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posted by mephiles97
The Rasoul Saga: Chapter 16

Upon getting home, Kyle had just gone back to cama due to the fact that he needed sleep. He slept peacefully and quietly until the morning rolled around.

“Kyle? Dear, it’s time to get up,” His mother’s voice called through the bedroom door, followed por the door opening just slightly and revealing her gentle face. “You have school today, and I’m sure tu would like to have plenty of time to get ready.”

Kyle stirred in his bed, awoken por the sound of his door opening and his mother’s voice. He slowly rolled over in his bed, turning to look at her in his doorway. “…Time for school already…?” He mumbled groggily, still feeling quite tired and sleepy due to the fact that he didn’t exact get a full night’s sleep due to following I2 during the night. He slowly pushed the covers off of himself and slowly sat up, blinking his eyes a few times at his mother.

“Are tu alright, Kyle? tu look tired…” Kushina dicho as she noticed the tired look on her son’s face. “Did tu not get enough sleep last night, sweetie?” Kyle simply just shook his head as he slowly pulled himself up out of bed.

“No, I didn’t get much sleep last night…” Kyle replied. He started to tell her what he had done during the night with Ruby, but he decided to stop and think of a different thing to say her, as it might worry her o make her angry if she had known that he had snuck out during the night. “…I just couldn’t sleep last night. I tried moving around in cama and things like that, but I just could not get comfortable. So, I wound up being up until around midnight o so, and then I finally managed to go to sleep, I guess… I only remember laying there in bed, and now it’s morning.”

“Well, I’m sorry that tu didn’t get much sleep last night, Kyle… I hope you’ll be feeling okay today,” Kushina said. “Maybe you’ll feel a bit better when tu wake up a bit more. Also, tu could always take a nap after tu get inicial and finish your homework if tu feel like tu need to.”

“Yeah, I could just do that if I needed to… but I’m sure I’ll be able to wake up a bit. I’m sure I won’t go falling asleep in class while I’m at school, o at least I hope not,” Kyle joked with a small smile and a chuckle. Kushina simply just smiled at Kyle’s joke, and then turned to leave so he could get dressed and get ready for school.

Kyle quickly got changed into his clean clothes and then left his room to make his way to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, he quickly brushed his teeth, before turning to leave the bathroom and go downstairs to the cocina and living room. As he came down the stairs, he was met por his brother Daniel.

“You look tired, Kyle,” The bronze yellow hedgehog observed the tired-eye look on Kyle’s face as he tilted his head to the side slightly. He was already fully dressed for school. “I take it tu didn’t sleep much?” Kyle simply just shook his head as he turned and walked into the kitchen, followed por Daniel.

“No, not that much. I got some, but not a lot. I woke up in the middle of the night and had a hard time going back to sleep,” Kyle replied as he walked over to the cocina cabinet and pulled a box of cereal out. He quickly made himself a small bowl of cereal for breakfast, and walked over to the cocina mesa, tabla to eat it. Daniel came and sat down at the mesa, tabla with his younger brother; he had already eaten before Kyle had gotten dressed, so he was simply going to sit and visit with Kyle.

While Kyle was eating, Avina came downstairs, also dressed and ready for school. She walked into the cocina and gave a happy wave to her brothers. “Hey, guys! Are tu ready for school today?” Kyle simply just shook his head slowly while Daniel rolled his eyes slightly. Avina laughed a bit at the reactions from the boys. “Yeah, that’s how I feel, too. I don’t really want to go to school, either,” She commented.

“Well, I certainly know that I didn’t enjoy school when I was your age,” Their father comentó as he walked into the kitchen. “The only thing I enjoyed in school was science class, but I didn’t like any of the other classes, and I didn’t like the bullies.”

“Hey, Dad,” All of the three kids gave a wave to their father; Kyle included, and he had just finished with eating his cereal, as he ate quite quickly. “Did Mom like school at all?” Avina questioned.

“Now that I don’t honestly know,” Jacob replied as he sat down at the mesa, tabla with his sons and daughter. “I think tu would have to ask her a pregunta like that herself.”

“Maybe we can sometime,” Avina dicho with a small shrug of her shoulders. “Anyway, when do tu want us to leave for school, Dad? Pretty soon?”

“Well, it would be nice if tu left soon. I don’t want tu kids to be late,” Jacob said. All three of the kids nodded their heads. Kyle was also thinking about how Ruby and I2 were doing, but he knew that he wouldn’t have enough time to have a long conversation with them if he wanted to not be late for school.

“Do we need to leave right now?” Daniel asked; he was usually the one that always tried to be exactly on time and absolutely hated being late. Kyle and Avina didn’t like to be late either, but they weren’t as serious about it as Daniel was. Jacob shook his head to say no.

“Daniel, tu still have plenty of time. tu don’t have to rush off right away. When I dicho soon, I meant in about thirty minutos o so from now,” Jacob replied. He paused for a moment. “…Er, perhaps I should have been a bit clearer on that.”

“Oh, well, that’s okay then. I was just trying to make sure that I wasn’t going to be late if I didn’t leave right this moment,” Daniel said. About that time, Kushina walked into the room to see how everyone was doing, and the time wound up being spent por the Waktini family all sitting at the mesa, tabla and talking happily with each other. Once the time was spent, the three teenagers dicho goodbye to their parents, and then left the house to head off towards their school.

The thee Waktini kids arrived at school, still having quite a bit of time to talk around to friends and gather their libros and other school supplies before the first campana to start school rang; Daniel went to go gather everything right away, Avina went to gather her things but also talked to friends on the walk, and Kyle also went to go get his things. Kyle happened to run into Kagen on the way to his locker, and the black and red zorro, fox decided to walk with Kyle and talk to him along the way.

“So how was your día yesterday?” Kagen asked as he leaned against the lockers while Kyle was getting his own supplies out of his own locker.

“First I went to the park with Ruby and Mancer, and then we got jumped por two of those Dark caballos people,” Kyle started. Kagen’s eyes widened slightly in surprise. “Then we went home, then Trenton came over and hung out with me for a while, and then I followed I2 with Ruby later that night…”

“You followed I2? What?” Kagen asked in confusion. He wore a look of confusion on his face as Kyle told Kagen the small story about how I2 was leaving at night, and how they had met that Identity named Damien. “…Oh, I see,” The zorro, fox dicho with a nod. “Okay, it makes sense now. So I take it that tu didn’t get much sleep last night?” Kyle just shook his head as he rolled his eyes. Kagen laughed a bit at Kyle’s reaction, which also made Kyle chuckle a bit himself. Both friends continued laughing for quite a short time until they heard someone calling their names from the other end of the hallway. The hedgehog and the zorro, fox both turned their heads to see a waving Trenton coming towards them from the other side of the hallway where the voice had come from.

“How’s it going?” Trenton asked as he walked up and stopped beside Kyle and Kagen. “I was wondering when tu two would get here. I’ve been here for quite some time now.”

“I guess tu showed up pretty early, didn’t you?” Kagen asked, turning his head to look at Trenton. Trenton nodded his head at what Kagen had said.

“I always get here early. I always try to be at school a bit early so I have plenty of time,” Trenton replied.

“Plenty of time for what?” Kyle and Kagen both questioned.

“Oh, just for studying and talking to people,” Trenton replied. “I’m talking to tu both right now, aren’t I? Anyways, how have things been with both of tu lately? I actually heard something on the news about a fight in the park? Did tu two see that on the news yesterday?”

“I was gone on a trip to visit my grandparents most of the día yesterday, so no, I didn’t see anything about it,” Kagen replied. He looked towards Kyle, knowing that Kyle had been there for that fight.

“I was actually in the middle of that,” Kyle replied as he turned back to his locker. “It was me, Mancer, a very good friend of mine, and two people from a local gang.”

“And that gang is the Dark Horses, correct?” Trenton asked as he leaned back against a locker. Kyle and Kagen looked at Trenton in surprise, not being able to remember if they had told him about them o not. “A friend of mine gave me some info on them. Apparently the gang attacked my friend,” The bat added. “He’s fine now, o so I think he is.”

“Have tu ever met any of the people in the Dark Horses?” Kagen asked mostly out of curiosity.

“No, I can’t say that I have,” Trenton replied while he shook his head. “I’ve heard the name of the gang, but I don’t know of any of the members o any of the members’ names.” He stood back up, turning his head to look off down the hallway. “Oh, por the way, tu both might want to be careful. I think Joshua Langtide was looking for both of you… and me. I overheard him talking to a few of his little cronies.”

“Yeah, that can’t be good. He probably wants to beat us up o yell at us o something,” Kyle dicho as he rolled his eyes. “He’s always hated us, though I don’t really know why. I’m assuming we just annoy him, which we do sometimes, to be honest. I don’t know why he would want to get you, though.”

“Let’s see, I’ve made him angry multiple times and then I punched him in the face that one time with my metal knuckles things,” Trenton said. “Remember that?”

“Oh, right… I do remember that,” Kyle said. “Were those metal knuckles? Why did tu even have those with you?”

“Oh, I still have them with me,” Trenton replied as he crossed his arms. “Anyway, I carry them with me for self-defense purposes. Where I come from, tu never know what’s going to come your way. Of course, now I’m here in this city and place, so I guess tu can say I haven’t grown out of wanting to keep a weapon with me. Plus, if I ever did get attacked por a gang here o somewhere else, I would have these metal things if I needed them.”

“So does that mean there are a lot of gangs o people that want a fight back where tu used to live?” Kagen asked. Kagen looked past Trenton slightly and happened to notice the bat’s wings; one of his wings seemed to be hurt, as it had some white bandages wrapped around it. “Hey, did tu get hurt recently?” Kagen’s pregunta also attracted Kyle’s attention to Trenton’s wings.

“You’d probably be quite surprised,” Trenton replied through a sigh. “And, yes, I recently injured my wing while I was helping my father do some construction work on a storage building that we were making. I fell off of the roof of the building and landed in a large pile of wood, which hurt quite a bit, I might add. But, one of the nails there managed to scratch my back and my wing with it when I tried to roll off of the wood.” His ears twitched suddenly when he heard the sound of the first school campana ringing. “And now it’s time for class. We can talk later during free period o after school,” He added as he started off towards class. Kyle and Kagen nodded their heads and began off to their own class.

Nothing really eventful happened in class, except for the normal learning that would normally happen in class. However, Kyle, Kagen, and Trenton all found themselves being passed a note during a class that they were all in together. Each one of them had looked at the note that they had been given; each note stated “Meet me in the courtyard at noon. I have a bone to pick with you, little trash”; the notes were signed and dado to them por Joshua Langtide. Kyle and Kagen simply looked at each other with slight looks of worry on their faces after they read their notes; Trenton simply just rolled his eyes and crumpled the note up into a ball, which he threw in the trashcan at the end of class. The three did go out the courtyard during free time, but they went to a large árbol and sat under it instead of looking for Joshua.

“So,” Trenton began as they all sat down under the shade of the tree. “Now that we have some free time, what would both of tu like to talk about? o do tu simply want me to speak to tu instead?”

“Hm…” Kyle pondered for a moment, attempting to think of something that he could say to Trenton. “Hey, is it alright if I ask why exactly tu transferred to this school and not another school? There’s quite a few other schools in Freedom City, tu know. Was it just a simple coincidence?”

“Well, my parents dicho that this school seemed to be the best for me. They thought that the teachers o at least most of the teachers seemed okay, and they thought that the huge size of the school would be good for me, since I would be able to be around a lot of people and have lots of possible friends,” Trenton replied. “Some of the other schools seemed a bit small.”

“Yeah, there is all kinds of people here at this school since it is so large,” Kagen said. “There’s quite a few nice people, some quiet people, some bullies, and everything in between.” Kyle nodded his head at what Kagen said, and then he released an uncontrollable yawn, due to the fact that he was still feeling quite tired. Trenton turned his head to look at Kyle when he heard the yawn.

“Not get any sleep last night?” The bat questioned; Kyle simply shook his head. “Well, I can’t say I really got that much sleep either. I was awake most of the night last night, but that was my own choice to stay up so late.”

“Really? What did tu manage to do that kept tu awake so late?” Kyle asked. “I tend to fall asleep fairly easily at night if I don’t have anything to keep my attention from going to sleep.”

“I was up practicing last night,” Trenton replied. “I was practicing with my physical moves, as I practice often. I can’t say I know an actual style of fighting such as karate, but I often practice my punches and kicks along with my own physical movement and flexibility.”

“That sounds something like what I’m doing right now,” Kyle said. “Er, I mean, Mancer has been teaching me how to use my powers in a better way, but he hasn’t been doing a whole ton of physical training with me, though.”

“Really now? Well, perhaps I could help tu with physical attacks, then?” Trenton asked. Kyle turned his head to look at the bat in surprise. “Really, perhaps I could come over sometime after school o on the weekend when tu and Mancer aren’t busy and teach tu a bit about physical attacks?”

“You would really do that?” Kyle asked in surprise, quite shocked at what Trenton had just said. He was surprised that Trenton would actually take the time out of his día to teach him what he knew about fighting and fighting techniques. Trenton nodded his head, putting a small smile on his face.

“Yeah, I don’t mind it at all. We wanted to have some hang out and bonding time, right? I think that would give us a perfect chance to do it, don’t tu think?” Trenton asked. Kyle nodded his head, putting a small smile on his own face. The bat turned his head to look at Kagen. “Do tu want to come? I mean, I’m not Kyle’s parents and I can’t invite tu over, but if they did let tu come, I’ll teach tu some things as well if tu would like to learn them.”

“Well, I would certainly enjoy getting to see Kyle and his siblings for a while, and while I could work on bonding with tu as a friend, I can’t,” Kagen dicho as he released a very quiet sigh. “My parents wanted me to stay inicial and help them with some house work, so I can’t go anywhere unless I talk them into letting me go. Besides, I’m sorry, but I got a really awesome new computer yesterday and I’m really eager to test it out and see how it runs! It looks really high-tech, but it was pretty surprisingly cheap.”

“Well, if it was as cheap as you’re saying it is, then it may have some kind of virus in it,” Trenton pointed out. “You know, like a virus that keeps it from working properly.”

“Well, I at least know that it works, because the people who sold the computer to us showed us briefly that it would come on and work. I don’t know if it has a virus that messes with it while it’s running o not, though,” Kagen said. “Anyway, I’m sorry for interrupting with the computer thing. tu can go back to talking with Trenton, Kyle.”

“It’s fine, Kagen. I’m not angry,” Kyle dicho to his zorro, fox friend. He then turned his head back to look at Trenton. “Anyway, I would actually appreciate it if tu could mostrar me a few things. I do think that it would make things a bit easier for me when people like villains and those… Dark caballos people try to attack me again.”

“Attack tu again?” Trenton questioned.

“Yes, they’ve been pretty persistent lately. I can’t say I know EXACTLY why, but they seem to want something to do with my powers…” Kyle replied. He held his hand up, forming a small sphere of Rasoul energy above the palm of his hand to mostrar Trenton.

“So tu have Rasoul powers?” Trenton asked, apparently knowing exactly what Kyle’s Rasoul powers where. Kyle and Kagen both turned their heads to look at Trenton in shock. “Mancer told me about it and showed me his own Rasoul powers while we were talking. I’ve been informed on what it is; that’s how I know,” The bat added.

“Oh… Right, I remember Mancer telling me that tu and him had been talking,” Kyle dicho with a small nod of his head. “Anyway, what else do we have to talk about? I think we still have quite a bit of time until it’s time to go back to class.”

“Did either of tu two get that note from Joshua? I was sure that tu did due to the look on your faces that I noticed right about the time that I got a note from him as well,” Trenton said.

“Yeah, we both got the note,” Kagen replied. “Do tu think we should be worried about that? I mean, since we didn’t mostrar up, good ol’ Red Rocket might be even más angry and ready to smash us into the ground, assuming that he planned on beating us up o something such as that.”

“Let him come,” Trenton dicho with a roll of his eyes. “If he tried to attack us now in the middle of the courtyard, in front of tons of students who could be witnesses, I’m sure at least one of those students would snitch and tell a teacher o someone such as that to get the fight broken up. Taking that into consideration, it would be completely stupid to do such a thing and try to attack us now.”

“Oh ho, I would NOT put that past him,” Kagen said. “He beat up a kid in the middle of the cafeteria one time, though… I can’t say the teachers were actually there to see it. They had left to go to some kind of meeting in the teacher’s longue.”

“See, even though he did beat some poor dude o girl up in the cafeteria, people with authority weren’t around,” Trenton dicho as he crossed his arms. “Now that there could be visible teachers around, I seriously doubt he would be stupid enough to make a move, but if he IS that stupid, then he’s just that stupid.” Kagen and Kyle both chuckled slightly at Trenton’s apparent amor of the word “stupid”.

“Well? It’s not a rather dumb idea,” Trenton replied as he crossed his arms tighter. “While I’d rather tu two not laugh at what I have to say and the way that I speak, I’m going to ignore it and let it go instead of starting a huge discussion o argument about it. We’re trying to be friends here; not tear each other down.” Kyle and Kagen caught on the fact that Trenton’s voice sounded slightly angry o annoyed, so both teens apologized to their bat acquaintance, who simply gave a nod to say that he accepted their apology. They all sat in silence for a short moment, attempting of something to say, until…

“YOU THREE WIMPS!” Joshua Langtide’s loud, booming voice came thundering from quite some ways away from where the three acquaintances sat. All three turned their heads, just in time to see Joshua storming towards them with his fists clenched in pure rage. The yell and Joshua’s angry movements certainly did attract the attention of quite some number of students who were nearby as they turned their heads to see what was going on.

“And here the ugly toro comes,” Trenton dicho with a pure look of annoyance on his face as he turned his head to look at Joshua. Kyle and Kagen simply watched Joshua come towards them in shock and quickly began scooting backwards away, hoping that they wouldn’t be seen if they went around the tree, but they were, however, seen por the bully.

Joshua stormed over to the three, stopping in front of them with a look of pure fury on his face. He reached out for the first person that he could grab, which was Trenton, pulling him up and lifting him just slightly off of the ground por the front of his jacket. “I don’t take kindly to little cowards who are too afraid to even mostrar their faces to me. Especially little ones like YOU,” He said, pointing his finger right in Trenton’s face, who had a calm, serious look on his face, “who look tough and talk though, but then don’t mostrar up for a fight.”

“I didn’t mostrar up for the fight because it would simply be stupid to have it considering that I could beat tu with my hands tied behind my back,” Trenton dicho in a flat tone as Joshua’s eyes went wide with anger at what the bat had said. “Well, perhaps I can’t make that call. I don’t know how powerful tu are, but based on your apparent level of intelligence, I figure that I’m at least smarter than tu are; maybe I’m faster than tu as well.”

Joshua released an angry growl, very annoyed and angry at what Trenton had just said. “You’re faster than me? And smarter than me? Well, let’s just see what happens when I knock a few IQ points clean out of your thick little head!” He yelled through anger as he swung his fist as hard and as fast as he could at Trenton’s face.

Kyle, Kagen, and the entire now gathering crowd of watchers just stared in pure shock at the center of attention; which was Trenton and Joshua. Joshua’s fist hand landed HARD right in the middle of Trenton’s head, sending the bat’s head snapping (Not actually snapping. Like, just going backwards very quickly like a whiplash) backwards. Joshua also let go of Trenton as his fist collided, which sent the bat flying backwards onto the ground. Joshua stood there with a satisfied look on his face, looking at Trenton, who was lying completely still on the ground; he was breathing, but just lying there with his eyes closed. A bit of blood trickled down from his nose, as the fist had collided quite roughly with his face and his nose. No one could seem to tell if Trenton was actually awake o if he was unconscious due to how still he was being.

“Trenton!” Kyle and Kagen both scurried over to the still bat as quickly as they could, worried for his condition after the strength of the punch. Kyle reached out to try to shake Trenton and see if he was awake, but Trenton suddenly opened his eyes and blinked a few times. The bat quickly set up, startling both Kagen and Kyle who jerked back away from Trenton just slightly. Trenton slowly brought himself up to his feet, keeping his head low as he closed his eyes again; he stood there in complete silence, almost like a statue.

“Oh, not going to strike back, little baby?” Joshua mocked Trenton, who was still standing perfectly still without opening his eyes and his head lowered. Joshua started walking over to him once more. “Are tu just going to stand there and let me beat away on you? Because I’ll gladly do it for all of the insults that you’ve shot towards me! I bet you’re not nearly as smart o as fast as tu claimed, are you?” Trenton simply remained silent and still once again.

“Trenton, do something! Don’t just stand there and let him shove tu around!” Kagen said, trying to get Trenton to wake up from whatever self-induced ‘trance’ that he had put himself into. Kyle and Kagen both wanted to fight back and attack Joshua for attacking them first, but neither the yellow hedgehog o the black and red zorro, fox wanted to get in trouble for fighting.

“Alright then, if you’re not going to do anything, then I’m going to finish with what I started!” Joshua dicho as he quickly dashed towards Trenton, pulling his fist back for another heavy puñetazo, ponche aimed at the bat’s face.

Trenton’s hand suddenly shot up, stopping Joshua’s puñetazo, ponche dead in its tracks; the bat never raised his head o opened his eyes, so this left Kyle, Kagen, and even Joshua confused as to how he knew exactly where the fist was, and even the fact that it was coming. Trenton held onto Joshua’s fist while the bully tried to push against Trenton; he was held firmly in place por the bat.

Trenton continued staying perfectly still, and he was still holding the bully’s hand in firm place. However, Trenton’s head suddenly shot up as his eyes flew open with an angry expression. His lips curled back in an angry snarl, which revealed very large, snake-like fangs where his canine teeth would have normally been. Trenton released what sounded like a hiss as he slammed his own, free fist straight into Joshua’s stomach. Black mist quickly formed around his fist, and the bully was practically BLASTED backwards from the huge amount of force that surged through him when Trenton jerked his mist-covered fist back. The bully landed hard in the crowd, who all jumped away and stared at Trenton and Joshua in pure shock. Joshua just laid there in shock; he didn’t feel much pain at all, but he was trying to figure out what he had just seen.

However, almost as soon as Trenton had blasted Joshua backwards, he was immediately standing there plain and normal. There was not even a small trace of mist around his hand; Kyle and Kagen didn’t even get a good chance to see what had just happened in a matter of a few seconds. Trenton’s mouth was also closed and normal now, so it was impossible to tell if those snake-like fangs were still there o not. As Trenton made his way over to the stunned Joshua, the crowd began moving back and splitting apart to make a path for him as he walked to the bully. Trenton stopped right in front of Joshua, wearing a fairly serious expression on his face; the bully looked up at Trenton with a look of shock.

“You listen and tu listen well,” Trenton began as he still wore that very serious expression on his face. “You WILL leave Kyle, Kagen, and me alone, o else tu will feel the wrath I can bring upon you. I am normally quite calm, and I try my best to control my anger, but people like tu are just enough to make it exploded,” He warned as he leaned down close to Joshua. “You only got the damage from the force of the blast, DO NOT make me unleash the entire explosion on you.” With that dicho the bat began walking past Joshua again, the crowd once again parting to give him a straight path until he was past all of the watchers and walking towards the actual school building. Kyle and Kagen stood in shock for a few moments until they finally came back to their senses and ran after the bat, carefully moving through the crowd to follow after Trenton.

“Trenton! Wait up!” The hedgehog and the zorro, fox chased after Trenton as quickly as they could, who was simply just walking away at a fairly quick pace, not bothering to look back due to the fact that he was just angry and wanted to get away from the entire crowd and scene as soon as he possibly could. Kyle and Kagen had to speed up as much as they could in their running, and then they were finally able to catch up to Trenton and stay beside him.

“Trent, are tu okay?” Kagen asked, giving Trenton a small nickname there when he asked his question. Trenton simply turned his head back and looked at Kagen with a face of anger, though he wasn’t mad at the zorro, fox himself; he was simply just mad at Joshua and still had the anger mostrando on his face.

“First of all, I don’t like that name,” Trenton began, still wearing that look of anger on his face. “Second of all, I’m perfectly fine. I just need to calm down for a while. Nothing more.”

“What even happened?” Kyle asked; Trenton turned his head away from Kagen to look at the hedgehog instead when he began speaking. “What did tu even DO to Joshua? That went por so fast… I barely even know what happened!”

“I simply just gave him a piece of my mind. tu know, showed him that I mean business,” Trenton dicho flatly as he began walking faster, which caused Kyle and Kagen having to speed up to catch up to the bat, as they fell behind slightly when he suddenly started going faster.

“But what was that mist stuff?” Kyle asked, thinking back on the mist that he had seen for a very división, split moment. He thought about what that mist looked like, and realized that it seemed similar to an energy that he had seen many times; Rasoul. “Trenton, was that… Rasoul energy?” Trenton didn’t reply and simply kept walking in silence.

“Was it Rasoul energy, Trenton?” Kagen asked, attempting to help get Kyle’s pregunta through to the bat. The bat simply just remained quiet once más and continued walking. Upon walking into the school building, Trenton immediately turned and started walking towards his siguiente class, and he was followed por Kyle and Kagen.

“We can talk later. I’m not in the mood for talking right now,” Trenton dicho in a flat tone as he walked into his class, still followed por Kyle and Kagen. Of course, the entire class was empty, due to the fact that everyone was still outside o in other rooms for their free time; there was still quite some time until the campana would ring to send everyone back to class. “Now, due to the fact that I don’t want to see that bully’s face o I’m going to puñetazo, ponche someone, I’m going to stay right here until class starts back up.”

“Are tu sure tu don’t want to do something instead of just sitting here?” Kagen asked as he tilted his head to the side. He looked over at Kyle, who was just going to sit down in his escritorio in the classroom. “Are tu just going to sit here, too, Kyle?”

“Well, it probably won’t be too long until class starts again,” Kyle replied. “Plus, I’m kind of with Kagen. I don’t want to go back out there right now, because I’m sure Joshua has already recovered from that attack from Trenton, and he’s probably really, really angry right now, especially since we ran away from him as well.”

“True, I didn’t think about it quite like that,” Kagen agreed as he went to sit down at his own desk. “I don’t want to deal with that hulking, angry guy when he recovers completely and actually tries to come after us. Hopefully the campana for class rings before he decides to come looking for us.” Kyle and Trenton both nodded their heads in agreement.

Sure enough, the campana for class did indeed ring before Joshua was ever able to find them, even if he was looking for them; none of the three knew if Joshua was busy looking for them during the rest of free time o not. When class got resumed, however, some of the students in the class were people who had seen Trenton and Joshua, and those students were actuación afraid and attempting to sit as far away from the bat as soon as possible. Trenton noticed, but he didn’t pay any attention to the afraid, staring faces. This continued on for quite some time until the end of school rolled around and the final campana sounded to let the students know that school was now over and they could go home. Trenton was quick to gather up his things, and then he left out into the hallway, not giving Kyle and Kagen much time to collect their things, as they wanted to have a chance to speak to Trenton before he just left. Kyle and Kagen also had to run to be able to catch up with the bat as he walked out of the school.

“Are tu still in the mood for coming over, Trenton?” Kyle asked as he ran up beside Trenton. The bat gave a small glance at the hedgehog, which made the hedgehog think that it may have been a bad idea to ask him about that after what happened earlier during free time. “I… I’m sorry if it was a bad time to ask that…”

“No, it’s not exactly a bad time,” Trenton replied through a sigh as he stopped, which caused Kyle and Kagen to stop beside him so they could all talk. “I’m just… on edge from what happened earlier. I’m still angry, so I wanted to leave school as soon as possible. I’m sorry if I looked like I was being snappy towards you.”

“Well, I know I’d certainly be snappy if I got punched right in the tortazo middle of the face,” Kagen dicho without really thinking about what Trenton’s reaction might have been to that. Once he realized what he had said, his eyes widened slightly as Kyle and Trenton both turned to look at him with fairly blank expressions. “I-I’m so sorry,” Kagen apologized as he looked down, rubbing his arm.

“Apology accepted,” Trenton said. “But, I do agree with what tu said. I suppose tu can say that’s why I’m feeling angry still.” He turned back to Kyle to speak with the hedgehog about the anterior plans. “Yes, I can still come over. I can still come over and help tu learn más about physical attacks and things such as that,” He replied. He started to say more, but he suddenly stopped when his cell phone beeped, indicating that it was getting a text. Trenton paused and pulled his phone out of his pocket before bringing the phone up to his face to view what the text that he had received said.

Trenton wore a look of anger as he began texting back on his phone, as if angry at whatever the text that he had received said. He texted out quite a long message, before putting his phone back away in his pocket. “…Well, I may have to wait a while before I can come over to your house, Kyle.”

“Did something important come up? tu looked rather mad when tu looked at that text o whatever tu got,” Kyle said. “Was it something bad?”

“Er… tu could call it that…” Trenton dicho quietly as he looked over to the side. “I have to go meet with someone, and I’m not happy about it… I have to go, though. It’s my own personal reasons, but I have to go.”

“Is it actually something bad? Is something wrong?” Kyle asked as his ears drooped down slightly.

“I just dicho it was my own personal reasons,” Trenton dicho as he crossed his arms. “It’s just something private,” He added as he quickly began walking away again, turning on the sidewalk to start off towards his home. Kyle and Kagen quickly followed, still wanting to be able to talk to the bat. Trenton glanced back and was able to easily notice the hedgehog and zorro, fox following. “And when I say it’s private, I mean it’s private… meaning that tu do not need to be following me to where I’m going.”

“But we weren’t exactly done talking, Trenton,” Kyle said.

“Yes, we are, because I need to go and I need to go in private,” Trenton replied, sounding slightly annoyed this time. “I’m just going to meet with someone, but I’m going to have the meeting in private away from everyone else because it’s personal and meant for me, not for someone else.”

“You do realize it’s just starting to sound really mysterious right now, right?” Kagen pointed out, which caused Trenton to turn his head and give a glare towards the black and red fox. “I’m sorry,” The zorro, fox immediately replied as his ears drooped down against his head.

“Yes, I understand that it probably is,” Trenton replied, sounding más annoyed than he did before. “However, I’m sure there’s something that tu two would consider very private and personal and only want to do alone, am I right?” Kyle and Kagen both fell into silence, as if thinking about what the bat had said. The two friends eventually nodded their heads.

“Yeah, tu do know what I mean,” Trenton noted, watching their nods. He stopped and stood still, deciding to just go ahead and try to finish the conversation with the hedgehog and zorro, fox before continuing on to his private doings. He turned his head back to the other two, expecting them to have something else to say.

“You’re stopping now?” Kagen asked. His voice sounded slightly confused since he thought that the bat was going to continue going off to wherever he was going. The bat simply shook his head.

“I was expecting both of tu to continue talking o I was expecting tu to have something else to say, so I was going to stop and wait while I listened to what both of tu had to say instead of just ignoring you,” Trenton replied. “So, I’m simply waiting to see what else tu have to say.”

“Well, can I ask what tu might be able to teach me when we do physical training later? If we do it later?” Kyle asked, turning his head to look at Trenton.

“Punches, kicks, tackles, blocking, dodging, and so on,” Trenton replied before turning to face Kagen. “Do tu have anything to say?”

“Well, um… I guess not,” Kagen said. He began thinking back to what happened when Trenton attacked Joshua, and he then remembered the fact that the bat seemed to have very sharp, long snake-like fangs. “Oh, hey, I have a pregunta for you, Trenton.” The bat simply waited for what Kagen had to say, giving a nod of his head. “When tu attacked Red Rocket, when we saw that mist for a short moment, I also saw that tu had these giant fangs; they kind of reminded me of fangs that a snake would have. Is there… anything behind that?” The zorro, fox asked. He thought for a moment, his eyes widening slightly. “Are tu a vampire?” The bat gave a facepalm to what Kagen had just asked.

“No, I’m not a vampire…” Trenton replied, still holding his palm against his face as if to say “you idiot”. He finally removed his hand from his face, looking at Kagen while he spoke. “No, they’re just my teeth. I’m not a vampire, but yes, I do have those large fangs. They’re just my natural teeth.”

“Was one of your parents a snake of some sort?” Kagen asked out of curiosity, curious as to why Trenton would have such sharp teeth like that if he was a bat and not some kind of snake, unless one parent was a snake while the other was a bat.

“I suppose tu could say that they’re something like that,” Trenton replied with a small nod of his head. Kagen and Kyle both tilted their heads to the side, as if curious about what Trenton had just said. “They’re both technically bats, but then they’re also snakes in a way,” The bat explained.

“How are they snakes then if they’re bats?” Kagen asked, sounding más confused than curious this time. Trenton released a sigh.

“They have qualities of a snake… er, it’s just hard to explain. tu would have to meet them for tu to be able to understand exactly what I mean por that when I say that they’re also snakes in a way,” Trenton replied.

Before any of the three really had any time to say anything else, the sound of flapping bat wings could be heard; while this normally might have been ignored, they paid attention due to the fact that the wings were accompanied por a familiar voice as well. “Hello, simple people! It’s a wonderful día now isn’t it?” The black-robed bat called out as he flew down and landed on the ground siguiente to the three friends.

“Devin?!” Kyle and Kagen both dicho the Dark caballos bat’s name is shock, surprised to be seeing Devin just out in plain daylight and public apparently without any backup; they were also surprised to see Trenton and Devin standing side por side, which obviously meant that they were two completely different people and not the same person. The bat simply gave a small bow to the hedgehog and zorro, fox with a grin on his face. The bat then turned to face Trenton.

“You were taking too long, so I thought I’d come and personally say hello,” Devin dicho with a slight smirk. “I thought tu were usually on time when tu were going places o going to meet people, Trenton.”

“Perhaps I got busy and wanted to keep from seeing your face as long as I could,” Trenton replied sharply to Devin, who simply gave a small laugh to what he had said.

“But I was waiting for so long for you!” Devin said. “At least I didn’t send tu a message while tu were in those classes o school of yours. tu might have gotten in trouble if your phone went off in class, tu know.” Trenton glared at Devin’s obvious pointing out. Kyle and Kagen stood in surprise and confusion, as if thinking “Devin sent the message?”.

“What do tu actually want from me? tu dicho tu wanted to meet with me, so what are tu actually expecting from me?” Trenton asked as he narrowed his eyes once more. “If tu want me to come with tu to see Vice o whatever, tu can think again. I’ve told tu about a hundred times now that I don’t want any part of the crazy scheme that tu are being held under.”

“But I’m sure tu could be of use,” Devin dicho as he put his hands behind his back. He rocked back and forth on his feet, as if waiting for Trenton’s answer; Trenton simply gave an angry growl towards the Dark caballos bat in response before he spoke.

“I don’t want to fight you, but I will if I have to,” Trenton dicho flatly. “I know you’re not trying to attack me right now, but there’s nothing here that’s saying that tu won’t attack me. tu may be able to say that tu won’t use force, but I never could trust tu even when tu dicho tu weren’t going to do something when we were kids, as tu always played all kinds of pranks on me…”

“Wait, tu know Devin? Like, personally?” Kyle asked Trenton, sounding quite confused. Trenton simply nodded his head at the yellow hedgehog’s question, but he didn’t take his eyes off of Devin.

“Ah, we’ve known each other for quite some time. I would say that we’ve even known each other all of our lives, actually!” Devin dicho with a small grin. “Yep, I believe that all of our lives would be más correct, if tu get what I mean when I say all of our lives.” Kyle and Kagen stood in confusion, not really knowing what he meant por that. “You didn’t get what I mean? Oh, what a shame,” The Dark caballos bat added as he shook his head.

“They don’t need to know about that. This conversation was with me to begin with, anyways,” Trenton reminded Devin through a snap. “Do tu still want to talk to me o whatever tu wanted to do?” Devin thought for a moment, before nodding his head.

“Yes, I wanted to speak with tu for a while. I thought tu were coming to me, but I waited forever and ever on you, so I thought I’d come and find tu myself,” Devin replied, turning away from the other three. “Are tu coming with me so we can talk o not?” Trenton stayed where he was for a long moment, until he slowly stepped towards Devin.

“Let’s just go before I decide to kick your teeth,” Trenton replied flatly as he stepped past Devin and kept walking forward; the Dark caballos bat chuckled a bit before following after Devin.

“Same old Trenton that I remember,” Devin dicho with another chuckle. Trenton turned his head towards Devin and shot him a glare that plainly dicho “shut up”. Kyle and Kagen watched in shock as Trenton continued walking away with Devin.

“Trenton! Don’t tu know that he’s a bad guy?!” Kyle called after Trenton, afraid that Devin was going to try to pull something and attack Trenton. Kagen also called after both of the bats, but both of them continued walking away.

“Yes, I know this, but I have to speak with him for personal reasons,” Trenton replied flatly as he continued walking away with Devin. Devin laughed a bit and then put his arm around Trenton in a friendly o brotherly way, just to annoy the other bat.

“What, have tu not told them?” Devin asked as he looked at Trenton with a grin. Trenton simply growled at the Dark caballos member and then shoved his arm off. “I take it that’s a no. Oh well, then. tu don’t have to be enjoying my company for me to be able to talk to you.”

Not knowing what to say o do, Kyle and Kagen simply watched as Trenton and Devin continued walking away until both bats disappeared from sight once they got so far away. Kagen quickly turned to face Kyle, a look of surprise still on his face. “Well, at least we know that he’s not Devin now.”

“Yeah, we know that he’s not Devin, but what about what just happened? Why do tu think Trenton just walked off with Devin like that?” Kyle asked as he turned his head to look at his black and red zorro, fox friend.

“I honestly have no clue,” Kagen replied as he shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe they just having a conversation about something that we need to stay out of. At least Devin didn’t actually try to attack,” The zorro, fox pointed out. “Also, what do tu think Devin meant por they’ve known each other all of their lives? He acted like we should have understood what he said, as if it had a meaning…”

“Well, let’s see… What did he say again? He dicho that he had known Trenton all of his life, and he dicho that if we got what he meant…” Kyle dicho as he rubbed his fingers against his chin, attempting to see if he could figure out what Devin had meant. “And, Trenton and Devin look a lot like each other, which led us to believe that perhaps they were the same person, but now we found out that they’re two different people…”

Kagen thought for a long moment, before his face lit up slightly with a look of surprise. “Wait, do tu think that they could be brothers?” The pregunta shocked Kyle almost as much as Kagen was shocked when he first thought of that idea in the first place.

“Brothers?” Kyle thought for a long moment, thinking about what Kagen had just said. If Devin dicho they had known each other all of their lives, and if they do look that much alike… Trenton and Devin could be twins.

“They’re twins!” Kyle and Kagen both dicho to each other at the same time, their voices mixing together to make one rather strange voice between the two of them. They both nodded their heads at what the other one said.

“That must be why they look so much alike! They’re twins, not the same person!” Kagen said, still wearing quite a surprised look on his face. Kyle nodded his head in agreement to what Kagen had said.

“I can’t say that we can know that for sure unless one of them o both of them actually confirmed that, but that would be a very high possibility, I would think,” Kyle said. Kagen nodded.

“Well, since we can’t ask either one of them right now, what now? I need to get inicial and finish my homework as soon as I can,” Kagen said. Kyle also dicho that he needed to go inicial and finish his homework as well. “Alright, so I assuming we’re both heading inicial then?”

“Yes, I would assume that’s what we were going to do now,” Kyle dicho as he started walking in the direction of where he lived, followed por Kagen. “We get to your house before we get to mine, so tu can walk with me and talk to me while we go to my house, o tu can just go to your house and I can go inicial por myself. I’d say it would depend on how long tu want to talk to me, o depending on what tu have to say and how long it takes to say it.”

“Well, I’d say I can walk with you. I feel like talking for a while,” Kagen replied as he walked beside Kyle.

“About what?” The hedgehog asked as he turned his head to look at Kagen.

“Just about anything, I suppose. How everything’s going for you, what’s on TV, video games, just whatever in general basically,” Kagen replied.

“So just whatever we think to talk about, basically,” Kyle said. Kagen nodded his head at what his hedgehog friend had said. “Alright, I can deal with that.” Both friends proceeded to talk about the newest video games that had come out, and what had happened during the school day, not even realizing that they reached Kyle’s house quicker than they thought they would. Kagen dicho goodbye to Kyle before leaving to go to his own home; Kyle had dicho goodbye to Kagen and then walked into his house, releasing a heavy sigh at the thought of his homework that he had to do as he took his shoes off por the door. “I’m home, everyone!”

“Welcome home,” A deep, serious voice dicho to Kyle from the living room couch. Kyle looked at the person sitting on the sofá in surprise, which was none other than Mancer, lectura a book. “Your parents went shopping for a while. I was over here for a visit, but then they dicho that they were leaving and for me to tell tu that they would be back after a while. They seem to trust me enough to let me stay here with you. Plus, I’m sure they trust Ruby and I2 if something were to happen, anyways.”

“Well, I would amor to stay and talk to you, Mancer, but I have homework to do… Ugh, I don’t like homework,” Kyle sighed as he started off towards the stairs to go up to his room and begin his homework. “I’m guessing tu want to do más training with me, too?”

“That’s correct,” Mancer said, still lectura his book. “I’m expecting tu to come to the backyard with me as soon as tu get done with your homework. I have a little something that I want to mostrar you.” Kyle could only wonder what that was, but he didn’t say much as he went up the stairs and into his room to work on his homework.

The yellow hedgehog was in his room for quite some time until he was able to finish every bit of his homework and put it together so he could turn it in to his teachers when he went back to school. He decided to take his chaqueta off and leave it in his room, which left him in his jeans and his white t-shirt; he was sure that he wouldn’t get as hot and as tired as quickly if he took off his warm chaqueta when he was training with Mancer. He left his room and went back down to the living room; however, the black and red hybrid was nowhere to be seen at the current moment. Kyle looked around the room, attempting to figure out where his Rasoul teacher could have gone. “Mancer? Are tu here still?” He waited for Mancer’s response, but no answer came. He looked around in confusion, finding not a trace of Mancer, until he heard what sounding like breathing other than his own. He looked towards the sound of the breathing, which led him to look up at the ceiling, and there he saw Mancer standing upside down on the ceiling. Kyle yelled out of surprise as he fell back onto his rear end, staring up at Mancer in shock.

“H-How are tu on the ceiling?! How in the world can tu stand on the ceiling like that?!” Kyle asked, still sitting on his rear on the floor. He continued staring up at Mancer in shock, who simply just waved to Kyle before speaking.

“This is what I wanted to mostrar you,” Mancer replied, still standing on the ceiling. “If someone is able to clear their mind enough and if they’re good enough with their Rasoul, that person can make very thin, very light weight slabs of Rasoul which practically float in midair, simply allowing them to walk up the slabs like stairs.”

“That explains how tu got up there, but that doesn’t explain how you’re standing on the actual ceiling!”

“I have Rasoul around my feet, if tu look and see. It forms something similar to a clamp, which hangs onto the muro as I walk, allowing me to walk up the muro o walk on the ceiling. I can’t hold it for a long time, however, as it spends a lot of Rasoul energy,” Mancer explained. Kyle looked, and sure enough, Mancer had a case of Rasoul around his feet, which stuck him to the ceiling like glue almost. The hedgehog watched as the Rasoul energy slowly began to disappear, which allowed Mancer to turn his body in the air and drop down onto his feet, bending his knees as he landed to try to block out some of the pain from landing flat on his feet like that.

“Do tu think tu could teach me something like that?” Kyle asked, finally coming out of his shock of seeing Mancer standing on the ceiling. He stood back up, brushing his pants off gently as he turned his head to look at Mancer. “Or did tu plan to teach me something like that anyways?”

“Well, I thought that perhaps I could teach it to you, but not right now. I would rather teach tu other things such as the Rasoul Blade and other moves before we work on something like that,” Mancer said. Kyle nodded his head to say okay. “Now, I also heard something about Trenton possibly coming over to teach tu about physical attacks?”

“How did tu know that?” Kyle asked, sounding surprised.

“He called me while tu were doing your homework and dicho he was coming to help you,” Mancer replied. “I told him it was fine that he was coming over to help. I offered that perhaps he could work on physical with tu while we do your Rasoul training, and he dicho that was a fine idea.”

“Oh, speaking of Trenton, that reminds me of something! My friend Kagen and I think that we figured out something about Trenton,” Kyle said. “We’re obviously not sure if this is correct o not, but we think that Trenton and Devin might be twin brothers since they look so much alike!” Mancer didn’t have any look of surprise on his face, as if the news wasn’t shocking o at least not that shocking. “I thought tu would be más surprised when I dicho that,” Kyle dicho with a shrug of his shoulders.

“To be honest, I’ve known that piece of information for a while now,” Mancer replied, causing Kyle’s face to light up with surprise. “Remember how I told tu that I was talking to Trenton por myself? Yes, that was one of the things that he had told me,” The hybrid explained.

“Ah, I see. Okay, that makes sense,” Kyle said. “So, now that I am done with my homework, are we going to get to my Rasoul training now?” Mancer was about to reply to what Kyle said, until he was interrupted por the front door swinging open quickly, revealing a very angry looking Trenton as he walked through and shut the door behind himself. “Trenton?”

“I’m here. I’m not in a good mood, but I’m here,” Trenton replied flatly just due to how angry he was. He looked around the room, noticing Mancer. “Hey,” The bat greeted as he held his hand up slightly. Mancer nodded his head to Trenton.

Kyle was about to tell the bat that he was ready to start training as soon as possible, but he thought about what his parents might say if they knew that he had a friend over without them knowing about it; they might be mad for the fact that he didn’t ask first. “Er… Is it okay if I walk away for a moment and call my parents? They may be mad if they know that you’re here when I didn’t ask them, Trenton,” The hedgehog said. Trenton and Mancer both told the hedgehog that would be a good idea, so Kyle turned and walked off into another room to call his mom and dad.

After calling and getting permission from his mom and dad, Kyle told his parents goodbye and that he would see them later, and hung up his phone. He walked back to where Trenton and Mancer were; both the hybrid and the bat were sitting on the sofá and talking with each other about something, though they stopped their conversation as soon as they heard Kyle coming. “And welcome back,” Mancer greeted the yellow hedgehog. “What did tu parents say about Trenton being here?”

“They dicho it was fine if he stayed here. As long as we don’t break anything,” Kyle replied. “Which I’m sure we won’t if we do all the training and stuff outside instead of inside.”

“I wouldn’t even think of doing it inside,” Mancer said. “That would certainly give us a chance to break something, and we certainly don’t want that, now do we?” Kyle and Trenton both shook their heads at what Mancer had said. “So, I take it we’re going outside now?”

“I suppose I’m ready to get to work as soon as both of tu are,” Trenton dicho as he stood up. Kyle and Mancer also stood up with Trenton, and then all three started off towards the cocina and the backdoor; Kyle led them both to the door.

“I think we’re both ready,” Mancer dicho as he followed Kyle out the backdoor and out into the backyard. Trenton nodded his head as he followed both of them out to prepare for the training and physical work that was about to come.

“So, I propose that Trenton starts with tu first, Kyle,” Mancer said, moving over to the back patio to sit down. The hedgehog turned around to look at the black and red hybrid in confusion.

“Why Trenton first?” Kyle asked.

“I just think that would be better, considering that physical work is usually harder than working with Rasoul, unless you’re using the highly advanced Rasoul techniques, which I don’t see tu doing any time soon as there’s still a lot of things that tu need to learn first,” Mancer replied. “Plus, if tu think about it, you’re still trying to learn the Rasoul Kick and the Rasoul Punch, assuming that tu haven’t trained on your own, right?” Kyle nodded his head to what Mancer had said. “Then use that to your advantage and work on that while Trenton is teaching tu REGULAR punches, kicks, and other physical moves. Try channeling your Rasoul energy into whatever tu can while trying to recreate and perform what moves that Trenton shows you.”

“Mancer over there is right,” Trenton dicho as he walked towards Kyle; which caused the hedgehog to back away just slightly as the bat came closer just out of fear. Trenton gave Kyle a slightly confused look, but chose not to say anything about the fact that the hedgehog was keeping a considerable distance between themselves. “You could try to channel your Rasoul energy together with the moves that I’m going to mostrar tu if tu want. It would make for excellent practice in both physical stuff and your Rasoul.” The bat then put himself into a battle stance, looking towards the Kyle as he attempted to copy Trenton’s battle stance in preparation to try to copy what moves were shown.

First of all, Trenton started off with just simple punches and kicks that he was calling “warm-up practices”, as if to get ready for the training that they were going to do. Kyle copied the simple punches and kicks, finding them quite easy to do as they didn’t take much effort to pull off; however, he tried his best to channel his Rasoul energy into his punches and kicks, but like the first few times that he had tried it before, the Rasoul energy was just coming out as small slivers of wavy energy. Kyle didn’t stop trying to channel his Rasoul energy, however, as he continued copying Trenton’s simple punches and kicks; he wasn’t making progress yet, but he was hoping that he would after enough trying.

The training was paused when the doorbell rang. “I’ll get it!” Ruby called from inside the house.

Kyle turned his head towards the house in curiosity, curious to see who was at the door. He went to the back door and peeked his head inside, curious to see who was there.

It was Damien, standing upright, with his hands at his sides, calm. Ruby looked surprised as she popped her head out to see him. “May I come in?” He asked.

“Well… I’ll have to ask Kyle… you’re here for the training, right?” Ruby asked.


"Damien?" Kyle asked in surprise at the sight of the Identity male, stepping into the house via the backdoor. "I didn't really expect for tu to just mostrar up without notice... Oh, and, yes, tu can come in."

“Thank you.” Damien nodded as he stepped inside, Ruby moving out of the way for him. “I didn’t know when you’d prefer I come over.”

"Well, I was a bit busy working my own trainers- er, well, my trainer, and then a friend who offered to mostrar me a few things as well, so I can't really offer for tu unless these two out here in the backyard allow me to sit in here and talk with you," Kyle said. "Either way... nice to have tu here, I suppose," He added, trying to be friendly towards his guest.

“Well is there room for all of us to train separately?”

"Well, unless we use the inside of the house and tear it to pieces in the process, there's only the backyard that's a suitable place for the training... But, the backyard is pretty gigantic, so I think there's enough room for one group to go to one side and the other group to go to the other side if we have to... o I can just ask my trainers to wait while tu work with Ruby and I2..."

“No tu do your training. I’d hate to impose.”

"Well, I would personally hate tu make tu wait since you're technically the guest..."

“Then we are at a road block.”

Kyle released a quiet sigh before speaking again. "...Well, I guess I could continue forth with my training, but if tu would like to work with Ruby and I2 right now, then please feel free to tell me that."

“Actually, I’m honestly a bit uneasy about doing this out in the open. I understand that tu don’t hide your energy, but from what I2’s told me, she and Ruby don’t want people knowing about them being identities.”

"Well, then where exactly do tu plan to take them to work with them...? I'm very sorry, but I can't let tu work with them in the house here o my parents will probably kill me if the place gets completely torn up..."

“Don’t worry I wouldn’t do that to you… but I would need your permission to train with them elsewhere.”

Kyle paused for a moment, trying to think of what he should say to Damien. "...Well, what do they think...? I don't want to make any sort of decision without their thoughts o wants..."

“Well where would we be training?” Ruby asked, surprising them both a bit since she had been silent for so long.

“Well we could do it at my house I suppose. That’s where I train.” Damien informed.

"Well, if it's okay with Ruby and I2 themselves, then I suppose it's okay with me..." Kyle informed Damien.

“I’ll go ask I2.” Ruby dashed off.

"...So..." Kyle began, turning to face Damien, "Welcome to my home, I suppose," He said, trying not to just stand there in complete silence while Ruby was off to get I2.

“It’s… nice.” Damien replied somewhat awkwardly.

"...I'm sorry, I was just trying to keep this from going into an awkward silence... But, now that this just came to mind, be easy with Ruby and I2, okay...? I don't... I don't want to see them hurt o totally broken..."

“What do tu think I’d do that would hurt them?”

"...Well, I guess I meant that... I don't want tu to go too hard on them with the training... I didn't mean to say that tu would actually hurt them, but just... if it's at all possible, don't be too hard on them..."

“Don’t worry. I’ll go easy.”

“So we’re training at your house?” I2 asked as she walked over with Ruby.

“That’s the general plan, yes.” Damien replied.

"Thank you, Damien," Kyle thanked the Identity male for saying that he would go easy on Ruby and I2.

“Are tu two ready to go?”

“I am… do tu need anything, Kyle?” Ruby asked just in case.

"I'm alright, Ruby," Kyle replied.

“Okay then I guess we’re going now. Have fun with your training.” She hugged him.

Kyle gently returned the hug, wearing a small smile on his face. "You have fun too, Ruby. Enjoy your time with I2 and Damien."

The identities left. Kyle watched them leave, before turning back towards the backdoor of his house. "I'm coming back now!" He shouted to Mancer and Trenton as he walked to the door to go back outside and resume training.
added by sonamy4life
 Character Chart-- Acid
Character's full name: Yxari (Ee-zar-ee) Sadaris
Reason o meaning of name: None
Character's nickname: Acid
Reason for nickname: she is an Acid Monster
Birth date: 1st November.
Gender: Female
Theme: Headstrong-- TRAPT

Physical appearance
Age: 19
How old does he/she appear: 12
Weight: 25 lbs.
Height: 2"7
Body build: Quite skinny to a point where it's sickening. Her ribs even poke out when she takes off her hoodie.
Shape of face: n/a.
Eye colour: Glowing green-yellow, color of toxic waste.
Glasses o contacts: Tinted sunglasses to hide her eyes.
Skin tone: Quite pale, since she hadn't...
continue reading...
Don't rant, troll, bitch, o moan because I did one too. XD

1.) At first, tu were mean to me. Then I read something of yours, tu read something of mine, and we kinda got along. We respected each other... And tu probably forgot that already. XD Now I see tu are an epic win.

2.) You. Holy shit. You. tu is EPIC. Your art is beautiful, yet complicated. Your literature is quite adorable and nose-bleed worthy. tu are a very sweet person, and I hope we can talk más in the future. 

3.) tu used to have a Mary-Sue as your fancharacter... Well, tu still do, but I don't care. I amor our countless...
continue reading...

If you're doing this examen because tu want to proove your character is not a Gary-Stu/ Mary-Sue, then don't bother; they are.

If tu don't like your results, don't blame me; it's your character, not mine.

Please be honest: There's no point doing this if you're not.

Each 'yes' is worth one point. Each 'no' is worth nothing. Tally the score to get the end result.

So, get you're pen and calculator out; time to see how bad your character really is!

PART 1: They have my nose.

*Name here* is my name - o my favorito! nickname, my pet name, my Internet chat handle, my initials, my last name, my middle...
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On September 3, Cynthia woke up seeing the beautiful día outside when she walked out the door.
"Im gonna amor this school year!!!" she told herself as she walked to school.

5 minutos later of walking to school, Cynthia met up with her boyfriend Mars.
"Mars, are tu ok? tu look pale." Cynthia admitted putting her hand on Mars' forehead.
It was warm.

Mars shook his head and walked off, Cynthia almost cried watching him walk away.
Rouge the Bat had acme along and met up with Cynthia.
"Hows the día gone?" Rouge asked in her sassy tone.
Cynthia shook her head and ran to the restroom to cry.

8 minutos later after crying, Cynthia headed to class, math.

"This is going to be a hrrible year." Cynthia answered herself.
Name: Bethany
Gender: Female
Animal: Hedgehog
Age: 14
Height: 3'3"
Weight: 80 lbs.
Fur Color: Purple
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: Black
Family Members: N/A (was adopted por Sonic the hedgehog)
Has A Crush On: Shadow the hedgehog
Powers: Speed, Psychic, Is a master of the dark arts, Is a wizard
Weapons: N/A
Clothing: Black spy suit for missions at G.U.N., Purple short sleeved shirt, black jeans, and purple boots with a white stripe on them (kinda like Amy's shoes.)
Personality: Nice, Sweet and lovable, Powerful, Can be angry at times, Is very gentile, Always knows the way, Is really intelligent
Hero, Evil,...
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added by kumik0
added by kumik0
posted by TakTheFox
I’ve been around the country a few times. Once I went with a group, the other times I was just travel alone. One of the places I found myself revisiting was the canyon of TansfR Hol. TansfR Hol is a large square. It has naranja glass for its floor and walls, with a magma lake surrounding it, and outside of that a large body of water. It’s mostly used for dance and special occasions, and almost always at night, when everything glimmer.

Below the Hol is the square canyon. It was an actual canyon once, but it was decided that it would be fashioned into a square to better fit the Hol when the...
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added by LorMel
posted by TakTheFox
Of my many characters, I find Calto to be a refreshing and unique one. While I have tons of fighters, super-powers, o young-ish characters, Calto’s a large contrast.

Calto appears to be a 52-year-old hybrid centaur of a ram-mobian with a non-anthropomorphic lion torso. He is a very eccentric inventor who specializes in biology, and is most well-known for his machine the “D-N-AMAZER”, which basically can change someone’s species.

He’s been around for almost a century, but remains spry as he can be. He has been employed por various companies in various Mobius Zones; most notably “Melcro...
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added by CrescentHedgie
Source: Siinnack on deviantART
posted by shadowxsonicd24
I'd like to come out and say it. I respect the members here. But the main group which includes my subject of interest, Tak is quite the puzzling equation. I mean if its true that these rules, The rules that make non content spewing people, basicly useless as a fan of what they like, are agreed por the majority. I shall apologize deeply and rest my case, cutting the loss. Now let me be clear. This man dicho too me in argument, " people grew up". Now if im not mistaken, freedom is not a child's plaything. Freedom to have fun with your fandom, is an all age experience. Of course tu have to make a living. But does anyone ever get punched for haveing fun o simply posting whats on your mind, no? Want to to know why? Because look at the big corporations. Twitter!, Facebook, Youtube. Do not let old fanpop die. Remember back when people had fun and not business. tu could call it a simpler time...I call it a better time. Now, I may here your results.
It’s already stated in the rules of the club that overusing furry-doll-maker pictures is suggested against but in the light of the tons of base-pictures publicado por LorMel I felt this was appropriate.

The club-pictures are for people that actually do their own work, and don’t post things they traced, especially when the bases of those traces are incredibly common o even bases of recolors (AKA someone else’s art).

I’ve put up with bases for quite a while now, as we all have, but after the continuous spam of this on the club, it’s become apparent to me that these are not helpful in the...
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added by mephiles97
Source: Me and Tak
posted by TakTheFox
So I decided that I’d keep the Persian angle of the Supretan Culture, and the Scottish angle, but I’d also add the Indian angle as well. I already updated everything that mentions these in the stories, but just to give some clues as to what will happen to them in the future here’s some facts.

I won’t be using any Persian, Indian, o Scottish religions mainly, but I may create a new one that will be slightly influenced por the Islamic influence. For the moment it will be a world-religion, but it may have differences.

The origin of the country Supreta will be that of after-apocalypse groups...
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posted by TakTheFox
“You met our creator?”

I’m not saying anything to Mickey as he asks me this. He has to sit down, he is getting sick faster, and the más I am not killing anyone the closer he is to dying. I just feel too upset to talk. I’m thinking of too many things and thinking about what will happen just makes me más upset but I cannot stop myself from thinking them.

I’m standing in front of him, and my eyes and head are pointed at the ground. I do not want him to see my face, either of them. I do not want to tell him that he will die. I don’t want to tell Chowder… who I-

“I feel thirsty.”...
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posted by TakTheFox
So after the events of Origin Unmade 2 there were changes, shifts, in the universes and characters. Today we have Sissy. I’ll be going over her backstory, personality, relationships, and abilities.

Sissy was born in the año 4126 on the planet Mobocan, eight years before the Refine. She was, and is to everyone’s knowledge, the only Milen Banshee ever born. She was born in Supreta originally, but her parents were afraid for her well-being in the country, prompting the small family to mover from the country, regardless of the fact that they would not be able to be protected por Supreta...
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Dumbfounded, the zorra, vixen struggled with words, swallowing the panic. She took in the scene with wide eyes, especially on the hole. A closer observation was in mind, but the acid overruled the option. She knew what happened. "Craiger," Grace was able to muster, "Rynk's gone." Despite wanting to yell it out in distress, her voice was kept quiet in shock.

Craiger noticed this immediately, and quickly rushed over to the hole, looking over the area. “We’ve been gone for… three minutos maybe.” He noted. “She couldn’t have gotten that fa-!” Slowly a hand leaning on the muro curled into...
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posted by TechTheBat
 Recolored from Rouge.
Recolored from Rouge.
Name: Tech
Gender: Female
Species: Bat
Personality: Despite Tech's high IQ, she is extremely bashful and often makes mistakes (but are never to do with electronics, más about talking in conversations etc.) and will usually respond to making mistakes with rubbing the back of her head and saying "Oops". Her bashfulness and childishness is one of her main character traits, the other being she is very cheerful most of the time. Some would say her personality is basically Tails' personality except strangely más bashful and childish.
Other info: IQ of 298, extremely in amor with Sonic the Hedgehog.