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Shy People Pregunta

don't tu wish tu could get rid of your shyness?

i wish i could but it's impossible i just can't get rid of my shyness how about tu have tu tried to get rid of your shyness?
 rainbow0242 posted hace más de un año
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Shy People Respuestas

para-scence said:
n some situations, yes. When I have to present something in front of a class I do because it makes me sick to my stomach. Other situations I don't mind it because people will leave me alone. :)
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posted hace más de un año 
markhsp said:
Don't be upset your shyness; it is NOT something that should, o can, be cured. In fact, it should be celebrated. If tu are shy, then tu are likely a "highly sensitive person," o HSP. The scientific term is SPS, o Sensory Perception Sensitivy. Very few resources describe it to any appreciable degree expect one, and that's Dr. Elaine Aron, autor of several books, the first of which is, "The Highly Sensitive Person."

Just google that and you'll find her inicial page. And I highly recommend the book for everyone, both HSP's and non-HSP's alike; it will shed a tremendous amount of light on the concept of "shyness."
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posted hace más de un año 
I totally disagree with you.I've long experience with social phobia nd I defintelly saw difference when I visted a counselor.Shy and introvert dont always go together.Some people are inreovert but they always act themselfs.But if shyness prevents someone to be themselves and express their feeling while they want to then there is a problem,but whatever tht is if they deal with it the right way they can certinly get over it.
Annitaki posted hace más de un año
Annitaki said:
The last few months I've been trying to get rid of social phobia and my counselor had told me that I'm doing very well.Before I learnt that my unusual shyness was social anxiety disorder I thought that I was just weird and stupid and that it was impossible to change that.But it's not.My counselor showed me ways to fight it and made me believe in myself.I'm absolutely sure that whether your problem is social phobia o not that tu CAN get rid of your shyness,but it always takes time so don't be disappointed and give up.Since tu feel this way I suggest tu to visit a counselor and if tu already did but weren't satisfied keep in mind that not all of them re the same.My counselor has dado me a lot of useful consejos such as how to dispute negative thoughts and I promise to publicar some of them at least when I finish with my exams.A last tip:talk about how tu feel to the people tu trust and who will listen to you.It's quite hard but the first step is to talk about it and then understand where your problem comes from.And if tu feel like I'd be happy to answer any preguntas tu have o talk about anything.I wish tu good luck
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posted hace más de un año 
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