Death Note: Another Note Club
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added by DebGulledge
added by queen965
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by queen965
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
added by LMN314
posted by WammysBoyzRock
"Miss Queen...Miss Queen!"

I blinked and looked up at my teacher, who was towering over me and scowling.

"Miss Queen, where's your homework?"

"...Oh! Umm," I went through my bookbag and pulled out the math worksheet, "here," I held it out to her. She snatched it out of my hand, "next time get your head out of the clouds and focus on school!" she stormed up to the front of the class, to her desk.

The other kids snickered and I shrunk down in my chair. That was embarrassing...I got out my book and began reading...I must've read the period away cause por the time I finished the chapter, the campana rang....
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added by LMN314
added by queen965
added by LMN314
posted by WammysBoyzRock
2 weeks later, and now my mother is headed off on her buisness trip...

"Now don't answer the door for anyone tu don't know and call me if anything bad happens-"

"Okay okay! Sheesh. I'm 13 years old, I know how this works por now..."

"I's just...this is your first time being alone for a couple of days and-"

"I'll be fine, mom, I swear!"

She smiled and gave me hugs and kisses. Then she got her lugage and left. I sat down on the sofá in the living room and watched TV.

A couple days went por and things were going fine. I'd go to school then come inicial and Stacy would make me dinner. Then my...
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added by LMN314
added by queen965