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posted by mephiles97
Chapter 1: A Snow día and a Simple Errand
Location: Waktini family residence, Northern District, Freedom City
Date: Friday, January 2nd
Time: 7:30 P.M.

"Hey, Mom? Can I ask tu something? Please?" A somewhat tall, slightly chubby yellow hedgehog asked with excitement in his voice as he walked up to a tall, long black-haired woman.

"Yes, Kyle? What is it?" The woman asked with a bright voice, turning her head to look at the hedgehog with a smile.

"Um... Well..." Kyle looked up slightly at his mother, taking a small breath. "Kagen and I wanted to hang out together and maybe play out in the snow if it was ok with you... Uh... tu know who Kagen is, right?"

"Of course I do! tu know that he's been invited over here many times and hangs out with tu all the time. He's a very sweet boy. I wouldn't mind at all if tu want to go see hang out with him for a while," His mother replied with a smile.

"Ok! Thanks a lot, Mom!" Kyle hugged his mother happily, then turned to walk to the front door.

"Now, wait just a minute, Kyle," His mother called. Kyle stopped and turned to face her. "You need to ask your father first, too. It's ok with me if tu go, but your father may need help with something in the lab. tu might want to ask him before tu leave."

"Ok! I'll make sure I ask him, first." Kyle replied, walking towards the kitchen. He walked over to the side, knocking on a large wooden door on the right side of the room. "Hey, Dad? Is it ok if I come in?"

"Come right on in, Kyle!" His father's voice called through the wooden door. "Just be careful when tu come in; it's a bit cluttered in here! Don't want tu to trip."

"Ok, I will!" Kyle pushed against the wooden door, and was surprised that it actually took quite a bit of force to get the door open, even just a crack. He squeezed in through the crack, looking at all the mechanical robot parts laying against the door.

"Hello, Kyle! How's my boy doing?" A tall tan-skinnded, blonde-haired *human asked; Kyle's father (*Kyle's parents are both human. He was born human, but turned into a hedgehog through a lab accident*). He had his eyes intently focused on the small mechanical device in front of him, which was far from completion.

"I'm doing just fine, Dad. And, I'm not your only boy, tu know." Kyle replied with a chuckle, slowly making his way to his father through the maze of robot parts and wires in the floor.

"I know, but your brother isn't here right now. He went out with his girlfriend, if tu remember."

"Yes, I remember. I hope Daniel's having fun right now."

"I'm sure he is. His girlfriend is really nice. Your mom and I think she's a very good choice for him."

"I agree with that." Kyle had finally managed to reach his father, and was now standing right beside him. "So, why exactly is the floor so... messy? Cluttered? Did something blow up in here, Dad?"

"Oh, no, no, nothing blew up in here. A lot of this stuff is just old parts that I probably need to get rid of now. Now, all of the robotic parts in front of the door are new. The only reason they're on the floor is because that shelf over there fell over and dumped them onto the floor," His father replied, pointing to a large black shelf that had fallen to the side, siguiente to the door.

"Oh... I thought a robot had blown up o something." Kyle chuckled quietly, feeling just a bit stupid for thinking such a thing.

"Well, tu didn't hear the 'BOOM', did ya?" His father asked, also bursting into laughter.

"No, I guess not." Kyle replied, laughing with his father.

"So, did tu need anything? I mean, it's totally fine with me if tu came in here to just to be with me, but is there something that tu specifically came in here for?" His father asked, his laughter dying down after a few short moments.

"Oh, I was wanting to know if I could go hang out with my friend Kagen for a while. I already asked Mom, and she dicho it was ok, but she also told me that I should come ask tu first before I left. So... Here I am." Kyle replied, his laughter also dying down after a bit.

"Oh, it's perfectly fine if tu want to go play with Kagen for a while. I don't mind at all," His father replied with a smile. "Also, a word of advice, be careful with your bike if tu take it to Kagen's house. I THINK I fixed the brake, but I can't say that I did for sure. So, in other words, don't go too fast, because I'm not sure if the brake will fail again o not."

"Ok, I'll make sure I'm careful, Dad." Kyle replied, taking a note in his head about his bicycle's unstable brakes. "I'll see tu later!" He gave his dad a quick hug, then started back towards the door.

"Bye, Kyle! Just be careful while you're out there. tu might want to go inside if tu start getting too cold," His father added.

"I will! Bye!" Kyle called back, walking out of the lab and closing the door behind him. He looked over in the kitchen, seeing his mom. "Dad dicho it was ok if i went over to Kagen's house. Is it still ok with you, Mom?"

"Yes, it is, Kyle. However, can I ask tu to do a small errand for me, sweetie?" His mother asked, turning to face him.

Kyle walked over to all of the hanging jackets and coats near the living room, grabbing his dark red hoodie. He put the hoodie on, looking over at his mother. "Sure! What do tu need, Mom?"

"Do tu think tu could run por the grocery store on your way home? We're out of bread." His mother replied.

"Of course I can do that! Do tu need anything else, Mom?"

"No, that's it, Kyle. Normally, I would go get it myself, but I thought I would ask if tu could get it since you're going to be going por the grocery store anyway on the way to Kagen's house. It's ok if tu want me to go get it." His mother said.

"No, it's fine! I'll get it, Mom!"

"Ok, thank tu so much, dear. I'll see tu later, then. I amor you."

"I amor you, too! I'll be back!" Kyle said, happily walking over to the front door.

"Try to be inicial por 9:00, Kyle! I don't want tu to be out there in the cold and dark!" His mother called.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm back before then! Bye!" Kyle called back, walking out of the front door and closing it behind him. He took a deep breath, the winter cold stinging his warm cheeks. He began trudging out into the thick snow, heading towards the side of his house.

Kyle walked over the side of the house, seeing a black bicycle leaning against the stone wall; his own personal bike. He grabbed the bike, struggling to pull it through the snow and out to the snow-cleared road.

Once out to the road, Kyle climbed onto his bike, and began pedaling down the road, heading towards Kagen's house. Of course, he stayed on the side of the road, out of the path of incoming vehicles.

Down the road, in a large two-story white house, a black zorro, fox sat in a living room recliner chair, bored. Perhaps laid back in the chair would be a better term for his posture in the chair. He ran a hand through his thick red hair, looking over at the nearby grandfather clock. "Why must today be going por so slowly..." He complained, continuing to stare at the large clock. The loud metronome-like tick of the clock certainly didn't help.

The zorro, fox was stirred away from his thoughts por a loud, pronouced knock on the front door. "Who could that be... Maybe it could finally be Kyle? I've been waiting a while for him to arrive..." Snapping out of his thoughts, he walking over to the front door and opened it, to see a smiling yellow hedgehog standing before him. "Hi, Kagen! Did tu miss me?"

The zorro, fox chuckled, moving out of the way to let the hedgehog inside. "I've been waiting on tu for a little while, Kyle. Do tu still want to have a snowball fight o something? This snow may not last for long, tu know."

"Yeah, I still want to play in the snow! At least for a little bit." Kyle replied, wearing a look of excitement on his face.

"Be careful out there, boys!" A female's voice called from the kitchen. Kagen's mother.

"Hi, Mrs. Duncan!" Kyle called.

"Hello, Kyle. It's nice to see tu again." The voice replied in a happy tone.

"We'll be careful, Mom. We promise!" Kagen called towards the kitchen, walking towards the front door with Kyle.

"Ok. Don't stay out too long!" His mother added.

"We won't! Bye!"

"Bye, dear!"

Kagen walking out of the door, followed shortly afterward por Kyle. He shut the door firmly. "Ok, so now what do tu want to do? Want to go to my backyard?"

"No... Not really," Kyle replied, shaking his head. "How about we go to Tiny Hill? It's not that far from here, and I hear it's great for sleding and stuff like that."

Kagen turned his head, looking at Tiny colina not far in the distance. 'Tiny Hill' was not exactly the best name for it. It was rather large and tall, in fact. "Sure, that sounds like fun! Maybe we can bring some trash can lids o something to use as sleds." He looked at Kyle, starting to walk towards Tiny Hill.

"Hm... I don't really know if I feel like sleding. Plus, I don't know where we would get the trash can lids." Kyle said, following Kagen towards the hill. "I was thinking maybe just a simple, fun snowball fight o something such as that."

"Ok, we can do that, then! Anything sounds fine to me," Kagen replied in a calm tone, continuing towards the snow covered hill.

Upon arriving at the colina shortly afterward, the two friends climbed to the parte superior, arriba of the hill, looking out across the calle that had just walked down and all of the houses.

"Wow, I never realized there's such a great view up here!" Kyle exclaimed, looking out at all of the glistening snow on the houses and ground below them. The sunset cast out across the snow, making it gleam with a faint, orange-red glow.

"So, what are we going to do first? Jump right in with the snowball fight? o make forts?" Kagen asked, looking out at the vast open range that they had on parte superior, arriba of the hill.

"I say we make forts! Then we can bury each other with snowballs," Kyle responded with a laugh.

"Ok, that works for me," Kagen laughed, walking over to the other side of the hill. He began shoveling snow up using his hands, slowly trying to put together a muro of snow to use as a fort.

Kyle also began trying to put a muro of snow together, focusing on making the muro fairly wide and tall. He paused for a moment, suddenly raising his head to look at Kagen. "Hey, Kagen? Do tu hear that...?"

Kagen stopped, staying completely still. His ears twitched slightly when he began to hear a faint sound in the distance; the sound of flapping bat wings. "Sounds like bat wings... I wonder who it could be..."

"I don't know..." Kyle stopped building, looking around in the skies and areas around them. He smiled when he discovered that the sound was coming from a red and black hedgehog with dark red bat-like wings. "Oh, look, it's Drake!"

Kagen looked up at red and black hedgehog, noticing that he was coming right towards them. "Hey, Drake! How are tu doing?" He called out happily.

pato, drake laided softly in the snow siguiente to Kyle and Kagen, smiling as he folded his wings behind his back. "Hey, guys! What's up? Can tu believe all of this snow? This is probably the most snow that we're ever had before!"

"I know! Isn't it really cool?" Kyle dicho with a happy smile on his face. "Uh... Heh... No pun intended, there."

pato, drake laughed, a smile on his face. "Don't worry about it. And, Cinder is on her way here, too... She should be here any time now."

Kyle smiled at the mention of the naranja wolf's name. Cinder and pato, drake were always really nice to him, almost like segundo *parents in some ways (*Cinder is an adult, not a teenager like Kyle. She's married to Drake, who is the same age as her*). "Really? She's on her way over here, too?"

"Actually, I'm here right now, Kyle!" A cheeful, sing-song female voice responded behind Kyle. Everyone turned to see that the voice belonged to a dark naranja lobo wearing a white manga larga and dark blue jeans.

"Hi, Cinder! It's great to see tu again!" Kyle replied cheerfully.

"How have tu been doing, Kyle? tu sound like you've been doing fine." Cinder noted with a smile. She looked over at Kagen. "And, how are tu doing, Kagen?"

"I'm doing fine as well! Thanks for asking, Cinder!" Kagen thanked with a smile.

"So, what were tu guys up to? Preparing for a snowball fight?" pato, drake asked, taking notice of the small, barely-put-together forts.

"Yeah, Kagen and I were going to have a snowball fight. We were building forts, but we stopped when we heard you-" Kyle was silenced suddenly when a large clump of snow struck him center in the face. A snowball, but who threw it? A grin grew on his face as he listened to a certain naranja wolf's giggle. "Cinder hit me with a snowball! I declare war!" He exclaimed.

Cinder laughed, running off to a far side of the hill. She ducted down under a small mound of snow, sticking her head up over the mound for a short moment to look at Drake. "Come on, Drake! You're on my side!"

"Um... Uh... Ok!" pato, drake replied while releasing a laugh. Apparently he was a part of this snowball war now. He ran over to hide behind the mound with Cinder as Kagen and Kyle ran over to one of their previously made forts.

Kyle and Kagen crouched behind the fort, quickly trying to add más to the muro of snow to make it better cover. "We're going to work together to take them down, Kagen! We can beat them!" Kyle dicho with a snicker, packing snow against the fort wall. "Don't tu agree?"

"Yeah, we can try. I don't know if we can beat them, though." Kagen dicho with a laugh. "Drake and Cinder can be pretty surprising with what they can do and what they can't do."

"I know, but I still believe we can beat them!" Kyle said, putting together snowballs as fast as he could.

Kagen slowly and cautiously stuck his head up over the fort, looking around slowly. "Everything seems pretty quiet and calm right-" He was interrupted as a cold snowball slammed into his face, knocking him back down into the snow siguiente to Kyle.

Kyle gasped, looking down at Kagen's snow-covered face. "The first shot has been fired!" He exclaimed, picking up a snowball. "Let's go, Kagen!" He threw a snowball over at the mound that Cinder and pato, drake were behind, but wound up missing them horribly. "Uh oh."

Cinder raised her head up over the mound, an almost evil looking grin on her face. "Nice try, Kyle."

Kyle quickly ducked behind his little snow fort, expecting to get showered por snowballs any second. Sure enough, he was right as snowballs rapidly began showering over them, quickly covering Kyle and Kagen in thick snow.

"Ha ha! I claim victory!" Cinder exclaimed, laughing. "Are tu boys ok?" She asked, looking at the giant snow pile that Kagen and Kyle were covered with.

"Perhaps that was a little too much snow, Cinder..." pato, drake comentó with a laugh.

Cinder shrugged her shoulders, looking at pato, drake with a goofy, humorous expression on her face, which received a laugh from the red and black hedgehog. She looked back over at the snow pile. "Really, are tu both ok? Can tu hear me?"

Cinder and pato, drake waited in silence for a few moments, not hearing a response o seeing any movement in the snow. "Um... Kyle...? Kagen...?"

After a few más moments of waiting, the snow mound suddenly flung up, sending now EVERYWHERE. As the snow flew everywhere, it was followed por "FIRE!".

Cinder and pato, drake quickly dived behind the snow mound, knowing that snowballs were headed their way. They listened to Kyle and Kagen's laughter as they became buried under snow.

"Ha! We repaid the favor for tu burying us!" Kyle said, laughing. He fell backwards into snow due to laughing so hard.

Cinder climbed up out of the snow, also laughing. "Ok, now we can say it's even."

"Agreed." pato, drake added, raising up out of the snow beside Cinder.

The four friends continued laughing for quite a while, until they all decided to just settle down and relax in the cold winter snow. They all laid down in the snow, staring up at the cloudy evening sky.

"The sun will probably be going down pretty soon... Are tu boys going to be ok walking inicial por yourselves?" Cinder asked, turning her head slightly to look at Kagen and Kyle.

"We'll be fine, Cinder. I'm not trying to be mean at all por saying this, but we're old enough to take care of ourselves..." Kyle replied, watching as small, faint stars slowly began appearing in the twilight sky.

"I know, I was just making sure since the sidewalks and roads are slightly icy," Cinder said. She sat up, looking over at Drake. "Anyway, pato, drake and I should probably be getting inicial now... It was really nice to play with both of you, boys." She said, giving a smile towards Kagen and Kyle.

"It was really nice to see tu too, Cinder. tu and pato, drake need to be careful on your way inicial as well," Kagen said, standing up.

"We will, Kagen. Don't worry. We'll see tu some other time!" pato, drake replied, standing up with Cinder. They both turned, walking back down the hill.

"That was awesome! That snow ball fight was hilarious, even though it only lasted for a few minutes," Kyle commented, laughing.

"Yeah, that was pretty funny," Kagen agreed, also laughing over what had happened during the snowball fight. He looked down towards the streets, noticing that streetlights were beginning to turn on as it became darker and darker. "Hey, Kyle. It's starting to get pretty late... Maybe we should go home."

"That's probably a good idea, actually. I told my mom that I would stop por the grocery store on my way home, and I told her that I would be back por 9:00," Kyle said.

"Really? Then we better start going home, then. My mother is probably expecting me to come inicial soon, anyway," Kagen said, starting down the colina with Kyle. They both remained silently for the rest of the walk to Kagen's house, not really having anything in particular to say.

Kyle stopped outside of Kagen's house, watching Kagen walk up to the front door. "I'll see tu some other time, Kagen. It was great hanging out with you!"

"It was great to see tu too, Kyle. Don't forget that your *bike is over there," Kagen responded, pointed to Kyle's black bicycle, which was leaning against the front of the house (*Kyle had left his bike at Kagen's house when they went up to Tiny Hill*).

"Thanks for reminding me, Kagen. I actually forgot about it for a second," Kyle admitted. He walked over to his bike. "What time is it, anyway? Do tu know?"

"It's... uh... 9:13..." Kagen replied, looking down at his dark red wrist watch.

Kyle froze in shock. 9:13? How did it get that late so quickly? Did he really lose track of time that much? "Kagen, I have to go! I'm late!" He said, dragging his bike out to the road as quickly as he could.

"Just make sure you're careful! Don't go too fast o tu might crash!" Kagen warned as he watched Kyle quickly climb onto the bike, nearly losing his balance.

"I'll be careful! Don't worry, Kagen! Bye!" Kyle called, as he began pedaling quickly away from Kagen's house. Kagen watched until he couldn't see Kyle anymore, then walking back inside his cozy, warm house.

Kyle pedaling down the side of the road as quickly as his legs would allow him, ignoring Kagen's warning to be slow and careful. "I'm so late, I'm so late, I'm so late!" That's all that was racing through his mind as he pedaling up the street. He squinted his eyes, slowly beginning to see the outline of the grocery store using the faint light coming from the various streetlights that lined the road.

Kyle pedaled towards the grocery store as fast as he could, slamming on the brakes of his bike as soon as he zoomed into the parking lot. He struggled to keep his balance as the bike jerked and wobbled horribly as he hit the brakes. "Ok... So maybe the brakes aren't exactly great..." He thought, putting his feet down to stop the bike completely as it slowed down. He quickly climbed off of the bike, leaving it where it was. He wasn't afraid of someone stealing it; he wasn't going to be in the store for very long at all.

Kyle walked with a quick pace, hoping that his mother wouldn't be furious with him when he got back. He quickly walked past the comida shelves, quickly locating the loaf of pan de molde, pan that his mother had requested. He had been in this store many times, so he knew just about where everything was. He carried the pan de molde, pan to the counter, quickly paying for it, thanking the clerk, then leaving.

Kyle walked outside, searching for his jet black bike in the darkness. He should have parked it closer to a light, but he didn't. He searched around the parking lot, not having much luck, until...

"STOP! tu HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN!" A mega-phone amplified voice yelled, immediately followed por loud, near ear-piercing sirens. Police sirens.

Kyle quickly whirled around to see what was going on, just in time to see five figures dressed in jet black robes that seemed to blend in with the darkness around them. He couldn't make out who they were o what species they were, due to only seeing their ears and tails. Everything else was covered por those robes.

The figures didn't seem to take notice of Kyle; they just dashed past him, being chased por at least five o six police cars.

Kyle squinted at the figures, attempting to get a better view of them, but staggered back when a bright flash of light shined in his face; one of the figures had dropped some thing of cube that sent out a blinding white flash of light. "GAH!" He fell back onto the concrete, rubbing his eyes as his eyes slowly began adjusting to where he could see again, also doing the best he could to ignore the pain that shot up and down his back from falling on the concrete. por the time he could get up and see again, the figures and the police cars were already long gone into the distance.

Kyle stared off into the distance for a short moment, not moving an inch. He was in total shock of what he had just witnessed. He slowly shook his head, slowly bending down to pick up the pan de molde, pan loaf that he had dropped when the flash went off.

"What WAS that...? Was that some kind of police chase...? Who... were they chasing...?" Kyle stood there wondering for a moment, until he realized that he was making himself even later por standing there in the cold. He took the loaf of bread, and began looking for his bike again. After a short time of searching, he found his bike and climbed onto it. He tucked the pan de molde, pan under his arm, grabbing the bike's handle bar with one hand. He knew he should probably be using both hands, but he had no other way to hold onto the bread.

After a few minutes, Kyle began to see his house in the distance, siguiente to a streetlight. He drove his bike up in the driveway, climbing off of it and letting it fall into the snow. He was más worried about getting inside than where the bike landed. He ran over to the door, and walked inside.

"I'm home!" Kyle called, looking over at the nearby muro clock. 9:32 P.M. "And I'm sorry I'm so late!"

"Did something happen, Kyle? Are tu ok?" His mother asked, walking out of the cocina with a look of concern on her face.

"I'm ok, Mom... Nothing happened," Kyle fibbed a bit, not wanting to tell her about the police chase that he saw. "I just lost track of time. I'm so sorry..." He added quietly, feeling guilty for being so late.

"It's fine, sweetie. I don't care that you're late. I'm just glad you're ok." His mother said, walking over to him. She gave him a hug, then took the loaf of pan de molde, pan from him. "And, thank tu for getting the bread, Kyle. I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome, Mom..." Kyle replied quietly. He still couldn't help feeling guilty.

"You don't have to feel bad, Kyle... It's ok. Really, it is." His mother said, gently rubbing his head. She turned around, walking back towards the cocina with the bread.

"Hey, Mom...? Is it ok if I go to bed...? I... wore myself out today... Kagen and I played for a while. Both of us were pretty tired afterward," Kyle said, slowly walking towards the stairs. He was indeed tired, but he also wanted to get to cama so he could attempt to find out what that police chase was in the morning.

"Yes, it's fine, Kyle. I hope tu sleep well, dear! I amor you." His mother called.

"I amor tu too! Good night!" Kyle called as he started up the dark wood stairs to his room upstairs. As he climbed the stairs, he couldn't help but think about the police chase again. What could that have been? Were they killers? Robbers? o something entirely different? Kyle didn't know. Most importantly, were they people that he knew...?
Okay, so first of all, this is not meant to upset anyone. I just figured since I've got some characters that are EXTREMELY popular with people (Aqua, for example), that I'd let tu guys know who'll mostrar up as that particular characters' canon relation in a story. However, there are some portions where a non-canon relation may become canon. In those situations, I'll say "Canon after (Input situation here)"
Anyway, onto the list. I'll try my best to keep it in an alphabetical order and organize them por person. (EX: All of GK's in one area, all of ShadowWolf's in another.)


Aqua: Kunra --------...
continue reading...
Okay as everyone knows, I have no lost amor for My Little Pony. The mostrar itself is fine, but the brony-fan-base is just… guh.

Anyway, a lot of people talk about how Rainbowdash is faster than Sonic. This is a tricky thing to answer.

The thing is that Sonic runs, and Rainbowdash flies. In the air, she’s faster por far. The only way Sonic would beat her is if in Super-Sonic form, which increases his speed, making it cheatish. However on the ground, Sonic is faster.

I’ve seen clips from the show, mostrando Rainbowdash running at fastest (no side-affects… yet), and she was not even close to...
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posted by Sir_Shalott
Ok... ask misceláneo preguntas about my friends. Now we have over 50 FCs with spare time. I'd be the host, unless something happens, Britney. My assist will be Shina the cat. Mainly tu can ask any preguntas but we need a lot of them. So, from our gang will ask some too. Though, we could ended up not doing it. At least 20+ preguntas are needed for each time. Also, that the people will swich each time, so we will keep those noted. And tu can ask what characters we have because tu only know some of them. Cussing could be in the episodes. We are sorry if we coped another articulo from here o anywhere. So, tell us if the mostrar will go on with a question, o if we stop here. Thank tu for your time.

~Britney the hedgehog and Shina the cat, writers
posted by crazyasfred
last time i(Nikki) surprised shadow with a chaos emrald I'm gonna tell how I got it
(I'm walking through the carnival thinking of what to get Shadow)
Nikki:(to myself) C'mon Niks' think what do tu get Shadow...(walks past a guante stand) No...(walks past a stand with corazón shaped stuff) no. Well as long as i'm here better play some games,maybe i'll win Shads something. (walks to a whack-a-badnik stand) so what do i have to do to win
Mighty:just whack 10 Badniks to win (hands me a mallet) here tu go (starts the game)
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posted by thetacoman
The Drones moved adelante, hacia adelante from Fort Benjamin like, well, insects.
The IND captured one of Natura's Queyn's, and were using them to make cheap, efficient insect soldiers.
The Queyn issued orders via the hive mind she established at birth.
Search. Eradicate. Search. Eradicate. she repeated over and over in the insect's feeble minds.
A trono escort glided over the surface of the sand at the Feild of Benjamin prepairing for the showdown por ingraining into the ground and using their glyph rings to form turrets.
"It's the first major battle," whispered a long obselete Arkknight. The only place where his...
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posted by thetacoman
The ATMT-56 lurched forward, the thrusters not having been started for a long while.
Festus spoke in the ComMet. 'You ready to go blow up a civilization?' he asked, smirking.
The entire Sky Armada roared it's approval.
'Who dicho penguins can't fly?' asked Torren and Tydus at the same time.
'I did,' retorted Festus. 'Keep the line open tu two.'
The harsh sound of scraping metal filled the air as the Automatons, Pigons, Chariots and other vehicles took off into the sky, leaving a trail of smoke and dust in the sky.
'Festus?' asked the sello he set on fire. 'Why are we attacking Greconan?'
'Cause I feel...
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posted by MercciPiercings
Aiume Sorel

Age: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Hieght: 4.5
Strength: Unknown
Sword: Itami 'Akai
Sword Name: Mianakai
Birthdate: Unnkown
Birthplace: Mianakai Castle
Powers:Charm, Attract, Attack, Taunt, ect...
Family: Mother and Father-Unknown
Her real parents are unknown but she encounters a king and queen [and a few princesses ect...]


The last time her parents spoke to her is a mistery. She goes on as if she feels no pain. (Sweetheart are tu sure tu are okay? Here take this. My father made this sword for me. I know he wanted me to give it to somone special. And so I am giving it to you) Her sister had...
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Candi Umbri~ a house inspector and half-friend to my main chara Ash.
Her only weapon is a regular hammer( not like Amy's psycho hammer) that she uses to inspect the houses that had been damaged in natural disasters. She has no powers whatsoever. Sometimes she can be a total bitch... Probably since her parents practically bathe in money. TT

Zero Leo jr.~ Son of my gen 1 character Zero. He is a spoiled brat that calls everyone names. Weapons tu ask? His fists...

Justin Leo~Zero jr's little brother. He is one of those jealous types that just won't let go. His only weapon is his words that...
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posted by marksmen456
1st - Damayz - The leader of the 6,he has the power to possess a person o thing,amplify his o hers powers,then when seperated,and use the powers for his own.

He's pretty much a demon kicked out of Hell,and his soul stealing powers taken away from him,eventually,the world's horror made him go insane,as if he wasn't enough insane. Now,instead of stealing souls,he just completely DESTROYS anything in his path.

2nd - Nightmare - The most powerfulest of the 6,He has the power to make your nightmares come true,and can control the shadows themselves.

A smart,fast,strong,and agile Demon and brother...
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posted by Puppetmaster111
My people will die.... that basterd X is the reson to blame....! He came to my planet to retrive my people's life sorce...! The light stones, they're are five of them:

The stone of light
The stone of shadows
the stone of fate
the stone of time
and the stone of life.

I must retrive them, if I don't... not just mine, but every galaxy will be destroyed when the solar eclipes happens tomarrow.

I'm Eva the purple rose, I am part emotionless seedrian, I can't smile... and I'm princess of my land, but I'd rather not be! I like to take chances and explore, and I hardly ever get scared (knowing I'm part...
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“So tu found this while walking in Morrows Meadow?” “Yes, I was walking on the trail and spotted it laying there in a pile of leaves”, John had dicho seemingly for the hundredth time, “All I want to know is if it’s real o not, ok?” The jeweler used his magnifying glass to examine. “Hmph! This is unprecedented.” “What is?” John asked. “I’ve never seen a specimen like this before. Sure it looks like an emerald, but the color is wrong. And the shape, no jewel could be cut o formed in this shape. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t buy this from you.” He said. “Figures”...
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posted by scougesgirl
Ashton: I got to go.
Shady: why? Me and Eric wanted to ask tu to registrarse the swim team.
Eric: Jackson blackbird Tomas. I dicho I would ask her.
Shady: sorry.
Ashton: I've got some place to be. Bye.*runs off* ( close call, rouge would kill me.)
With shady and Eric
Shady: I want candy.
Eric: hers a store.
*both walk in. Sees Ashton in a maids outfit.*
Ashton: *eyes are closed* welcome to dulces store. Take a look around and see what tu like. *opens her eyes* omg. Y'all can't be here.
Shady: why?
Ashton: rouge dicho no friends allowed. mover o in fired.
Eric: okay. Okay.
Next día
Sonic: wheres Ashton going all...
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Okay here’s the thing, I have college classes,
And Church,
And a JOB.

College Classes are from 10:00 A.M. to 1:45 P.M. on Mondays and Wednesdays.

AWANA is from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. on Wednesdays

Church is from 9:00 A.M. to usually 12:00 P.M. on Sundays (Plus Alzheimer’s Visits from 2:15 to 3:30 P.M. once a month)

The Job is from 3:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.

So on a normal día I have around five o so hours to get my homework done, work on personal projects, and spend time online in the morning, then maybe one hora at night. That’s six...
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posted by NoctusLynx
Tractus Equipment

This system of equipment consists of several items that must be mastered in order to use the Tractus equipment to its full potential. If not mastered, death could easily be achieved, along side equipment destruction, o potential harm to third parties.

The Tractus Eqpuiment is a special system of equipment that allows for full and rápido, swift movement. This is especially useful during battle, but can be for other purposes as well.

It uses wires fired out of two small, single-handed grapple hooks; one grapple hook per launcher. These are fired with the trigger, and a knob on the side...
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added by Thirddevision
Source: me
added by IntrepidKeris
added by MissCiaraNavada
Source: Me
added by TimidDesire
Source: Sonic-Star
added by WinterTheFox
Source: Winter
added by mariaxshadz