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Chapter Two

The mid-age echidna, an agent of the organization, replayed the events on a set of security cameras. The room he sat in was grey, but not dark. To the left was a bed, and on parte superior, arriba of it lay the Hyren from the underground base, the one that Zen and Tess saved.

It took a bit of planning to get the almost-killed agent out of the hands of the police. The investigation of the authorities did not end fruitfully, with the base that was once there being completely missing. Nothing was left behind. But something was taken.

The agent looked over his broken comrade. His neck, legs, and arm were all broken. His ribs strangely remained intact. His face had been injured and was now in a cast, aside from his right eye, nose, ears, and mouth. His eye was yellow and brown. “Are tu ready for questions?” The healthy agent asked. The other began to nod but the pain in his body restrained him and he instead loudly replied “Yes!”

The agent gave no reaction to the outburst, turning to the screens and playing them back. He first played the one involving the experiment being used on Lizzy Eventide. “I read the reportar but since tu were overseeing is there a detail the paperwork missed?”

“The experiment was a complete success.” The broken one mumbled. “The only problem was that we made it too easy.”

“And that’s when the teenager attacked you; the one who didn’t have phasing abilities, o speed, o even fighting experience?”

“He could cloak.”

“You heard the door opening?”

“Are tu trying to insult how poorly I handled the situation o suggest that I was paid off por the brat?” The man could not scowl but his eye did narrow at the agent.

“You did handle things suspiciously poorly,” The agent replied in a still unemotional tone. “However tu are in a cast now so I suppose you’ve been punished enough… but then again your failure did lead to the escape of the Eventide girl, which took weeks to plan, and we had to relocate. We should brindis, pan tostado really. It was the fastest mass port in history… at least for something that large.”

“Spare me… ask me about current important facts. o kill me if that’s what this is leading up to.”

The agent continued through the camera’s recordings. He went through the last piece of feed from an Archive room. All it showed was the room exploding.

“Something you’re trying to-“

The healthy one held up a finger to silence his questioned coworker. He reversed the video feed, then set it to a much slower speed. He pushed play and waited. Three minutos passed and nothing had happened on the screen. The agent was silent and still alert as he observed.

The hospitalized agent however was not. With an irritated tone he dicho “Do tu expect the dust to begin dancing to ‘Hello my darlin’?”

“There…” The healthy agent pointed at one of the computer screens on the feed. A figure rushed into the room and yanked something out of it before running out. It was after that when the building began exploding, this time very slowly.

“She… what did she take?”

“The one item that was missing from our reports,” The healthy one replied while getting up from his seat. “The Phantis File.” He pulled out a small claw-looking item, with a button and memory drive at the parte superior, arriba and bottom. He held it in front of his coworker’s face so he can see.

siguiente he pulled out two flash-drives (or what looked like flash drives) from his pocket. One was blue, and one was yellow. “This,” He held the blue one higher, “holds the real, and this” he held up the yellow drive “is the replacement. I’ve already programmed where the real will be hidden for tu to find in the replacement. Do tu understand?”

“Yes. Get it over with.” The healthy agent nodded back to this and pulled the man’s head back a bit before sticking the claw into the back of his head, with the blue drive plugged into the bottom.

Twenty minutos later a nurse walked inside with a tray for the patient. “How are tu feeling?” She asked, noticing that the agent was awake.

The man smiled and answered “I feel great… well mostly great.”

“Who was your friend?” She sat the tray down in front of the man.

“My lawyer… I think…” He replied unsure.

The healthy agent, the echidna, walked to his car after placing the blue drive in its location. He used his peripheral vision to best of his abilities, without turning his head. Suspicion was something he could not afford people feeling towards him. A tall man in a suit walking into a black car stood out enough already. Thankfully he saw nothing out of the ordinary and stepped inside.

He turned the keys in the ignition, listened to the strong engine start up, then left his parking space, heading for the nearest highway.

Even now he kept a straight, unchanging face. He was focused on his work, and nothing else. He did notice the early morning sun, reflecting off the clouds. It was quite beautiful, and matched well with the chilly air. The snow had barely reached the Highway he was on. It was a rather desert-like, but still cold from the seasonal weather. The cars around him were not loud enough to ruin it, and he needed no music. He still kept a blank expression but was enjoying the somewhat quiet and relaxing environment.

But as he neared a stoplight intersection his mood was ruined por a large engine revving up from behind him. The agent sighed, only slightly pouting. “Leave it to motocicletas to ruin the peace.”

As soon as the light turned green again the echidna gave a sigh of relief as the motorcyclists (who he soon discovered were multiple) drove in front of him, and out of sight, taking their noise with them.

The other cars had passed on after a while. He was alone on the Highway. He was vulnerable. As he sped up to the of the Highway’s speed he began to notice something in front of him in the distance. He slowed himself. “Must be a Warnot.” He muttered.

Warnots were black and grey beasts. They were woolly, with large legs and paws, short tails, somewhat long necks, dog-like faces, and tall black horns. They were usually peaceful and very few were smart enough to fear the public. But this… this was not a Warnot.

It was black that much was certain. It was sort of rectangle-shaped, with something sticking out of the front. It was a person. It was a person riding a…

The agent screeched to a halt. He knew who this was. And he knew why his enemy was here. The agent looked around for any other cars, o an exit, an escape. He began opening the door but slammed it shut when the motorcycle revved. It was like the sound of energy whirring, getting louder and louder, with a ringing noise following soon after.

The driver was almost completely in black, with armored plates around his suit, and a casco with ears attached to fit. The agent noticed something flicker in the Motorcyclist’s hand. It began growing, materializing. It was some kind of sword.

He had to leave, he had to leave now. The agent charged his car adelante, hacia adelante only to spin around and speed off in the opposite direction. The sound of the motorcycle’s engine rung in his ears. It got louder, louder, LOUDER… he was directly behind him.

The agent had not come prepared; he was attempting to be discrete. Now he wished he had brought a powerful weapon. All he had was a small pistol.

A slice of what looked like white and blue energy cut the back of the car off entirely. The front asiento and up was all that was left, grinding against the pavement. The agent reached for his door to try and run, but a fist rammed through his asiento and yanked him, and his seat, back.

The motorcyclists held the agent in the air now, his black mask mostrando nothing but indifference to the man’s terror. The agent pulled out his pistol, blasting at the Motorcyclist. The bullet bounced off the armor and hit the agent in the arm.

Finally he showed emotion. The agent screamed when he hit the ground, and clutched his arm tightly. The Cyclist held out his hand towards the agent, as if telling him to hand over something. The agent did not comply. So, in retaliation, the Cyclist’s sword lit up.


Lizzy Eventide was standing outside of Tess and Zen’s front door. She had been there for a few minutos now, and yet chose not to enter. She was there to meet up with them and discuss what they all saw, if they had told anyone about her powers, and if she was going to have to find a way to mess around with their memories.

But should she confide in them at all? Granted yes they were most likely the only people who would be willing to listen to her and not call her story insane, but this was not their fight, and the brother, Zen, definitely showed how much he disliked the adventure they had.

Getting past the fact that they thought she was dead would be her first issue to get through. If they made any screaming she would have to knock them out perhaps.

Finally she rang the doorbell. Footsteps came to the door, and opened it. Tess made a large thud when she passed out. “That… happened… uh,” Lizzy picked Tess up and carried her further inside of the house.

‘Great now what?’ She questioned in her thoughts. ‘Are her parents home? Is Zen here? Where’s her room? Come to think of it, where’s the restroom?’

Deciding that it would be best to wait for Tess to be discovered, Lizzy set the chameleon girl down on a sofá in the living room, then walked back outside to wait.

It was cold in the snow, but having a sweater and a capa of pelaje, piel made it much más endurable. Over a time span of five minutos the black cat became bored. She took out her dagger and began to carve out the snow in strange shapes. As she did this, the dagger began to glow it’s misty black color, and dissolve the snow it touched.

A short while later she had made a few misceláneo symbols that she had no idea what they were, a moon, a skyscraper, and a target circle. After making the target she growled to herself, having lost her patience, and stabbed the dagger into the middle of the target, blasting the snow across and off the ground, revealing the green césped, hierba underneath that was not quite frostbitten.

Lizzy brushed the remaining snow from the dagger and went back to ring the doorbell a segundo time. However as she approached the door she heard a scuffling sound followed por a male voice saying “Tess?”

The feline did not want to waste this opportunity. She flung open the door, startling Zen as he attempted to aid his sister. At first he was simply surprised por someone barging into the house, but his eyes took on a whole new form of wide when he saw who it was.

“Y-you’re dead!” He yelled, pointing at Lizzy as he shakily stepped backwards into the kitchen.

“Um… No, I’m not?” Lizzy did not think through what exactly she would say when meeting them, and she had no idea how to reply to ‘You’re dead” except to say that she was not.

Zen opened a drawer and produced a knife, still shaking. “What do tu want? Did tu do that to Tess!?” He demanded.

“She passed out.” The feline replied in an irritated, yet drone-like, tone, unaffected por the danger of the knife. “I get you’re surprised but what’s with the knife?”

“You killed people!” He screamed.

“Didn’t kill tu did I? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.” She joked while stepping further inside and examining the house. It had pale blue and wooden walls, a fuego place that was lit and burning fresh, three couches, and two televisions… o was one of them a computer?

“Are your parents home?” She continued. “I doubt it if they heard that scream.”

“What do tu want?” Zen demanded.

“To destroy the last bit of evi- What do tu think!?” She yelled back, narrowing her eyes at the untrusting chameleon. “You’d be dead if it weren’t for me, and you’d be dead now if I was here to kill you, so drop the knife, not that it was going to do anything in the first place.”

Zen still held on to the cuchillo but he did slowly lower his hand. Lizzy gave him a disproved stare, to which he glared back. She sighed, rolling her eyes. “I came here to find out if tu told anyone about… tu know.”

“… We didn’t tell anyone yet.” He replied gradually.

“Alright, but does anyone else know?”

“You just asked that.”

“No,” She disagreed “just because tu didn’t tell anyone doesn’t mean they didn’t find out. Now does anyone else know?”

Zen shrugged. “The weird terrorists; I don’t know, someone out there might. How exactly are tu alive?”

“That red energy powered me up. I was able to zip about easily, even faster than normal. And I was able to grab something.”

Zen raised a brow, “What something?”

“Not sure if I’m willing to spill those beans. For all I know tu guys could be the Police Chief’s kids, o the Commissioner’s, or-“

“My Dad sells Insurance and my mom is an architecture designer.” Zen interrupted. “But even then, forget I asked. I don’t think I want to know.”

“Fine with me.” Lizzy was faintly stunned por the quick retort but she was always good with retorts herself.

And now it was time for Lizzy to leave. “Now that I know you’re not dead, I guess I’ll see tu at school.” Zen heard a small groan from Tess after saying this. It hit his conscience tu could say. Perhaps it was better that Tess see Lizzy for herself… again, without it being in the school, as to avoid further lacks of consciousness and public embarrassment.

His head turned from Lizzy to Tess to Lizzy again. Lizzy seemed partially confused por his movements. It looked like he was going to say something else. She even started to ask “Is-“ before Zen answered.

“Do tu want to wait until Tess is awake?” He suggested with a worn face, half-squinting. “Y’know… so she doesn’t pass out again?”

“She won’t pass out when she wakes up?” Lizzy questioned, quite logically too. Why would Tess keep her consciousness this time if she did not the first? Zen’s response, a simply unsure shrug, proved that he was not sure himself. The feline was not completely willing to stick around, but at least if she passed out again she would have seen her twice.

“Fine…” The cat leaned against a wall. “So what do we do? Slap her? Shake her? Wait?”

“I’m not going to slap my own sister.” Zen snapped defensively.

“Wasn’t implying anything.” Lizzy retorted in a raised tone of annoyance, though not raised enough to be an exclamation. “Well do we wait?”

Zen put his fingers to his lips, now facing Tess. He gave his sister a firm shaking for a few seconds, then paused, shook her again, and let go. He turned to Lizzy. “I guess we do.” He plopped his rear onto the couch, sitting siguiente to Tess while reaching for the remote. “Might as well sit down.”

The feline looked to the main sofá then a asiento to the left of it, and took the latter. Zen gave her a look that dicho “seriously?” which Lizzy pretended she did not see. With an eye-rolling sigh Zen turned his attention to the televisión and turned it on.

Tess began to hear noises. She was stirring. It was the televisión that awoke her. The news man was speaking, she recognized his voice. She rose and felt the stinging sensation of a headache blast into her forehead and brain.

“Dyah…” She clutched her head with both hands, leaning over the sofá while sitting instead of laying down. “What… happened…” The chameleon rose up from the couch. No one was around her. “Did I hit myself? ZEN!!!” She yelled while walking around. The screaming made her head hurt más so she stopped.

“Okay no yelling…” Her buscar led her to Zen’s bedroom, a darkly lit place with his computer at the end of a wall, closed window-blinds, a closet, a bed, clothes about, and various electronic devices on shelves. She checked the closet. Nothing was inside. That is to say, no one was inside. There were many things inside. Clothing, drawers, unhanged clothing, misceláneo toys, and some stuffed creatures Zen never got rid of but claimed he never kept in bed.

Tess walked back downstairs with a grim look of sadness and anger on her face. While Zen enjoyed his aloneness, his twin sister did not. She loved being around people and while she could survive por herself for a día o so, whenever she could not find anyone sent her into a mood. And every time she went into a mood, she made assumptions.

This was a classic one, the common “They didn’t think to include me” sob-story. Her parents were at work, that she understood, but where were Zen and Lizz-

“Lizzy?!” She mumbled to herself as the memory hit her almost as hard as she hit her head previously. ‘That’s right!’ she thought. ‘I saw Lizzy. Wait a minuto I saw Lizzy and Zen. Where did they go? Did Lizzy kidnap Zen?!’ Why is the TV on!?’

Tess turned her attention to the still talking newsman. He was reviewing his anterior message. “… spotted in Route 32. The damage appeared to be made with some kind of blade that melted the vehicle in two as shown por these marks here.’ The reporter went over and motioned to specific parts of the destroyed car, mainly going into detail about how they discovered it was a blade that damaged it.

Tess’s attention span was too small to care about that, but it sky-rocketed when she saw the reporter walk to the ambulance. There was a figure with a white cloth over him laying down. At his stomach there was a dent that spanned across his entire body. “Is he-“

The cloth was lifted. It was an echidna, maybe even from the organization. He was cut in half, his skin burned off, and the parts where the three-inch wide cut were at were gone. No spine, no ribs, and no organs were unharmed.

It took Tess a few segundos before realizing what this could mean. “Who did that?” She dicho aloud. “They left because of this?”

The newsman continued, “It is speculated that this is the work of a Vigilante-Terrorist known only as ‘The Cyclist’. This individual is ruthless and has never been captured. He specializes in sabotage and blackmailing. As far as we know The Cyclist is native to Western Stropolis, though he has been known to appear in different countries. His latest victim is a John Doe as far as we can tell. We can only assume that this victim was a member of some Government branch, as Cyclist is known for attacking on many. Police have identified Cyclist to wear a black armored suit, a modified motorcyclist’s helmet, and of course riding a motorcycle. We advise that the public keep to crowded areas when driving, as he is known for picking people off individually.”

Tess was still for a long moment. She did not know what to take from this. Did Lizzy and Zen know about this? It was a segundo reportar so it’s possible. She went for the cocina Phone and dialed Zen’s cell-number.

A lovely tune played as she waited for him to pick up. Actually it was quite annoying, but originally it was a pretty song. Zen did like calming music, but ten million times of hearing Scarborough Fair made Tess cringe when it began. Eventually Zen answered.

“Tess I do-“

“Yeah Lizzy’s alive right?” Tess interrupted.

“Well… yeah.” Zen replied half-surprised. “When did tu get up?”

“Fif- ten minutos ago.” Tess stammered.

“… Fifteen minutos ago?”


“Oh, sorry. Sorry I didn’t call tu earlier.”

“Where are you?” She demanded in a cruzar, cruz tone, “and why didn’t tu call me?”

A low and slow “er” followed weakly after this question. That was all Zen replied with.

Tess scoffed at the lack of a reason. “Well where are tu now?”

“At a Highway. Lizzy ran off to find someone.”

“The echidna?” Tess assumed. “How is she alive exactly? And why did tu leave? I thought tu hated this whole adventure thing.”

“You’ll have to ask Lizzy about the former. I went to see if it actually was one of the agency… thing people. Maybe ask some questions.”

“He’s chopped in half, Zen. I really don’t think he’ll be talking any time in the near lifetime.”

“I guess I didn’t think of that then.” Zen answered in an irritated voice. Tess was not buying his excuse, but she doubted that her brother would admit that he was having fun with the conspiracy problem. Heaven forbid he enjoy some excitement in his life for once.

“Well could tu have at least woken me up before going? I wanna see!”

“Unless tu wanted me to give tu a emparedado, sándwich de of the knuckle variety-“

“That sounds really la-“

“variety…” Zen paused to see if he would have any other interruptions and quickly continued. “then there was no way to wake tu up. tu were out cold. Maybe tu shouldn’t pass out every time tu see someone.”

“We thought she was dead!” Tess’s grip on the phone tightened, soring her hand. “You would’ve done the same!”

“Actually I didn’t. I was awake during my encounter.” Tess heard a long static-filled sigh from her brother’s end, “I can drive back and pick tu up if tu need me to.”

“What about Lizzy? tu can’t just leave her there.”

“Then what do tu want me to do!?” Zen yelled. “I get it, you’re ticked, I goofed, now could tu lay off with the guilt trip!? It’s not like it was my intention to tick tu off! Do tu want me to pick tu up o don’t you?!”

Tess was mixed with denial-fueled anger and guilt for bothering her brother. But then again, Lizzy had taken care of herself against an army of the echidna people. She would probably be fine with… whatever it was she was doing.

The yellow chameleon thought over how to answer her brother, causing a large pause in the message. “Yes o no, Tess,” Zen pressured.

“Yes…” she replied lowly, then hung up the phone.

Zen explained Lizzy’s escape as they drove over. Tess constantly questioned just about every part of it, regardless of the story being short. “When did she go back inside?”

“When she ran off from us.”

“How did she get inside that fast?”

“I don’t know, the energy?”

“Well how does it work?”

“I don’t know.”

“What was the body?”

“I don’t know!”

Zen knew very little, though it was not his own fault, Lizzy explained little and he did not expect her to inform him of anymore. He was not very fond of this feline fatale; the problem was though that he could not decide if it was because she was the reason that his life went crazy, because someone was killed because of her, o just her attitude. It was all of these of course, but not on even scales, and when it came to the matter of Liz Delma’s death Zen did admit that it was not Lizzy Eventide’s fault. After all she did try to save her. But that did not change what was happening now.

They arrived at the Highway. Tess was very surprised por how many people were there. Why were they there? It wasn’t like this was on the n- “Oh…right.”

“Huh?” Zen asked as they tried to maneuver around the crowds to get a view of the front.

“I just… had a stupid moment is all. Never mind.” Tess hopped up and down. “How are we gonna get through?”

“Well Lizzy phased her and I through before… now… uh…” Zen looked to Tess who was no longer visible. He looked in different directions but did not see her. “Cloaked…” he grumbled.

Chameleons were considered one of the most unfair of Hyren species. They were actually a very young one, dating for only two-hundred and twenty years. No one knew where they came from, but they simply suddenly appeared in the wild as regular thinking and feeling Hyrens. In those days they actually used their own language, though it was expressed through color-changing powers. Unfortunately neither Tess nor Zen were experienced enough to rapidly change their colors.

The twins were not born in the Wildlands of course. They were natives to the state of Lexistropolis, though very unique to the others living there. In their first years of school there were some other chameleons of course, but many people still had interest in them. People quickly lost interest in Zen due to his lack of cloaking specialty and anti-social personality, but Tess was very widely accepted due to her advanced Cloaking skills, extrovert personality, and fitness record, making segundo in the Gymnastics Class records.

And just like all other chameleons, the cloaking ability was considered very unfair. Now while one could track a Chameleon simply por what is moved around them o if they had some kind of body-heat scanner, many people could not so easily. Unfortunately many chameleons realized this, and raised the Crime Rating World-wide por fifteen percent. Thankfully however neither Tess o Zen had ran into too many people that had a sort of racism against them for other chameleons’ crimes.

But crimes did not just mean stealing o killing, and Tess was proving this well. She was sneaking into a police investigation crime scene, and had already gotten into the opened ambulance.

The body was still being looked over in the tight space, but Tess was not agile for nothing, and kept very silent while bending and climbing around to get a good view of the echidna. She was of course assuming that he was some kind of agent for the organization, but she needed to be certain.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she noticed that when the doctor examined the dreadlocks on the body, they felt something strange. So they began rubbing. It was paint. The dreadlock was metallic, just like the guards in the base that blew up.

The chameleon was about to make a segundo conclusion when something grabbed her foot and yanked her through the bottom of the car. She made a large “EEP!” as she fell, which caused all nearby heads to turn aside from the deceased. Thankfully she was not in sight.

Tess was pulled through the ground until landing in an old sewer. Lizzy had pulled her down of course. Tess rubbed her rear in pain from the sudden impact while getting up. “Why’d tu do that?” She asked, trying to be calm.

“So tu know what that means?” Lizzy asked, completely ignoring the question.

“That he’s one of them? … Not sure what you’re thinking of so I don’t know.” Tess replied. “But why did-“

“That Cyclist guy killed him. tu know much about him?”

“The agent o the Cyclist?”

“Mr. Motors.” Lizzy nicknamed.

“I think I heard about him before. Not much though.”

“Why do tu think he’d kill one of them?” Lizzy pressed.

“… Be-cause he’s on our side?” Tess guessed timidly.

“Something like that.” The feline agreed with a hint of reluctance. “I was going for más like he’s either Ex-Whatever-they-are, he was hired to kill them, or-“

“He’s on our side.” Tess repeated optimistically.

The feline lowered her eye-lids in an unamused tired-looking stare, then rolled her eyes sighing. “Sure, we’ll go with that. Anyway, that means we need to find him.”

Tess smiled at the thought of doing something spy-related, but turned to confusion when she realized that Lizzy dicho “we”. “Wait… ‘we’?”

“You can cloak, I can’t. I can use the extra power.” Lizzy informed. “Well that and you’re probably a target of theirs now already so tu might as well help take them down.”

This certainly alarmed the chameleon. What would her parents think of that? Wait, forget her parents, what would Zen think? When Tess thought about it, Zen had probably come to this conclusion quite a while ago. Would más people die around her because of this now? And was Lizzy right that they should all get involved más now that they were probably targets? Tess did not have respuestas to this question.

The smell of the sewer, and the eeriness of it in general was beginning to get to the yellow Hyren. “Can we talk about this back at my house please?” Tess suggested. “This gives me the creeps.”

“Alright, c’mon.” Lizzy walked a ways through the sewer, with Tess following her, then phased upward through the ground till they reached the surface. Tess took the liberty of cloaking them both which proved helpful when they appeared behind the crowds in the middle of the street.

“How do tu mover up while doing that anyway?” Tess asked while uncloaking them both.

“I just materialize certain parts of my hands as I climb.” Lizzy explained. “I have to absorb it at the same time though so my body doesn’t get crushed o fuse unevenly. Glad tu didn’t let go huh?”

“V-very…” Tess stammered. “How were tu concentrating on both of us at the same time doing that?” She continued, forgetting one o two words in her sentence.

“I’ve known about my powers since I was…pfft- nine? Somewhere around there. Years of practice.” She turned towards the crowds, “Where’d tu leave your bro?”

“Zen is…” Tess circled around to where she saw Zen before going in on her own and realized that they were both in the crowds when that happened. “Well he was in the crowds…” She winced.

Lizzy sighed, brushing her hair to the side out of her eye. “Great… does he at least have a red-striped camisa, camiseta on?”

Tess chuckled, humored por the non-sarcastic joke. “I don’t think that would even help. He’ll come back out eventually though. He’s the one who can drive.”

“He does and tu don’t?” The feline asked in curiosity. “Why’s that?”

The chameleon made weighing motions with her hands. “He took driver’s ed, and I took criminal law.”

Lizzy raised a brow, peering slightly in disbelief. “Really?”

Tess grinned, “No, I just took extra classes in gymnastics… though Criminal Law would be cool.”

“Sure that’s your thing?”

“Hey!” Tess’s smile faded. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Lizzy stepped back one foot. “It was an honest question.”

“I could be a P.I. if I studied hard.”

“I don’t think Investigators… never mind. I’m going to look for your bro.”

“ZEN.” Tess corrected testily.

“So he’s not your brother?” The feline quipped. She didn’t smile while quipping so at least she was not completely enjoying herself. Lizzy was not interested in Zen’s name. Why?

“Why can’t tu just call him por his name?” Tess demanded.

“I don’t need to. He doesn’t capa well right?”

“No… but he works computers really well.”

“Can he hack?” Now the cat was smiling. Tess tried to get a read on what Lizzy was getting at. It hit her.

“You don’t think he’s useful? He’s a person too!”

“Not useful,” Lizzy stated raising a finger “to me.” Without giving Tess the chance to retort the feline walked towards the crowds, looking for Zen. Tess went halfway through yelling “HEY!” but it did not seem like doing so would help much. She cloaked and began searching also.

While bobbing up and down to look for the green male chameleon, the girls heard a conversation coming from the ambulance. This commotion grew louder and más upset as one of the workers inside stepped out saying “He vanished!”

Lizzy arrived in front of the doctors first. “Disappeared, where?” She demanded sternly, completely oblivious to the fact that she was a teenage girl ordering respuestas from a grown man. He of course did not give any information, and moments later, the feline was shoved away por civilians and police officers.

The area became even más quarantined, now into two sections; one for a segundo investigation around the ambulance, and a segundo to pregunta every single individual at the crime scene.

The black cat-girl was not pleased with the idea of questions. She found Tess and had them both cloaked and moved a good distance away from the commotion. Thankfully the cameras were all focusing on the matter at hand, but she could not put the idea out of her mind that one of the recordings would catch a glimpse of two kids vanishing from sight.

At one point Zen could be seen walking away from the crowds with a flustered look. The girls met up with him, startling the green chameleon when they first appeared, and began discussing the siguiente objective.

“You two still wanting a part in this?” Lizzy asked.

“No but we’re going to get roped into it anyway, aren’t we?” Zen grumbled.

“I have no idea of knowing that.” She replied.

“Didn’t tu say that we’re targets now?” Tess recalled.

“Potential targets, yes. That doesn’t mean tu have to get into this again.” Lizzy replied. “It’s not like I made tu two do any of it anyway. If I recall I tried to get rid of tu both when this all started.”

“Feeling defensive today are we?” Zen raised an eyebrow.

“You can live my life and tell me.” She snapped back.

“This isn’t productive, guys…” Tess groaned. “What are we doing now?”

“Well the only place the echidna could have vanished from was the car itself, and he’s dead, so the only people that could have ported him were the doctors o the cops inside. I’m going to wait till they leave and tailgate them.”

“Unless they port away too.” Zen joked sarcastically.

“When will that be?” Tess questioned stressfully.

“Hours maybe.” Lizzy shrugged, taking out her dagger and digging it into the ground, which in turn caused the hard and pokey ground to start becoming flat and soft. “We can always get some comida while we wait; o are tu two going inicial now?”

The chameleons turned, stared at each other, then back to Lizzy; the only sentence in their heads being “As if there was any pregunta about it.”

The damaged Hyren Echidna who had just recently discovered the location of his memory drive, was entering his house quietly. The dark blue echidna limped as he made his way to a couch. He was almost entirely healed. His bandages remained, mainly around his eyes, but even with them on they were barely visible under his clothing

He sat on the couch, breathing slowly and deeply. To his left a knock came. He turned to the window at that area and already inside was a black figure, reflecting off the light in the room only briefly as the suit adapted to the intensity and faded más into almost a completely cloaked form.

The echidna jolted to his right but soon relaxed. He knew that there was no chance he would be able to take on his opponent in his current condition. The dark-blue echidna cupped his hands as he leaned adelante, hacia adelante a bit. “What is it that tu want with me?”

Clopping footsteps sounded in front of him as a holographic image formed; a file. The echidna read the título and sighed deeply. “I don’t have that. As far as I know it was lost in the explosion.”

The figure was not pleased. A low whirring started up as the figure’s fists became más noticeable, blue glowing leaking between their seals. The echidna remained silent. If he was going to die, he would die knowing he did not betray his people. The armored man produced a secondary file in the hologram, the memory drive. This caught the man’s attention a bit more.

“That thing is long gone. Good luck getting intel from it. Once the info is back in my head, it leaves that thing.” The echidna could not suppress a smirk of being the road-block for this enemy.

The hologram faded and the figure walked a distance away. The echidna assumed he had left but almost a minuto later he heard doors closing, knobs flicking, curtains closing, and once it was all dark, The Cyclist’s visor was the only barely visible thing in front of the man.

At first the man simply stared back at him. Then he closed his eyes, awaiting his demise. He heard the sound of a *shink* only it sounded like something being unsheathed. His eyes opened briefly, just long enough, to see a small rectangle flicker in front of him… it was about the size of a… flash-drive.

The echidna felt the Cyclist yank him forward, grabbing hold to one of his dreadlocks before tearing it off. The echidna screamed in agony as the drive was slammed into the metallic part of his head, covered por the artificial body-piece. The process lasted ten minutes.

Lizzy reappeared between the two chameleons, still far enough away from the crime-scene as to not be noticed. It was seven at night and becoming increasingly cold. They only noticed the black-furred feline when the sound of munching went off. Zen controlled his reaction por simply jumping a bit at her reappearance, but Tess nearly fell over/

“What took so long?” Zen asked.

“Just because I can do things at unnatural speeds doesn’t mean the people at the drive-through can,” She replied with an irritated tone. “or are tu just looking for a reason to dis me?”

“… It was just a question.” The green chameleons spoke back, giving the feline a very disbelieving stare at her assumption.

“Whatcha bring?” Tess asked, attempting to defuse the conflict. Lizzy sat down three brown-paper bags she had tied together, pulling the string off of them before shoving each bag to her sides for the chameleons. After doing this she began attempting to untie the string.

Inside they found burgers, fries, napkins, and plastic-lidded cups with hot water inside, which they soon found out to their dismay. “Why couldn’t you-“ Zen found himself silenced immediately when the Eventide girl turned her Irises towards his general direction. Her head remained on the string, but the wideness of her lids and dive of her brows gave him a general idea of if she was going to give him a pleasant response. He sighed and began his eating.

Both chameleons were halfway through their meals when Lizzy finally untied the string. “Can’t tu just claw it off?” Tess asked.

“That’d be a waste.” Lizzy replied before stuffing the string in her pocket and chowing down. “They haven’t ended yet I see.”

“Nope…” Zen groaned as he began sniffing the air. “Hold on…” He yanked out Lizzy’s drink. “This is hot-chocolate!”

Lizzy swallowed. “… And?”

“And why couldn’t we get hot-chocolate?”

“Because tu didn’t run all the way there and back.” She turned to Zen while snatching back her drink. “You’re pretty self-entitled aren’t you?”

“He’s cranky.” Tess noted.

“I’m just, annoyed… por all of this.” Zen mumbled. “Just weeks hace there weren’t any secret organizations and now not only is there one, but they disguise themselves as anyone. The siguiente time I get a flu shot I might get the flu instead, with a side of death.”

“… That’s why you’re ticked?” Lizzy asked, her tone raising as she went. “Take it out on them then! I don’t normally play butler to people, y’know!”

“… Yeah.” Zen looked back and forth from her to the ground. “Sorry, forget it.”

“I think they might be done guys.” Tess noted. “One of the lights stopped blinking.”

“Let’s wait a bit.” Lizzy suggested before taking a sip of her drink. “Even if they start driving off I can catch up soon enough.”

“Well… can I go check just to make sure?” Tess asked. “Better seguro than sorry.”

Lizzy finished her third sip. “Fine with me. Don’t get too close though.”

“Got it.” Tess dashed off from her sibling and the Eventide girl, cloaking as she went.

Zen and the feline immediately felt an awkward silence between each other. Lizzy took a few bites of her meal before deciding to break it. “So,” She began with a large exhale, “ever find out why tu can’t capa like your sis?”

“I can cloak.” He replied defensively, “I just can’t as easily. “You know how it works, right? It’s in textbooks.”

“Yeah, but aside from a bit whiny tu don’t strike me as stupid.” The feline responded. “Isn’t that how it works? Brain has to process the environment at all angles like a giant eyeball? It’s all subconscious for Tess but tu have to do it consciously?”

“It’s not fun.” He sighed. “It can really hurt your brain. “I can turn red easily, o blue, o yellow, o whatever, but even if I turn black I won’t blend into everything as well.”

“Sounds like tu really want to.”

“… tu mean something deeper than that don’t you?” Tess looked over to the munching kitty.

“scrawny teenager in High School that’s computer-savvy and doesn’t want to fall into everyday stereotypes, am I right?”

Zen did not answer directly, but he did not deny it. Lizzy shrugged at his partial response. “I don’t blame you. When I get into new schools I just blend straight in as soon as I can. When I leave this town I won’t be remembered, so why try?”

“You didn’t make memories elsewhere?”

“Oh I’ve made memories,” She grinned faintly. “but it wasn’t at school. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a real fast learner despite my more… street-knowledge personality, but I deal más with travelling acts of vigilant-justice.”

“What, you’ve been a travelling superhero?”

“Your city doesn’t have much crime in it; least not that I notice. Then again I never actually buscar for anything to bust. I just see something as I’m walking around and if it’s fishy, I follow. tu remember the Seven-Eleven incident a while back?”

“Y-“ Zen stood up, shifting back. “That was you…”

Lizzy gave him a bewildered stare. “You saw me oust a bunch of people in a military base, and you’re getting scared of me again NOW? I don’t kill teenagers…”

“You don’t sound so convinced.”

“Shut up.” She snapped, though her tone seemed very casual about the statement. The feline got up and crumbled the paper and other remains of her eaten meal. “I’m going to check and see if Tess was right about them leaving.”

Zen decided to follow the dagger-wielder as he stuffed down the last of his own meal. Soon they saw Tess coming out of the crowds, de-cloaking as she exited “You guys!” She called out while waving.

Upon arriving, the yellow chameleon informed the two of their situation. “The doctors are going back in just a second. What do tu want to do?”

“They’ll probably heading for the hospital but I’ll be tailing them just to make sure.” Lizzy noted. “You two can act as backup if I need it, which I won’t.”

“Yeah?” Zen scoffed. “How so?”

“Someone has to call the police if it turns out all these good doctors aren’t going to. Wouldn’t want the red cruzar, cruz to bleed out, otherwise no one gets healed, right?”

“… Was that a mock o are tu serious?” Tess asked.

Zen spoke before Lizzy could answer. “Where do we go then?”

“To your home?” She shrugged. “Or tu could wait outside of the hospital if that’s where we end up. Did tu call your parents about this?”

“About sneaking in to hospitals?” Zen questioned with a droll tone.

“About whatever story you’ll come up with when lying to them.”

“Way to make it a guilt trip.” Tess spoke up, offended por the description. “Don’t tu lie to your parents whenever tu do any super-stuff?”

“No.” Lizzy chuckled. “Look we’re losing time. Did tu call them?”

Neither immediately answered but eventually Zen began pulling out his phone, rolling his eyes. “No,” He dicho while dialing.

“I’ll get tu both the address when I get to the spot, alright?” Lizzy recommended. “Mr. Emotion, tu can drive there right?”

“Mr. what?” Zen asked while waiting for his parents to answer.


“… Uh- yeah I can drive. Why can’t we tail with you?”

“You either hold on while I drag tu both along for like… thirty minutos probably, and you’ll have to capa that entire time while cloaking me and keeping from falling and from getting bugs in your face, o tu drive in the car where they’ll definitely see tu in.”

“I see your point. Let’s get this done.”
WHERE WE LEFT OFF.... Nah, I'm not tellin.
A FEW HOURS LATER... "Help... Ummm... Halp... Screw this, I'm going to sleep." Chris said, after 3 hours of shouting for help. EVEN LATER... Chris had woken up. He yawned. "Where am I?" He asked, not expecting a response. "Ah, your up. Your at the Fan-Freedom Fighters base." dicho a dog wearing a bandana. Chris got a confused look on his face. "Shock? How'd tu get me?" Chris asked. "I noticed what was happening, and I was going everywhere to see if everyone was okay. I found you, and brought tu here....
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posted by shadowknuxgirl
Once everyone was inside, they talked some more, and Silhouette spoke "Settle down, settle down! I was glad that tu could all make it! Now as promised, come with me to the dining room to eat dinner." Silhouette guided the way to the dining room. To everyone's surprise, three people were already sitting in some of the seats. It was Kiseki, Dark Drum and Amethyst. Shion thought to himself "thats who I saw in the window......" At that moment a girl named Tokyo (a dancer) burst out of the kitchen. She spoke "Um....Silhouette... Me and Kimi need your help in the kitchen!" Silhouette dicho " I'll...
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Ok here it go

1) he is one my close friends on here, he has really SHOCKing guys and is the #100 fanboy of that black hedghog who I will not name, his very fun to rp that I have ever met and all started por his dog going good characters slaping my character in the face but r now so close as brothers that I want him and his friends in my story.

2) u were the first FEMALE lobo my character have seen and u r so fun to rp but for some reson we lost our rp flame but I think your character cool so I want to her in my story.

3) now I don't know much about u but playing with u in the high school made...
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One día Emily came inside the house like crazy
Emily:Guys guys guy!!!
Slash:What do tu want!!!
Emily:(looks at him for a littil then she slaps him)
Slash:What was that for tu bìtćh!!!!( he's hand is on he's cheek)
Emily:I hate tu that's why.
Slash:Emily is what happen!
Melody:What do tu want Emily?
Emily:Where's Justin?
Justin:I'm right here.(Gets puñetazo, ponche por Emily)
Emily:Ahhh!!!Justin don't scare me like that!(got that from family guy)
Melody:Justin are tu ok!
Justin:Yeah. So what do want.
Emily:Sonic wants to speak to us!
Slash:Ok so were do we find him?
Emily:We go and find him in the frost.
So they all go and find Sonic and on there way they got attack por The Destroyer V.3!!! Well that's all folks!
"Chris the Mechahog was an attempt at creating the ultimate life form. G.U.N. did not approve of their new secret weapon, so Chris was taken to have a few tests ran on his brain. They found he had an IQ of 10, and the attention span of a blueberry. He was put back into a capsule and stored if all hope was lost for the next, hopefully más succesful, ultimate life form. Therefore, we reccomend leaving Chris INSIDE of the capsule at all times, o let all hell break loose. - Gerald Robotnik." Shadow read. "No way! tu can't be smarter than me! I know the answer to the hardest math pregunta ever!...
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posted by sierradawn9
AN: Ok, so this is WAY back in the día when Bellz-E was still living under the Three Kings (Well... The first two were killed por the last...) and her name was still Bella. She was still bold... and blasphemous. XD

I'm taking over, 
tu plainly see,
I'll set all,
Of the innocents free.

I'll kill your guards,
Knock down a tree, 
I'll destroy your kingdom,
Filled with glee.

Your tirade ends, 
And tu must know,
That I have sank,
To an all new low.

This shit I see,
Maybe it's true,
But I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.

Do tu feel sorrow?
Do tu feel pain?
Do regret all of your choices,
Once it starts to rain.

tu treat them like slaves,
All those townsfolk,
tu must have thought,
It was just a cruel joke.

All this shit,
I know it's true,
So I will not bow,
To the likes of YOU.
{read it already? well read it again and amor it forever like some old disney movie}

when we got to the garoa mountain and got too where the shooting estrella landed, there was just an unconsous cat there. misery, hyper and curious as usual, went up and touched the girl. "OW WAT THE HELL" misery screamed. she had burnt her hand some how and then it started to rain. tuesday, confused, dicho "wat the hell just a girl? u mean that this girl was the estrella that fell from the sky? arc r u sure this is where the estrella landed?"
arc replied "tues have i ever been...
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when we got to the garoa mountain and got too where the shooting estrella landed, there was just an unconsous cat there. misery, hyper and curious as usual, went up and touched the girl. "OW WAT THE HELL" misery screamed. she had burnt her hand some how and then it started to rain. tuesday, confused, dicho "wat the hell just a girl? u mean that this girl was the estrella that fell from the sky? arc r u sure this is where the estrella landed?"
arc replied "tues have i ever been wrong?" arc was más of our tracker of sorts. then misery burst of in screaming "U...
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~and so i have decided to mover all the rainy days chapter to this fan club for all the awesome persons who havent read it so they can and they can b very happy for they have read the best fanfic ever(even tho it really sucks) so praise me persons~

"Its all i can remember, just this this memory. I cant remember my mother, my father, o anything else from my childhood, just this. they were fighting over me, calling me names, these odd adults i cant remember who they were just family...i think. "I dont want her"said one lady, mayb my grandmother,"she will probaly have a darkside""wat do u mean"said...
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brenden a lot of people ask how dose he have pk powers if hes not erteh bound releted well here it is

brenden i got them before i met lily thats when i found the lucas trophy

brenden of coruse i woke up lucas and and turned him back

brenden lucas siad thank u well he saw my moms zero brace so he thought i was one of queen zaannes men then he attack me well i fought him

brenden then i beat him and turned him back agian
well that dident go so well till i explianed then it was ok aperantly he lost ness and his bro clay so i helped him find them

brenden it took a while but he thought me a couple pk...
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This story is about a team who became the best of friends,learning to work together to help SONIC defeat the evil genuis,DR.EGGMAN,TEAM FURRY!

It all stared at the playa two munths ago.

Cece,clarece and molly were walking not por each other in different directions,because they didn't know each other.Molly,was texting,Clarece was lisoning to music,and Cece was playing on her ipad.*BAM!*They all knocked heads!

clarece~HEY WATCH IT!

molly~don't tu mean exuse me?

cece-well i mean mover it o lose it!

clarece~ur not gonna tell me what to do!

cece~im so scared!!!*giggle*

clarece was ready to hit cece in the...
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--------------------------------------------------At this point, Mef was gnawing on Sonic's right arm, Zim was pulling his left, and Brianna was shouting in his ears. They all stopped and looked up. "What are tu looking at?" Sonic asked. A claw grabbed Sonic's head and trapped him in a dome and pulled him up. He struggled to get out, but to no avail. "Thank tu Zim, but I need your help no more! Here's your reward! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Dr. Eggman shouted, and dropped a emparedado, sándwich de on Zim's head. "Traitor!" Zim shouted as Robotnik flew away with Sonic. Once Robotnik had reached...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Alright guys. Mephisto N here.

So, recently, a LOT of people have been asking me shit about mental conditions I have, my phobias, my aura-seeing, etc, etc...

So, yeah, as I'm too lazy to repond to each indivially, I'm escritura an articulo about eeeeverything wrong/unusual about myself. Because people find it interesting. I dunno why.

Anyway, let's start off with the bad shit. What IS wrong with me, hmm?

-Refinded homicidal tendancies.
-Refined suicidal tendancies.

Now, we'll run through them all, one por one.

Sadism is finding humor in...
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posted by virusw
this is my first articulo so i hope tu all like it. anywho here it is.
*AT ELISE'S HOUSE* *knock knock knock* elise: doors open! sonic: hola elise happy valentines día hehe. elise: oh ya todays valentines día i totally forgot. sonic: how chould tu forget valentines day? elise: well i've been a little occupied lately because i herd there's going to be a total eclipse in a few days i was just researching if he was right. sonic: oh one whats a total eclpse? and two who told tu that? elise: one a total eclipse is when the moon completly covers the sun. and two shadow did. sonic: hugh, well anyways...
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posted by thetacoman
Vulc stood in the court of the Old One, listening to his two halves argue.
Today was scheduled to be his trial for forcing the valcanoes to erupt on the mortals, but if he was lucky, the Old One would tire of debating with hisself and declare him innocent (wrongly, of course).
"I tire of this debate," dicho the Old One. "Begone from my prescence."
Vulc was rather lucky.

Upon returning to his castle, Vulc heard news from his sister.
"Are tu sure Sister? Mother dicho it herself?"
It was rather odd. Vulc was one of the Four. For there to be a fifth?
Heresey. Pure heresey.
"Mother did say so...
Vulc, I fear...
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posted by thetacoman
Milendor was más than happy to leave his four children in the care of his beautiful bride.
The four of them always made a ruckus, and he longed for the time before them, when he and Selena themselves were children.
Milendor was equally unhappy that he, the King of the Few, should be tasked with the task of keeping down the Old One's own son.
'I may be wary of my children, but I never sealed them underground' thought Milendor.
It thought into Milendor's head, forcing itsself to be heard;
'What gives a father a right to nearly kill his son, o trap him in the ground? It is as tu said, tu would...
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posted by sierradawn9
"CarBuckle! Let's bail! I hear the cops!" the other gangster yelled to CarBuckle. The grey hedgehog's head jerked up in the direction of he siren. 
 "DAMNIT!" he yelled. They bolted away from the bloody corpse that lie in the alleyway. They took a right turn into another tunnel that wasn't a dead end. There stood a female hedgehog with a gun pointed at the two.
 "Stay right there!"she commanded. CarBuckle noticed the police badge on her shirt. He saw that her brown eyes were death-staring both him and the other gang member. 
 "Woah, hold on honey. Don't get your panties in a twist. Just......
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posted by thetacoman
This one's kinda, laugh at the chaos and death, y'know? NOT FOR THE EASILY SCARED *coughmomcough*
The happy friends roamed the streets painting the town red. o crimsion, if tu wanna be specific.
Estelle gave a child a plaything Seth had hidden a bomb in, and they ran off to avoid the loss of their kidneys.
Five minutos later, BAM! Little girl blood covered them.
They continued on their rampage, slowly losing their grip on reality.
"Hey," dicho Seth as they strolled across a flaming alley munching on squeedley-spooches. "Lets have a contest! Whoever can make the most funny kill, wins!"
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The following articulo is a story behind Estelle Potter and the brutal past that brought her to become a dark, unforgiving soul, along with an extreme sense of greed to take every sparkling jewel and evergreen dollar for herself.

There is also a twisted ending that tu would never expect...

HINT: One of The Fifth Experiment characters is dead for the whole fanfiction and the official thing. And the 'Estelle being dead' statement that I told tu in the fun facts was a lie. It is somebody else. I won't use that The Fifth Experiment Character, except in RPs.


Screams of terror came...
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I stumbled Out of bed.

"7:30?!" I dicho to myself.

I was hopping on one foot trying to get my pants on. All i could hear was "Aries! Aries, tu are going to be late for school!" That was my uncle tails.

"Uh.."I hesitated. I threw unfinished homework in my school bag.

I rushed downstairs and threw a piece of tocino, bacon into my mouth. "Aries, Did tu do your homework?" My uncle tried to ask. I tried to avoid being grounded.
"Uhh, cant talk, Got to go." I did not regret my previos comentario and rushed out the door.

I ran as fast as I could. Which wasn't very fast compared to what my dad could run. I dont...
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