Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated Club
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added by breebree446
added by breebree446
added by cenabodoh
Source: FaceInHole
Jones' House Is Attacked por Everything In The House. and They Can't Leave Anymore!
added by gum
added by YoungDelmar45
posted by Scoobert-doo
Life for me wasn't always a walk in the park with my gang. One día we were heading back to Cryastal cove from a mystery out of town when a weird mist rolled in. The gang and I look around then when everything was scary enough the gang disappears I hear their faint screams. "Shaggy?" I call "Velma,daphne...Fred!?" I start to shiver then this huge monster-like thing appears and roars I scream in terror and head into the zoo I back into the lémur, lemur habitat all of a sudden I hear this little voice "Hello" "RAHH!" I jump back I finally see this little lémur, lemur coming from the darkness "What are tu doing here?" it asked me "Ri need to find my friends" The little thing looks at me "Their...kidnapped?" I nod and a couple tears fall down "reah,can tu relp me?" The little thing nods and pulls out a little,furry paw "My name is Mort,what's your's?" I think and observed the little thing called 'Mort' "I'm Scoobert doo,Scooby for short" TO BE CONTINUED
The House of the Nightmare Witch
baba yaga
curator vronski
posted by Scoobert-doo
Like the mystery solving perros before me I teamed up with a little lémur, lemur named Mort and now we are heading out to figure out the puzzle of the gang's disaperence. We headed out to where I last saw them with my black,cold noise to the ground I sniff around trying to find something. Mr.E told me and the gang this isn't the first time a group of kids had disapered in Crystal Cove and I'm surprised he kept his weird notes ot creepy voice out of this one,But maybe,Just maybe he will mostrar up later on like he did with the "Ghost trucker" I sure hope not! I found not a thing and the mist is getting...
continue reading...
added by breebree446
posted by Mortlovesfeet
One día the Gang got kidnapped Scooby needed help to find them so he called his friend Mort they looked for the Gang and found a strange thing which looked like a monster. Scooby dicho ronster! Mort dicho thingy! They captured it por tripping him and making him fall in a net. To be continued i dont know when but it will be continued so ya why am i saying this anyway? i really dont know lol :D so what should i write? i dont know it does not matter anyway so ya here it is so here! ta da! i am just escritura this cuz it say Please write a longer articulo o consider posting to the forum. u get that alot people right?
added by adamk
Source: Scooby Doo Wikia
added by heras
Nightfright, All Of Vincent camioneta, van Ghoul's Horror cine are Finally Coming To Life. and Can't Leave Because It's Jammed
added by breebree446