she is angry they are my rosebud colored lips. She has Connor’s nose and she clings to him tightly when he holds her. She tugs on my hair in her sleep when I hold her. She looks up at me with big eyes. She’s what you’d call a water bug. She loves her blue room because I can see her look curiously at everything around her like Lee Lee did. por the way Aiden is 7 now and like Gabriel has all A’s. Joey is like Kaden and has avrege grades and Lee Lee and Ariel are in pre- school even though they don’t get grades they say Lee Lee is smarter. She is still the tomboy and only has one friend named Franklin. Ariel has countless friends Ozzie, Mirea, Alexis, Caren, and Hermina. My sister is now 15 and still chasing after Kevin. I think she’s actually winning because I was over at Connor’s parents house one time mostrando them Dawn and I saw her and Kevin making out on the couch.

I go to my parents to get my stuff and I think Kira has my ipod so I walk into her room and there she is in between Kevin’s legs humping him. “ WHAT THE HELL” I yell. “ Get out of her Keaira” Kira yells. “ I will not its ok if Kaden does this kinda crap but tu and Connor’s brother I don’t think so.” I drag her off him and slap her around then puñetazo, ponche him in the face I grab my stuff and my I pod and think about calling the cops on Kevin but then decide against it.
I drive inicial and say “ I just punched your brother.” “ Why” Connor asks? “For humping the crap out of my sister.” “ Oh.” He goes back to rocking dawn then starts to make some mac & cheese. Dawn pouts when she doesn’t get her way and right now she wants spagettigh O’s. I amor my little daughter even if she hates me. I put her to sleep and Connor puts his arms around me and when I kiss him he sweeps me up lies me on the cama and undresses me while I undress him. I spread my legs and gladly let him in. When were done I lie my head on is bare chest.

Dawn starts crying so I get up and change her. She lies her head against my breast and I confort her. She’s 4 months old now and already remarkably like me. She tries hard to speak and that’s when I know she’ll be either an actress, singer, o talkshow host something famous is all I know. Debbie I think will be a writer like me and Mel will be a singer o dancer and Will be what his dad wanted to be a car sales man strangely enough. I heat up her peaches the way Dawn likes it and start to feed it to her. Connor is dressed now and comes out and yawns and rubs his eyes. I smile up at him and he looks down and smiles at me and Dawn and kisses Dawns check and she laughs. I take Dawn to Damon’s house where her, Debbie, Will, and Mel will have a play date. Debbie and Dawn are bestfriends and I can tell Dawn has a little crush on her cousin Mel. Debbie kinda likes him too but she spends most of her time fighting for Dawn’s attention. Callie even seems to envy my little daughter. She glares at her and then at Debbie for talking to her. I roll my eyes and then I hear for the first time a voice yell “ Momma.” I look down at the little ones and Dawn is crying and she says again “ Momma.” I gasp and she stops crying and looks around like she can’t believe she just dicho that. Callie then says “Gosh why does your life have to be perfect the prefect boyfriend, friend, and child.” Everyone gasps and she then says “ I’m sorry I’m just well I’m pregnant again so my emotions are everywhere.” I don’t congragulate her like every one else I just glare just glare. “ She’s lying” Damon says. “ How do tu know?” “We haven’t had it in months.” “ She’s jealous of me.” “ Yea.” “What are tu going to do?” “ Break up with her I’m done with it.” “ What about Debbie?” “ She’s mine I don’t care about Mira any more.” Damon then grabs a hold of Debbie looks at Mira and says “ I’m leaving tu and taking Debbie.” “ No if your going to leave me she is mine” she yells at him. “ Mommy” Debbie says. She looks at her daughter then slaps her and says “ Don’t try to sweeting me up tu toddler brat.” Damon grabs her and runs out the door. I pick up Dawn and follow him. Me and Connor allow him and Debbie to live with us. I have fun with the two girls por fixing their hair in pretty bows. I put Debbie’s dark hair in a ruby red one and Dawn’s in a sky blue one. Dawn crawls to Debbie and touches her silky black hair. “ Mommy y do me not have soft hair. “ Because tu have grandma’s thick wavy blonde hair.” “ Oh.” “Dadda y do I not hav Blonde hair?” “You have mommy’s hair.” “ Some times it is annoying having Damon around all the time but Dawn loves messing with his hair. Until Kaden to help him get girls fixed it the way he does with mooses, gels, and hairspray. Both Debbie and Dawn reached for it and touched the once smooth texture to the spikey one. They both pulled their hands away like they had touched a cactus and reached for me and Connor. I take Dawn in my arms and Connor takes Debbie and his and they touch our hair. My hair is make of blonde silkiness and Connor’s is made of a golden brown fuzzy matriel. “ Daddy why is your hair not soft?” “ Because I like it like this.” “ I do not.” He ends up going back to his old style and he meets a girl named Callie. Her hair is long dark brown and her eyes are the most brilliant green. And at our navidad party I catch the two of them besar on the balcony. Dawn and Debbie are dressed in the most beautiful dresses. Dawn is a blue and oro one and Debbie in a Ruby red and rose colored one. I have Dawn’s hair in a blue head band with oro polka dots to match her dress. Debbie is in a ruby red head band with rose polka dots. On new years eve at the stroke of midnight me and Connor kiss but it grows into something más and I wake up on his chest. Two weeks later I’m feeling nausieous so I take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive. I tell Connor, Dawn, Debbie, and Damon and their filled with joy. But the most excited is Debbie who asks me every día if the child is here. I go to the doctor and they tell me it is a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and I immeditly think one girl and one boy both with Blonde hair and serruine blue eyes. Connor smiles but I think he wishes he had a child that looked más like him o me instead of my mother but the doctor then says “ That’s just the hair color and eye color he could have one of your guys faces. This makes him smile such a brilliant smile and I hope the baby inherits that if anything. We soon decide on the name Dylan Thomas and I simply adore the name to death. Dawn seems a little sad that we will have to mover once I have him but I then tell her were moving to a big farm house with horses, dogs, pigs, and ducks, cows, and chickens. She claps her hands and even más when I bring my dog Scarly from home. She simply adored the dog while Debbie feared it even though she loved her fathers dog Resse’s Pieces. I measured my buldging stomach each día and smiled even if it only extended one – one hundredth of an inch. Damon and Callie soon bought and apartment only a few miles off the CU campas. We would be living on the farm house for 3 years while we attended Darthmouth siguiente fall. Fall and Winter had passed now the hopefully blissful Spring began it was one step closer to the September I so longed for when I had my son in my arms. Dawn clings to my side so tight the clasp is as tight as an iron fist. I amor dressing her in baby blue even tough she says her favorito! color is lavender. I even amor putting her goldem blonde hair into the blue bows o dressing it with flowers. Her face is one I know will never need makeup for she has a natural tan and light rosy cheeks. I imagine my son as the brain and her the outshiner. When its her birthday we get a fresa cake and she cries when we sing happy birthday just like I did at her age. How I adore my magdalena and I think I’m the one who eats the most cake but can tu blame me I mean I am 3 months pregnant. When its my birthday its chocolate ice cream cake. OH how I devour it I don’t even know if any one else got a piece. Dawn was so tired that night that she fell straight to sleep.
posted by Thalia_huntress
plz tell me what tu think.

"yes little girl it is wrong i won't do it again" the man dicho he voice was sweet. my jaw dropped he listened to her. "would tu like to go to a party with me?" he asked. "yes that would be lovely." annabel said. something wasn't right about this man. when they left. i followed them but i stayed in the woods. they made it to the party me and annbel saw when we meet the old woman. they went in. about two hours later they came out. "that was so much fun." annabel said. then some drunk men stumbled out like last night. with girls at their sides. they stumbled away like...
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posted by twilight-rocks9
“Hay” Byron said. “Hi”I dicho “um….can I talk to you? This is sort of important.” I waited for his answer. It seemed like forever. “Sure. What do tu want to talk about?” I didn’t know how to start. “Your sister. She’s being quite childish about this I mean she’s 15 I know I acted like a 5-year old when it doesn’t get what it wants. But this is just….well dumb-” he cut me off. “How is she being childish?!” he was very furious he looked like would explode. “Well… she only lets tu talk to me when she’s not here. We have to hide the notes from her. And…...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
Give away to the morning

Light is here

Look away from the mourning

Is she gone, is she still...?

And let the día go ahead

Without you

Find a place, a dark space

To hide you

What’s a day, a sunny day

To you?

Fade away, let the your rainclouds

Guide you

There goes the downpour

Long gone your hello...

Find it in you

To make that last stand

It’s a silent drive

It’s her very last one.

Here come the clear skies

There goes your fare well...
This is gonna be the worst years of my life... With peoples I dont even know, a new school, a new life. I miss being in my old school with natasha and others.
Rukia:Hey Hoshi were here.
Time to ruin my life.Well my name is Hoshi and that was my cousin Rukia(Hoshi facts:Rukia is a name from bleach that my cousin loved so much she wanted it), shes a little energized but im más energized than her but now Im to scared to even run.
While I was on my new class room.
There was a girl with long grey hair at my side
Rosalinda:Are tu new?
I was starting to get happy...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
 We're all human.
We're all human.
A/N: This is not much my type of escritura style, but I'm going to try it out. Hope tu like it. Please rate !


This is a new day, a fine clear sky

Trades the sun to mock our sight

With these eyes, I see no blue

He’s clutching my arm, and yelling

Yelling what? I don’t know

But I’m falling, we’re falling

Falling into a hole, digging our my souls up

For someone else to find

If this is what I get for having one

I don’t want it anymore

And there are rose-less thorns

Biting my hand,

It hurts, and I’m crying

You’re hurt, and you’re dying

I don’t know...
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posted by ashesandwine
Ok, sorry for not escritura más sooner but I wasn't home! Ok... so thanks to patrisha727 for the help...
Thanks to Emmett4ever as always for that first push...
And thanks to everyone for the support...

"Daniel's POV"

I'll wait for you... I promised tu that, I promised myself that and I'm keeping my promise... But, please, find a way to let me know that tu are all right...
Find a way to keep my hope up...

I staied inicial for three days... Waiting for any letter from her. I just needed to know that she was safe...
I never went down, unless for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I hadn't talk to my father...
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posted by ashesandwine
Not much to say, just thanks to DxCluvr for the help....
Thanks to Just_bella for all the help as well...
Thanks to Patrisha727 for helping me find the banner and the icono for my spot...
And thanks to everyone for the support...
This time the lines are all mine... No song to inspire them

"Daniel's POV"

Can I fight when there's no hope? Can I smile when there's no happiness? Can I still amor when the one I amor is gone? Can I live when I hope for death?
I try to stay awake not wanting to dream of her, not wanting to see her eyes, her lips, her face begging to stay with me! I'm trying to go back...
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posted by marissa
 "It was an early March morning, so early that the sky still had streaks of naranja and rosado, rosa in it."
"It was an early March morning, so early that the sky still had streaks of orange and pink in it."
Chapter One:


Benny climbed onto the bus, giving the bus driver a kind smile as he paid his fare. It was an early March morning, so early that the sky still had streaks of naranja and rosado, rosa in it, very reluctantly giving way to gray-blue. It was cold out, so Benny pulled his brown chaqueta tighter around him as he took his asiento near the back of the bus.

He sat in the asiento nearest the window, like he always did when he was sitting por himself. He cracked it open a bit. The breeze, however cold it was, made him feel a little less cooped up, a little less separated from the rest of the world that...
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posted by Sweet_Pants
He was yelling again.

    I’d close my eyes, letting his voice fade over my ears, pleading my breath to go even. My ears traveled out, hearing anything but my father’s yelling, anything but his harsh insults, anything but his mocking...

    Tick, tick, the clock was ticking. It was an ángel clock, hanging over my head, hanging over the computer I was sitting in front of.

    He was saying something about towels, towels left on the floor in the bathroom...

    “...left towels all over the damn floors...someone...
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Chapter Sixteen

The siguiente día and after Church, Sean came over to see the girls and while seeing him playing happily with the girls and with Boyd on the right side of her chair, Jamie was thinking about breaking Mac’s promise and going ahead with the cena together with Sean but she couldn’t because she promised her little girl and don’t want to see her corazón being broken and so will Michael if he finds out about the cena with Sean and his wife.

Also, when Sean turned to her and gave her a slight grin on his face before heading back with the girls, Jamie also smiled at him and after...
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Chapter Fifteen

Later that día and after cena and playing games with Mama and Sean, Mac knew that after Sean leaves their inicial to go back to his own house and once Jamie cleans them up, put them in their pajamas, and read them a story o two, then she can ask her mother about that odd thing she saw that día between her mom and the man who hangs out with them any chance he got.

It was coming closer and closer. After Sean had left, four of the Thomas family is heading into their ‘getting ready for bed’ routine which means taking a bath, taking sure that the kids had brushed their teeth, used...
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posted by gossipgirlxoxo
I was woken up por a loud humming, like someone was canto siguiente to me. I opened an eyes looked to my right to see my mother smiling and folding clothes. “Morning” She sang, I rolled over to my other side. “Time to get up sweetie, it’s nearly 10” She sang and then continued to hum. I turned back over and noticed what she was folding. “Why are tu folding my clothes?” I asked, she smiled and sat down siguiente to me. “It’s time to go back home, now get up and start helping me pack your stuff” She dicho walking out of my room. I turned to my calendar and was amazed por the circled...
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posted by BellaSwan636

I still amor you, and I always will.

The words witten over three years ago. Does she know that I kept only this piece of the original letter? That lectura it still makes me remember every other part? That I sometimes wonder if it's still even true?

I wouldn't say I'd blame her if she had moved on. She had every right. But I never had.

I flinch as I remember what I told Jason.

"Dude, tu were gone for, like, a day. Where were you? It's a good thing I covered for you, man. Here are your assignments and whatever. I went to Professor Taylor myself. "Patterns of social behaviour" o something....
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Chapter 1

Artemis Galchowen was going nowhere fast. At the age of 23, he was fired from his job as a theatre consumptions stand steward. At the age of 24, he was living with his two cousins, who worked for the segundo most successful auto dealer in the nation. At the age of 26, he was kicked out of their house for destroying their $200,000 Mercedes while on a drunken rampage.
At the age of 29, he was working at a secondhand manga book comprar and also worked at IHOP for a few más bucks. He lived at Cricket Slope Farms development in a tiny condo with his two supportive friends, Zeke and Megan....
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posted by BellaSwan636

I see lotsa stuffs on TV. Like how big kids have to look out for the littler kids. And how kids always have mommies and daddies.

I don't have a daddy. Mommy never says why, but I think she doesn't want me to ask. So I don't.

I notice a lot más than she thinks I do. Like how whenever she sees a violeta (I asked her what it was called) she smiles a little. Like it reminds her of something. I know she likes them because she has some of them framed in my room.

I also see how she always ignores everyone but the people she's talking to and me.

And she always knows when Jamie and me play spies...
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posted by RATHBONE07
Tap!Tap! There was that sound again. It was so annoyingly loud, but it did drown out the screams in the siguiente room. Tap!! Who the hell would bother to disturb me on a Monday morning? Bang!!
"What the hell!" I yell rolling of my cama and dragging myself towards the door. When i finally open it theres Michael starring at me with his blood red eyes.
"Damn Lilly!! Ive been banging at your door since freakin' six in the morning! Are tu freakin' deaf o something?God!"
"Let's just say that i did hear tu but ignored it. Dude, do tu know how early six in the morning is? tu interrupted my beauty sleep....
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posted by BellaSwan636

I wonder, sometimes, if she ever thinks of me.

If she knows that I kept only one picture of her. Anything else was just too painful. In the picture, she doesn't know I am taking it until the camera flash goes off. She has been sitting at the escritorio in her old bedroom, and she is half-smiling.


I walk up to her, not breaking eye contact. Nothing existed but her.

The little girl was perched on her hip.

I trailed my fingers down her jawline. She still didn't move.

"Why did tu leave?"
posted by Lorelei-Essence
Chapter Two

A mes later…

“Hungry?” Xavier asked.
“Starving.” I replied. Xavier went into the fridge and pulled out a tan plastic bowl and a smaller turquoise bowl. He placed the bowl of fresh frutas in front of me and the small bowl of plain yogurt. He handed me a fork.
“Enjoy.” He said. Xavier kissed me on my forehead.
“Thank you.” I said.
I began to eat when I heard a moan. Xavier looked down at his shoes.
“Um…after breakfast do tu want to go for a walk?” Xavier asked.
“Xavier, what’s that sound?” I asked.
“It’s…Madison.” He choked out.
“Doing what?” I asked....
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posted by BellaSwan636

Nine hours.

I was exhausted after it.

Rion came into the hospital room. He took my hand, and told me softly that I had a little girl.

"Rion, there is no way I will ever be able to tell tu just how thankful I am that I have you," I sighed, before I drifted into a deep black mist.


I held my little girl close to me. I was filled with an indescribable amor for this small creature, who I had worked so hard to bring here. Who I already loved.


Around a año after that, I became a guardian ad litem....
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posted by BellaSwan636

I'd slept for most of the flight.

Rion was there to meet me, like he promised.

He'd hugged me, told me it would be fine, that I'd be fine.


I took on the job of his personal assisstant, and I made a point to remember everything, from the way he liked his coffee to the way his escritorio needed re-organizing every few days.

I was a VERY dedicated assisstant.

He helped me with everything; he stood behind me silently as I endured my first morning sickness, and when I went into labour, which was five hours hace he dropped everything to be there for...
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