The Worst Generation That One Gas Station: The Oddities That Stretch On For Eternities Across Timelines And Possibly The el espacio Time Continuum Which Includes Fourth muro Breaking And Fuck Why Is This título So Long?!

pLaStIcSUNDAE posted on Mar 20, 2020 at 07:30PM




"TOGS, a special little place out in good ol' Freeport, Kansas.

What is or are TOGS you may be wondering? Well, its a gas station. The one ou're in right now...yaaaaay. However, TOGS isn't just any gas station. Its That One Gas Station.

That one gas station that's stuck in an eternal loop within the fabric of time and space in which the employees are forced to deal with bizarre people–and things that are...less "people" and more THINGS, and even more bizarre occurrences and events throughout the entirety of the everlasting graveyard shift.

Speaking of the graveyards, you might want to watch out for some of the customers. You know, the ones with gooey red brain chunks oozing from their heads? Yeah, those guys–damn it Boomer, the dog brains are on the isle with tHE FUCKING GOLD! Because they're gouRMET! NO, As iN A MEAAAL! A ME. EAAA–STOP SLACKING YOU. DEGENERATE. FUCK– BEFORE I TEAR YOUR–ORRUURUaaRUAAAAHH!–"

A few seconds of demonic throat clearing. "Please, excuse that. I find employee incompetence to be overbearingly...discomforting, you might say. Anyhow! Welcome to TOGS, your stuck here for eternity, suck it up, I'm your boss, blah blahGETTOWORK!"

And just like that, you were hired. But when was that exactly? Years ago. Today? Who knows. But if its one thing for sure, the graveyard shifts are always....unnaturally long.


(We could use the articles to make character sheets or whatever since the wiki is for the main stuff. Nothing to big, just a little about the character(s). And as always, its good to have more than one, get creative!)

[TOGS Stuff To Know]

- Employees aren't allowed to leave the premises with the only exception being the two ten minute breaks in which said employees are granted exploration around the the small town of Freeport. Those who try to leave town end up back where they were leaving with no recollection of planning to leave to began with. Those who have been TOGS employees for an extended period of time (years) may have a better memory of what occurred previously.

- At the pseudo end of each shift, the shift resets itself to the beginning of the "next shift" in which the employees will remember only brief moments from the previous shift. Each shift has its own scenarios that may or may not end in the same results as the previous, most in which will be bizarre in its own fashion.

- The store is pretty big for a gas station, so plenty of employees, Just a random note.

- Characters that may die during the scenarios are reset for the next shift unless something actually permakills them (those things will be introduced throughout the episodes I guess.
*Those who permadie are pretty much erased from ever existing.

- Not all employees are human.

- Not all customers are human.

- Beware 3:20 am

- The RP will go by in chapters with each one covering different events/scenarios that occur each shift.

last edited on Mar 20, 2020 at 10:23PM

The Worst Generation 502 respuestas

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Showing Replies 401-450 of 502

hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Also known as Hell, also known as Naraka, also known as so many other great, great things," John Johnly-Johnson Johnsanson says with an off-putting chuckle. "That's retail for you. And here at TOGS, the FBI and CIA and all the other fancily underhanded human clubs have no ways here, and I can assure you that we have our own... private, organizations who's standards we well enough meet." As he speaks, he continuously writes without looking at the clipboard and instead keeping his attention on them. And then he looks at Raven, his big smile twitched downwards. "Another one. Interesting."

"Wait...another one?" Boomer's attention was fully on John Johnly-Johnson Johnsanson now. "What do you mean another one?"

"In due time, Mr. Howard." John Johnly-Johnson Johnsanson comes to a stop, getting further and further away from them as he starts to walk backwards. "In due time."
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Mr. Johnsanson" Maddy spoke as he had already begun to slow down the cart, turning her attention back to him, "We still haven't finished our busi-" But before Maddy could finish, the cart would gently crash into a pole, causing her to rock forward and nearly hit the wheel of the car, making sure that everyone was alerted to the crash
"Fucking woman drivers, man" Hal groaned as he was rocked all over the back seat
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"SHIT—" Boomer had to scramble to catch Raven when the cart crashed into the pole, nearly throwing her into a roll out of his arms, his heart jumping in his chest. He made sure that the girl hadn't hit her head or anything before looking to Hal and Maddy. "Everyone alright?"
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Maddy let out a groan as she would sit up in the cart and had to keep her balance by grabbing the cart. "I.... I think so" She replied. "Are we close to the clock yet?"
"Fuck I hope" Hal said, "The less likely we almost get gored thanks to your easily distractible ass, the better"
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"What is this, 'Are We There Yet'?! The freaking clock literally has legs and can telepor—oh hey look, the time clock," Boomer points towards the wall furthest from the crashed cart where the door that led back to the gas station and front counter was.

*The time clock sat off to the side of the door, a long grey mustache hanging from under its screen. Attached to the bottom of it were hairy muscular legs that were doing squats and half squats.*

hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Ugh, every time I see this thing I never get used to it" Hal groaned with a bit of disgust at the sight of it
"Well, let's just get this over with" Maddy said as she would step out of the car, making sure to take Raven off Boomers shoulders before she asked, "So when I clock out, what do we do with her? I mean, she's not an employee is she? I mean, it's not like she's Roux"
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
" she? I mean, she looks like her, sounds like her...ish—and she's here so.." Boomer just ends up shrugging. With enough of their plate as it was, he was having a hard time getting his head around what had happened with Roux, and who this Raven girl even was. What was she doing there if she wasn't dead? And then something crosses his mind. "Or she could be in the same situation as you. Or at least something similar?" He looks over at the time clock hopping from one leg to the other, like it was going to go into an Olympic sprint at any moment. "We'll...figure something out," he says.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“I hope so” Maddy remarked as she would approach the clock that was hopping around with his massive legs like tree trunks. Maddy had to retain a level of non disgust at the sight of this thing before turning to Boomer. “Do we…” she hesitated at the question, “Do we talk to it?”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"No. We just usually slide out timecard in through the top and it marks our hours for the day," Boomer explains. "The only thing is that like a good number of things in this store, depending on the day, it might try to kill you in multiple different ways. Mostly kicking. Either that, or, as I was explaining before, it starts booking it. Which is what we don't want to happen—"

*As Boomer and Maddy neared the time clock, it could be heard bumping a Chinese version of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It's kegs kicked out with karate sounds every now and then as it bobbed up and down on the geeks of its veiny feet.*
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Maddy would suddenly slow to a near crawl as she would hear the machine start to sing. She wasn’t sure if the machine was sentient or not, but she still felt the need to move slow and try her best to keep calm. “Um… hell Mr Clock. Uh… I’m just going to swipe my punch out card in you real quick and then we’ll be on our way. I hope you understand.”
She would inch even closer now, looking back to Boomer and Hal for some support, the faint sight of ARCHIE still riding in the rocket cart clear as day in the background before she would return her sight to the clock, now towering over her smaller frame
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Hoo! Hah! Hooh hah hooooo wah way wah—" The time clock stops and turns to Maddy as if it had just noticed her there. Its screen tilts down to face Maddy directly and speaks with an almost offensively bad "Engrish". "Did I hear correctly? You wish to swipe card inside me hmm?" It rubs it's long mustache. "So the time has finally come. The legend of swipe that only occurs every seldom trillions of years,* it said mysteriously.

Boomer could only give Maddy a thumbs up from where they were, hoping that they would get just a little luck.
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hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Maddy would glance back at Boomer with a look of uncertainty, before she would turn back to the clock, looking at the clock as it would repeat her request to her. “Um, yes, Mr Clock. I am uh… the fabled swiper, I guess” Maddy replied with a polite bow to the clock. “So if I can swipe and uh… go home I’d appreciate that. Oh and uh, the girl over there too, I think. I think maybe she’s not due here either”
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hace más de un año afewseconds said…
The time clock points up to the big sign that way above it and reads what it says. "No card, no swipe. No swipe, no gripe. You break, you buy. Oooh," it rubbed it's mustache using its toes. "If you have card, if you have courage for journey, then you will swipe, else do not waste my time, ooOh."
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Right of course I have my card.” Maddy said with a confident nod. “Have it right in my pocket, close by, yes indeed. Just let me ask my superior for any more information”
Maddy would turn to Boomer with a smile and hold out her hand, “Boomer… I believe this is the part where you give me my card”
Hal would look between the two, a clear look of frustration coming to his face as he asked, “Please… please don’t tell me you trusted Boomer with this newbies card. Don’t tell me you trusted it to Bad Luck Boomer”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"....." Boomer looks between both of them. "What? What?! I have it, it's right—" He began to pat himself down, and for a moment a look of absolute terror came on his face until he pulled it out of his back pocket, unfolding it. "Ha! See! I got it, drink urinal tea Hal!" But as he goes to hand it to Maddy, it was sweaty and felt as if it were on the verge of ripping apart.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“…. Why is it all sweaty?” Maddy asked as she took it between her two hands
“Probably cause of the amount of wedgies he was getting himself into from all the running” Hal spoke as he lazily kicked at the air from the hood of the cart. “But I guess a broken clock is right twice a day. No offense, Clockwork” he would add at the end
“Right well” Maddy would turn and hold the card “I am ready to take my leave Mr. Clock” she would start to approach less slowly with more determination now, holding the card in the air like a blade ready to be sent onto the neck of a hellish work day
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Shut up, it's a medical condition and I sweat a lot when I get nervous okay!" Boomer exclaims to both of them when they kept talking about how sweaty the timecard was.

And the time clock would continue to stroke it's mustache as Maddy holds the card out. It looks to the left of it, and then to the right, inspecting it closely. "I no just let any mere skip if refined and thinned wood slip into me. In that, there is no honah(honor)." It squatted down further, one if it's kegs lifting to grab the ticket, only to be revolted by it's sweatiness. "Gah! Why reek of wet glucose?!" The color of its screen starts to turn red, the time shown expanding into an angry face.

"It's a conditiohuuuun—" Boomer says, sounding as if he were on the verge of tears.

The time clocks voice became huskier, and it began to speak like an over exaggerated samurai. "Yoouuuuu approach with dishonour! Sacrilege! There is oooonly one path to atonement here!"
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Oh I mean, it’s not that bad” Maddy tried to defend the whole thing “I mean, sweat is a good way to release and stress and fat and all that, so I mean-“
But she was cut off when the clock would speak up of the dishonor that was brought up or that the only thing left was one way. Hal would be the first to speak up, “Look Big Ben, can you just take this yellow stained time card so we can get back to our eternal torment?”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"NoooooooooOoooooOOOO!" The time clock answers as it's feet slams down at its side in a sumo like stance. "If prophecy is true, then only way I accep stain on time—"

"Please don't say what I think—" Boomer starts, but I'd interrupted.

"Is battle to death! YoooooooOoOOO!" The time clock lifted one leg in a wave through the air in front of him and took a stance.

"W-wait!" Boomer tries to intercept, hurrying to Maddie's side. "Sa-say she wins if whatever the hell you're taking about is true?! She can't punch in her card if your dead, r-right?"

The time clock paused for a moment, the red disappearing from its screen briefly as it goes to stroking it's mustache again. " finger is good for pointing good tings, ooOooh," it says after a couple of seconds, it's voice returning to normal just for that moment. "THEN I SHALL CONSULT ELDER CLOCKS! One second, please." Its screen goes blank.
One second later it blanks back on. "After careful thinking skills, we have way to right you dishonah!"
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“What?!” Maddy shouted in fear as she was told that she would be forced to fight to the death for the right to leave. Her heart pounded in her chest like a thousand megatons going off, if not for Boomer having arrived to state his peace she would have surely had a heart attack then and there. As the screen would go black, she would turn with her eyes on the floor. It was clear to Boomer that she was going to thank him but was interrupted when the Clock returned to give his piece, much to Maddys relief. “Oh thank goodness.” She remarked “and what May that be?”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"It will be grandest thing! Glorious! Honah(honor)!!" Its warrior voice stated as one of its legs crashes down on both sides of Maddy and Boomer. "Though aged I am, link," The muscle beneath it's hairy legs bulge, it's calves swelling three times their original size. "I have lost not a second in my step—"

"U-uh guuuys...I hear boss music…" Boomer's says anxiously Why do I hear boss music!!?" Boomer asks anxiously.

"So prepare youself! For Race! Against! Time!" The veins in it's legs bulge to their fullest as they start to be posed and flexed by the time clock. And as it stomps it's foot into the floor, their surroundings shatter into a reality where everything pixelated into small infinite amounts of numbers and chasms of colors that painted the entire of where they stood until the entirety of the store was masterfully crafted into a giant running track. "
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“That…. That isn’t really an answer” Maddy spike, her sudden positive demeanor immediately disappearing as she would suddenly find herself in a complete different reality around them, the very noises and sights changing into something else around her, a complete sensory cluster. And as she would look around she would start to panic again, clutching at her chest as she started hyperventilating in a panic once more. “Oh god what do I do what do I do what do I do”
“Way to go, Boomer” Hal spoke up “Because of your condition, you’ve now royally fucked us. Now I’m gonna die in this weird dimension and still end up in that fucking store and it’s not fucking fair”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"What?! Dude that's so not fair!" Boomer exclaims as he does a complete 360 while looking around them. He turns to look at Maddy with an expression of bewilderment. "I-I think you're going to just have to um... race him, Maddy," he says, though very hesitantly so.

"You no fear Death here. Death only point in time. I move all time here," The time clock abomination said, a matrix of numbers and time flowing across its screen. "However, you lose, I send ticket into end of time and you stuck here forever. Come. For now, you face Clockwork Yoshimitsu! YOoooooooOOOO!"

*The muscular legs of Clockwork moved into a half split, and a finish line glittered across the floor before breaking into a strip of a dark red check board. The red of it rose away and fainted into colors that could bring awe to the eyes of gods.*

Boomer sighs, putting his face into his hands. "Yeeeah. I think I hate this job just a little more."
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
Maddys eyes glanced across the floor as she would see the line from in front of her. As she would look back at the clock man that now towered over her, she would turn to Boomer and Hal and ask, “Guys! I need some advice! What do I do?!”
“Wear a binder” Hal suggested “Your big hooters will hit your face a lot less so you can see yourself lose” he would follow his comment with a dry laugh
“Boomer, advice” Maddy asked, just ignoring Hal entirely by this point
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hace más de un año afewseconds said…
Boomer was now at a loss for words, unable to think of anything to tell her other than what he had told her just seconds ago. And he was pretty sure that it didn't help in the slightest. He gulps, his eyes moving down to the ground. They had come so far, he thought. They were right at the end.

"We start when you like," Clockwork says with a brash tranquility as it stretched it's legs.

Boomer turns to Maddy. "I'm... I'm sorry..but you're going to have to race him, Maddy. It's all we can do. So uh...breath with your stomach and just..keep running..?" He cringes slightly as he says this.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Boomer that is a terrible idea” Maddy remarked as she looked over at the clock man again, seeing the sheer size difference in the both of them before she turned to Boomer. “There’s no way I can win”
“Then kill yourself” Hal said as he finally interrupted the two “Take a knife, kill yourself, and give up. I’d rather you just do that than bitch and moan about not being able to do anything. Least then that way you can just blame yourself for your own fuck up unlike the rest of us. So hey, you don’t wanna do it. Kill yourself, retard. Simple as that”
Maddy blinked a bit as she looked to Boomer and ask, “Was that…. His way of giving a pep talk? Cause… that was really bad”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"You'll learn that most of Hal consists of just that sometimes. Bad. But not in the like, 80s or 90s type Boy Band type bad, but kinda like a mixture between the jock that eats the apple in the movies and a flat earth—"

"whaaaAAT IN THE FUUUUUUCK—" Raven's voice rings through the pocket space if time that they resided in. Her eyes were like a deer stuck in headlights. All of the colors mesmerized her into a trance of awe, but her body shook from the fear that she felt.

hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Oh joy” Hal spoke as he looked over at Raven who was now shouting and panicking. “And now the screaming one is awake”
“Okay, okay, we need to … we need to calm down” Maddy said as she would see the tension surrounding everyone. She walked over to Raven and spoke, “okay so uh… Not Roux, I believe. I feel introductions are in order. I’m Madeline May, and just like you I am very confused and terrified and scared spitless. That’s Boomer, he’s the janitor. And that over there is Hal, I’m still not sure what he does. And you are, if you don’t mind me asking?”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
Raven stares in bewilderment at all of them, that is, until her gaze lands on Boomer, which for a moment made her even more confused at first now that she Was getting a better look at him. "E-Edgar? Edgar!"

"Edgar?" Boomer repeats, befuddled.


Boomer looks around himself before pointing to himself. "Edgar?!"

"Edgar!" Raven says is name more sharply out of annoyance and fear.

"Clockworrrrk!" Mr. Clockwork joins in.

Raven looks over at the thing and immediately shrieks. "WhatthefuckisTHAT?! WHATTHEFUCKIS—" She gags some in disgust, taking in too much of everything at once.

"RooooOoOOOD!" Mr. Clockwork scoffs in offense.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Edgar, huh?" Maddy would mistake at first. "Unconventional, but daring. Well if there's anything we can-"
But she would come to a complete stop as she would turn her attention back to Boomer and notice the two have a sort of bickering match with the name Edgar. And as she would turn back to Raven, she would point at Boomer and ask "Boomer? That's Edgar to you?"
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"T-to me? What do you mean to me!?" Raven was dizzy as she got up, and she managed to push passed Maddy. "Ed!"

Boomer takes a step and a half back as he's approached, but couldn't go far after Raven grabs him by the collar of his shir.

"What the fuck is going on?!" She demands to know fearfully and in pain from when the lava had burned some of her hand and wrist. But she tries her hardest to ignore it. "Where are we?! Why is there music!?WhatISthatthing?! And where is Sammy and the mansion and—WHATSHAPPENING!?"

"Can—You—Pleass—Stop shaking —me—" Boomer says while his shoulders were being shaken back and forth by shaky frightened hands.

"No damn it, answer me!"
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hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Yo dumbass” Hal shouted now as he was still sitting on the cart, his legs swinging lazily. “You’re not where you once were. I don’t know why you’re mistaking Boomer for this Edgar guy but maybe it has someone to do with you not being Roux despite looking like that Nosferatu bitch”
“What?” Maddy asked?
“Parallel universes. Different realities? Did none of you watch the History Channel? Basic science fiction. Like Donnie Darko and shit”
“Hal that’s…” Maddy began to speak but trailed off
“Oh makes no sense?” He finished for her? “Like everything else? That’s what I thought, now shut those dicksuckers of yours.”
Maddy was confused as could be, turning to Raven with the same attempt to calm her nerves, “So tell me, this Sammy of yours? Is she a friend? She sounds nice. Never met her or heard about her or know nothing but her name, but she sounds nice”
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hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"She IS," Raven hisses at Maddy viciously. "She's the best thing in the fucking world!" Her eyes went between everyone there in a frantic manner, her mind racing. "And why do you all keep talking about Roux this Roux that, it's just my fucking LAST NAME!"

"Hey...uh...kinda... choking.."

Raven jumps in surprise, only then realizing how tight her grip had become around the collar of Edgar's shirt. She lets him go, backing away.

Edgar let's out a cough or two. "Okay...okay now...I hate to say it..but Hal might be right on this one. In a way at least." He straightens back out his uniform shirt, with what use it did with it being covered in blood and dried pieces of brain matter and burnt stiff in some places after he had gotten zapped.

Raven could barely stop herself from starting to hyperventilate, her hands starting to tug at her hair.

Meanwhile Mr. Clockwork stands a little in the background with his toes shoving popcorn made out of particles of time at his screen, the popcorn pieces only falling down to the floor while he observed them with a watchful eye
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Hey hey hey, don’t panic. Don’t freak out” Maddy said, now herself trying not to panic. “Listen there may be a way out of here. You got in, so that must mean there’s an exit, unless you die then you’re trapped forever. Did I get that right, Boomer?” Maddy turned as if asking for some validation for paying attention
She would turn back to Raven, “Now listen. The same way that Boomer is Edgar to you, you are Roux to us. So if you want us to get you back to this Sammy girl, we need you to listen, please.”
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hace más de un año afewseconds said…
Boomer gives Maddy a nod when she looks to him for confirming on what she was telling Raven. He was far from exactly calm, but holds himself together quite well with their current circumstances.

Raven was frozen where she stood now, the only thing moving being her eyes as she looks at everyone for the second time, though avoiding Mr. Clockwork by all means necessary. But even that fails as Maddy's words catch up to her. "If I..." She gulps. "....die...?" Fuzzy spots in her memory lit with a dim spark, and she could remember trying to catch her breath. Trying to breathe as blood gushed from her jugular. It was the last thing she could remember before ending up where she was .
Trembling more now, her hands move to her throat where she remembers the deep saw of pain that had been there before everything had become...nothing. "I... I'm...dead?" She croaks, feeling ill to the stomach as things start to come back faster than they should have, little by little.
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hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Well… no, I don’t think so” Maddy spoke, not really sure herself. “More like… if you die here you can’t go back”
“And suddenly you became an expert in all this shit” Hal spoke, his hands resting on his chin to prop his tired head up
“Well… it’s just… It’s the same for me so maybe it’s the same for her.” Maddy replied before turning back to Raven. “And maybe Roux… well our version of you, is where you are supposed to be. Or you’re the same, or you’re something but regardless. Point is if you wanna get back to this Sammy girl, you gotta listen. I know this is all crazy. Trust me, I’ve only been here one day and I’m pretty sure I’ve developed PTSD, but we want to help”
“We?” Hal questioned
“Boomer and I want to help you” Maddy corrected with a grimace
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
Raven once again finds herself looking between the three while they were very terribly explaining to her what was suppose to be the deal. What made it worse is that to her, they didn't seem like they knew any more than she did. They didn't seem like they could agree on anything, and that scarily reminds her of a certain group of people that she, ironically, was missing terribly compared to the insanity that she was witnessing.

"Even though right now it's insanely questionable if we can even help ourselves right about now," Boomer adds on to Maddy's correction, "yeah. We actually want to help you—"

"Then stop acting weird!" Raven snaps at him.

"My god—I am NOT, Edgar. am — Were you even listening?!" Boomer exclaims.

Raven eyes him suspiciously with distrust along with the others, and growls, "Yeah. I was."
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hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Alrighty then" Maddy spoke in an attempt to try and ease the situation from getting any worse. "Then if we are all on the same page hopefully, then I think it is in all our best interests to try and get out of this place. Very simple. We just need to race this clock man and get out of here. I'm sure that if you are like Roux, you must have her bat powers that can help us out of here"
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"...." Raven gives Maddy a dumbfounded look before looking at Boomer who nods as if he was in on it too. But then she looks over at the time clock with the talk muscular legs, who waves one of it's feet at her. And then she gives an off-putting laugh. "O-oh...oh I get it now. I must've gotten sick or something, a-and this is some sorta fever dream—" She laughs a little more as she looks back to the others. "Bat powers? Race? I mean come on, how the fuck is a bat gonna help with anything against something with legs like that —"

Mr. Clockwork gives a flattered giggle from the background.

"Uuuh oh..." Boomer mutters dreadfully.
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uh oh? Why uh oh, why do you say uh oh?" Maddy said in a sort of panic before she would turn to Raven with a bit of concern and panic starting to build up in her once more, "Okay, okay, no bat powers, that's fine, we can work around that. So perhaps maybe you got some other crazy super powers or whatever. Something that can help us with this."
"Yeah, for someone who's sure in a panic, you really ain't in no rush to get out if all you're gonna do is ask questions" Hal said as he would finally step off the cart, clearly not finding it as relaxing as he had attempted so many times
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Get out of WHERE?! What, you gonna give me a flu shot for and a cold towel?" Raven laughs in a rather delirious manner at the group of them. "This isn't even real! LOOK at this shit! LOOKATIT!"

"ThAT is why uh oh!" Boomer points at her while whispering to Maddy.

hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Uuuuh, uuuuuuh, okay, uh, what do we do?" Maddy said as she was also starting to panic a bit now, rubbing at her hands maniacally in a sort of silent freak out, "How do we calm her down"
"Knock her out again" Hal suggested
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Come near me an I'll fuckingkillyou—"
"Whoa whoa whoa! Easy eeaassy," Boomer steps between them. "Hal, shut up. Raven, can you please just hear us out for a second," he pleads. "If this is a dream, then you should be at least willing to do that right?"

"If this is some messed up dream, which it fucking IS," she emphasized, "then why should I care? Why would I care?!"

" a valid point. Okay—if I'm the person you call Edgar then you'd trust me right?" Boomer tries desperately to reason.

"But if it's an alternative universe then you could ALSO be some evil alternate universe Edgar who I CAN'T trust," Raven argues back.
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
"Oh my god, do not let her die" Hal shouted "I can't believe I miss Roux's bitchy mouth"
"So is it a dream or is it an alternate reality?" Maddy asked Raven "It can't be both, and we unfortunately do not have the time to bicker this. The clock- Er... the time- Darn it, we need to make a decision now, Raven. Only way you'll see this Sammy girl of yours again is if you listen"
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"I m listening and it sounds fucking INSANE!" Raven screams, her voice cracking harshly as he starts to freak out again.

"Okay, okay," Boomer takes a deep breath, holding his hands in front of him. "Listen. I agree—we ALL agree that this isn't exactly normal. But please believe me when I say that some of us have been here a long time, long enough to know that you and that girl over there," he points to Maddy, "Are the only people we've ever known to just...pop up here, let alone have a way back out. Dream, alternate reality, whatever— we're in a shit situation and we don't have any reason to lie about it. So can you just please...PLEASE, just help us, help you. Alright?"

Raven stares at Edgar with a strange look on her face. Another case of de ja vu. When she had been corrupted in that cold and damp cave, Edgar had said something so similar— no, she remembers that he said those words exactly, minus the stuff with Maddy and their situation. That, and she could still fear the searing gash that had been around her throat, end the burns that had blistered on her arm. She becomes silent.

Boomer wasn't sure if he had gotten through to her, or if he had arguably made things worse, especially with the weird look she was giving him. "...Raven?"
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“I swear on my grandmas grave if she starts screaming again…” Hal didn’t even finish, feeling like no one would let him. Maddys would end up peeking over Boomers shoulder, having to stand on her tip toes to do so as she saw Raven suddenly go quiet, and then turn to Boomer. “Did you say something? Is she having one of those episode things?”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Shhh! You guys aren't helping!" Boomer hisses. He turns his attention back to Raven nervously. "Raven...can you hear me? Uh...if I said something to offend y—"
"I'm not deaf!" Raven snarls at him. As insane as it all was, she decides to play along, still not entirely convinced. "So what now? Am I suppose to turn into Batgirl and pull out some stupid freakin' gadgets or something to race a timeclock with legs beefier than prime Arnold's?" She said sarcastically. "Is that it?"
last edited hace más de un año
hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“…. I miss the old Roux already” Hal remarked with his hands on cheeks in boredom
“Good, understanding is the first path to victory” Maddy remarked with a smile of confidence to hide the sheer terror going through her mind right now. “As for getting passed this…. Wait, what if we used ARCHIEs cart thing. ARCHIE seems good at pulling solutions out of his assumingly large noggin”
hace más de un año afewseconds said…
"Wait—where IS ARCHIE?" Boomer asks, but didn't have time to get any answers, for Clockwork steps forward impatiently.

"Time is up!" Clockwork says, one of his muscular legs landing in between the group. "Talk-talk time has ended! We shall not commence in the battle of the moving feet!"

*The racing music increases back to it's original volume.*

hace más de un año Windwakerguy430 said…
“Where’s who?” ARCHIE remarked as he looked up at the giant clock man. “Ooooh shit. Clockwork. Haven’t seen you in a hot minute. How goes it? Business going good?”
“ARCHIE! Assistance!” Maddy spoke “need to win race right now. Have anything to help. Make it quick!”