Sonic fan Characters Club
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posted by TakTheFox
Chapter one
(Sept 6th Sunday)

Dear parent(s) o guardian(s), your child has been accepted to the high learnings of “Mobius Academy”, a wonderful educational landscape, funded por the Zone Police Corp, and located in an endless pocket-dimension far from all distractions. We are linked to over seven-thousand Mobius Zones, and constantly increase in the amount of students who attend our campus. We provide millions of topics both mandatory, free-pursuit, and supernatural, for any and all students to learn about and pursue if they wish. Please fill out the sign-up sheet on the siguiente page and send it back for your child to come and learn at Mobius Academy.

Thank you,
from the Dean of Mobius Academy.

A conflict of thoughts went through the female zorro, fox who had this invitation. She had found it hanging out of a house’s trash-can as she passed por it, and barely noticed its content as she passed. She picked it up, but did not know whether to give it back to the people at the house, o keep it. She quickly discouraged these thoughts when she saw in the fine print that she would have a rent-free environment, and have to pay only for what was not dado to her por the school.

She gave a glance at the sign-up sheet, and immediately underwent a stroke of stress and groaning.

Name. She did not know what to write here. She feared using her real name, because it could lead to an investigation to her past, but if she made a counterfeit, and was found out, she would be expelled. She took a deep sigh then wrote down “Grace Luann Renolds”, though this was not her real name.

Age. “16”.

Race. Easy. “Fox”

Gender. “Female”

Skills. She was about to lista her real skills, but assumed that they would seem too… abnormal, and quickly jotted down “Art, and… a keen eye”

supernatural skills (if any). This confused her. supernatural skills? What type of school was this exactly. This gave her a slight sense of relief, because she could now lista her real skills, and feel fine… but she had written them down in pen-ink, and was now stuck with them. For supernatural skills she wrote down “None”

Grade average. This was going to be another hard one. She hadn’t learned very much in her life from being in a less than permanent home-living situation, so she didn’t want to write down “A” fearing that this may lead to her being on some brain-team and failing miserably. She didn’t want to write down “D” o “C” either, because she wasn’t stupid. So she wrote down “B… -“

Height and Weight. She did not know either really. She thought this a dumb question, and simply drew a line across the box where she would normally write her answer, then moved on.

Eye-color. She rolled her eyes a bit, then wrote “blue”.

pelaje, piel color, hair color. “Brown”. Her large curled bang fell in front of her left eye as she wrote this, which caused her to accidentally stretch the “n”.

Does student have personal friends that she/he may know going into this school that they may wish to room with? If so, who? Grace thought about her “friends” who were más like “evil-acquaintances”. She chuckled lightly at the thought of them going to this school, but wrote “No”.

Home-life. This became the largest predicament very quickly. Home-life. She did not want to answer this. She thought of a way to get out of it, but instead it made her think “What if they want a parent there to validate it?”. With this in mind, she slid down to a sitting position on the muro she was leaning on. Grace scribbled down “Personal” and hoped for the best.

Other Information. “None”

Grace walked from the building she was siguiente to, quickly found a mail-box, and placed the already address-filled envelop inside. After doing so, she pondered to herself as to what she had just done. She pulled out a cigarette that she had in her pocket, as well as a lighter, and realized that she would probably have to leave those behind as well. … She decided to hide them.

Two days later…

Following the address dado for where to be picked up to go to the Academy, Grace found herself to surprisingly be the first person at the bus-stop. The zorra, vixen was relieved por this greatly, especially since she had gone through a small adventure of her own to get the clothes for this school.

She was wearing a dark green T-shirt, her hat, a dark grey hoodie, and black jeans. She felt a bit awkward about her clothing of choice, but chose to ignore it. She was able to get these and she did not want to complain about it.

Before anyone else arrived, Grace was dado time to think over what this school might be like. She was mildly confused por the idea of multi-dimensional travel, o it could have just been the possibility of it actually existing. She knew about it, in science-fiction novels and such, but the idea seemed almost too far-fetched to believe. Still, she herself was familiar with the supernatural, so she considered it possible for the moment.

Eventually three other teenagers joined her. Two of them talked amongst themselves, while the other remained silent, falling asleep on the bench. It was almost time to go now. The bus would be there at Seven in the morning, and the zorra, vixen did not wanting to be late.

The bus arrived not long after. It looked like any other School Bus, save for a picture of the Academy’s crest, which was a green hollow esmeralda with a grey background and an M formed on it. Grace quickly hopped in as she did not want to get trampled and in less than two minutos they had arrived.
The school in front of them was very surprising. It had a giant multi-colored field around it, which seemed very odd, while the high-school was fairly normal, aside from being quite large, and having a vast amount of césped, hierba area, throughout the eye’s notice.

“That,” The driver began to narrate, “is Mobius Academy. tu might be wondering why that field is there. No, it isn’t for protection. That field is actually a multi-dimensional portal, which enlaces with dozens of different mobian zones. Each one has a special field that allows them to travel to this high-school with ease, no matter how far apart tu are from their zone. The school itself is kept in a Special-Zone, but can still reflect its surroundings, and has a special link, which lets it stay connected to lead-zones if the field should fail.”

“That explains a lot…” Grace mumbled under her breath in surprise.

“But don’t the different Zones live in different timelines? One goes faster than the other?” Grace was confused por this knowledge from her fellow passengers. They were from her world, and until now she did not know enough about dimensional-travel to come to that conclusion. But then again she led a different life from them. She awaited the driver’s reply as the bus neared its parking spot.

“Right tu are. The school’s portal system keeps track of the time of every Zone and enlaces them accordingly. The system is so complex that we are able to bring people to their desired dimension back at the very moment they left, o have it balance with the amount of time spent elsewhere. A week here would be a week there.

Grace was now certain that this was no ordinary experience. She was almost overwhelmed por how much she would have to learn from it. How many supernatural teenagers would be at this school? How many normal ones would be? Would she have to demonstrate any abilities that she possessed? The zorra, vixen sighed. This was going to be the time of her life, o her worst nightmare.

The bus emptied it’s four passengers, and soon a large cringe grew on the fox’s face as she handed in her information slip. The lady at the escritorio gave her a look as if she was saying “are tu serious?”, but simply rolled her eyes, and let her pass by. Grace gave a large sigh of relief, though also partially confused por how easy she was let through. She then began to scan her immediate surroundings, starting with her dorm room.

She was staying in at 41Z. It was slightly bland, with a greyish-looking appeal, but it had two bedrooms, four closets, and two televisions. She looked at the numbers of beds and her face became upset. Four. That meant three other people snoring at night. Three other people that might accidentally walk in at a bad moment, and three other people who she’d have to talk to, and wake up with, and hear about problems about, and on and on the lista went.

When she had finally gotten past the topic of social drama, Grace looked at who would be living in the dorm, and found that there was at least one boy. She became puzzled as to why such a high-up school would have opposite-gender-dorming. It seemed irresponsible, and she hated it, but she doubted anything could be done about it at the time.

Grace did not meet her dorm-members for some reason, but didn’t care. She left to the general assembly, and almost fell asleep after hearing about how wonderful it is for them being there, and what a wonderful experience it will be. To be frank, she was not totally bored from the experience. Some of it would have been quite interesting, but she was too tired to keep a straight focus on it. Every piece of dialogue from the Dean turned into a large “blah” and once the blahs were finished, Grace checked out how to find her classes, which was rather simple… for the most part.

While she was allowed to choose preferred classes, Grace was forced to fill out a test form to find out what level of education she would be in, and what subjects she would need to take por default. She found it odd that history was not mandatory, though escritura was. She did well with writing, as well as arts, but she wanted arts, and thus was allowed to take it. escritura she set aside. Gym was obviously something she would not be able to avoid, and science would be eventual but for the time being she decided to hold it off till later when she had become used to the school enough that she would not be overwhelmed por every activity.

por the time she got back to her dorm it was four hours later. She fell asleep instantly. She had no luggage with her person, and did wonder before her departure into unconsciousness where she would get new clothing, but she just assumed shortly after that the school would handle that.

The zorra, vixen could almost swear she had just fallen asleep when someone yelled “Grace, wake up! Time for classes!” the siguiente morning, but she couldn’t tell who. por the time she actually decided to stop pretending that she did not hear the person, they had already gotten ready, and were out the door, and thus were not identifiable.

“So much for meeting my roommates,” She sighed as she quickly got her school-books that were waiting for her on the table; no doubt a school tradition for new-comers.

Grace’s first class was art. She knew little about this, but knew less about history, less about language than history, and less about science than language, language being linguistics and not spelling, writing-structure, o grammar. In hindsight she knew much less about art than she thought, as she had usually drawn on paper with pencil o pen, and not brush.

She entered a good half-hour late, and promptly declared “I’M HERE!... this is art right?” The students were either annoyed o confused as to how she would not know that already due to the easels. Some even chuckled, while the teacher simply nodded.

Grace was a bit embarrassed por her entrance, but a student called out in a young female Persian-sounding accent… o what sounded like one (in honesty it sounded slightly off but Grace dicho nothing about it) “Yep! This is art!” then waved. It was a short lynx girl, with black hair that was slightly frizzy at the top, spread out at shoulder length, and silky. She had a dress-like attire, that seemed to be like a two-piece that was connected in the middle to block her stomach from showing. She wore no shoes, had hoop-like-earrings, and had diamond implants near her eyes. Her stripes curved into moon-like shapes, that faded into blue at the edges, and her pupils were blue, while her eyes were green.

Grace hoped not to sit siguiente to her, as she assumed that the girl would be annoying her throughout the class, but the teacher, Mrs. Delmark, did in fact sit her siguiente to the Persian lynx.

Grace groaned as she shuffled her taburete back a bit, then noticed the strange ball of muck that the girl was drawing. “It looks like… vomit.” Grace noted with a slight cringe from her lack of social prowess .

“It does?” The girl asked. “Phew. It’s better than what I thought it looked like. I’m Rynk.”

“… Uh… confidential?”

“SHH!” Mrs. Delmark scolded.

“Uh… Mrs. Delmark, what are we supposed to be drawing?” Grace inquired.

“A bowl of noodles.” The teach replied. Grace looked back at Rynk’s picture, and was able to picture it being noodles… that were regurgitated.

That día in class was thankfully just to mostrar what the students could do, what style they had, and what they needed to improve on. Rynk seemed to need to learn más about all of these. Grace herself did very well, aside from the paint sliding down the side. She quickly saved it por making the yellowish lines look like noodles… greenish yellowish brownish noodles. She wrote “Defective Microwave” underneath it, in a hope that a humorous approach would save her.

Grades were not given, and the students were allowed to take fotos of their creations. Rynk chose not to. Grace didn’t care for one, but Mrs. Delmark gave her one anyway. She waited until she was out of the classroom, then placed it in the trash. Rynk seemed upset at this, and took it out.

“If tu don’t want it, can I have it? It’s really cool… and funny.” Rynk complimented as she started to follow Grace slightly.

“Knock your Persian self out.” Grace replied, in hopes that this may get Rynk to leave her alone. In actuality this lynx was a mixture of Scottish, Persian, and Indian, but she did not feel it was important to lista something along those lines at this stage of their currently-brief relationship.

“A bit racist-sounding, but okay.” Rynk replied in a still-perky tone as she continued to follow her. “But I’m from Supreta, not Persia.”

“And Supreta is… far from here?”

“Well I guess not. I mean, the portal that the school comes from is right in the middle of it, but I guess the whole dimension thingy changes it. Who knows?”

“Well… uh… yeah… what tu said.” Grace rolled her eyes as she rested her hands at her side, which reminded her that she still a cigarette and lighter in her pocket. Grace had smoked before. It was not a practice of hers, and when it ever happened it was only on occasion. Now she would not be doing it in front of the lynx siguiente to her, but she had to get it out of sight as they were now in her hands, and visible. Unfortunately Rynk had already noticed this and had swiped away the smoked before placing them in a nearby trash-can.

“Hey!” Grace yelled angrily.

“Smoking’s not allowed in school!” Rynk reminded. “Besides, it’s bad for your health!”


“You could get in trouble for it. I’d rather none of those things happened.”

“That makes one of you.”

“You mean tu don’t care about what happens to your health?”

“Whatever.” Grace shrugged then began to increase her pace back to normal; assuming that the conversation was over, while Rynk simply thought that it meant to keep walking, and talk about something else.

Grace noticed her supposed stalker still following her, and before Rynk could start up a new topic, Grace yelled out “SHE’S CRAZY! SHE’S HIDING IN YOUR WINDOWS! AND STALKING YOUR PEOPLE UP!” then quickened her pace to a jog.

Rynk was at first too confused to be offended, but still became offended after a bit, as well as embarrassed at the people now staring at her. She quickly stopped following Grace with a sad remark on her face, then turned around, and walked off, even though her class was the exact same direction as Grace.

Grace walked into her history class… yay. Grace had chosen to keep this class simply to keep up to fecha with her homeworld’s past in case quizzed. She felt slightly guilty about insulting Rynk like that, but lost her sympathy when she had to quickly attempt to figure out what her professor was talking about. Thankfully she survived, though it was not highly difficult.

From there she went to language, which she got a B+ at, then lunch. She dreaded going up to the cafeteria-lady out of fear of what she heard from other teens that talked about how it’s always some “mystery meat”; Sherlock Holmes mystery. She did not know anything about what this school’s comida would be like, but if it was the same she would be upset. Grace was very surprised at what she saw.

Not only was the main meal very healthy and delicious, from what she smelled from the back of the line and saw when she got close enough, but there also seemed to be special Fried-Lichi and milkshakes for those who’d either pay, o have good credit amounts. She now had a reason to either get a part-time job, o get better at school. She was a bit confused as to what Lichi was, but it seemed to resemble chicken.

The zorra, vixen could almost swear that she saw the face of someone that she knew, and cringed a bit when she did, but the person had passed, so she didn’t know. She did see Rynk. She had barely touched her food, and seemed to be whistling a tune as she jotted down an assignment.

Gym was quite fun actually for Grace. There wasn’t an extreme amount of running, which was fine with her, and the students appeared to mainly just be doing whatever. She saw Rynk going up and down the high-ropes at a quick speed which surprised her quite a bit. “Never catch me doing that.” She muttered to herself, referring to the height of the exercise.

She almost decided to do Volley-ball, but walked away before she was able to talk with the coach about letting her in. She basically spent the class doing some long-jumps, and some basic exercises, but other than that, she just stood around.

Gym ended, and from there she went on to another class. And a class after that. She was quite tired when she was finally finished, and while she did quite well in all things considered, her sore body dicho otherwise. She collapsed on her bed, had a good long nap, then got up and walked around the campus to explore a bit.
added by stacycam
Source: me
added by MephilesTheDark
Source: Me.
added by SallyShenults
added by Skull-Rose
Source: Me
added by tailslover9
Source: Me/Bunnies Base
COMPLETELY Realistic roleplays on our club are almost impossible, o at least in the sense that was talked about. Now that isn’t to say that there aren’t some very realistic supernatural roleplays; as long as tu can scientifically explain it, o por other means explain it, then it’s technically realistic to an extent, but I suppose down-to-earth is más accurate a description.

This means roleplays that aren’t all high-scale and full of powerhouses; roleplays where tu can interact with characters that don’t have supernatural abilities (or a small amount) without feeling dwarfed.

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added by SilvazeLover
Source: me ^^
added by zougethebat1
Source: me/shadowknuxgirl
added by blazeandarose
Source: drawn por me
added by sakuraandsasuke
Source: enjoy obaidah
added by silveranime122
Source: I put it togetther
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by seuris
Source: (c) Seuris
added by Venus-Hedgehog
Source: GreyBullet (Not Me)
added by Evolia-Wulf
Source: Evolia Wulf
posted by Ciara-the-Gecko
Now, naming characters is hard, I'm gonna admit that, but hopefully this is an articulo on how to help tu with that.

1. Relevance to Nationality and the Era they Were Born in

What nationality is your character? (If your character doesn't have a nationality, just ignore this) Are they Chinese, English, American? What names are más likely to be used in these areas? When were they born? What were the popular names of the time?

And easy answer to all these preguntas is research, and research is fun, there are plenty of baby naming sites, and records of popular names throughout time.

2. misceláneo Words...
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I plan on making a Mary Sue/Gary Stu test for everyone here. The way I will be doing it is tu will check off whichever things portray to your character, and the resulting number will determine how stu-ish they are.

HOWEVER the difference with this one is that not only will there be things to check off to decrease the amount, AND there will be respuestas which count as más o less points than others, BUT IT WILL ALSO have secondary check-lists for those who DO have those attributes but not because they are stu-ish, but based on actual facts told to them por other users.

An example is “Does almost...
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Okay, so I got bored, and after some reminiscing, I thought I'd make a lista like this. Without further ado...

15: Wacko (solarsonic11)
Yes, I dicho it, Solar. Your most overpowered, pointless, biggest jerk of a character made it on my list. Why? Because Wacko is the only character I've noticed on the site meant to fight back against godmodding. And yes, even though I wanna kill him sometimes, he's still a funny guy.

14: dulces manzana, apple (BOMBBABY/PIGGYBANKLOVER)
Okay, so another very annoying cameo...XD Who am I kidding? First time I met this character was in team serpents, and she tried to give candy...
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added by blazethekitty94
Source: me