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Chapter 8: What Is and What Should Never Be

My head snapped up, my attention directed away from the little cherub that I was holding. I met Emily’s eyes; they held a sisterly wisdom to them as if she was prepared to bestow some vital understanding upon me. She took a deep breath, “When Sam and I were dating I was attracted to him of course, but it was vey different from anything that I had ever experienced. It was magnetic, I couldn’t concentrate on anything except for him and he became my entire life. After we were married, we discussed having children and the minuto that I got the idea in my head it overtook me. I thought of nothing else, I practically stalked him throughout the house until he agreed that we should start trying for one.” I looked at her unsure as to why she was telling me this. “It was the most unreal experience that I have had since becoming introduced to the Quileute legends. Imprinting was easy to understand and I didn’t pregunta it once it was explained to me but I had no one to explain this primal desire that devoured every intelligent thought that I had. All I could think about was becoming pregnant. I had dizzy spells, I acted strange and I felt separated from my body. It was like something took me over. Literally this is what was happening to me. It is some type of strange lobo hormone o something. I was so embarrassed that I didn’t even tell Sam. I know he suspected something because for the first couple of weeks after our wedding we hardly left the house.” She blushed at the memory of what had kept them indoors so much. “After I was pregnant I was watching a nature documentary on wolves. They explained that the female is responsible for increasing the pack. It all clicked, right then. Don’t tu see? Imprinting is necessary in order to ensure that the lineage is strong and endures. As the wives of Quileute wolves, this is our duty and the reason that we were chosen to be with Sam and Jake. We are the most compatible to them when it comes to strengthening the bloodlines and creating a new generation of wolves. Even though he is a vampire now he still has all of his lobo abilities; and it affects tu Renesmee.” My eyes opened wide with this realization. “That’s what she has been trying to tell me!” I gasped out loud. Emily cocked her head to the side and narrowed her eyes at me, “Who?” I looked at her excitedly and then Levi stirred so I lowered my voice, “In my dreams of my daughter she keeps trying to tell me something. Maybe if Jake knew then he would understand.” I started sobbing. Emily looked at me in concern, “Nessie what is it?” I was crying so hard that I couldn’t get the words out, “He-he-he” she quietly set Sam down into one of the incubators right siguiente to her cama and then took Levi from me and placed him in the other. She wrapped her arms around me, “Breathe, he won’t what Nessie?” I let out another wail, “He won’t let me have a baby Emily. He is scared that what happened to tu o my mother will happen to me. Our baby will be the first of its kind a mingling of vampire and Quileute blood, and that terrifies him. He is keeping me from my daughter. Our little Sarah; our future.” I was in hysterics at this point. “And the worst part is that if what tu are telling me is true, I can’t control this urge it is a packaged deal that comes with my being his wife. It is taking over my life, Emily. What will I do, be like this for eternity? I can’t take it.” I was crying so hard that I couldn’t breathe. She held me close and rocked me, “Shhh, I will have Sam talk to him. tu need to calm down.” She pulled me back and looked at me reassuringly, “He looks up to Sam, he will listen to him. tu have been a very good friend to me I promise that I will help tu as much as I can.” I hugged her, “Thank tu Emily.” Just then the door opened and Jake stood there; guilt washed across his face. “Nessie I have to talk to you.” He walked towards me, “Jake I need to talk to tu too. I know why I have been actuación like this” He looked at me in consternation, “I heard the whole thing Renesmee. I knew that I shouldn’t have told tu about the imprinting, I never should have involved you. I shouldn’t have asked tu to marry me. This is all my fault; because of what I am tu cannot have a normal future. I think that I should leave. tu will be better off without me. We can have the marriage annulled.” I couldn’t even speak. He walked up to me and kissed me so fiercely that it scared me. He was dead serious. “I am not going to do this to tu anymore it is unfair for tu to want something as normal as to be a mother when I cannot give it to tu without risking your life. If I stay with tu it is going to hurt tu because of this need to increase the pack. I cannot do that to you.” I stood up and staggered towards him, “Then just let me have your baby, please. It will stop afterwards,” I began to sob. He looked at me so sadly and placed his hand on my cheek, “I don’t know what would be worse; risking your life and giving tu your wish o telling tu no and living with what it does to you. Don’t tu see? This is why I should leave.” Emily watched in shock as he kissed my cheek and headed for the stairs. Sobbing I followed him; I made it to the parte superior, arriba of the stairs. The dizziness came back worse than ever, my peripheral vision was fading fast. “Jake,” I dicho weakly. He turned back as I started to fall down the stairs. He caught me with one hand. My stomach lurched viciously, I gasped, “Get me back upstairs to the bathroom, please.” I begged. He did as I asked and I barely made it to the toilet in time. My entire body first felt feverish and then clammy as I vomited. It happened three times. “Carlisle,” Jake screamed. “It’s ok,” I told him as I leaned my face against the cold ceramic tiles of the floor. “Jake I just threw up it’s no big deal.” His eyes were wide, “Renesmee tu just vomited blood.” I wanted to tell him that it was most likely because that was the last thing I put in my stomach but I felt my stomach backing up on me again. I had never been this violently ill before. My grandfather whisked into the bathroom and helped me up after I finished. “Nessie what happened?” I didn’t even look at him I turned to Jake, “You can’t leave me. Don’t tu see I am worse off without you? tu imprinted on me that is forever, tu have dicho so yourself. Please, I will deal with it. If tu don’t want to have children I will try my best to ignore nature. Ok?” I stormed up to him and grabbed his camisa, camiseta fiercely, “Don’t tu ever talk like this again.” He put his arms around my shaking body. He kissed my cheeks and then my forehead, “I am sorry that I upset you, I just don’t know what else to do Nessie. I don’t want to hurt you.” I looked at him feebly, “and tu think that por leaving tu won’t hurt me? Do tu really want to leave?” He looked at me in shock, “of course not, I amor tu más than my life but tu deserve to be healthy and happy.If I cant give all of that to tu then tu should be with someone who can.” I growled at him, “Then stay.” He pulled me tightly to his chest and then scooped me up into his arms. “Ok princess, I’m not going anywhere.” I felt the tears coming as I spoke in a tiny voice, “Do tu promise.” He nodded. My grandfather cleared his throat, “Nessie, are tu feeling better.” I nodded. “I’m sorry about that, mom made me drink blood I wasn’t thirsty and then all of the yelling must have caused it.” He nodded, “I want tu back in bed.” Jake held me close to him as he carried me back to Amore’s room. He lay me down on the cama and crawled beside me. He held me close and rubbed my hair, “I am so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking,” he mumbled. “All I have ever wanted to do was protect tu and keep tu happy. How can I protect tu from myself?” I kissed his cheek, “I am happy,” I told him as I closed my eyes in vain hopes of bringing my vision to a stand still. Then I remembered a conversation that I had with Zafrina, “Don’t forget to tell your grandfather,” she had pleaded. I sat up in bed, “Grandpa!” I called. Jake sat up quickly, “What is it, are tu alright?” I nodded. “We have to tell him about what Zafrina told us.” Jake growled, “Renesmee that can wait. Lay down tu have to rest.” My grandfather came into the room with my father and mother. They all looked so incredibly worried that it broke my heart. “Are tu alright?” My grandfather asked. I waved at them frantically to silence them, “It’s not me; I have to talk to tu about something very important. When we saw Zafrina she dicho that Stefan is missing. Vladimir thinks that the Volturi might be responsible. Zafrina dicho that she is actually kind of suspicious herself because the first time we stood against them when I was little tu had mentioned the possibility of them eventually picking us all off individually. After what happened with them recently I wonder if they are planning something against us all. Revenge." My grandfather looked at my father with narrowed eyes. “What do tu think, Edward?” My father’s face turned to stone. My grandfather spoke to him urgently, “I will call Tanya and have her coven come down and we will discuss this further”. On their way out my father turned to Jake, “Jacob… I don’t mean to intercede but I have to. I wouldn’t forgive, myself if I didn’t try to change the course of history repeating itself in a negative way. Stay. Please don’t replicate my mistakes. tu two need each other. tu will find a way to work through it together. We will help tu both in anyway that we can.” Jake nodded at him wordlessly and then they filed out of the room. As my grandfather walked out of the door he turned back to me, “Renesmee make sure that tu are resting as much as possible. tu have been through a lot today.” I felt Jake pull me back down into the bed. He held me close and rubbed my back. “Sleep princess, everything is alright. Sam, Emily and the bebés are fine. Your family is taking care of the Volturi situation, and we will somehow come to a compromise in regards to the matter we are dealing with. Please just rest. Put it all out of your mind.” I let out a sigh and tried to follow his suggestion.
It started out as a peaceful dream. I was on the playa in La Push with Jake and then Sarah came toddling up to us. She threw her hands around both of our legs. “Don’t fight mommy and daddy please. Everything will be ok.” I reached down to pick her up. Her little corazón shaped face was scrunched up in worry. Her vast brown eyes were looking deep into ours. As my arms were about to envolver, abrigo around her she took a step back and ran into the woods. I tried to run after her but Jake held me back. I woke up screaming and crying. Jake was at my side. “It happened again didn’t it?” He asked the panic rising in his voice. I nodded, “she dicho that it will all be ok. She also begged us not to fight.” He looked at me in surprise, “I was in the dream this time?” I stopped and thought for a minute, he was right. I had never had a dream with both him and Sarah in it together before. As I pondered the significance of it my stomach reeled. I stumbled from the cama and down the hall to the bathroom. I got to the toilet just in time. I felt sweat breaking out along my brow line as I dry heaved for what felt like an eternity. Jake was right behind me with my grandfather. He helped me to my feet, his cool hands felt heavenly on my searing skin. “Ok princess, it’s alright. I’ve got you.” I was shaking all over and unsteady. “I am going to give tu an exam now Renesmee we need to figure out what is going on with you.” I didn’t have the energy to argue with my grandfather I was scared that if I opened my mouth I would have another episode so I nodded miserably and resigned myself to the strong arms of my worried husband. Once back in my room my grandfather looked at both of us. “Is there any chance that tu could be pregnant?” We looked at each other. Jake had been unreasonably careful every time that we had been together on our honeymoon, except... I gasped as I remembered the night in the rain forest when I had surprised us both with my strange behavior. Jake must have come to the realization at the same time because he looked at me and whispered, Oh my god.” I was going to comentario but felt as though I was going to be sick again. I tried to get to the bathroom but couldn’t I was on the floor in the hallway again with the dry heaving. What a miserable feeling I prayed that something would come out so that I could get a sense of relief. I heard my grandfather behind me, “She hasn’t eaten anything the poor child she has nothing in her stomach to bring up.” I again felt cool arms around me as Jake picked me up. I pressed my clammy forehead against his cheek as he carried me back to bed. My grandfather was waiting with a needle, “I am going to do a blood test Renesmee.” He took the blood and I rolled over and fell asleep. I dreamt of her again, this time it was a very placid dream. I was in a rocking chair holding Sarah. She nestled her head against my chest as she stared at my face and smiled, “Mommy I told tu it would be ok, daddy worries too much.” She leaned her little ángel face up and kissed me lightly on the cheek. The kiss felt so real that I opened an eye and saw that Jake was besar my cheek. “How are tu feeling he whispered. “It is going to be alright,” I echoed my dream aloud. He looked at me oddly but didn’t say anything. There was a knock at the door and my grandfather walked into the room, “Nessie do tu think that tu can sit up?” He asked kindly. I put my arms around Jakes neck and he gingerly lifted me to a sitting position. I actually felt alright. My grandfather sat on the edge of the bed, “The results are back.” Jake took my hand and I looked at his facing searching for any sign of emotion but it was impassive. My grandfather took a deep breath; I already knew what he was going to say. I felt it in every cell of my body. “You are pregnant,” he revealed. I smiled to myself, my daughter had been communicating with me all along. I turned to Jake but he had looked away. “How far along is she?” He asked quietly. My grandfather scratched his head, “It is hard to say Jacob. This is going to be an unprecedented occurrence. I can try to draw a comparison to Bella’s experience but we are crossing two very different species. We are making history. Jake looked up his eyes riddled with terror, “what are we going to do?” I looked at him serenely, “We will be fine. Sarah came to me while I was sleeping. She dicho that it will work out. She also wanted me to tell tu that tu worry too much.” He snorted. My grandfather touched his shoulder, “I promise tu I will observe her very closely Jacob. I am going to grab the ultrasound machine I am interested to see if we will be able to get any images. I shrugged, “It doesn’t matter, it’s a girl.” My grandfather looked at me incredulously, “How do tu know?” “Jake told you, I have dreamt of her non stop, she talks to me.” My grandfather’s eyes lit up the way that they always do when he learns something new, “Amazing,” he murmured to himself as he went to go get the machine from Emily’s room. After he left Jake turned to me and buried his head in my neck, “Nessie please be logical about this.” I pulled his face up until it was level with mine, “I am being extremely logical, Jacob. tu need to have a little más faith.” His eyes searched my face wildly, “Promise me. Promise me right now that tu will be alright and that Sarah will be too.” I nodded as I leaned in to kiss him, “I promise.” I rubbed my nose against his, “We are really going to have a baby. Can tu believe it?” He brushed his lips against mine but I could tell that his mind was preoccupied.
Chapter 7 - Different
    “Never mind. Its not important.” he dicho regretfully.
    I was slightly crushed that something so unimportant is something he wouldn’t share with me. If it wasn’t important then why be so secretive?
“ Please tell me. tu can trust me.” I dicho convincingly, o so I thought.
“ I know that I can trust tu but I am still not sure if I should tell tu o not. I don’t know if it is the right time but I don’t know any better time, either.” he dicho seeming torn between something that was way más than what he was telling...
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Carlisle: Hello Miss.Swan.

Bella: Oh hello...I didn't notice tu there.

Carlisle: Oh that's okay.

Bella: Were tu running?

Carlisle: Maybe. I thought I heard noises.

Bella: Sorry about that I just needed to go to the bathroom.


Bella: Yeah...sorry. I'll see tu in morning.

Carlisle:...yes dear.

Bella: Good night. I hope tu will get any sleep.

Carlisle: Well thank you. I don't know if I would get any sleep in cause I am vampire. tu already know that. Right?

Bella: What? You're vampire too?!

Carlisle: Didn't Edward tell you? Oh no...

Bella: Haha that's okay I already know. I am just...
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10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the corazón with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles..

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”

Source: link
Chapter 4 - Discoveries

    When the final campana rang and I drove home, I thought about my day. Wow. It had to be the strangest día in the history of weird days. First, my ángel from my dreams shows up at my school the siguiente day. Plus, he has all my classes and sits near me in every one. And, he asks me on a fecha when I’ve only known him for a day. Oh, I almost forgot about his mind lectura sister. I am SO taking a bubble bath tonight.
    I got inicial and did the little homework I had before starting dinner. I made fried venison and when my mother got home...
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This is my story. It doesnt have a título yet. Give me some suggestions. I hope u like it. Chapter 2 and 3 will be publicado soon. Please comment!!!!!!!!

I could see my breathe as I stepped out into the frigid night. I tiptoed down the stairs of my back porch and headed towards the woods behind my house. They were dark and there was no moon tonight. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods until I couldn’t see any lights from my house anymore. It was well below freezing and I was wearing booty shorts and a tank top. Violent tremors shook through my body and my chattering teeth echoed in the silent...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
-------------------BLEED IT OUT----------------->
<----by: BuffyFaithfan1--------------------------

It has been a año since Kandice's death. A lot has happened since then. Like I found Rachel, and she ran away from her mom and dad to help me out with myself and the loss of Kandice. I cried like a baby for a week. Maybe two I lost track. Rachel doesn't know Kandice, but she tries to comfert me in SO many ways. And I cant help but refuse it. I try sooo hard to make the pain go away, and I never got to tell her what I was. But that doesn't matter now does it?
I loved Kandice. And now everything...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
The Wind Beneath My Wings PART ONE...
I walked across the sand, and then stood in silence for the longest of time. I watched the waves roll off eachother, and then devour eachother till más waves came and splashed against rocks. And then repeating there first move. As if they didnt have a life to live. o a brain to use. I crossed my arms, and held me tight as the chilly wind blew in. I then noticed something different. My eyesight was different. Not like Vampire eye sight, but human. I ran to the edge of the water washing in and out of the sand...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
There is this lyric from this song por Fall Out Boy. The song is I'VE GOT A DARK ALLEY OUT BACK, AND A GOOD IDEA THAT tu SHOUOLD SHUT YOUR MOTUH (SUMMER SONG) the lyric is: "joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends" we're the kids who feel like dead ends and I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses I took a shot and didn't even come close at trust and amor and hope and the poets are just kids who didn't make it and never had it at all."...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I sat down on the dresser as I watched her sleep. Listening to her dreams. She was dreaming about me, I mused. I remember that Bella used to dream about me, she talked in her sleep. It was interesting, the things she said, but she dicho my name too often. Now I was glad she didn't choose me. If she had, I would have never met Liz.
She was dreaming that I was a vampire. That would certainly make it easier, the sooner she figured it out the better, she already had the slightest inkling that I was one. And I would follow through with my promise. I would mostrar her, and she would still amor me, hopefully....
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope yOu like it!!!

i didn't know how my life will be has vampire, how things should work with Charlie and Mom, keeping my self away from then is torturing my self.
i felt like i'm trapped without a exit
the only thing thatr keep me strong is my family
Edward and Rennesme, nOw that they are not in mOre danger i feel más in peace.
But what will i shOuld tell charlie when the time to mover arrive?
azada he react to this, i think that he already know what we really are, but he is too scared to dicho it o just think about it.
But what i really know right now is that we are seguro and will start our Happy Ever After.
I think!!!!
posted by Twilight597
I know i am currently escritura a lot of stories at the time! but im not sure when they will come out. dreamnapped is finished in a notebook because i write it in school but its not online yet i think instead of my slow typing i might get a friend to type it for me. the segundo one i am working on but have writers block and i figued 'why not write 2 at a time since im stuck on one'
im going to put an introduction to this one up today. it has to do with twilight and a band called Paramore(my two fav things-paramore and twilight)most of my friends like my escritura but when i do post i would like some criticizing comentarios for me to improve with.

<3 Danie
 Awesomeness x2
Awesomeness x2
Watch out, Robert Pattinson!
It sounds like Paris Hilton wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into you.
"I just saw Twilight last night for the first time, and I have to say that I think Rob is a beautiful man and an amazing actor," Hilton gushed to us at Cash Money Records' Lil Wayne party. "He's fabulous!"
Yes, Hilton realizes she's a little a late to the Twilight game...
"Now I understand all the hype," she explained. "I just didn't get it before, but now it all makes sense. I really enjoyed the movie and loved watching Rob in it."
In other celebs-loving-other-celebs news, we're told Paul McCartney...
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LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Twilight" director Catherine Hardwicke won't shoot the segundo picture in the fledgling vampire franchise.

Hardwicke had until recently been thought a candidate to direct the sequel, titled "New Moon," but word began to circulate in the industry that her relationship with series producer Summit Entertainment has not always been smooth.

On Sunday, Summit confirmed that Hardwicke would not direct the film, saying in a statement that its plans to release the film in late 2009 o early 2010 did not mesh with Hardwicke's required prep time.

The picture, whose start...
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The Twilight saga keeps going and going and....

On Tuesday, the film's estrella Kristen Stewart called in to Ryan Seacrest's morning radio mostrar in L.A. and talked about how excited she is to make the sequel to Twilight.

Kristen also revealed some exciting details about the just announced sequel, New Moon, (based on Stephenie Meyer's book por the same name) saying production will most likely start "in March."

"A lot of the book takes place in Italy, and I think we're going to get to go to Italy-- which is so cool," Stewart, 18, says. "For a while there they were like 'Oh we don't know if we have the...
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Pattinson takes a bite out of fame; Stewart tells 'Twilight' fans to buzz off; Boyle gives back to Mumbai; crying over spilt 'Milk'

Get tickets, showtimes and más at MSN Movies

As I began my interview with Robert Pattinson, the dreamy vampire Edward in the upcoming romantic thriller "Twilight," I reminded the 22-year-old Brit about our anterior conversation on the movie's set last spring and how enthusiastic he was at the time about the project.

Puzzled, Pattinson responds, "I was having a good time on that day? There was, like, a close-up in the script where [Edward] has a look that's 'demonic...
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posted by ilurvedward
i know this has already been posted.... but i am so moved that i have to put my two cents.

first off, i have to say that i am extreemly disappionted at whoever did this. the person that leaked the draft was trusted enough por Stephenie to even HVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! if stephenie trusted that one dip---t enough to entrust them the draft, they shouldv'e respected her and the millions of twilighters out there and kept it to themselves.

now, the true fans, the ones who didn't give in to temptation and read the leaked draft, can maybe never get the satisfaction of seeing our Edward's book bound...
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posted by twilightlova13
If tu have never read o heard about Twilight tu should go to the book store right now and get it. There are two other libros after it and the fourth book comes out August second. I'm so that is not even the right word to say. I have no clue what the right word is to say about how i feel right now so let's just say super super super super etc. excited about Breaking Dawn ( the fourth book) coming out. And I'm am so so so so so so so so excited for the movie to come out. I'm driving my family up the muro because I talk about it every day. I'm obsessed. I am a readaholic, but my...
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ok, i know she loves both but its probably ovious who she loves more, but im not sure is it edward o jacob.

i think that if she chooses edward like she did in eclipse, there will be pain for not being with jake, but she already went through not being with edward and it almost killed her, and at the end of elcipse she had pain but it wasnt as bad. like she dicho when edward asked her,
" are tu sure tu made the right choice, i have never seen tu in so much pain"
and she says "I have known worse pain"
does that mean, the worse pain was when edward left her

does anyone get what im trying to ask, if not ill try to explain better
posted by tubby2002
**Warning! Spoilers ahead**

**Still under construction. I will add más respuestas when I remember más questions**

Q. How come Alice and Jasper can affect Bella with their supernatural powers, but Edward and Aro and Jane can't?

A. This pregunta comes up at every single signing! The answer is explained in Eclipse, but I'm going to tell tu all anyway, just so there's less confusion.

Bella has a very private mind. She can't be touched there. What Edward and Aro do is clearly a mental thing; Jane, also, works inside the head (Jane doesn't actually inflict pain on anyone's body, she just puts the illusion...
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added by rakshasa
Source: fondo de pantalla Abyss (edits)