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~A Desire of Knowledge~
*Benny was sitting at his desk, the lab that he sat within por his lonesome was dark except for the single computer in front of him, lingering over him, the glare hitting his face as he worked in the night. The cool, autumn wind blew through the open window and brushed against him as he continued to work. A strange phenomenon was going on in the world of science. A strange artifact was found floating amongst space. It was something that no one on their own could tell what it was. The thought of what it could be drove Benny to utter hysteria, as he was obsessed on finding out what it was. The knowledge of what it could bring to the world of science pushed Benny to keep on searching for what it could be. It could be something long forgotten, like a piece of foreign science, o the history of a forgotten el espacio shuttle. It could even be the signs of alien life in the world. Benny had been staying up for hours trying to find out what it could be, using the best of the lab’s technology to find out whatever it could be that was within space, without letting anyone else know of it. If they did, he wouldn’t be able to get the credit for this discovery. He did what he could to keep is a secret, even por killing his own lab assistants, and leaving their corpses in the freezer. It was the only way for Benny to keep this to himself. He would be the one to find out what it was, and then, he would deal with a life in prison later, as long as he could find out whatever it was, floating in the darkness of space. It was finally within his sight, the alien object on his monitor. It was finally within his sight, and the image of it drove Benny to complete madness. It was far from what he could understand. What he saw was, from his point of view, the size of a moon. But the entire thing was covered in a large amount of faces, with some being massive faces, made up entirely of other faces. They were all stretched into an agonizing form, looking painful and suffering. Some of the larger faces had tentacles coming from the mouths, wrapping around the abomination in what looked to be a comforting hug. But that is not what drove Benny to the brink of insanity. It was the knowledge that this thing was not capable of existing. This thing should not have been allowed to live. It defies religion and science as a whole, and yet, there it is, a creature of it’s appearance, existing among humans, and from the looks of the radar, it was making it’s way for Earth at this very moment.*

~The Mirror in the Window~
*Isaac was a young high school boy, who had recently moved into a new town with his family. Isaac was not used to the new location at all. It was a small two story house, in a neighborhood filled with other two story houses. Isaac found the town to be boring. Everyone behaved the same, everyone would either be in school, work, o doing homework. Isaac was up in his room, moving the boxes around into a manner where he could mover around easily. The room was as plain white as everything else in the town. The thought of it made Isaac feel like he was going crazy. Isaac stepped over to his window, where all he could see was the house right siguiente to his. It was enough to make him close the blinds, before he looked back and saw someone looking back at him. But it wasn’t just anyone. It was himself. His exact face. His exact hair. His exact clothes. It was Isaac, looking back at himself, almost like a mirror image of him. The sight of it freaked Isaac out and he shut the blinds quickly and tried to calm himself down as to what he saw. As Isaac was in a panic, his mother walked in*
Mother: Isaac, what’s wrong? tu look pale
Isaac: It’s that house over there. Something about it isn’t right
Mother: Isn’t right? Whatever do tu mean
*She made her way to the window and opened the blinds. As soon as she did, she could see herself from across the window, opening the blinds just as she did. As she stared at herself from the other side, she could only laugh*
Isaac: What’s so funny?
Mother: It’s only a mirror, sweetie. Nothing to be afraid of. It must have been left there when the family left
Isaac: Left there?
Mother: Yes. The family who was there moved out. They must have left that mirror there
*Isaac couldn’t shake off the thought of something like that. Why would they leave a mirror there? He didn’t want to push her for questions, and instead just nodded. As soon as she left the room, Isaac turned to close the blinds. As he did so, he saw himself again, staring back at him and doing the exact same thing. Mirror o not, the sight of it creeped Isaac out. He thought it would be best if he did something about it later.*
*As soon as Isaac’s mother was asleep on the couch, he snuck out through the back door and over to the house across from his window. He didn’t want to do anything too extreme. Just put a cover over the mirror o something. Isaac made his way over to the house, expecting it to be locked. He expected this, and used his biblioteca card to crack it open. The tumblers inside clicked and the door creaked open slightly. Within the house, there was not a single thing inside. The house was empty, and only dust was within the walls of the house. The sight of it only creeped out Isaac even more. He made his way up the stairs to the room, wanting to be done with it and get out as soon as possible. He creaked his way up the wooden stairs, until he found a brown door to his left. He opened slowly, and there, in front of him, was the strange mirror, sitting directly at the window, facing Isaac’s room. The sight of it was enough to make his skin crawl, but he didn’t know why. He stepped over to the mirror, noticing how tall it was, and the strange diseño around it. The wood carvings on the side gave it a very antique look to it, with many different animal heads carved into the side. The one at the top, the most bizarre and noticeable one, was of a strange demon, grinning wickedly. That was enough to make Isaac grab the mirror, ready to push it out of the way and leave the house as soon as possible. As he grabbed hold of it, however, a noise could be heard from behind Isaac. The only thing behind him was the window that pointed to his room. He turned around, only to see himself, in his room. His room didn’t have a mirror, but there Isaac stood, staring at him from his room. Isaac screamed, and so did the one standing across from him. As soon as he did, his mother rushed into the room and looked at the imposter. Isaac could hear her from across the way.*
Mother: Isaac, what’s wrong
Imposter: S-Sorry. That mirror is still freaking me out
Mother: Still? I’ll see if I can call someone about that and get it moved
Imposter: Thanks
*Isaac attempted to run out of the room and back to his house, but as he took a step, he was hit with an invisible wall. He pressed his hands forward, only to touch the inside of a glass object. Isaac banned on the invisible wall, but was unable to do so, and watched as the Imposter within his room closed the blinds and made his way to Isaac’s bed, as Isaac continued to bang and scream from within the mirror*

~Midnight Siren~
*New Moon Coast, a small port town that thrives on it’s massive market in fishing. It brings in some of the largest and hardest to find pescado in the ocean. However, due to high demand and a drop in their ecosystem, New Moon Coast’s market has been collapsing for two years now. Many stores have shut down and residents have begun to mover away from New Moon playa to find a place with better jobs and living conditions. It had gotten to a point where half of the population was gone now, aside from those who couldn’t leave, either due to emotional attachment o due to the inability to leave due to poverty. Lucy was one of the latter. Working as a waitress in one of the local restaurants, a run-down pescado restaurant that only sold the smallest and rancid pescado that no one could stomach. Lucy’s paycheck was in tips only, as the owner was slowly losing más and más money and unable to keep the place running any longer. Lucy walked inicial to her apartment, the letters of her rent being overdue continued to rest on the cocina counter, mocking her. She tried to ignore it and headed into the living room, a small room with only a couch, a side table, and a worn out television, with a single window that she kept shut to keep the stray gatos out. She put her headphones in to listen to her music, as she rolled a joint to calm her nerves. As the room filled with smoke and her mind entered a state of bliss, she was unaware of the loud siren that had been going on outside. The townsfolk had gathered onto the streets to see a white glare coming from the sea, and a loud blaring siren sound hitting their ear drums. Some groaned and screamed in pain, covering their ears to block it out. But, as soon as the siren was gone, they had suddenly calmed down, and had made their way back into their homes, Lucy not noticing a thing. That night, the waves were busy and the fishermen were overjoyed at what they had captured.*
*Lucy made her way to her workplace, but could see that the town was in a much livelier mood than usual. The fisherman had gathered around the ocean with fishing poles and nets, boats were crowding the sea, and many people surrounded small markets to get something to eat from inside. Lucy wasn’t sure what had happened over night for the town to suddenly become so busy, but she felt a little better, knowing that the town’s mood had changed for the better. Not only was the town going crazy for the pescado market, but it was also crowded in her place of work. The locals had come to the restaurant to get something new. Something that Lucy could only guess what it was called. The comida was known as “Meat of Kings”. Lucy walked into the back, wearing her white uniform, as her boss and restaurant chef, Noah, was working on chopping this Meat of Kings.
Noah: Lucy, can tu believe it? One night and we get a new catch in the ocean. This new meat is driving everyone crazy. I can barely believe it myself
Lucy: Yeah, it’s good to know that people are coming over
Noah: This stuff is so good, I just may want to try some myself. Hell, I already left tu some on the counter. Consider it a thanks for not bailing on this place like the rest
Lucy: It was nothing, Noah
*Lucy turned to see a small cardboard box to the side, with what she could only assume was where the meat was held for her. A small note on the parte superior, arriba was written on it, on barely illegible writing, that said, “For Lucy”. Something from the box, as well as the red meat that Noah was cutting up, smelled almost rotten. It smelled like something disgusting, but also smelled alluring at the same time*
*The día had ended, and Lucy had returned home, with a real paycheck for once, and a bonus for the hard work for today. Lucy had planned to treat herself to a real dinner, but since she already had Noah’s comida in a box, she decided to head inicial and eat that instead. She sat on her sofá and turned on her TV, where the news of the incredible catch in the ocean had begun to go outside of New Moon Coast. The new reporter had begun to discuss the amazing new meat, considered to be Meat of Kings.*
Reporter: Having been found off the coast of Maine, this amazing new species has yet to be identified, but people can’t see to get enough of it. The pescado is of incredible taste and are in high demand across the state. Whatever it is, this is a new dish for people to enjoy. We have with us one of the fishermen who have just caught himself a fresh supply of the food.
Fisherman: That’s right. This kind of’ meat is gonna be puttin’ New Moon Coast on the map.
*With that said, the crew brought a net of the pescado onto the pier and pulled one out to mostrar the camera crew. But, what they showed was something Lucy had not been expecting. They drug out a corpse. A human corpse. The body was pale and bloated from the water, the eyes rolled into the back of the head, and covered in seaweed and barnacles. The sight of it mortified Lucy as she started at the empty face of the man. As she watched in horror, the reporter continued his report*
Reporter: That looks delicious. I can practically taste it already.
Fisherman: Well, tu and everyone else watchin’ can get a taste here in New Moon Coast, Maine. Trust me, it’s worth it.
*As Lucy stared at the televisión in horror and disgust, she threw the comida in her hands across the room, the red meat falling from the box and onto the floor. The sight of it disgusted her. She rushed into the bathroom, feeling a rising sensation in her stomach and throat, and had begun to vomit inside the bathroom. She walked back out, the stench from the comida had already begun to fill the air around her. más and más people could be seen from outside her window, as they were all continuing to purchase this food, and the boats were still filling the ocean, mostrando no signs of running out. Lucy was ready to be sick again, when the scent of the flesh on the floor had begun to fill her nostrils a segundo time. Only, this time, it gave off a más alluring scent, almost like that of something delicious. She turned back to the grounded human flesh and, with hesitation, she picked the comida up off the floor and set it back into the box. She took a spoonful of the meat and slowly brought it to her mouth. She took a bite of it, and begun to chew it. From that point on, she scarfed the comida down, unable to control herself for a second. The más she ate, the más the human corpses hanging from the pescado markets outside her window began to look like the most delicious pescado she had ever seen.*

*Rachel had grown up with her brother, Samuel, for most of her life. They had been together through the worst of the worst, and were practically inseparable, refusing to leave each other’s side. When Rachel was on her way to college, Samuel didn’t want to be the only one without a purpose in life. He told Rachel that he would head out to find his own purpose and when the día would come where he found it, he would let Rachel know. It had been five years since and Rachel had not heard back from Samuel since. Rachel had become a journalist after her time in college and had been around most of the world in the time it took for her to get any calls o e-mails from Samuel. One day, however, she had received an e-mail. It was sent to her por a name that only read “Sam”. No last name. It told her that he had finally found a purpose, and that he would amor to meet her. He gave her an address to his inicial in Oregon and told her to meet him there. Conscious at first, she was only excited at the thought of seeing her brother again after they had been away from each other for so long. She wasted no time in getting a plane to Oregon and was able to find his inicial in a small neighborhood. It was a two story house, sizable for a small family, with a single attic on the parte superior, arriba that had a single round window in the top. Rachel stepped up along the well-crafted steps and knocked on the tall, white door. The sounds of floorboards creaking could be heard inside as the door opened slowly. As it creaked open, Rachel was met with a familiar face. Samuel stood in front of her, with short and rugged black hair, a small moustache, and a pale face. Despite them not having met in years, Samuel could tell it was his sister, and smiled to her as soon as he opened the door.*
Samuel: It really is you, isn’t it?
Rachel: Yes, of course it is.
*The two couldn’t say anything else, and just allowed them to hug each other, both of them smiling from ear to ear as they were close. Rachel felt as though she was about to cry as she hugged her brother.*
*Rachel sat inside the living room of Samuel’s house. The house didn’t have any portraits, and was only lit por a few lamps. No televisión at all, no radio, nothing. The windows were completely shut as well. Rachel didn’t notice anything at all, however, and she spoke to Samuel about her career as a journalist*
Samuel: Hungary? That sounds like a lovely trip
Rachel: It was. I just wish I didn’t have any work to do, otherwise I would have enjoyed it more.
Samuel: Well, perhaps I could take tu there one day. I do plan on moving out of this inicial soon. I just wanted to see tu before I did so
Rachel: Oh, what, are tu going to hide me away inside of a suitcase?
Samuel: Come on. I’m a gentleman, Rachel. tu know that. If anything, it would be a trunk
Rachel: How sweet of you. Well, tu were always a hit with the ladies. If we weren’t siblings, I’d be a little jealous
Samuel: tu know that I’d always stick por your side over any girl
Rachel: I know. It’s why I always had your back
*Samuel gave a light chuckle as he took a sip of his wine. He sounded so sure and was filled with jokes. However, his eyes gazed over his sister’s body, filled with a sort of lust and desire for her. Rachel felt his eyes over her, and couldn’t help but feel a slight bit uncomfortable. She never got this sort of feeling from him before. She wondered why she got this kind of feeling now. But the thought of his eyes against her, a person she knew everything about and shared much in common with, allowed her to calm her nerves and feel less disturbed. After a few más drinks of wine, Samuel offered her a room upstairs, and led her up the stairs. But, as the two made their way up the stairs, a need for one another began to fill up inside them. With the mixture of alcohol, they couldn’t control themselves any longer, and they had already gotten a hold of each other. They kissed passionately and began to throw their clothes to the side, wanting each other desperately. As soon as they were in his room, their clothes had already been discarded and they were already attached to each other, as Samuel thrusted into Rachel with lust, his moans entering her ears as he gave her everything that she knew was wrong, but still desired.*
*As the día turned to night, Rachel woke from her nap to find that Samuel was gone. A weight of shame had filled her, and she was humiliated and felt dirty over what she had done. She wrapped herself in the soft and warm blankets that lay on parte superior, arriba of her and she made her way out of the bedroom to find Samuel, hoping that he too wasn’t ashamed of what happened. She walked around the house, into the living room, the kitchen, and the two bathrooms, but he was nowhere to be found. As Rachel was prepared to head back to bed, she remembered that Samuel also had an addict upstairs, but she wasn’t sure if she wanted to head up there. But she wanted to see Samuel. She had to know what he felt. She made her way up the stairs that lead to the addict, and found only a single door at the top. She pulled it open slowly, and saw a disturbing sight. Samuel, standing in front of a strange mannequin, covered in bizarre patches, as Samuel was sitting in front of it on a stool, naked, working on a sewing machine. Rachel looked at the mannequin, unable to see it clearly with the only light being the moonlight cutting through the window, but she spoke out to Samuel, who turned back suddenly to her.*
Samuel: Rachel? tu shouldn’t… Oh, it doesn’t matter anyway.
Rachel: I’m sorry. I just had to see you. I don’t know what came over me, I was so drunk and I-
*As rachel tried to find the words to use, Samuel walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into a hug, his bare body pressing against her*
Samuel: tu don’t have to be sorry, Rachel. I understand, it is… wrong, but I don’t care. I amor you.
*Rachel looked up at him, and couldn’t help but envolver, abrigo her arms around him, letting the blanket fall to the ground, her naked body being pressed against his as she allowed herself to be wrapped in his arms*
Rachel: I amor tu too
*As Rachel continued to be wrapped in his hug, she saw something in against the mannequin, a small glimmer of light from the moon. From the light, Rachel could see the patches on the mannequin clearly. They looked like a pale white, and had a strange look to them, almost like they had gotten wilted, and they were stitched together por a thread. But the más Rachel looked, the más she could see what it truly was. It was skin. Human skin. As Rachel continued to stare, she could see the glare mover upward, and into the reflection of the window. In it, Rachel could see herself and Samuel’s back, but with Samuel holding something in his hand. It was a large butcher knife, raised over their heads and ready to plunge it forward. As soon as Rachel saw it, she shoved Samuel forward, and against the mannequin, causing it to slightly tilt. From this angle, Rachel could clearly see the cuchillo in Samuel’s hand, but he lunged toward the mannequin to stop it. Rachel wasted no time in rushing down the stairs, not even bothering to collect her clothes and tried to make a rush for the door. Samuel ran after her, the cuchillo in his hand, as he did so. As soon as Rachel reached the door, she turned the doorknob, only for it to stop at a brief moment, assuring her that it was locked. Samuel’s voice could be heard as he rushed down the stairs.*
Samuel: Don’t run now, Rachel. I only wish to keep tu here, with me. tu don’t really want to go back to your boring New York reporter job, do you. And how can I be so sure tu won’t get bored of me? And, I hate to say it, Rachel, but your tits are small as hell. It only makes sense that a woman with a beautiful face can have such a wonderful rack. Don’t tu think?
*Rachel couldn’t wait another moment and rushed into the kitchen, hoping to find a solution there. The backdoor was also locked, and she feared for her life. There was no other way for her to escape, and she knew it. She was mortified, but she stood in the kitchen, and allowed herself to be caught, as Samuel stepped into the kitchen*
Samuel: Quite a chase tu gave me, Rachel
Rachel: Sam, please, don’t do this. I won’t go back to New York, I swear!
Samuel: I can’t be too sure. This is the only way. I did what I could to give tu the perfect body. It’s only a shame that this is the only way
Rachel: Please, Samuel. tu don’t want to-
Samuel: I don’t want to give tu the body tu deserve? I don’t want to treat tu like a queen? But that is exactly what I want to do, Rachel
Rachel: Samuel… please… Can tu at least give me one last night of your love
Samuel: I can’t do that. tu are not going to trick me, Rachel
Rachel: Sam, please…
*She stared as Samuel, rubbing her thighs together in an aroused manner, as she stared at him longingly. Samuel couldn’t help but put the cuchillo down, and start at his sister. He reached into the supply closet and pulled out a piece of rope*
Samuel: Alright, but I don’t want tu trying anything.
Rachel: Alright
*The thoughts of frustration ran throughout Rachel’s mind, but she did what she could. Samuel began to tie her up, but as he did, he couldn’t help but kiss all over her neck, as he grinded against her backside, and before she knew it, she was bend over on the floor and allowing him to please her however he wanted. It was disgusting to Rachel now, but she couldn’t help but enjoy herself. As Samuel was reaching his end, Rachel spoke to him*
Rachel: Sam, please. Turn me over. Let me kiss tu again.
*Lost in ecstasy and lust, he turned her over and pressed his lips against hers, besar her passionately. Rachel pulled away, before besar over his body. As Samuel moaned in pleasure, his eyes shot open in shock and pain. Rachel had dug her teeth into his throat and had begun to tear at it, before ripping it out, the blood covering her body and face, as she spat out the chunk of his throat. Samuel fell back, gasping and choking on the blood as he tried to sustain it. It was no use, as he had begun to grow weak from the blood loss. He raised his hand out towards Rachel with what little strength he had left, before he collapsed onto the ground, without so much as a twitch. Rachel got up, using the cuchillo on the counter to cut herself out of the ropes. She made her way to the phone in the hopes of getting help*.
*Rachel flew back to New York, where she gave the story of Samuel’s killings to create the mannequin girl. The identities of the girls had yet to be found, but the people could feel seguro knowing that the local killer was gone. Rachel was rewarded for her story, but police had told her in secrecy that her brother’s body was nowhere to be found. She was mortified, but made her way back home. She never told them that she and her brother had relations and that she only killed him in self defense. Rachel walked into her bedroom, wearing only a bathrobe. She opened up the closet door of her room, where a collection of human skin was left, with Samuel’s face on the front of it rested. She looked at the severed face of her brother and began to kiss it on the lips*
Rachel: I told tu that I wouldn’t leave your side. After all, we are inseparable.
*Rachel removed her bathrobe, allowing it to fall to the floor, revealing her bare body to the mass of skin, and closed the bedroom door behind her*

~The Big Drip~
*Will walked into the lobby of the nuez, nogal Lofting, a small apartment complex in between two larger buildings in the middle of Baltimore. The place was small, but rather well kept. The carpet in the lobby was red, and well cleaned, with a single sofá to the end, across from the counter, where a bald headed man sat, the light from the lamps above reflecting off of it. As Will walked into the lobby, the man bolted up, and looked directly at Will, his eyes appearing blank and emotionless, but gave a smile to him that appeared almost creepy*
Manager: Hi, how may I help you?
Will: Uh, I’m Will Zeppy. I’m a new resident here
*The man looked up at Will and began to look through his book, ignoring the computer siguiente to him. He looked up with a smile, just as creepy as the anterior one*
Manager: Ah, Mr. Zeppy. Of course. This way
*The man made his way to the stairs, with Will following behind. As the man reached the segundo floor, he spoke to Will, without turning around*
Manager: Tell me, Mr. Zeppy, why don’t tu have any bags with you
Will: Well, I’m pretty much wearing my only change of clothes. I just moved out of my parents house, and I’m just looking for a job. The rent here was cheap, and I’m willing to take what I can get.
Manager: Ah, I understand. Well, don’t tu worry. I’m sure tu won’t have to worry about a thing here, Mr. Zeppy
Will: I hope so. I’ll be looking for a job tomorrow
Manager: No need to rush yourself, Mr. Zeppy. I’m sure you’ll have plenty of time
*The two continued to walk down the hall. The carpet was red here as well, and the doors were in a pattern. Five rooms on each side, and all of them were perfectly across from the other. The manager walked to the door on the right at the end of the hall, and opened the door with a key. The door, numbered with a nine on it, opened with a slow creak. The room was empty, with, like the rest of the building, a red carpet on it. There was a single couch, a table, two windows, and two other rooms. Will walked into the room and looked around, amazed por how much el espacio there was*
Manager: I hope tu find the room to your liking
Will: Yeah, this is… Way too good for the cheap rent
Manager: What can I say? I’m a generous man. Well, I’ll leave tu to get comfortable, Mr. Zeppy.
*He set the key on the mesa, tabla siguiente to the door and slowly closed the door. As soon as his footsteps disappeared, Will jumped onto the sofá and began to relax himself, admiring the room. He couldn’t wait to start making the room into something he prefered. Thoughts of covering the walls in posters and setting up a few game consoles with a TV in the living space. His thoughts were going crazy with what he could do. But, as he was in thought, he was snapped out of it por a strange sound. He turned to the bathroom door, hearing a strange noise. Drip! Drip! Drip! Will hadn’t noticed the sound before when he walked in, but now that he could hear it, it was bothering him immensely. Should he call the manager to ask him what it was? Will was ready to give him a call, but decided that the best thing to do was to deal with it himself first. He walked to the door and opened it slowly. When he did, he saw a puddle of liquid. It looked like water. Will let out a sigh of relief, and thought about using a bucket, but noticed even más drips falling onto the ground. Will wasn’t sure what it was, and looked up. The ceiling was too dark for him to get a good look at what it was. He took out his lighter and flicked it on. As soon as he did, his eyes widened in fear. Above the ceiling was… something. A large set of yellow eyes with black pupils, a body covered in small, black scales, a row of massive, sharp teeth, and a long tongue that looked like a snake. The mouth was dripping with saliva as the creature stared back at Will, before leaping down. Will’s entire body from the waist up had entered the maw of the creature, as the teeth bit through his waist and tore through him like paper. His muffled screams fell on silent ears, as he was dragged up to the ceiling por the monster.*
*The manager picked up the ringing telephone, as the voice of a woman hit his ears.*
Manager: Ah, Ms. Vallie. I see, you’re calling about the room?
*As the manager spoke into the phone, the sounds of dripping stopped. The manager looked up the stairs with a creepy grin*
Manager: Yes. In fact, we just got a vacant room… Excellent. I’ll be seeing tu soon.
Okay, now, there are a lot of disturbing things out there. I mean REALLY disturbing. Like, these are just so screwed up in so many ways, that it makes tu wonder, how these things can exist…. well, they do, and here, I am going to talk about the things that disturb me the most…. Oh, fuck my life with a rusty spoon.

#10: Pokemon “Electric Soldier Porygon” - Now, if you’re a Pokemon fan, like myself, tu will already know about THIS episode. This was an episode that only aired once in Japan. The episode was about where Ash and the gang get sucked into a computer under attack por a Porygon,...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Chuck: (In monitor room)
Stacey: (Sees group of soldiers on monitor) Chuck look at this
Chuck: (Looks at monitor) Oh my god
Stacey: Those guys must be a lead to what ha-
Chuck: Those guys are trespassing. I'm gonna go teach them some manners
Stacey: Chuck, that's not what I me- (Chuck runs off) Oh, why do I even bother
(Later, Underground)
Chuck: (Hides behind wall) Okay, I just need to be quiet and-
TK: (Comes por train) Okay, is everything ready
Chuck: (GASP) (Runs out of hiding spot) P DIDDY! It's me. Chuck
TK: Oh, god, it's Chuck. What are tu doing here
Chuck: I'm here to get tu out of here before...
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So, there was this one downloadable game for XBox 360 and playstation 3 known as Scott Pilgrim VS The World. And it KICKS ASS!
Scott Pilgrim is a game based off the graphic novel with the same name. The game takes place in Toronto, Canada, which is cold, people beat each other up, and there are hipsters everywhere. I really hope that last one is just a lie. Anyway, it is about Scott Pilgrim, a simple guy, who falls in amor with a girl named Ramona Flowers. However, the only way they can be together is if Scott defeats her seven evil ex-boyfriends, which include a skateboarding actor, a superpowered...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Episode 2: The Mask Man

January 16th 12:39 PM Sparklin’s Jewelry Shop

The jewel comprar was closed at night, as most of the shops in Londres were. It was a calm night. The security guard, Anderson, was walking around the building. He was dado night watch duty. Something that never bothered him until the murder case back a week ago. He was worried that some psychotic killer would come and drain him of his blood. He made sure to carry a fully loaded revolver with him unlike many other times. As he walked around the shop, he felt a calm breeze blow through the shop. Anderson looked up, and saw a...
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PATRIOT SPOOF (uncensored):


Joining the American revolution of 1776.

Benjamin Martin, a veteran of the French and Indian war is still not yet involved in the warfare against England.

Partically due to his wife being dead, and it's up to him alone to take care of his seven childrun.

Benjamin himself was found in a barn, trying to make a rocking chair, he finally seemed to have one, but it broke.

Benjamin lost his temper and threw it away in anger, revealing twenty other failed tries also, but when he saw one of his small childrun watching, he calmed himself down, probably not wanting...
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For those of tu that own a Playstation, I'm sure tu know of the PS mascot Klonoa. It is an amazing franchise. However, there is a fanfic that is so poorly written, I think it is right up there on bad Creepypastas such as The Kill Waker and Jeff the Killer. That fanfic is Klonoa's Darker Side.
So, it starts with the main character giving the game to his friend to borrow. Soon after, he gets the game back. However, there is one problem with the Klonoa game. It has been cursed. Guess how this happened........ His best friend cursed the game. How? I don't fucking know. The story never explains...
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King of Red Loins: And here it is, The Great bahía Isla- OH MY GOD (Sees destroyed Island)
Link: ........ tu sure it ain't Detroit Island
King of Red Lions: What happened
Postman: Link, I for some reason saw what happened. tu see a dark storm came and kick this islands ass.... Well, if island's had asses, I'm sure the storm would have kicked it. Anyway, Jabu Jabu was able to escape
Link: Wait, Jabu Jabu is still alive
Postman: Yep
Link: Who else is alive. Huh. Gorons? Zoras? Those weird things from Ikana Canyon. tu know what, screw it, I wont pregunta the goddamn world of this place
Postman. Well,...
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Hello everyone, and welcome to Boss Bits. today, we'll be looking at bosses from the XBox Original exclusive Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge. Crimson Skies is a game that I really like...... Okay, I should be más specific. Crimson skies is a game where tu play as Nathan.... Zachary, not Nathan pato, drake from Uncharted. In Crimson Skies, tu play the whole game in a fighter plane around the año 1940. Now, its a lot más fun then tu think, and the bosses prove this well.
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: araña Zeppelin
The araña Zeppelin starts out as just an ordinary Zeppelin. Nothing special until...
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added by Dudespie
Source: Jdgjfnsjf
posted by windwakerguy430
Court Lobby
10:40 January 20
Wind Waker Guy- Uh. I'm real nervous. How am I going to get through this
Happy Yappy- Mr. Wind Waker Guy. I got here as fast as I could. I wanted to ask tu something
Wind Waker Guy- What
Happy Yappy- Can I be there on the defendant stand with you
Wind Waker Guy- What
Happy Yappy- I don't want tu to do this alone. Unless tu want to, of course
Wind Waker Guy- Well, tu did help me get some evidence. I guess it won't matter
Chuck- Wind Waker Guy. I'm glad to see you...uh... Wind Waker Guy. One of THEM is right behind you
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Mastersword as an interviewer: hola princess Twilight. Good having tu here.

Twilight: Sure.

Sword: First off. How dose it feel being the forth princess ever?

Twilight: (barely even lessoning) Yes. I wouldn't be here without my friends.

Sword: That's nice. But the pregunta is, how dose it make 'you' feel. YOU!?

Twilight: (still barely lessoning) Yes. That is diffently a pregunta being asked. And I'm confident in my friends. And getting it done.

Sword: Okay.. Have to be honest with you. I feel like this interview. Is going absolutely nowhere. tu answered 'none' of my questions. tu kinda...
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Song: link

Derek: *Driving a Ford Mondeo down the road*

A baloncesto hit the hood, and the car immediately fell apart.

Derek: Bother! How am I supposed to sell this car now?!
S.B: *Looks at the damaged car* Ooh, sorry about that.
Derek: How come tu look like Johnny Lightning?
S.B: I don't know what you're talking about. Anyway, I'm S.B from Trainz, and I'm here to host tonight's episode of the S.S.S.S. We're gonna mostrar tu two fan fictions, both based off of 70's films. The Challenger which is based off of The Gauntlet, and Shado! Shado! Shado! A estrella Wars version of Tora! Tora! Tora! Enjoy the...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, Wilson, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 25

The "Not so" Great Escape

May 22, 1953

Five days after Gordon got suspended, Orion felt better, but he still wanted to get fired.

Orion: *sitting on train tracks* Where's a train when tu need one?
Pete: *Arrives* Orion! Get off there!
Orion: No, I want to die in honor!...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme song: link

SeanTheHedgehog Presents

Ponies On The Rails


Peirce Hawkins "Hawkeye" From Seanthehedgehog

Red Rose From Chibiemmy

Coffee Creme From KarinaBrony

Snowflake & Orion From Alinah09

Metal Gloss From DragonAura15

Stylo From Jimmythedragon

Gordon, Percy, Jeff, Bartholomew, and Pete from Seanthehedgehog

Episode 22

The Dynamic Duo

May 3, 1953

Hawkeye, and Stylo have a lot of things in common. One of them is that they don't like Gordon.

Hawkeye: *Relaxing on station* It's a great day. The sun is shining, birds are singing, and *Sees Gordon*
Stylo: We're in a lot of trouble.
Hawkeye: He can't...
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It’s the halloween season again, a time to walk around my local town like a creep, traumatize children with my stupid antics, and also talk about cine that critics hate but has a passionate fandom surrounding them, o at the very least, the general audiences hate. But that isn’t the case with our first film (The first introductee to Cultober II and I’ve already lied to everyone). A classic among horror fans, and even Michael Jackson himself, who took inspiration from the film to work into his own música video for Thriller, one of the most popular música videos of all time. That’s right,...
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Oh yeah, it’s time to talk about some character action games, some of the best of the medium, and what better one to start with than the king of them all, Devil May Cry. o rather, the first one, the weird one where Dante was clearly a Blade o Neo rip-off and the camera sucked a dick. Regardless, still an incredibly fun game.
Devil May Cry follows Dante as he goes to kill demon king Mundus on a secluded island consisting of marionettes, shadow beasts, Nelo Angelos and also something about him wanting to fuck a look-a-like of his mother. Allegedly wants to fuck his mother, granted. Now,...
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Well, here’s the first of many, many, MANY saltamontes video games that will appear on this list. I’m a big fan of the niche, what can I say? So being one of the later games from their biblioteca that I played, I only saw a few pictures of it and knew it was a saltamontes game. Needless to say, I was sold on the game. And despite it all, I was happy for what I got. Cause damn, Killer is Dead is probably one of the nicer to play saltamontes games out there.
Now, sadly, I never got to finish all the side stuff in this game and didn’t get to experiment with the game much, so sadly, I can’t...
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Now, I’ve probably lost some credibility among the highterups of the horror community for liking the gorefests that are slasher films. Now allow me to sullididate my place as being a shitbag in the horror community with no chance of ever taken seriously again. Along with slasher films, I also like zombie films. Granted, to a lesser extent to slasher villains. At least there’s some creativity to slasher villains, while most zombies are just the same. But thankfully, we’ll be looking at a film that does things a little differently. That film would be 1985’s Return of the Living Dead.

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Well, here is a film I was never too proud of when I first watched it. I remember watching this film back in middle school. I heard it was among some of the best slasher films out there, alongside Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. And yet, when I watched it, I thought it was really lame and overrated and couldn’t understand what people saw in it. But, after watching this movie years later, and getting a new idea on it, what do I think about it now? Well, on Cultober, let’s take a look at the 1996 slasher classic, Scream

In the lovely...
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That night, I put my plan into action. I went to the blindspot, and went through the fence. No one noticed that I left until tomorrow morning.

Meanwhile, in the tunnels.

Pablo: *digging, but feels dirt falling on him, then looks up* Oh thank god. The roof isn't going to collapse. *Continues digging*
Volk: *Gets bag of dirt full, and gives it to Sigmund*
Sigmund: *Passes bag to Airborne*
Airborne: *Passes bag to arco iris Dash*
Rainbow Dash: *passes bag to Sacred Symphony*
Sacred Symphony: *Passes bag to Shredder*
Shredder: *Passes bag to Jade*
Jade: *Passes bag to Bartholomew*
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