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About a few months ago, I reviewed a game called Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. The Soulless Army. Yep, that name still doesn’t roll off the tongue too well. I enjoyed the game, despite the many faults it had, with its story pacing, bosses that offer insane difficulty spikes and pretty lacking battle gameplay. Despite that, it had a ton of style and I loved the story for what it was and the characters. So when I heard that the story continued later on in a sequel, I was down for that. Thankfully, the game is far less expensive and costs about the same price as most SMT games. Back then when I played the first Raidou Kuzunoha game, I was but a mere baby to the SMT franchise, having only played the three Persona games and Nocturne. But now having played SMT IV, Strange Journey, Soul Hackers and the Digital Devil Saga games on parte superior, arriba of that, I feel like I am a bit más experienced with the franchise and can understand where this is going much better. And I may already be spoiling my critique, but let me just say that Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon is everything a sequel should be.

Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon takes place some time after the first game, with Gouto having come back, even though that makes no sense dado the context of the ending of the first game, but whatever. Raidou is told por the protectors of Tokyo that there is a new threat found in a village just outside of the Capital involving locusts that steal people's luck, the town sacrificing their leader’s daughters to the gods of the village, and a group of masked assassins that use the luck stealing locusts to try and obtain godhood and become King Abaddon. So, Raidou, being the spry youth that he always was, goes on another wacky adventure to put a stop to all this madness with the help of the demons along the way. So first off, let me just say that this was pretty much the point where I felt Atlus was finally starting to get the right idea for game design. I amor the SMT games, but holy shit, the older games had some serious issues that almost felt like they didn’t want tu to finish them. Even Nocturne, for as much as I amor it, has these issues. And the first Raidou was no exception. The way it takes forever to grind, the dumb demon ally AI, and much more. But now, this game has added convenience since the first game. All the minor issues tu may have had in the first game are gone, even some issues that I neglected to mention. Like how every time tu wanna fuse demons to get a stronger one, tu have to go to the same one area to do so, so if you’re stuck in a dungeon, too bad. Now tu can fuse demons at any save point, which there are many. Every time tu want to travel to a new area, tu have to pay to do it. Not a lot of money, but to do it a lot when backtracking is a pain. Now there is an item tu can unlock that makes it completely free. No más having to pay ludicrous prices to heal your party. tu can now heal right at healing stations. No más mana for all your demons. tu all share one bar, which would sound like a mistake, but tu get so much mana in this game that it’s almost an afterthought. And luck actually becomes a useful stat in this game for once. In battle, tu have a few new additions. First off, tu can now summon two demons onto the field instead of one, and they are way smarter this time around. No longer do they just screw about and waste energy. If tu hit a demon with the right spell that they are weak to, tu will get a big mana bonus and practically recharge it all for free. The AI can still be a bit iffy, but compared to the anterior game, it’s so much better. But the addition of luck is with the Luck Roulette. In battle, there’s the chance of a roulette wheel popping up that could display either good luck o bad luck. tu can get things ranging from más experience and money, demon negotiations going in your favor, o halving enemies health right off the bat, to bad stuff like your attacks missing, certain demons being sealed, no way to escape from battle and more. There are also plenty of Locusts on the field for tu to collect to raise your luck a bit. There’s also a feature in the game where if tu lose too many locusts, tu will lose all your luck and have to pray to the gods to get it back, but I hoard locusts like a mad man so I never did that aside from the one mandatory story reason at the start.
One issue I do have with the battles though is when enemies do an Area of Effect attack, o an AoE if tu will. Pretty much most attacks can surround an enemy in a general part of the fighting area, and since this is an action RPG, tu can run away from it to avoid it, but if your demons are doing physical damage, they won’t know. tu can block, but your demons can’t, so tu gotta get them away yourself. Thankfully, another feature that was added since the last game is a button that just hides your demons. The L2 to be exact. Before, if tu wanted to save your demons, tu had to go to your menu, select Return, and put them back in their tube, and once the attack was over, go to the menu, select Summon and bring them back onto the field, and just hope they can get a few hits in before the enemy does that attack again and tu gotta repeat the process. In King Abaddon, tu just hold L2 to hide them, and when the attack is done, let go. It’s so much easier. But my problem with the AoE attack is that tu have to wait for the attack to go away completely. If tu block the attack with your sword, it’s no problem and you’re seguro from the attack. But if tu let your demons out after that and there is still some semblance of the attack there, even a little bit, your demons will get hit and it could be as minimal as them taking damage as big as them getting a status ailment. Or, tu know, dying. tu could say that it’s my fault for that, but I blocked the attack and once it deflects from your block, whatever is left there is no good. There are times where the attack ends and my demons still get hit por it. It creates a sense of paranoia and end up holding the L2 button for longer than I’d like to. But that’s pretty much my only gripe with the battle gameplay. Other than that, it’s a big improvement to the original. All bullets do the same damage as others now, so no más buying bullets, tu can do way más damage to enemies when they are affected por an attack they are weak to, and hey, King Abaddon actually did it. They added side cases for tu to do on the side. Did this game answer my prayers twelve years before I would want them? King Abaddon is genuinely everything I wanted the first game to be and then some. The cases aren’t too amazing, they are not the most cinematic stuff ever. tu aren’t exactly getting side quests that rival Fallout New Vegas when it comes to deep stories and stuff, but they’re something. tu get tons of interesting side characters from it, some personality from the demons tu run into and even big rewards for your time. They are a step in the right direction and would make a third Raidou game a big improvement. But… ha ha, this is Atlus we’re talking about. We’re never getting a new Raidou game.
But of course, this is just stuff from the gameplay. And while the gameplay is fun and all, this is an RPG. tu will be playing this game for a good 40 hours. And if my culo is going to be sitting in my Office Depot chair and start losing sensation, that story better be good. And is it? Well, I’d say it is. Unlike the first game, King Abaddon introduces a feature common in the SMT series, the Law, Chaos and Neutral system, a system that puts tu down a certain path depending on your decisions of the game. Do tu wish to unite everything as equal, then tu support Law. Do tu want a world where the strong can choose their own destiny, then tu support Chaos. o do tu have no side and just believe in humanity as a whole? Then that’s probably Neutral. Now of course, in Soulless Army’s defense, it’s not like it was the only SMT game to lack that feature. Soul Hackers’ preguntas barely mattered, and Digital Devil Saga lacked it completely, along with the demon negotiations, and that’s considered the peak of the franchise por fans. And I will say, the feature in Raidou Kuzunoha isn’t too spectacular. What it will mostly do for tu is open a few side quests for you, make some bosses appear and some null and void, and change the ending. But aside from that, tu don’t really get much. Honestly, the most interesting thing it does is bring back Rasputin from the first game as a hostage rather than best girl Tae. Seriously, Rasputin is still allowed to walk the streets. Didn’t he super kill a man in the anterior game? Now he’s going around trying to hit on women in a super perverted manner? Forget the assassins, Rasputin’s the fucking threat to the Capital! But seriously, though the Law, Chaos and Neutral pathing isn’t the best, it does offer variety in the gameplay. I did find myself really enjoying the story, however. I was already familiar with the cast of Raidou, Gouto, Narumi and Tae, but I did enjoy the brand new characters we got along the way. I enjoyed the dynamic between Akane and Dahn, I thought Nagi was an interesting character, and I thought Geirin was an absolute badass. But like all SMT games, I thought the big god enemy was kind of obnoxious after a while, talking about, “This is what humanity desires. For me to save humanity, I must end it”. The fuck is this fucking Seymour Guado, “If all life were to end, all life would be saved” bullshit. I know it’s absolute heresy to say anything positive about the Persona games when talking about SMT, but at least the human villains in Persona were interesting and not going on and on about humanities desires and all that. I’ll take a flawed human over some perfect deity any day. But that’s just a personal issue I have, really. Nothing to take to heart. But what can be taken to corazón is this, my biggest issue with Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon. It’s way too easy. I’m not complaining too much since my backlog of games is piling up and for an RPG, I’ll take that any time. I choose to play games on easy not because I suck at games and need a challenge, but because I have too many games and want to get to them all. I know, first world problems. Poor me, poor me. But damn, Raidou Kuzunoha is super easy. I think I only died like twice in the whole game, and only one of them was to a boss, and it wasn’t even mandatory. Any SMT fan can tell tu that the most intimidating enemy ever is Lucifer… and then Minotaur… then Reaper… then Beelzebub… But somewhere in there are the Fiends. The Fiends are some of the most intimidating enemies in the series. They come out of nowhere with no warning and when they put up a fight, tu better bring your best o tu will die. But in Raidou Kuzunoha, even when I felt like I met my match with one that could do a full heal, I just had my demon Rai-Ho do Glacial Blast and before I knew it, I won. Even the final boss wasn’t hard. Long as hell, mostly because your magic will be practically drained at this point in the fight since it has three phases, but even still, it was not that difficult. Just hide your demons, run around the attacks and be ready to use Luck Locusts when it brings out the roulette wheel. But hey, I’ll take long and easy over long and I wanna fucking kill myself like the first games final boss.
But still, despite the easy difficulty, I amor Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon. While I consider the first game to be a guilty pleasure that only die hard fans o someone who likes that style will enjoy, Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. King Abaddon is genuinely a good SMT game. The style just adds to it all. The gameplay is even más fun than before, the story is más interesting, and the side cases just puts a big grin on my face. If tu have any desire to play the Raidou Kuzunoha games, I would suggest starting with this one. Don’t worry, tu don’t need to play the first one to understand this one. Some minor characters will go over your head, but that’s about it. But sadly, this was it for the Devil Summoner subseries. After King Abaddon, the series was put to rest aside from a 3DS remake of Soul Hackers later on. But after that, no más Devil Summoner, no más of the Kuzunoha Clan. Would I personally want another Raidou Kuzunoha game? Well… I don’t know. I can see tons to do with this world. tu can have all sorts of adventures with Raidou. This is a series where potential is brimming from it to just create a brand new story and cases. But I feel as though I am satisfied with this game. If we get más Raidou in the future, I’ll be down to play that. If not, that sucks, but I’m satisfied with what we have. But, again, Atlus. If it ain’t Persona 3, 4, o 5, it didn’t happen.
"ATTENTION TDI AND TDA FANS!!!! GUESS WAT... FOR TOTAL DRAMA ACTION EPISODE 14 IS COMING OUT IN 3WEEKS!!!!!!! I REPEAT 3 WEEKS!!!! OMIGOSH THIS IS BIG NEWS THE EXACT fecha IS: September 1, 2009 in both canada and the usa every1 should watch!!!!!!"
added by Mollymolata
added by liridonarama96
teenage mutant ninja turtles
mutant mayhem
BionicPIG 1 (wearing wig) Hello everyone welcome to my vide-
BionicPIG 2, (no wig): (walks in)
PIG 1: Who are you!?
PIG 2: Really? Really, stop the act, tu know EXACTLY who I am!
PIG 1: How did tu find me!?
PIG 2: It was simple, I just traced your IP address, idiot!
PIG 1: tu don't deserve this.. tu don't deserve this site! EVERYONE LOVES THE WIG!!
PIG 2: Shut up! (pulls out gun) They want ME dammit!
Pig 1: What tu gonna do!? Shoot me!? I AM you! If I'm gone, your gone two!
Pig 2: (chuckles) I'm not gonna kill you.. I just wanted to tell tu (add voice) tu should probably be...
continue reading...
added by Jet-Black
So believe it o not, I don’t go out of my way to look for bad games. Unless there’s some weird navidad event, I never look at a PS2 game and think, “This looks like a fucking piece of shit. I wanna play that”. No, I usually want to give the games I talk about on here the benefit of the doubt and mostrar them some sort of respect. Be it something that pulls me in o something that intrigues me. Like I didn’t buy Marc Ecko’s Getting Up with the intent of hating it. I bought it because it looked like a fun game and I like the urban setting. It only happened to be a pile of trash. But...
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posted by TimberHumphrey
25 years and my life is still
Tryin' to get up that great big colina of hope
For a destination

I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means

And so I cry sometimes when I'm lying in bed
Just to get it all out what's in my head
And I, I am feeling a little peculiar

And so I wake in the morning and I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream from the parte superior, arriba of my lungs
"What's going on?"

And I say, hey-ey-ey
I dicho "Hey, a-what's going on?"
And I say, hey-ey-ey
I dicho "Hey, a-what's going on?"

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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

 Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

St. Foalis Maressouri, 6 PM.

A crowd of thousands of ponies gathered at the Gateway Arch to experience a comedy mostrar that was being filmed live in 4k. The comedian? Tom Foolery.

Crowd: *Clapping, and chanting* Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!
Tom: *Arrives at a temporary stage under the Gateway Arch*
Crowd: *Cheering, as they continue to clap*
Tom: Thank tu everypony.
Crowd: *Continuing to cheer and clap*
Tom: Thank tu very much....
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. tu can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 22: Wayne's Invention

Wayne was sitting on his front porch when he saw Parker arrive in his Packard, followed por Kevin in his truck, and Liam in a Buick.

Wayne: Perfect. Right on time.
Kevin: *Walks with Liam, and Parker towards Wayne*
Liam: Good morning.
Parker: What did...
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posted by TimberHumphrey

I've been tryna call
I've been on my own for long enough
Maybe tu can mostrar me how to love

I'm goin' through withdrawals
You don't even have to do too much
You can turn me on with just a touch

I look around and
Sin City's cold and empty (Oh)
No one's around to judge me (Oh)
I can't see clearly when you're go-o-one

I said, oooooooh
I'm blinded por the lights
No, i can't sleep until i feel your touch
I said, oooooooh
I'm drowning in the night
Oh, when i'm like this,
you're the one i trust


I'm running outta time
'Cause i can see the sun light up the sky
So i hit the road in overdrive

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posted by Seanthehedgehog
In the United Kingdom, a dark green Jaguar F-Type was chasing a Toyota Tundra.

British Agent: *Driving the F-Type* Goal Keeper, this is Chelsea. I'm in pursuit of the bandits.
MI6 Operator: Chelsea, this is Goal Keeper, we're tracking your progress so far. Don't let them escape with those plans.
British Agent: Roger sir. I won't let tu down.
MI6 Clerk: *Walks towards the Operator* What plans did they steal from us?
MI6 Operator: Plans for a special motorcycle with a hang glider.
MI6 Clerk: *Looks at the Operator's computer screen* What's that to the right of Chelsea?
MI6 Operator: It looks like a...
continue reading...
tu guys having a good time?

I had the most unforgettable trip of my life, man it was amazing.
I know I took long to come back still not done yet one más week probably xD

The most tiring trip of my life because it was with my family,so stressful 🥱 neverending action XD on road,camping,shopping,sightseeing, also got sick but it was just for three days^^ then there was some difficulties dealing with my grandpa because he was the slowest person when he gets out to go to the toilet it literally takes him 15 minutos to come back to the car XD wasted so much time of my life almso lost my temper but things went great :)

I got a new look too! sliver/black hair kinda look like kakashi now lol xD jk I dont.

Sorry I can't reply to anyone right now^^

Have some of my breathtaking fotografía shots, enjoy!
I will make sure to continue the icono contest when I have free time soon.
 Don't ask!! just accept it XD
Don't ask!! just accept it XD
 Rain 😎
Rain 😎
 friends of fanpop are with me on mountain parte superior, arriba XD
Friends of fanpop are with me on mountain top XD
 Proud to be a photographer^^
Proud to be a photographer^^
 Amazing clouds.
Amazing clouds.
 My coffee relaxing on a árbol XD
My coffee relaxing on a tree XD
 New look XD
New look XD
added by Ranty-cat
Source: Know your meme
Guys, I’m about to give a hot take for tu all…. I do not care for PaRappa the Rapper on playstation 1. Now I am fully aware that is a crime against humanity, but I do like aspects of it. I amor the style of it for a PS1 game, I enjoy the character designs, and I think the música is pretty funky. But a lot of my problems with the game are from the gameplay feeling pretty rough and unfair at times. There are many times where I am pretty sure I hit the button at the right time, and not only does it sound awkward coming out of PaRappa as delayed as it sounds, but the game still counts it as...
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So Marc Ecko, fashion designer, entrepreneur and a lot of other things that I do not know. I am not familiar with this man, and I’ve never seen any of his works. But I am familiar with his one time video game directorial debut. Wanting to create a game all about hip hop and graffiti, Marc Ecko’s Getting Up: Content’s Under Pressure was born. The game was published por Atari, the kings of the bargain bin, and developed por The Collective, responsible for creating a lot of licensed games before merging with Shiny Entertainment to become Double Helix Games, which would later go on to be bought...
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I noticed some very sad things if tu replay the first Red Dead after the prequel..

1: Jack's amargo, amargos line "teach me and your just run away again o something" is now sadder when the prequel reveals John ran off for a whole año when Jack was really little. Jack's clearly still angry.

2: Dutch.. He's some kinda Empty Shell of the man we once knew. The man he and Hosea raised from childhood is now out to kill o capture him. And he clearly hasn't gotten better, mentally. He is now just another crazed enemy.

3: Uncle's death.. Despite having taken a level in jerkass, we feel like we know the man por this point. It's like meeting up with an friend... And than watching them get murdered.

4: If tu have Jack kill Ross, bascally Arthur and John died in vein.. But sadly this is probably the true ending..

5: Seeing Bill and Javier can be rough now..
posted by windwakerguy430
I’ve never heard of this game up until now. I was watching a video on obscure titles por Atlus that weren’t SMT o Persona and one game that caught my attention was this strange little game called Baroque. Released originally for the Sega Saturn in japón only, it got a remake for the PS2 and Wii, and when Atlus got word of it, they decided to publicar the game, since the game was developed por Sting, and got it released in North America. And honestly, looking at this game, with a post-apocalyptic setting and all this talk of gods and ángeles and stuff… Yeah, I can see why Atlus wanted to...
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