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Song: link

Sean: *Playing Mario Kart with Kevin* It's a great día to play Mario Kart.
Ian: *Looking at Sean* How is a train playing Mario Kart?

His eyes are wide open as the song starts.

Ian: What is that?!
Kevin: I don't want to know.
Sean: Turn it off!!
Kevin: *Throws a hammer at his TV, but the song is still playing*
Ian: WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!?!
Skywalker: Not what, but who. That's Spongebob, and I'm Skywalker from Bartholomew. The segundo half of our mostrar is beginning now.

Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog Presents



Bartholomew Perfect the 55th from Seanthehedgehog

Lady from CrazyWriterLady

Master Sword from windwakerguy430

Skywalker from Alinah09

Whirl Wind from DragonAura15

Ten Cents, and Henrietta from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 3


July 6, 1953

Skywalker is narrating

It was a nice, and beautiful day. The sun was shining, and a nice cool breeze was blowing all around the train station in Harmon.

Skywalker: *Waiting for siguiente train*
Bartholomew: *Arrives in commuter train*
Lady: *Stops commuter*
Bartholomew: *Comes out of train* Hello Skywalker.
Skywalker: Mornin' Bartholomew. Sure is a nice day, isn't it?
Bartholomew: Oh, yes it is. That breeze feels really good.
Henrietta: *Arrives* Good morning gentlecolts.
Bartholomew & Skywalker: Hello.
Henrietta: I have just recieved word that some ponies on our railroad have created a division of our company that drive tugboats. They'll bring in freight from Harmon to Manehattan, so all tu have to do is bring the freight here, and let the ponies, and their tugboats do the rest.
Skywalker: That's not fair. Those ponies, and their tugboats should go do what their supposed to do, and mess around with big ships at a harbor.
Henrietta: I agree with tu Skywalker, but these ponies won't take no for an answer.
Bartholomew: Who are they?
Henrietta: The Zero Stacks.
Bartholomew: Do tu know any of their names?
Henrietta: I know one of them is named Zorran. He's their leader.
Bartholomew: Oh no! Ten Cents told me about Zorran, and he's not a nice pony.
Skywalker: If I ever see that Zorran, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!
Master Sword: *Arrives* Mornin' everypony, what'ya talking about?
Skywalker: Guess.
Master Sword: You're not talking about me, and Whirl Wind behind our backs, are you?
Bartholomew: No, this part of our railway called Zero Stacks. They drive tugboats, and are going to take our freight from here to Manehattan.
Master Sword: They can't do that!
Bartholomew: I know, but they won't stop bothering Henrietta about it.
Master Sword: What do we do?
Bartholomew: I have no idea.

It would all come down to this. We would either lose money from these Zero Stacks, (or Z stacks for short) o we could form a rivalry with these ponies, and stop bringing them freight. I told everypony else about our suggestions, and we started thinking quickly.

Skywalker: So, what do we do?
Master Sword: Well, I'm definitely not letting this railway get out of business.
Bartholomew: I agree. Unless some other railway gets forced to merge with us fifteen years from now, I think this railroad will last for a very long time.
Skywalker: *Glares at Bartholomew*
Master Sword: So it's settled. We won't give those Z stacks any of our freight.

So it was settled. We refused to bring any freight to the Z stacks, and brought it all the way to Manehattan in our trains.

Later, at West Croton Yards.

Captain Zero: Why haven't we gotten any freight into Manehattan yet?
Zorran: We're trying boss, but the railway is refusing to give any freight to us.
Captain Zero: We work for them. They have to give us the freight!
Zorran: Well, I got an idea. There's a bridge that goes over part of the Hudson River. If we somehow get that taken down, then they'll have to let us get the freight into Manehattan.
Captain Zero: Good thinking Zorran. Tell Zebedee, and Zug to get here right away.
Zorran: Right tu are. *Gets in his car, and drives to docks*

Later that day.

Bartholomew: *Switching freight cars in Croton West Yards*
Ten Cents: What's the matter Bartholomew?
Bartholomew: Remember that poni, pony Zorran tu told me about?
Ten Cents: Yes.
Bartholomew: He's trying to take our freight away from us.
Ten Cents: Oh no. We can't let them do that.
Bartholomew: I know.
Ten Cents: What have tu been doing?
Bartholomoew: Well so far, we haven't dado any of the freight to the Z stacks. We just kept going into Manehattan.
Ten Cents: Good. Keep it up.
Bartholomew: That's what I'm worried about. If we keep it up, they might create a plan of attack.
Ten Cents: Well for now, I think tu should be okay.
Bartholomew: Yes, I hope you're right. *Finishes switching freight cars* Okay, I just got a freight ready for Chicagoat.
Ten Cents: It's a good thing those Z stacks aren't trying to take over every freight train. That would be terrible.
Bartholomew: Yes, that would be terrible. I have to get back to the station, and take a train north.
Ten Cents: Are tu going all the way to Albany?
Bartholomew: No, there isn't enough time. I'll go into Peekskill, and let another crew take over. Then, I'll get onto a commuter train for Manehattan, which is where I live.
Ten Cents: Where in Manehattan do tu live?
Bartholomew: Near Grand Central Station.
Ten Cents: Interesting. See tu later.
Bartholomew: Yeah, see you. *Drives switch engine to station*

I was bringing in a freight from Albany, when I saw Bartholomew leaving the yards in a switcher.

Skywalker: *Stops train in Croton West Yard* hola Ten Cents. Where's he going?
Ten Cents: Back to the station. It'll be time for him to go inicial soon.
Skywalker: Okay.
Bartholomew: *Stops engine at servicing facility* Good thing the facility is near the train station.
Lady: *Driving electric train northbound*
Zorran: Alright, get that bridge down!
Zebedee: *Driving tug, and trying to pull down bridge*
Zug: *Doing the same*
Captain Zero: Pull harder for crying out loud!
Lady: *Sees tugboats* Whatever they're trying to pull, it's not moving.

But as soon as she dicho that, the bridge soon fell into the river. Unfortunately, Lady's train also went into the river.

Zorran: Yes! Good work. Now, let's get out of here.
Zebedee & Zug: *Drive away*
Skywalker: *Runs to Lady's train* I hope she's alright.
Henrietta: What is going on?
Skywalker: Lady drove her train into the water.
Henrietta: Stupid doppelganger. *Follows Skywalker*
Lady: *Emerges from water*
Henrietta: tu fool! Look at what you've done!
Lady: Sorry.
Henrietta: That's not good enough. I will need $145,000 for that locomotive tu just drowned.
Lady: tu could scrap it, and get the money.
Henrietta: Hey, that's not a bad idea.
Zorran: *Walks up* May we be able to help you?
Henrietta: Yes. tu may get our freight from here to Manehattan, while the bridge is being fixed.
Zorran: Thank you. I'll tell Captain Zero right away.

At the time, no one (except for the Z stacks) knew that the bridge was pulled down por a couple of tugs, driven por four ponies.

siguiente day, Lady was talking about the bridge to me, and Master Sword

Lady: I swear, that bridge moved to the left when I saw it mover into the water.
Master Sword: Are tu sure?
Lady: Yeah!
Skywalker: tu could be right, but how would we get Henrietta to believe you? She hates doppelgangers.
Lady: Maybe if tu two tell her for me, then she'll believe it.
Skywalker: Maybe.
Master Sword: It's worth a shot.

Later in Henrietta's room.

Skywalker: *Knocks on door*
Henrietta: Come in.
Skywalker: *Opens door* Good morning ma'am.
Master Sword: And good morning from me too.
Henrietta: May I help you?
Master Sword: Yes. We're here in regard of Lady.
Henrietta: What does that lousy doppelganger want?
Skywalker: Forgiveness. She didn't mean to drive the train into the water.
Henrietta: Well it happened, so who cares?
Master Sword: She says the bridge was pulled down por the Z stacks.
Henrietta: Really?
Skywalker: Well think about it. We have refused to give those ponies any of our freight.
Henrietta: That does make sense. And, they aren't even fixing the bridge like I told them to. I'll talk to them.

So Henrietta did talk to them. The Neigh York Central would not give the freight to any of the Z stacks, and they fixed the bridge theirselves.

The Z stacks wouldn't give up though, but we'll continue that story later.

The End


Theme song: link

Seanthehedgehog Presents



Bartholomew Perfect the 55th from Seanthehedgehog

Lady from CrazyWriterLady

Master Sword from windwakerguy430

Skywalker from Alinah09

Whirl Wind from DragonAura15

Ten Cents, and Henrietta from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 4

All Together

July 11, 1953

Henrietta is narrating

Although our railroad had a fleet of tugboats that were supposed to help out with the freight, the ponies driving those tugs went for the complete opposite. Sometimes however, they still worked together to get the job done.

I remember one día when Zorran had a job to tow an old tramp steamer north up the hudson river, but accidentally destroyed one of our bridges.

Zorran: *On radio* Zip, can tu hear me?
Zip: Yes sir. I'm coming in to assist you.
Zorran: Good. We need to get this thing to the salvage team right away.
Lady: *Driving commuter train passed Zorran*
Bartholomew: *Sees Zorran*
Zorran: *Driving tugboat that is towing tramp steamer* Come on Zip, hurry up!
Zip: I'm going as fast as I can. My barco isn't as fast as yours.
Zorran: *Going faster* Come on! Speed up! Speed up!
Zip: I can't!

Soon, the tramp steamer crashed into the bridge, and it got destroyed again. Thankfully, Lady got the commuter train across the bridge.

Zorran: tu bastard, look what you've done.
Zip: I-I didn't mean too. tu went too fast.
Zorran: Now we need help getting this bridge fixed. o maybe...
Zip: What are tu thinking about?
Zorran: Sorry Zip, but tu have to stay here. *Drives away*
Zip: tu can't just leave me here!
Zorran: Sure I can. *Leaves* No trains can get across. It will be just like last week.

Skywalker was taking another commuter southbound to Grand Central, but he saw the bridge was destroyed, and he had to stop.

Skywalker: *Gets out of engine* Zip, what did tu do?
Zip: I didn't do this! It was Zorran.
Skywalker: Alright, get the bridge fixed.
Zip: I don't know how!
Skywalker: Great.

Zorran stopped at Peekskill where Captain Zero was waiting.

Zorran: The barco is stuck, but it destroyed part of that bridge.
Captain Zero: Where's Zip?
Zorran: He's with the boat.
Captain Zero: Okay. Get back there, and help him mover that boat.
Zorran: Yes sir.

At Croton Harmon, everything was blocked up. With the bridge destroyed, nopony could get their trains across the river.

Skywalker: What do we do?
Master Sword: We fix it like we did earlier.
Bartholomew: o we could just build over the boat.
Skywalker: That's crazy.
Master Sword: It's so crazy, that it might actually work.
Bartholomew: Alright then. We need más materials to build track over that barco then.
Zip: *Arrives* Wh-what are tu doing?
Bartholomew: We're rebuilding our line over that boat.
Zip: That's not a good idea. Zorran, and I need to get that barco to salvage.
Skywalker: What would they want that tramp steamer for? It's rusty, and broken.
Master Sword: We can just build a line over it, and get everything over with.

Zorran had to tie up his tugboat, and refuel it at Oscawanna Island. The fuel truck was on it's way when he saw Ten Cents driving an inspection car on the tracks.

Zorran: Ten Cents? Aren't tu supposed to be in Harmon?
Ten Cents: *Stops* No. What are tu doing here anyway?
Zorran: I have to refuel my tugboat. I thought tu were sent into Manehattan.
Ten Cents: Ha! Wrong again Zorran. *Gets out of inspection car* I was sent north to fix the main line, in Albany.
Zorran: All the way there. Interesting.
Ten Cents: It sure was. I got a gift from this nerdy poni, pony named Nick Gerard, but guess what it is.
Zorran: A calculator?
Ten Cents: Wrong three times in a row. He gave me dynamite.
Zorran: Dynamite?!
Ten Cents: Strange gift, I know. But I guess it'll have to do. *Gets in inspection car, and goes to Harmon*
Zorran: Oh no. If he gets to Harmon, he'll blow that barco up, and the bridge will be able to be fixed.

Later in Harmon.

Lady: *Hammers in spike* That's it. We finished rebuilding the track.
Henrietta: *Looking at track* That looks very bad. tu should have removed the barco before rebuilding the track.
Master Sword: Oh it's fine the way it is.
Henrietta: Then please explain to me the poor condition of the track, that was just layed.
Master Sword: Uhm...
Ten Cents: *Arrives* hola everypony. What happened here?
Henrietta: A barco crashed, and destroyed our bridge, and we have to mover it out of the way.
Ten Cents: Leave it to me. *Sets dynamite on boat* Stand back.
Zip: You'll destroy the boat.
Ten Cents: Serves Zorran right for destroying our bridge on purpose.
Zip: But it was por accident.
Ten Cents: Was it? Well, we're still blowing up the boat, but the dynamite won't be enough to sink it.
Zip: Oh thank heavens.
Ten Cents: *Lights fuse*

But it was too late. The explosion got the barco out of the way, and it was still afloat.

Zorran: Oh. *Sighs* Thank goodness.
Zip: Come on Zorran, let's get this thing to salvage.
Zorran: Um.. Right, let's go.
Bartholomew: Well, we solved this problem.
Ten Cents: And we did it all together.

The End.

Song (Start at 0:04): link

Skywalker: Alright everyone, have a good time. We'll be back on the 14th of April.
posted by Canada24
Troy and Connor, came with Garth, as he returned, they interested in seeing, what his life would be like. Lilly saw him, and ran over and hugged him, "Where the hell have tu been" She cried. Garth told the whole story. Including, why Connor and Troy where there, and all they have done, since they met him. "It was nothing" Connor and Troy dicho together. Lilly was so happy, she thanked them por besar their cheeks. With made both of them blush. She began leaving. "Aren't tu coming sweaty?" She asked Garth. "Go on, I'll come in a bit" Garth said. Lilly nodded and left. "Isn't she adorable?"...
continue reading...
posted by Canada24
It started with my 3 año old son screaming in his room in the middle of the night. When I came in to check on him he was in hysterics. Tears ran down his little cheeks as he cried about how the Boogeyman had frightened him. I let him sleep with my wife and I for the night, thinking it was just a bad dream.

The siguiente evening he didn’t even want to be in his room, but I convinced him that the Boogey Man was just a figment of his imagination. I was awoken once más por his screams. I rushed to his room, to find him in tears again.

On the third night I set up a videocámara in his room, in order to...
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Now, there has been lists talking about gamings best dogs, cats, and dragons. So, I want to talk about something just as cool…. Fish……….. Is anyone still lectura this article. Now, the rules, as always. Only one game per franchise, and only games I have played. WITH THAT, lets start the list


#10: Moonfish from Fable - Now, even though the Moonfish don’t do much, physically, they are still pretty cool. These pescado are real rare, and are only found in certain lakes. They are also pretty hard to catch, since the fishing in Fable SUCKS! But, when tu catch them, their description...
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Well this is a game I never knew existed. Most of these games, I had minor knowledge of, but this is a game I never heard of, not a once. Terrawars: New York Invasion is a shooter all about playing as a soldier that must stop an alien invasion taking place in New York, obviously. The game was developed por Lady Luck Digital Media, this being their first and last game. Released on Xbox Original and PC, Terrawars was a game made on passion. The developers themselves went to New York City, Manhattan to be exact, in order to get the game to look as close to New York as possible. It’s kind of nice...
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tu gotta spend money to make money, dicho some billionaire company owner as he warmed up his house por throwing dollar bills into his fireplace. And no better way to spend your money on a game than to pay your employees, if we were talking about saints. So the siguiente best thing is to anunciarse your games. Sometimes, these can be as little as a commercial o a youtube ad, but there are times where they go even further beyond and set up a big event to get people excited. And then there are times where the companies fail at doing that and create más problems for themselves than anyone could imagine....
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Song: link

Kevin: *Sitting down, drinking a soda*
Mr. Nut: Pride And Joy ladies and gentlemen, por Stevie rayo, ray Vaughan.
Mily: Nice choice. *Passes por with five passenger cars*
Mr. Nut: After all this time, we're finally back, and I am your host por the way. My name is Mr. Nut, and I am from The Nut House. Our schedule for tonight is down below.

8:00 PM


8:30 PM

On The Block
The Nut House

Mr. Nut: Our back to back episodes of Trainz will begin now.

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run por five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains...
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 Art por Deathding
Art by Deathding
The Evil Dead franchise is some of the best horror films ever made, and on some of the tightest budgets possible. They managed to mostrar creepy monsters, paranormal activity, and people turning into these zombie like demons all with the budget of just four hundred thousand dollars. The movie was successful enough to launch actor Bruce Campbell into fame, and create a sequel, Evil Dead 2. That film later got it’s own sequel, which I will be reviewing today, and it is known as Evil Dead 3- Oh, wait. Nevermind, it’s called Army of Darkness.

Honestly, I don’t know why they changed the...
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Song: link

Johnny: *Polishing his Plymouth*
Sean: *Stops at a nearby station* What do tu say we finally see who's the fastest?
Johnny: You're on.
Kevin: The race is finally on!
Mily: Is it?
Liam: Your silver friend is going against the CIA agent.
Kevin: And I'm the host for tonight's episode of the S.S.S.S. We'll see who wins the race after we mostrar tu an episode of Johnny Lightning, and Sean Meets The Powerpuff Girls.

Dunedin, New Zealand.

Lewis: This assignment is tougher than any of us expected.
Derek: Yes, I agree. Thankfully, we still have enough ammunition to last us a couple of days.
Lewis: But...
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added by windwakerguy430
Song (Start at 4:16): link

Liz: *Playing guitar*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Master Sword: Come on over everyone! We got some great música for you.
Skywalker: Did tu forget that we have a mostrar to run?
Master Sword: You're the host tu know.
Skywalker: Oh, that's right. Hi folks. Skywalker from Bartholomew here, and welcome to the S.S.S.S. This is our last mostrar of the month. We'll be taking the 31st, and April 7th off to celebrate April Fools, and the beginning of April itself.
Wilson: Does anyone even celebrate April Fools anymore?
Skywalker: Not that I know of. Anyway, here's tonight's schedule.

8 PM - Now...
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posted by windwakerguy430

In 1898, Westward Expansion is at an all time high, with people travelling to the inhabited west of the American country to strike it rich. An archeologist por the name of Robert Grimley travelled to the west in buscar of any ancient artifacts that he believed were undiscovered. As he was patrolling the landscape, he came across a band of slaughtered Native Americans, killed por a group of bandits. After taking what he could from the bandit camp, he found a strange artifact in the shape of a skull. The artifact was known as Mictlantecuhtli, an artifact from an ancient Aztec temple cursed...
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So this is a game I have only heard about in whispers. Everyone has told me that Rogue Warrior was a terrible game, but no one ever told me why. They just say “It’s boring” o “It’s not fun”, but I was always curious as to why it was so bad. And then I figured it out. Rogue Warrior was a game Rebellion Developments and published por Bethesda. Yep, the same Bethesda that tells us sweet little lies. tu people thought Fallout 76 was the worst thing with Bethesda’s name slapped on it, just tu wait. Based very, very, very loosely on the autobiography por actually named Richard “Dick”...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Standing, in the darkness.
Alone, with only your dreams.
Or rather.
Your nightmares.
Could they be fiction?
Or your own reality?

Chestnut Pines, Washington. A small town out from the lively cities and locations of the country. A town of dying business and abandoned homes. It gets by, but barely thriving. It’s a simple town, but that will change. A nightmare is coming into the town. Nobody will suspect it, and when they do, it may be too late. This is a año of something dark. What will happen? What choices will be made? Will they be for the best, o will they go wrong. The choice is up to you,...
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Song (Start at 0:51): link

Sean: It's that time of the week again.
Hawkeye: Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories.
Karl: We have no host this time.
Kyle: But we do have something special for you.
Spike: We have featured all of the 12 Gran Turismo episodes this season, and now we will mostrar the four best episodes of the show.
Captain Jefferson: From best to worst. Enjoy.

What to expect in this episode.

Tim: Those two keep getting away from us Captain. We need to expand our jurisdiction to Canterlot.
Captain Jefferson: Do tu know how difficult that is?
Tim: I understand, but when the suspects get out...
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Song: link

Kevin: This is it! The moment we've all been waiting for! Who's faster?! Johnny Lightning, o Sean, the Amtrak F40PH?!
Johnny: *Revving his car's engine*
S.B: *Holding a flashlight. He shines it*
Sean: *Takes off with seven Amfleets in tow*
Johnny: *Quickly accelerates to 35 miles an hour*
Sean: Give me más power!! *Uncouples an Amfleet and goes up to 75 miles an hour*
Johnny: WHAT?!?!
Sean: *Crosses the finish line first*
Crowd: *Cheering*
Kevin: There tu have it. A talking train can beat a car just por shouting while uncoupling one of his cars. Now let's watch The Legend Of Zelda: I Can't...
continue reading...
September 9th

Hello. I’m David. My friends call me Dave o Davey. But, since I do not have friends, tu may call me David. And I regret to inform that, por siguiente year, I will die. Perhaps it is best if I start back from the beginning, from this morning. I had woken up in a daze, my head feeling funny. I gave it a scratch. It felt very satisfying. I had made my usual cup of coffee, black, no sugar o cream, along with my usual breakfast: Prescribed medication to make my brain all better. I had been taking this medication for a while now. I believe it was to help with my extreme seizures and violent...
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Hey, look, the disturbing stuff is back…… Goodey. Now, the lista is the same as the first two. These have to be things that disturb me, and they have to be something that wasn’t on my original list. Now, with that said, lets start the list

#10: Birdo from Super Mario Bros - Now, there have been a few disturbing things in the Mario universe. Mostly in Super Paper Mario. But, lets go back to the first disturbing thing ever in a Mario game. Back in 1988, there was an enemy called Birdo, who would shoot eggs at you. Doesn’t sound too bad, until, tu read the games instruction booklet, where...
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So I talked about this game back in my Corner of Horror review (A series I need to get back to since I haven’t review anything since Halloween), and I think I was a little too harsh on this game. So I want to give it another review, another shot, if tu will, and let tu know that I really do amor this horror classic. So let’s stop talking about it and start talking about Condemned: Criminal Origins.
You play as one Ethan Thomas, a not to bright young investigator for the SCU who is tracking down a serial killer when he has a run in with Serial Killer X, a man who goes around murdering...
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posted by windwakerguy430
So yeah, I guess this is going to be a yearly thing. Boy, 2017 was a great year, wasn’t it. The great Weinstein scandal where many Hollywood celebridades were found out to be big pieces of shit, huge race riots in Charlottesville that resulted in the death of an innocent bystander, nuclear war between America and North Korea más closer than ever before, everyone on youtube that wasn’t a celebrity o Jake Paul getting utterly fucked por the company, large mass shootings resulting in the highest shootings in U.S. history took place in just one year, and the complete and utter nuterization...
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