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From the front window of his bedroom, a young male lobo mobian, nearing his days at collage, looked up to the sky. It was there that he saw a stream of lights. At first he thought these were stars. But red stars? In a swirling pool of energy? No. These were no stars. This was something much más destructive.

Far from the planet that the boy looked from, the swirling red energy formed into a three-way battle between a dark red figure, a light red figure, and an average red figure. The glowing beings clashed at each other, kicking, clawing, punching, and blasting until the normal red one began to spark and flash. The two other figures felt themselves being pulled into the average red one. They could not fight it, and were consumed very quickly. The fused being then began to take on a form. It curved and shrank, and grew and bent, but before it was complete… it exploded.

Millions upon millions of lights shot out of the being in all directions; some landing on near planets, some floating in space, and some traveling through dimensions. The three red beings were no more, as the light faded to nothing.

One light in particular however, a dark green ball of energy, which had traveled from different dimensions, went spiraling towards Mobius Zone-8, though the plane’ts inhabitance simply called it Mobius. This energy would be known as Taio’s comet. It circled the planet for days and days, till it eventually crash-landed.

The site it had landed in was a populated city. Much of it was destroyed instantly, but the militia was quick to respond to this threat. Sadly they could do nothing. A dark green figure, female in appearance, and mobian in form, walked from its crater, and as soon as it’s eyes lit up for the first time, it made short work of all life there.

No one knew where this creature went after that. Some thought it died from running out of energy. Others assumed it was simply crushed. Some believed it was still out there. But what they did not know…
Was that it would not be the last.

The Conflicts Arcane (reboot)

Chapter One

Nick Falon, o Talon as his friends called him (the reason for this nick-name was based around his curved long claws.), was a dark grey hedgehog, 16 at age, with the unfortunate título of “emo”. Talon was actually not emo for the most part. He had black hair that went over his face, but aside from that he had a rather average personality, added on with a fair amount of restraint and patience.

Talon lived in a town known as Hicksville, in the state Mass Sopain, in the country of Faconicks, on the planet Mobius. And while he did not know personally, this was actually Mobius-8, as not to be confused with the Prime World. His Highschool, Claire High, was also quite average, which irritated him a bit. He did not enjoy average. He liked action, adventure, anything that was not average. This was partially because of his claw-shapes, which made him feel a bit supernatural, but mostly because aside from his two friends, Kal and Jesse, nothing ever happened. That is to say that nothing happened around him anyway. Oh he had heard about the rest of the planet. Many wars, supernatural battles, it had quite a share of power-houses, even its own super-hero called “Guardian”. But all of that was far away, and Talon’s parents refused to let him get near it.

At the present time Talon was day-dreaming once again under a árbol during a free-period. He never spent time to study for school during this because he had never gotten into trouble in school, at least when it came to his school-work. He was not a brainiac, but he could remember things quite well and was not confused easily.

Currently he was thinking about the school and town exploding; not as morbid as one would think. The explosions were not full of smoke, but more-so like the millions of particles in each piece of everything spreading out, creating a fog of millions of colors, then eventually transforming into other things. He would picture what they would become, such as a creature made out of apples, with a leaf-head, and a white-tan body, wearing a red-ribbon scarf. He was quite imaginative, but kept this to himself for the most part.

“And you’re here again.” Kal sighed as she walked over to her friend, lugging her large tote-bag with her. Kal was a cat-like Mobian, though she looked a bit different than the average cat. No one quite knew why. She was a golden color, with a slightly long neck, wide but pointed ears, slightly large hands, and a fetish for scarfs. She had actually created a special scarf that she controlled psychically with the help of the school data-base, and her parent’s spare-parts. Sadly the scarf was not with her as it was deemed too dangerous for school.

Talon glanced up with his pale yellow eyes meeting her deep turquoise eyes. He only had his eyes half-open when he replied “Am I supposed to be somewhere else?”

“Well no, but tu could do something else.” Kal suggested. “There’s sports… drawing… writing… gardening… school-studying… th-“

“W-wait… sports?” Now he began to pay attention. Talon looked at Kal as if he thought she was joking. “How? There’s only like… five other people including tu on free period. It’s not like we can get them all to registrarse up at the same time in the basket-ball court.”

“Well I guess not, but why not the other ones?”

“What other ones?” And por remember things quite well, I meant when he wanted to.

“… I listed like… five.” Kal informed with a cruzar, cruz look.

“Sorry, what were they?” Talon sighed back.

“Drawing, writing, gardening-“

“HA!... Sorry.”

“… and studying.”

Talon thought it over. “Well I don’t need to study, definitely not gardening, so… drawing o writing.”

“Well tu already can draw, so do that.”

“… Nah.”

“Why not?!” Kal fumed.

“I don’t feel like it!” Talon defended. “Is there something tu want me to draw?”

“Well… I’d have to think of that I guess, but why not just diseño a creature?”

“Maybe. But don’t expect me to make some huge fantasía series based on it.”

“Well why not? tu could get rich and stuff.”

“Do I look like I want to be rich?”

“… Is there a reason why you’re in such a bad mood today?”

“I’m just bored. Bored of all this same-old.”

“You’ve been saying that for almost a mes now!”

“Well I am!” Talon hissed. “The same days with the same stuff! I’ve almost never even gone to a different state!”

“Ugh! Well then talk to your parents again!”

“I can’t… they won’t let me.”

Kal sighed in sympathy, “Mine either. o Jesse’s.”

“Why do we have to be so cooped up?”

Kal shrugged, sitting finally siguiente to her friend, “Maybe there’s something they’re not telling us.”

“I wish. At least that way when we finally figured it out, we’d have some form of action, o at least mystery.”

Kal shrugged a segundo time and leaned against the opposite side of the tree. Now they were both bored. And so the third member of the trio walked up.

Jesse was a dark blue-slate colored hedgehog, with a bandana on his head, grey eyes, large blue bangs, and was usually out and about without a camisa, camiseta for some reason. Thankfully this was school so he was fully covered.

One look at his pals and Jesse knew what had to be done. He went closely up to Kal’s ear and was about to yell “FIRE!” but instead Kal shut his mouth tightly and dicho “Don’t even think about it.”

Jesse yanked back with a shrug. “Worth a try. tu guys been bored long?”

“Her, no, me yes.” Talon replied. “What do tu want to do?”

“Well let’s see, two of my friends and I are ALL out of school at the same time, so why not doing something involving three people? Like… er… tag?”

Talon rose an eyebrow as he slowly glanced over to Jesse. “Tag?” He asked in disbelief.

“Okay then… capture the flag! Raid the garden! Pull a prank of someone! Just something else then sitting around!”

“Any other ideas?”

“Uh yeah; we could go uh… to the tenis court, or-“ *RIIIIIIIIIIING* “go back to class…” Jesse sighed deeply. “Right when I found tu guys again.”

“Well off to class then.” Talon declared as he hopped up. “Maybe after school we can do something, Jesse.”

Kal followed suit, leaving Jesse alone in the lawn. “UGH!” He yelled before trudging off to his siguiente class.

An hora later…

Thirty minutos were left until Talon was finished with school for the week, though he did not know. He never looked at the clock, because he did not want to get stressed over waiting. That and it helped him concentrate on the teacher more.

At the present moment he was filling out an algebra problem. “ X squared over two plus y, divided por x over two plus y.” {Cake.} He thought. Quickly jotting down the answer, Talon felt a slight superiority to his fellow classmates, as he had just finished his last answer while most of them were on their second. The only one to had finished before him was Kal, who was roughly the smartest of their little group.

Nick got up, passed his paper to the teacher, then walked to his locker, where he got some gum, books, and other various items before heading towards the front door.

As he slowly made his way, mainly due to being tired, he began to hear a rumbling and a large “zeeeeeeeeeeeeee” sound. “Probably some meteor crashing from el espacio that’s going to have some alien in it.” He chuckled sarcastically. But interestingly enough, he was correct, partially.

He was out of the school now and passing a large baseball field near the school, when he could not shake the fact that the sound was getting louder. For the first time that day, he looked to the sky, and actually saw it; a meteor, rushing down… right… towards… him.

Every part of Nick’s body lit up with energy as he sprang at least two yards to the right trying to miss the crash-landing object. He could not care nor tell if it was his own body causing him to jump so far, o if it was the following- *SLA-POW!* the object destroyed all that was left of the baseball field, and continued to rush forward, destroying everything in its path. It went directly towards the downtown area.

Curiosity was a deadly trait that Nick was a victim of. He pondered quickly. “Okay if I go after it, I might get killed, but if I don’t, the feds will pop up and I’ll never find out!” Whether o not the decision was stupid, Talon dashed after the meteor, following along its burning hot path.

When he reached it, in a large oval of dirt, stone, and glass, he saw directly in the middle a large… blob of something. It looked as if it was liquid, but metallic. Perhaps it melted on its way down? It seemed logical enough.

Talon slowly edged nearer to the strange goop, but once he was a half-yard away, it lit up blue and red, then flipped around, apparently now facing him. Nick’s hands hit the sky; he did not want to look like a threat. The goop simply stared at him, o so he thought since it had no eyes, then eventually it… shape-shifted?

The goop grew taller, then a bit shorter, then after a while it looked like… a girl; a glowing red and blue short mobian-look-alike, only without any eyes, ears, mouth, nose, hands, feet, o well… anything aside from its basic structure.

“Uh… h-hi?” Nick greeted nervously, hands still in the air.

“Hi.” It replied in a feminine young-sounding voice. The “girl” walked a bit towards Talon, its blue and red… skin slowly turning black, and what appeared to be large blue eyes began materializing. Then when she was almost directly in front of him, a large siren sounded; the police.

Before Talon could even think to say “WAIT!” the girl zoomed away at incredible speed, apparently not caring about the wreckage around her as she went straight through the floor and buildings. As she dashed off though parts of her… goop dropped and spread on the floor. Talon rubbed the strange material in his hand. It felt like liquid but metallic, and grainy. He decided to stuff some in one of his pack-pack pockets, which he quickly hid before the police neared.

“I’ve got to hide.” Talon figured, seeing how the police would soon see him and probably apprehend him. The hole the girl had made seemed seguro enough so he went in that direction, praying that no one had seen him. After a while he was getting a bit tired, and he could hear someone coming after him, so he dug to the side, and paloma into a quick hole he had made. siguiente he sealed it up, holding his breath in fear that he might cough of the dirt, and hoped that he would continue to go unnoticed.

Footsteps came soon after he was hidden, and as they got closer Talon found himself straining to hold his breath. The person passed por thankfully, but Nick could not let his air out now. He had never held his breath for so long, nearly three minutes. But then it all flew out of him. The impact of his explosional breath made a large hole in his hiding place.

Apparently someone was going towards that area now, and saw that, so now they were walking in that direction. However before they could get close enough, one of the damaged buildings crumbled and felt in between, slamming hard on the hold and Talon’s hiding place.

“GAH!” Talon screamed from the impact. Thankfully he was only stunned and the other side of the hole took most of the pressure, but he could not say there any longer. Using the rest of his strength, Nick dug through his hiding place and out of the normal ground above.

He could see no one in the direction the hole went, so he chose to follow, panting and wiping his face heavily. The hole left a long snake-shaped bump in the ground, making a path for Talon to follow, which he did. It led him into a desert area. He felt close when he heard someone screaming… a girl screaming.

It was short, and mixed with the sound of electricity. Someone was attacking the girl maybe? Talon rushed forward, panting even más than before. He froze however when he found himself only five feet away from a large amount of military equipment, tanks, cars, and a whole lot of high tech machines he had not even seen before. They were centered around what was obviously the morphing girl. So stupidly Talon laid on his belly and crawled towards the center.

He could see at least thirty men, mostly overlanders, in special black armor, holding black and green guns, that seemed to be electrifying the girl with their energy. She had passed out instantly and they eventually stopped when she reverted to a pile of goop.

A team rushed over and scooped the alien girl into a medium-sized capsule, around maybe two feet wide and tall, then got in their vehicles and drove off. Talon wanted to chase them, o do something, but what could he do? He was not fast, o strong, all he had was his large claws. But there was one thing he got out of it. He saw the Logo on one of the vehicles; “Arma-9, Militia 51.”

“Fifty-one? As in the Area?” This possibility seemed both stupid and cool at the same time. What idiot actually named the location Area-Fifty-One, if they did not want people finding it, knowing how infamous it was?

“This is going to take a lot of explaining.” Talon groaned. He was filthy and slightly bruised, not to mention at least three miles from the baseball field near his town.

When Talon did get home, he simply waved to his parents then paloma to the shower. Thankfully his parents did not notice at first, but they did hear the door open and close, so they knew he was home, just not where. When he came out of the ducha, ducha de *UMPH!* His mother practically smothered him in a tight hug.

“Mom… dying… under… pressure…” But his mom did not let go.

“Where were you!? They dicho on the news that something crashed, then tu weren’t home, and-“

“The thing crashed near me, so I checked it out, don’t worry, I didn’t get hurt… mostly.” Talon tried to calm him parent. “I f-… found nothing, but I was trying to figure out how to avoid getting inicial without looking all dirty due to the crash.”

“Why didn’t tu call?” His mother interrogated, still shocked.

“Well I didn’t think to. It was pretty surprising, so I just… forgot. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare yo-“ and a tighter hug right after that. “Please tell me there’s something besides hugs going on right now.” He wheezed.

“… Your Driving Test scores came back.” His father informed. “You passed… and may God have mercy on the car.”

“Your confidence is touching, Dad.” Talon retorted. “Um… what time is it?”

“Four!” His mother answered.

“Oh… well could I call over Jesse and Kal?”


“Just wanted to tell them about my experience at the crash is all.” Talon never was that freaked out under pressure.

“… Y-yes… just…” and another hug. Talon hugged back reluctantly this time. He could not blame her really.

Getting Kal and Jesse to come over to his house was extremely difficult for Talon. This was because of the crash of course. Their parents were completely against letting their children out, and it took an hora of convincing to get them to agree. This was something Talon did well. His talented-tongue often gave him the upper hand in arguments, even if he had no idea what he was talking about. He would win por doing one o three of three things.
1.    Talk quickly without stuttering.
2.    Always stay calm and picture yourself as a professor.
3.    Use a lot of big words.

However even when they were allowed to come over, Jesse’s cousin’s, who were his only family, decided to stay over and raid the comida (they were quite party-boys), while Kal’s parents nearly pressed their faces to the glass-windows, making sure she was alright until she was out of sight. The expression she had on her face showed that she did not enjoy this.

Jesse decided to start the conversation as he and Kal entered Talon’s room with “Y’know if I had your mouth, I’d b-“

“be getting out of school, picking up girls, and having más excuses to have your camisa, camiseta off?” Kal interrupted with a satisfied smirk.

“… THAT, and pick up girls.” Jesse added.

“I just dicho that.” Kal reminded, looking less entertained por her comeback being ruined.

“Then… más girls.” Jesse chuckled.

“This is why you’re still single.” Kal sighed, shaking her head from side to side.

“Are tu both finished?” Talon questioned stressfully. “I REALLY need to tell tu something.” Kal and Jesse became quiet, so Talon continued. “I was at the c-… wait” Talon opened the door again to see Aerl (A ‘rol), one of Jesse’s cousins, peering at the door trying to listen in.

The cousin jerked back slightly, pretending to be interested in the… door. To this Talon simply dicho “I would appreciate tu not digging your snout in other people’s business. Could tu please leave?”

“… Sure.” And he was off.

“Anyway,” Talon started up again as he closed the door and returned to his friends. He saw Jesse looking around the room for something. “What are tu doing?”

“Looking for chips. tu do have chips right?”

“… No.” Talon squeezed his fists, a bit irritated por Jesse’s constant comic relief attitude. “Could tu please stop? I’m trying to explain something here.”

“Alright.” Jesse sat down on the bed, while Kal leaned up against a wall.

“Alright, I was at the crash, and-“

“The crash… today? As in with the alien person goop stuff?” Kal inquired.

“Yes that, the same, can I continue please?!”

“My bad.” Kal looked away with a small wave of her hands.

“At the crash I actually met the alien.” Talon paused to see if they would interrupt again. Okay, continue. “She’s a… shape-shifter… o something like that.”

Now the friends were interested, mostly Jesse after hearing the word “she”. “Alien girl? Wait you’re serious?”


“Don’t yell at him. It’s not like this is normal.” Kal scolded.

“I’m surprised tu aren’t freaking out.” Talon replied.

Kal shrugged with her arms crossed. “My parents make crazy stuff all the time, and our planet has its own super-hero, not to mention a few villains. I’m not really all that surprised about it. Anyway tu were saying?”

Talon blinked a bit at this the regained his composure “U-uh… I-I dicho hi to her, and she dicho hi back, then the police started to pop up and she ran off. I chased after her and when I found her again, she was being taken away por some militia. ‘Arma-9, Militia 51’ is what the tag said.”

“Arma-9…” Kal pondered. “I think I might know that one. And fifty-one? As in the area?”

“Aw tu beat me to it!” Jesse complained. “So what’s Arma-9?”

“I’ve only overheard it a couple times. My Dad worked on… some kind of veno- n-no wait, it was… a-acid! ACID! The branch had something to do with a special acid-liquid from an off-world species. And I remember correctly, Arma stands for Dimension-Contact, so… the ninth dimension we have contact with?”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” Jesse added. “You guys remember all the chaos emeralds like WAY back there? And how everyone thought they were like… destroyed?”

“Yeah?” Talon acknowledged.

“Well what if they weren’t destroyed? I mean, how could we make portals and all that without the energy? Once I even heard from someone that they’re still out there, but that the government always takes away anyone that finds them, and mines the gems for themselves.”

“So that’s where the tax-money goes.” Talon chuckled. “So does the fifty-one stand for the squad that’s from Arma-9?”

“I’m guessing so.” Kal answered.

“So… how many people were there from Arma-9?” Jesse inquired.

“Uh… thirty… fifty… a hundred max. Why?” Talon questioned.

“Wouldn’t that mean that there’s at least five-thousand and a-hundred people in just Arma-9? Not to mention the people running it?”

“That actually doesn’t really overwhelm me.” Talon shrugged. “Sure it’s a big number, but I’m sure there’s millions in the normal army alone.”

“We’re getting off-topic here. What else happened, Talon?” Kal directed.

“Well as she left, I was able to get some goop that she left off.” Talon opened up his backpack and pulled out a bit of the substance.

“Well Kal, you’re the rich-kid with the scientist parents. tu got some scanner at your house?” Jesse teased.

“…I… might…” Kal replied vaguely, not wanting to admit to something so Dexter-like.

“Well if tu do, maybe tu could get this scanned?” Talon suggested as he handed her the goop.

“Ew.” Kal dicho with an annoyed look. “*Sigh* Fine.”

“All look up what I can about Arma-9.” Talon informed.

“And I’ll go raid the fridge.” Jesse chuckled. Kal stopped him with her arm and shoved him back. He felt a bit embarrassed that the girl was able to push his fairly buff-self back without straining herself.

“What is it now, Super-girl?” He teased.

“We need tu to do something supportive and tedious too.” Kal replied.

“Such as…?”

A few breaths of waiting later…

“Get into the crash-site and look around.” Talon came up with. “I’m sure your five cousins won’t mind.”

“I’ve got three girl cousins too.” Jesse informed.

“Okay, them too. But don’t tell them anything. If tu have to, be vague.”

“Aye Aye cap.” Jesse saluted.

“So… that’s it?” Kal asked.

“No.” Talon replied. “We’ll need to stay here for the night. The longer we’re with either of your parents, the longer they have to talk to any one of us. Something might come up, and we don’t want that.”

Jesse shrugged in satisfactory. “So I can find those chips in the meantime. Cool. Which reminds me, when are one of tu going to point out how crazy this idea sounds? I know I’ll get yelled at if I do.”

“How did tu get from chips to that?” Kal remarked.

“I know it’s insane, Jesse, but I can’t just mover on from this.” Talon responded. “That girl wasn’t doing anything. Yes she crashed and wrecked stuff, but she was most-likely unconscious the entire time.”

“And if she turns out to be a probe sent to destroy our planet?” Kal asked.

“Well we DO have a super-hero.” Talon reminded.

“Well even if the alien’s alright,” Jesse began, “what about US? tu know, the people planning to break into the government, which I still doubt is gonna happen.”

“You’re free to leave if tu want, Jesse.” Nick informed. “But I’m going to help.”

“You’re crazy. But oh well. Might as well be there to brace your fall.” Kal sighed.

The three friends spent that night searching for anything under Arma-9. When that did not turn up, they looked for “government” and “dimensions”. On an alien-watcher foros they found out one specific piece of information from a banned-account (mostly likely banned for being either insane, o knowing too much.)

One of the bases that the account had rumored to be a special base was at *blip* and it was gone. “How did that just happen?” Talon complained.

“Look at the subir date.” Kal pointed out. “The fecha is today. However uploaded this must have been at the crash.”

“Well the nombre de usuario WAS BrainStringNoodle443.” Talon informed. “And I have no idea who that might be.”

“Try searching for it somewhere else.” Jesse suggested.

And so Talon did. First the entire name, which did nothing, then without the numbers. Four accounts popped up, one of which was old and unused. It was on…

They all cringed.; think of it as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (copyrighted) only worse. más pink, más giggles, and on the internet instead of TV. The main difference however was that it dealt with many magical beings instead of horses, and was still around for más than twenty years.

Kal herself gave a large sigh of relief when they looked up some of the activity on the account. Apparently this user was actually only there to rant about how much he o she hated, and got a large amount of hate-feedback, hence why they were no longer there. Then they noticed that they did post their address and name.

“Merle Lavers, 42 Heirclin Blvd.” Kal announced. “That’s only ten blocks from here.”

“Alright, Kal,” Talon began to order, “tomorrow tu go back to scanning the goop, while Jesse and I go over to this person’s house and try to find out what they know.”

“And dim-whit is coming why?” Kal teased.

“Y’know I can’t remember the last time I dicho anything mean to you. Why are tu so mean?” Jesse fumed.

“Fine, sorry. Just joking.”


“Will tu two please stop it!?” Talon growled. “Let’s all just get some sleep for tomorrow, alright?”

“Alright. G’night.” Kal shuffled over to her sleeping bag and fell asleep soon after. Jesse followed suit, grumbling a bit as he went. Talon shut off his computer, then went to his bed, and stayed awake for another hora till finally falling into the dream world.


Commander Rovor, a tall lobo mobian was the overseer of Arma-9. He had black hair, due to being one of the youngest commanders ever. He was only twenty-five, and still commanded extreme respect from his assets. He had the job of analyzing and taking care of anything from the ninth-dimension. Along with that he would also work at his own planet, protecting it… o preparing it.

Arma-9’s base 51 (Yes Talon and his friends were incorrect about the number of people) was a super-being prison-like dome, that was almost completely underground. It held some of the Guardian’s enemies, as well as enemies that were captured before shown to the public. He walked past many cells, large and medium, but none small. He stopped at the largest.

It was a specialized cell, enforced with a special sound-absorbing metal, and covered in lasers as well as other deadly traps. Inside it had a giant capsule, with many various tubes inside of it, and an instant lock-down system that could stop a meteor from hitting the planet.

Why was it so special one might ask? Because it was specially made for a special species, and they had just caught their second. They were prepared.

The black female-alien-morpher fell straight into the capsule, which filled instantly with a clear goop, and began to kick and slash at it as soon as she could mover again. This was to no avail. But still she kept trying.

The commander was crunching down an naranja when he walked in to see her still trying to break out, seem to not tire at all. “You should save your breath.” He suggested.

“I DON’T BREATH!” She growled back, and continued to pound away at her container.

“Let’s teach her a lesson.” The commander pressed on a murky green button, then turned a knob to medium level. An acidic gas spread throughout the capsule, eating away at the girl’s morphic form. She span around fanning it away, but showed no sign of pain, no wails, no screams, but she was not happy. Her eyes were white, and Rovor knew what that meant.

He eventually turned the mist off, and the girl stopped banging, but instead glared at him with darkened red eyes now. “We met one before you, tu know.” He began, ignoring her glaring. “See that’s how we figured out how to get you. I believe your species is called ‘Identity’, no doubt because of your morphing abilities.”

“YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!!” She screamed at him.

“Actually I know quite a bit. Sadly though you’re right to an extent, I don’t know about your history. No the other one didn’t seem to want to tell us your origin. That and someone had made off with our intel about your species a while ago, and well… let’s just say I was not in charge when they installed the back-up drive.”

“And what did tu do to the other one?”

“Not going to tell tu that. Don’t need to. But I’m guessing we can drain the information from you.”

The tubes lit up, preparing to latch on to the goop-girl.

“With the tubes of death?” The being scoffed. As the tubes lurched forward, she kicked backwards then changed her hands into blades before slicing them to pieces.

“The undesnifying gel hasn’t kicked in yet.” The commander mumbled. “I suppose we just wait then. You’ll soften up eventually.”

“Don’t bet on it.” She glared. “I’m not sticking around.”

“Oh and I suppose tu have some daring escape planned? Gonna play the part of the super hero?”

“There’s only one thing you’re going to find out about me, and that is that I’m not a hero.”

“I believe it. The first one wasn’t exactly justice and love. Then again tu seem different.”

The girl did not reply. There was nothing left to be said. But after a while she noticed a smirk on the commander’s face. She knew why as she looked down to see that she was reverting into the goop form again.

The siguiente morning…

“NICK! GET UP!” Mrs. Falon called from downstairs. The trio groaned in harmony. It was 10:00 A.M., but they were still tired. “Heh, nice hair.” Jesse teased to Kal, who had one flat side to her hair.

Kal ignored the comentario and quickly brushed her hair to semi-normal shape again. “We should get down there.” Talon suggested with a tired sigh.

(Now for some reason the sonic franchise forgets that pigs are mobians too, and therefore make hot-dogs, so to further destroy logic, BACON!)

tocino, bacon (PLOTHOLE) was served, as well as a few pancakes, and some bland cereal (d’yuuuuuuuum). Not that they really cared. Their minds were preoccupied.

“So do tu three have anything planned for today?” Mrs. Falon asked.

“Yes.” Talon replied vaguely.

“Anything you’d like to say?”

“Not really.”

“Why is that?”

“It’s not important. Just walking around really. We were thinking about taking pics of…” And then he ran out of ideas, so Talon quickly took a bite of his pancake.

“Pics of what?”

“Houses.” Kal answered. “We… wanted to make a video mostrando at least a hundred so that it would look all cool if we sped it up.”

“… What gave tu the idea to do that?” Mr. Falon asked in slight surprise.

Kal shrugged. “We saw one of… th-those… videos… with the… uh…”

“Not really important, like I said.” Nick finished. “Anyway, we wanted to do it throughout the día so that we could get it from morning to night. Gotta go.” And then they all ran out before the parents could stop them.

“Well Sherlock, we’re taking pics now, because your parents WILL ask about it later.” Jesse informed

“YOU’LL take the pictures tu mean.” Talon informed.

Jesse’s smirk narrowed into a scowl. “You’re kidding right?”

“Here, use mine.” Kal tossed Jesse her digital rosado, rosa camera, which Jesse did not wish to hold. “You can hold a rectangle and press a wittle button, right?” Kal teased.

“WHY DO tu HATE ME, WOMAN!?” Jesse fumed.

“… I’ll get back to tu on that.” Kal was a bit confused now. Jesse was as much of a friend to her as Talon, but her only guess as to why she abused him verbally was because he was the easiest. After all, he almost always had his camisa, camiseta off, as if to say “It’s all here girls”. Whether o not that was the case, it almost begged for a quip.

“I’ll get back to both of tu once me and this… rosado, rosa thing finish taking pictures. Oy.” They could hear Jesse’s grumbling till he was two blocks down, both of which were curves.

“Why exactly ARE tu so cruel to him?” Talon inquired.

“Honestly? I don’t really know.” Kal sighed. “I’ll apologize later.”

“Well tu know what they say.”

“… What are tu talking about?” Kal narrowed an eye suspiciously.

“Well when a guy likes a girl, he’ll throw snow-balls at her during winter, and paper-airplanes in winter. So how does a girl mostrar that she likes someone?” Talon’s smirk dicho it all.

“Don’t, make me nauseous. Don’t tu have somewhere to go?”

“Yeah. See tu back at my house.” Talon waved goodbye then ran off.

Now a bit más was on Kal’s mind. “Me liking Jesse..” She mumbled to herself. “Nah. Not yet anyway.”

*knock knock* … *knock knock* … *knock knock knock knock knock kno-* “WHAT!?” Demanded a lady in her twenties as she slammed the front door open. Talon could guess from her breath that she had recently woken up, and he had interrupted whatever was before her shower. This was based on the fact that she was a fairly slim chipmunk, with attractive features, (blonde hair, messy however, with hazel eyes) though this did not mean Talon was attracted. A person with a fit and slender body such as this girl was obviously not some slob that spent an entire week on the sofá smoking a cigarette.

“Eh- Sorry.” Nick apologized with a slight wince at the girl’s bad breath. “Please don’t run away.”

“… Run away?” Talon could tell she was getting ready to run away now. She probably assumed he was with police of some sort, and due to how nervous she seemed he could guess she was the person he was looking for.

“I’m not police o anything, I just have some questions… you’re going to run away aren’t you?” Talon winced a bit more.

“… Still deciding…” She replied cautiously. “What did tu want to know?”

“I wanted to know anything tu might know about Arma-9.”

The girl did not reply at first. Then she increased her grip on the door and replied “Y’know I don’t have to run. I can just slam the door in your face and lock it.”

Nick felt tempted to mostrar her his unnatural claws, but controlled the urge. “You saw the crash didn’t you?”

“What of it?”

“I met the alien.”

The girl scoffed, then laughed a bit. “Ha! Of course tu did! I’m going to slam the door now.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Talon shoved him arm in front of the door. He was holding a bag full of the goop from the alien girl in his hand, hoping this girl had seen it.

“Ow…” He groaned hoarsely with his hand firmly slammed between the brace and the door.

The girl did not take the door off his hand, but she did notice the bag. She swiped it from him, and ran her fingers through it. “… Wait here.” She ordered, walking off with the bag. Talon simply replied “Did I mention, ow?”

She came back with a small pencil-shaped object that she was electrocuting the goop with. When she did this, the goop stabilized, and created a solid hard black shape. “You weren’t lying…” She mumbled.

“Now can we talk?” Talon pleaded a bit impatiently.

“… Yes.”


Kal crept into her second-story house as stealthily as she could. It was not easy as their house had many windows, which she normally enjoyed, but this time they would be her undoing… that is if her parents suspected something in the first place.

“Good morning, S-“

Kal jerked around to meet eyes with her father, who was now a bit surprised and suspicious. “What’s wrong?” He asked.

“Y-you just surprised me is all.” Kal answered. “Anyway, I wanted to go organize a bit in my room… is that alright?”

“Sure. Go ahead.” Her father passed on, thankfully unsuspecting now. Kal bad a dash to the work-shop, not her room, where she quickly imputed the code for one of the vaults that kept the family inventions, and pulled out a cyilinder-shaped blender-like object.

Kal placed the scanner on parte superior, arriba of one of the work tables, then placed inside two rectangular discs. The first was silver; this disc granted internet access to the device, as to scan the web for whatever the goop was made of, and the second, a combined blue and black, was the personal supply of programs for what type of material was to be scanned. Black stood for solid, and blue stood for liquid.

Kal opened the small door at the parte superior, arriba roof of the device, then dumped the goop inside. She turned the device on, and a fast whirring began to sound. She stayed in the room for a couple minutes, but eventually began to hear footsteps. No doubt one of her parents were coming in that direction and would hear the device.

Kal attempted to muffle the sounds por setting the scanning time to a lower level, thus slowing the timer, and increasing the amount of time it would take to scan, but making it más quiet. This was not going to be enough. Looking around quickly, Kal noticed a cloth in the corner. “The cot!” She whispered to herself.

The room had a spare cama for the reason of sleeping of course in the event of a long time till a project was complete. And it had two pillows. Kal grabbed them both and used them to muffle the last of the whirring, then slowly and carefully moved it under the table.

“Where do I hide?” She mumbled. The door began to open slowly. Kal was out of time. Without any form of conscious though, Kal darted behind the door as it opened, hoping she did not make noise.

Kal’s father, Mr. Siets, stepped into the work-shop, and while he did hear a sound could not see its source. “… Maybe…” He looked down to see a few metal tubes on the ground. “Must’ve moved these when I opened the door.” He though.

Kal was not seen, but her father was not gone. He was now going over to the work mesa, tabla and… working. He would not be done for hours. His latest project was a microchip, and Kal had no idea for what purpose it served.

The only option available at the moment was to leave; leave and hope that her father would not find the scanner. So tip-toeing and cringing, Kal walked out of the work shop, and once a good five feet away, dashed upstairs to her room.

Back with Talon…

“So what happened when tu met the i- creature?” The woman asked further as she and Nick walked towards her organized living room. Actually it looked más empty than organized. As if she had just moved in maybe?

“I…” For a moment Talon felt a bit cautious about telling this woman. She was however his only fuente for information, and therefore he had to tell her some information. “… I dicho hi, then she dicho hi, then she ran off when the police arrived.”

“What color were her eyes?” The lady questioned further.

“… What significance does that have to do with he-… how did tu know it was a girl?” Talon peered.

The girl turned around looking at him as if she was having her time wasted. “You dicho ‘she’ twice.”

“Right.” Talon looked to the floor a bit, embarrassed por the implied lack of trust.

“Anyway, what was the color?” The girl pressed frustratingly.

“Uh… Blue. What does that mean?”

“I’d have to check my records to tell tu the truth.”

“How DO tu know so much about this anyway?”

“I’m not going to tell you!” The woman scoffed. “I barely trust tu as it is! It’s going to be quite a while till I give tu any information about ME.”

“Fine, fine!” Talon conceded, trying to calm her down. “Just tell me about Arma-9.”

The girl sat down on a couch, and stared Talon down onto the one opposite to her before continuing. “Arma-9 has to do with dimensiona-“

“Dimensional communications, mainly an alliance with someone from the ninth dimension we have contact with.” Talon finished. “Right?”

The woman gaped slightly, which forced a small grin onto Talon’s face. “… Who are tu exactly?”

“You really think I’ll just answer that after tu wouldn’t answer me?” Talon scoffed, humored por the pregunta slightly.

“Fine.” She agreed. “I’m Tori Sceether, and my dad worked at Arma-9, and tried to get me to intern there. I found out what they were doing, no one would believe me, and I skedaddled. Don’t where pop is-“ This was the segundo cringe she got from Talon. “Something wrong?”

“You dicho ‘skedaddled’ and ‘pop’… it just… sounded… old.” por Tori’s expression Talon could tell he was not gaining points. “Sorry. tu were saying…?”

“…I don’t know where my DAD is, and I’ve been waiting for the chance to tell about Arma-9 for a while. When I heard about the thing on the news, I didn’t know what it was actually, but I thought it might make people consider my info more, and since the internet is much más gullible, I publicado it on the web. And tu saw it, so I got one person to believe me now. Yay.”

Talon did not acknowledge her, though he WAS listening, he just seemed to not mostrar it. “What are tu doing?” she demanded.

“I’m just trying to see how this works.” He replied. “Think about it. YOU, who went through the whole Arma-9 thing, end up HERE, and it’s only HERE, that the alien crashes. Then only a teenager from HERE finds it, and finds tu from something anyone in the world could have seen on the internet.”

Tori looked a bit worried now, but her worry turned into stress. “Well what do tu make of it?”

“I’m thinking that at least part of it is planned. How did tu get your information?”

Tori winced, as if she had realized something stupid she had done. “I… wait tu haven’t told me anything about you!”

Talon growled slightly in annoyance, but sighed and nodded. “I’m Nick Falon, my friends call me Talon, don’t ask why. I go to the high-school near here, and really I just happened to be at the place at the time. Not I didn’t say right o wrong, cause I don’t know which goes with which really. Good enough?”

After a short paused Tori replied, “As long as it’s the truth. … I estola info from their computer data base.”

“Then… you… po…stead it on the in-ter-net!! AUGH!” Talon hit his forehead. “They erased it soon after tu publicado it! Don’t tu think they might have an idea who publicado it, o have the idea to TRACE where tu live?!”

“It had a re-direct loop.” Tori replied calmly.

“That won’t stop them for long! They’ll find out eventually!”

“That’s why I’m leaving.” Tori replied, again calmly. “I’ll be on the road with a new name before they can find out who Gloria Renalds is; that was my real name.”

“And the info?” Nick asked, tugging his hair through his fingers.

“I’m taking it with me. tu can have a copy if tu want.”

“How much information does it have?”

“A… lot.”

“And how long will it take to copy???”

Tori sighed and answered “… Four hours-“


“… a-at least.”

“GEAH!!... *Sigh* Fine. I hope that’s enough time.” Talon got and started towards the door. “What’s your phone-number?

“I’ll just write it down.” Tori quickly pulled out some paper and a pen and scribbled her digits, which Talon stuffed in his pocket. He gestured for the paper and pen (Another one), and wrote his, which she took.

“Call my number as soon as it’s ready. I’ll call tu if I have something important to tell. And if you’re in danger, call me THEN the cops. If they get the info, then the government might, which means Arma-9 might.”

“Got it… Y’know you’re a pretty smart kid.” Tori complimented as Talon walked out.

“Yeah, thanks.”


It had been a good three hours since Jesse had begun his buscar for… pictures, and he was having so much enjoyment his head hurt. He had taken pictures of brown houses, blue houses, houses that climb on rocks, and houses that heard a who.

Meanwhile with Kal…

Finally after going back and forth, checking to see if her father was gone, Mr. Siets was finished with his project (for the moment). He was out of the room, and Kal was inside, having the scanner print the information about the goop, and cleaning it out of the scanner in under ten seconds.

Dashing at the speed of slipping on rugs and screaming in pain, Kal limped to the family printer (or one of them to be specific), and yanked out the info before it could be found por others. She ran to her room, pulled out some gloves, and began to tinker with the strange ooze.

One of the first things to catch her attention was “Element type unknown # 2” Which was Element type unknown #1? After a little bit of skimming it turned out that “Element type unknown #1” was scaled at a sixty-percent similarity to steel, but for some reason not all the way there. However it did lista one of the elements as simply “STONE”. Kal assumed that this was because it was from a different dimension, and therefore not the same stone from her world, opposed to something that relates to steel, but is not completely steel, whether o not it is from a different dimension.

Going further into the intel, Kal found that there was one specific energy unmistakable, which actually surprised her, and gave a slight bit of fear. It was in fact “Chaos Energy”.

To those who do not know that much about Chaos Energy, it is a reactant energy, as well as a somewhat adaptive one. It can react to anything, and affect anything.

So the metals were the solids and the chaos energy was the energy for them. What if Kal could control the energy? If she could she would have to make it solid enough to connect to an electrical device. “Maybe…” In a complete long-shot, Kal took a lamp and struck the goop with the bottom of the lamp. The goop hardened instantly, but then softened again quickly after.

“Wait a minute…” Kal snapped her fingers, then rushed downstairs and prepared for a don’t-try-this-at-home-kids, moment. She came back with a small pen-length electrical conductor, o in other words a mini-cattle-prod.

*dayiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing* was the sound it made as the feline turned the device on. Before using it however, she placed the goop in a plastic bowl that was laying around her room, from some helado probably. She slowly placed the prod inside the substance, and it began to explode. Five inches in all directions however, it stopped. It looked frozen in mid explosion.

Kal had flinched and was ducking however, so she did not notice at first. But when she looked up the first thing she dicho was “Whoa…” Slowly she retracted the prod, but as soon as it was no longer touching, the goop subsided. “Aw come on…Wait…” She ran downstairs then came back up with a metallic bowl, and a smaller plastic bowl that she placed inside.

siguiente Kal put the goop inside the plastic/Metal bowl, and activated the goop once again through the power of electricity. “It looks… bendable…” Kal reached out and touched the goop… only to get electrified (what a shocker). Jerking back and muttering to herself, Kal realized she probably needed gloves, and soon came back with some on.

With her yellow-rubber protection, she began to shape the goop, and once finished, she turned off the prod. This time the goop did not subside, but stayed hard and solid in the shape she bent it into. “I must have created a subconscious remembering… function?” Kal was not completely sure how correct she was seeing how she could not decide whether o not this goop was alive, but she was close.

“How do I control the energy…?” Kal glanced over to her computer; looking directly at one of the drives. The idea of programming the now solid chaos-metal? Was her computer worth the risk? No doubt it would be fried in the process. But what if she was able to do it without harming her computer? o at least harm it less.

Kal ran downstairs and came back with a port, and dropped it on to the solid object. She then electrified it once again, then pulled away, and the goop began to form around the port. She then made it solid once again and pulled out the port. It was just as metallic as the solid-goop, and possibly más seguro then sticking the whole thing into her machine.

She plugged in the port, which instantly sparked the computer a bit, thus worrying Kal a bit, but the computer was still online, and did not mostrar any sign of harm. She then put in the port from the scanner, and placed its information into the computer’s database. From there she spent a good two hours combining the information from the file with the file connected to the goop’s port, and could now… program.

“Let’s try something simple…” she thought. A few command codes (and por a few I do mean quite a lot.) she had the command to make the goop take the form of a picture on her computer of a heart-shaped gem. She took out the port, and placed it back inside the goop, electrified it once again, and released.

The goop became the shape given, feeling, and looking exactly the same. Even when she struck it, its sandstone-like structure now felt hard as rock. “This… is AWESOM-“ Kal covered her still screaming mouth. Her parents could not find out… yet.

Kal got más ports, and began programming más forms to the goop. Sadly no matter how gun-like o energy-like she tried to make it, the Chaos Energy inside remained dormant, and would not shoot out. “Guess I’ll need a substitute.” She could not use electricity, as it was the activator, so what would she use?

Going back with Talon, he had begun his waiting hours por being extremely stressed, as he did not know what on Mobius he would do. However after about an hour, he thought up the idea of going back to the crash-site. He thought of maybe taking the family car and driving over, feeling a bit cocky with his new transportation freedom, but he could not ignore the thought of his parents wondering why he would need it. The chances were a bit low for them doing that, but he did not wish to take chances.

It took an hora and four minutos for the tired teen to make it to his destination. The police had completely surrounded, and taped the area, and were still investigating. Talon would have gotten upset, but about ten minutos into his walk to the crash-site he assumed this would happen.

However, just because the police were there did not mean he could not still get a bit of information. Putting on his most sophisticated face, and hoping that he looked enough like a grade-A student (which he normally was), thus causing the police to see him as confinable, Talon walked over.

“Excuse me, Sir.” He greeted to one of the officers, trying hard to sound respectful. Respect to any individual, especially adults, is sweet honey bliss after all.

“What is i- Who are you? tu can’t be over here, kid. We’re in the middle of a-“

Talon cut the officer off, “I know, I just wanted to see if I could help.” Talon thought about what information he could give and get. He needed to find a way through the police and into the crime scene itself. When he had been in the wreckage first, he had a very brief amount of time before his “daring” escape. Perhaps there was a space-ship of sorts that the goop-girl came in.

“Like what?” The Cop questioned, completely convinced Talon was wasting his time.

“I was here at the crash. I can prove it.” He actually had no idea how he could prove it, aside from the goop he had, which he was not willing to reveal, especially after revealing his part in the event.


Talon had five segundos to think up something. Maybe he could stall. “What did tu find?” He asked.

“… Not that it’s your business but nothing yet. Who are tu again?”

“Nick, now did tu find any liquid-like material?”

“I’m guessing tu did?” The police officer was slightly más interested, but still annoyed and unconvinced.

Talon nodded, and quickly fibbed, “It hardens and changed density to match its surroundings. I saw it happen, but I might be able to make it liquid again.”

“Then tell us and we’-“

“Only if I can see the scene myself. I need to look over the area.”

The officer was quite flustered now. He had been half convinced of Talon’s story, but to let a civilian simply look around, touchy-fingered? It was not his call. “Wait.” The officer then walked off, and came back with who Talon assumed was the chief of the police.

“You the kid?” The chief asked in a tired voice.

“Yes.” Talon nodded, restraining from pointing out he was the only teenager in the area. There weren’t even crowds gathering; Most-likely faded away after the día before.

The chief gave a large sigh and dicho “Show us what you’ve got.”

Nick and the officers walked over the tape, and went around the scene. Talon remembered the way that Tori had used an electrical pen-shaped device to activate the goop, but his pens were nowhere, and non-electric, but he did have a phone.

He pulled out a wad of the goop, then put it in the pocket opposite to his phone, in case there was no hardening goop. He moved his hands around the walls, while at the same time darting his eyes around for any clues. He led them closer and closer to where he had actually met the alien-girl, and they were definitely not impressed yet, which Talon noticed.

“It crashed through here, but it stopped far down.” Talon pointed forward, hopefully coaxing them into letting him continue on, which they did not order against, so he continued walking and talking “The heat from the impact must’ve hardened the liquid as it hit the ground and slid, keeping it from sticking to anything until it cooled; somewhat like lava would, only in reverse.” Talon impressed even himself. And he could not hide his grin at the sight of the gaping officers.

After a few yards Talon began to pull out his phone. He pretended to be modifying it to create some form of electrical current, which he wouldn’t due to the call he would later be expecting from Tori, then pulled out some of the goop and placed it in front of him, and dicho allowed “Here!”

The chief and his officer crouched siguiente to him, extremely interested in the liquid-like substance. The officer wiped his finger around, with a childish grin on his face.

“There’s más at the end of the crash.” Talon informed before jogging forward. The chief thankfully did not follow, while his inferior was too busy looking at the pretty shiny thing. Nick had maybe about two minutos before they would go after him. He charged as soon as he was out of the sight of the officers, and once in the desired location he spent all those minutos searching.

The hole made por the girl, the tunnel, was still caved in, but not too much that Nick could not crawl around a bit. He remembered the footsteps when he hid there the first time; perhaps the person who was searching had dropped something. Alas, nothing. However it was not completely a waste.

No doubt the police were covering the spot that the girl had been captured at, and now that he had permission to search, and the fact that a great amount of police were at the main crash-area, Talon doubted any resistance would meet him.

The long walk was longer still now that Talon was not running. But he arrived at the scene with no one in sight aside from the tape surrounding the area. He had not gotten a good look at the floor that the battle took place (if it could be called a battle), but now that he could, it looked much más covered than the first time.

The green murky liquid they used to attack the girl was everywhere, eating at the ground. There was a bit of wreckage which was slowly being eaten por the green liquid; it was part of one of the vehicles Talon could tell.

He picked up the metal shape, and scraped as much of the liquid off of it as he could, but it was still eating at it slowly. Before it could, he searched it for any information. It had none. “Ugh!” Talon threw the metal to the ground, hitting part of the girl’s liquid, and causing a small implosion. It flew Nick backward, his rump landing firmly on the sand.

Talon slowly pushed himself up, and looked around to see something a bit surprising. The strange alien-goop began to come out from the ground, and it was reacting to the explosion. It moved, and changed, from black to red, then moved together and formed a target shape. The middle had an X.

Digging and digging, Nick stressed at the thought of the police walking up behind him and asking “What are tu doing?”. He looked around and saw no one, so continued to dig. Finally about two feet deep he found what was covered… a piece of metal, wrapped around something. It was shaped like a stick, a thick stick, short, and por the smell it was once alive.

“What am I supposed to do with this?” Talon attempted to pry the metal away, but it was quite straining. He had begun to make progress when he noticed that his phone was ringing.

“It’s ready.” Was the first thing he heard from the other end.

“I’ll be over as soon as I can.” Talon put his phone away, as well as the strange metal-casing, then jogged off.

Half an hora later…

Talon made sure to see if anyone was around before he walked knocked on Trina’s door. It flung open after a single knock, mostrando just how stressed she was. “Hurry!” She ordered sternly. Talon quickly walked inside, and Tori handed him a stick-drive. “I just called the police. My things are packed, and I’m just about to set off. Is that all tu needed?”

Talon nodded yes. “Alright.” Tori finished before walking towards her garage. Talon decided he would stay until the police arrived. He did not want someone to pop up at the last segundo and suddenly attack. Sadly though, someone must have gotten there before him.

An explosion; an explosion that came from the garage. This is what changed the plan. Talon jerked around, falling on his rear once again in complete surprise. The fuego from the explosion was taking hold of the house, and there was no possible way for him through it to save the most-likely dead Tori.

The event scrambled Nick’s thoughts. What would he do? Would he run, would he stay, would he try to put it out? This decision was about to be made for him. A short distance away was the police; sirens blaring.

The fire-department was not too far behind, and the fuego had already begun to catch to the other houses when they arrived.

Jesse found himself arriving at the scene himself, drawn por the smell of smoke, and yellow-red fiery color. The fuego was halfway out. Between gapes, Jesse looked around. The police were still there, but one of the cars was leaving. Jesse hoped he saw it wrong, but it appeared that Nick was being taken away.

To be Continued…
added by chynathebat759
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by Emo-Bunny
Source: Emo-bunny
added by zougethebat1
added by cookiemaster
Source: cookiemaster
added by HannahStickles8
posted by sonamybest357
 Ivory the hedgecat
Ivory the hedgecat
The end of the world began with a dream. I knew it was a dream because, unlike most humans and Mobians, my REM state, usually predicted the future, painful encounters, and sometimes even angry hordes of killer cows. (Long story)
    But back to the dream. The smell of corrosive flesh was prompted. Flames crackled along the base of the scraggy mountain, trapping me and my worst enemy in a towering prison of smoke and ash. The scorching heat did not bother me though; the only thing that disturbed me was my enemy. He would have disturbed anyone....
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 Castiel And Luana-Neko (c) Zero-Aka
Castiel And Luana-Neko (c) Zero-Aka
Peoples had asked me this alot times, that "How u so awesome?!" o "Where tu get all your epic ideas?!" And those stuffs...~ Well, I think I'm gonna tell tu now, how tu could start make your imagination work. :)

1. Music/b]
- Well, música is definetly number one. I dont know, but do tu guys never listen the lyrics of the songs, tu like? Well, because I'm from Finland, my mother language isnt english. So, when I listen english música o some other country music, I cant help it, but listen those amazing lyrics and translate them and oh, you...
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posted by darkkhorn19
 A kitsune mask, similar to the one she wears.
A kitsune mask, similar to the one she wears.
Characters Full Name: Tataka Rakshasi
Reason o meaning of name: Tataka is the name used for a Rakshasa.
Nickname: Carcass
Reason for nickname: She is usually around the dead bodies of the recently deceased
Birthdate: ROC era 84
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Age: 16 years old
How old does she appear: 16 years old
Eye Color: Dark grey/black
Hair color: Black with red, yellow and green streaks fading in and out as her hair grows
Distinguishable hair feature: Grows quickly
Type of hair: Fine
Typical hairstyle: Two long pigtails reaching her back with her hair usually covering one eye naturally.
Height: 170 centimetres...
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posted by MephilesTheDark
Just a lista of everything on this club I hate. Opinions/comments welcome. Flames will be used to melt kitten flesh. All of the following are things I see a lot of on this club.

1. Hypersensitivity to gore.
2. Hypersensitivity to swears.
3. Hypersensitivity to sexual references.
4. Hypersensitivity to bi/gay/lesbian characters.
5. Dependence on religion.
6. Using religion as a 'rulebook.'
7. 'Randomness.'
8. Irrelevant content.
9. Irrelevant comments.
10. All the stupid, irrelevant shit on the wall.
11. Spam.
12. Attention seekers.
13. People who can't take a joke.
14. People who don't understand sarcasm....
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Just a recap I'm sonic I went too shadow academy but I died a terrifying death my friends were sad but we'll stay tuned.

I was looking for my friends then I saw tails he dicho SONIC YOUR ALIVE!!I replied yes?Tails showed my other friends.they were excited.I went to school and tails got a A+ and a 300/10 for engineering.I went inicial this time without getting killed.I went to bed.When I woke up a terrifying creature was standing in my room I told it to get out it dicho in a scary and deep voice YOU'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE!!! I was blasted away and a tortuga with a button on his shell dicho hello!!when I went to school a guy dicho EVERYBODY DO THE FLOP! A mollete, muffin a oso, oso de and a can of marmite fell on there face.I ran inicial and dicho I gotta stop this then a taco dicho WHERE'S MY MONEY!!!!and well this is a cliffhanger so I can't tell tu what happened until the siguiente one. The end?
Hi I'm sonic and I'm telling tu the story how I caused a rip in the ASDF movie universe.

One día when I was 16 I when to shadow acadmy™.I met tails What's your name?I asked he whispered miles. and I knew we would be friends.A guy named knuckles asked if I knew da wae (I think he was ugandan)I dicho no then the campana rang.I rushed to class when I bumped into somebody.he dicho in a mean voice hola tu MADE ME TRIP!!!! Tails stood up to him.Pick on someone your on size CREEP!The teacher dicho I was late.tails told the teacher it all.The worst part about today was swimming class I can not swim but my friend I met in kindergarten Kirby was a pro!I got a F- for swimming a A+ for running class a B+ for escritura and a A+ for basketball.I went inicial and clicked on the TV villager news was on then a black figure came in my house and killed me my friends were sad.I know what your thinking how the heck are telling me this well this the beginning goodbye for now.The end?
posted by TakTheFox
Name: Yinela {Balanced Grace} Elady {Noble darkness Graceful Light } Waktini

Age at beginning of story (Second Mobius Academy): 17

Appearance: Yinela is a half-breed of Banshee and Nighless. She has large ears with black tuffs at the tips. Her pelaje, piel is a mainly a pale cream color, with a yellow tuft of pelaje, piel at her forehead. Her eyes are slit green crescent-moons, and she has large spine-like wituls at the back of her head, as well as on her arms and legs. Her tail is large and poofy, and her hair is a very dark blue.

She is tall, at the height of 4’9, and has regular wide Banshee arms and legs,...
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posted by SpiritTheCat
Basic Info:
Spirit The Cat is an eleven-year-old turquoise cat. She has a long-standing relationship with Frostbite The zorro, fox , whom acts as a mother figure, despite Spirit's mature nature and independence. Her main weapon is 'Soul fire', the name of purple flame-like orbs she can summon that do not burn, but actually feel quite cold.

Spirit is a emotionless, mature girl, with a very disinterested attitude, regarding most matters. However, her distant attitude and reluctance to speak about her feelings can work against her, and she often finds that people do not understand her true intentions....
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posted by neosparky
???:bring in number 1758
minion: okay pleasedonthurtme..
*walks out and a few moments later walks in holding a young knocked out 12 año old wolf*
???: perfect he will become my best one yet *holds up a small red crystal* and this will help me do it
* as the purple echidna finishes she shoves the sharp red crystal into the boy's arm where it sinks in*
weeks later....
*the huge metal jagged crown shaped fortress is gleaming in the sun as a blue hedgehog is running through hordes of cyborg mutants*
Rush(the hedgehog):Queen!!! I know you're in there free them unharmed
Queen((the purple echidna) hologram)):...
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posted by scougesgirl
Don't ask in the comments. There's a place. This ones really short sorry. Okay, silver's the host. Ashton and shadow bicker a lot so if it's annoying tu comentario so I can beat the snout out of them. Let's go.

Silver: From AmeliaRose2002
To shadow, if Amy was your girlfriend would tu call her stupid?
Shadow: that's hard. I do like amy a little be she's annoying so probably
Ashton: then her piko piko hammer hits you.
Silver: should I say I agree with Ashton o am I going to get hit.
Both: shut up, silver.

Silver: From AmeliaRose2002
To Ashton, why do tu have an axe?
Ashton: why? We'll long story short, I needed it to hit Shadsy with when he's bad.
Shadow: when am I ever bad?
Ashton: lots of times.
Ashton:*hits him with her axe's blunt end*
Silver:*holding head* ow!
Shadow: bye
Ashton: lobo girl out
Silver : bye bye
posted by TakTheFox
It is still screaming from after the two knives stuck in its chest. I cannot stand to listen to the screaming. I yank the knives out, and fall backward. I feel weak. My arms will not lift, and my legs will not either. The creature still screams, and as it continues to do so I feel weaker and weaker. I feel so ill; I want to leave the room but it’s like the screaming is keeping me here, making me listen to it. It is a punishment, like what the arms did to my thumb, and I deserve it.

I cannot even bring myself to speak, to say sorry to the creature. I try to and all that comes out are whimpers....
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posted by AceRider
Algore Zon Kai is a 17 año old dragon that was born on East Dragon Raw raised por his mother, Magnolia, along with his younger brother, Alvor.
His father, Astarot, was killed when he was younger. This information driven him to train and get stronger to find the man who killed his father, and make him suffer. He took part in a tournament held on Central Dragon Raw when he was 10 years old. This tournament was to determined who the strongest of the dragones would be, and earn the title, " Unstoppable Force." Algore fought through many of powerful opponents, winning ever time. This is where his...
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posted by TakTheFox
“They’ll hurt me again.” I argue. “A-and we don’t know if they’re really going to have a room, do we?”

Chowder seems more… s-…st-stubborn with his look about making me go into the ceiling. Mickey seems upset. They don’t tell me anything at first. They must have been thinking it over. So while they do that I also think it over.

I want to help but I don’t want to be grabbed por the arms again. My thumb was still hurting. What will happen if the arms get me this time? Will they take me away from Mickey and sopa de pescado again? Will this be the last time I see them? It scares me…...
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