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posted by windwakerguy430
Well this was a little late, but better late than not at all, right? The 2010s were a big year, probably for a lot of us. We all had that point in our lives in that decade where things were changing, some small, others massive. But who cares about all that person stuff. Let's talk about material things that we just like. Movies, video games, animation, all that great stuff. This will be a five part articulo series, so look adelante, hacia adelante to más artículos coming afterward. Let's start off with something simple, movies. Talking about my favorito! film of each year, as well as my least favorito! from that same year. That's right, twenty movies. Some good, others shit. Keep in mind that this is my personal opinion and that these are in no order of good to the best o bad to the absolute worst. It's just in the order of year. So, let's start off with talking about 2010

2010 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: A Nightmare on Elm calle Remake, Grown Ups, The Switch

Yeah, this movie came out in 2010. I was shocked too, but low and behold, here it is, in all it's awkward glory. Now I loved Avatar: The Last Airbender. There was no mostrar like it when it came out, at least on American TV. It had a lot of great characters and an overarching plot line, years before Steven Universe did and took all the credit for being a mostrar that had great characters and an overarching plot. So naturally, the movie is just... a mess. Plot contrivances, bad acting, and just an absolute insult to the mostrar itself, nothing about the movie felt true to the mostrar o the fandom. It just felt soulless. And to think this was going to be a first part of a three part trilogy, but boy did that not happen. The movie dropped harder than my granddad down the stairs and died just the same, taking M. Night Shamalamabingbang's career down with it. If tu wanted a reason to hate yourself, give The Last Airbender a watch and you'll feel disgusted por the end.

2010 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: Toy Story 3, Megamind, Kick-Ass

Okay, so Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World isn't as gripping of a narrative o as well acted o even paced, but goddamn, what it lacks in writing, it más than makes up in presentation. This movie is an action packed experience unlike anything else at the time and I enjoyed it más than I should've. Being a minor fan of the libros and being más than pissed that the game was taken off digital stores forever, watching the movie was a lovely experience. What other movie can tu watch where Michael Cera in all his awkwardness beats up Captain America who is a skater boy in this movie? Yeah, exactly. The libros had better characterization, but the movie had way better fights. The fight with the evil ex's like Lucas Lee and Todd Ingram were much better here, using their own unique concepts for what they would do in a fight and not cheaping out with a lame ending to the fight. The música fight between Sex Bob-Omb and the Katayanagi Twins was so much better. The movie turned one of the lamest and most forgettable fights into an insane música battle. Even the comedy lands pretty well in this movie. Scott Pilgrim is an anime created por a Canadian brought to life por an English director. None of this should've worked, and it kinda... didn't. I mean, the film was a financial failure and I do think it's Edgar Wright's worst film thus far, but that doesn't change the fact that this is an absolute blast of a film and easily deserving of más attention. It's on Netflix right now. Watch this. Don't watch Airbender.

2011 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: Cowboys Vs. Aliens, Green Lantern, Arthur

I fucking hated Alivn and the Chipmunks because I was forced to watch that shit over and over again as a kid, but they weren't 2011 and near that point when new ones came out, it was already over. But Smurfs came out and I had to watch that, so fuck it, The Smurfs. I genuinely have no idea why they keep making cartoon characters experience what it's like to be in the real world. They are cartoon characters. Isn't the whole point of them to be cartoon-like? Not that it was that much of a big deal for the Smurfs since they were boring. Yeah, I dicho it. Fuck the Smurfs. Snorks for life! But aside from that, the Smurfs looked disgusting in this movie. The way they are animated with these gross blue bodies and yet tu can see every pore in their skin. It makes me uncomfortable. But the rest of the movie is typical cartoon live action adaptation trash, even with product placement. But not just any product placement. Product placement for guitarra Hero, a game that has been dead for years even after The Smurfs came out in 2011. I've heard rumors that they are trying to make a new Smurfs move, and all I can say is just let them die out. I don't want it, and I'm pretty sure tu don't either.

2011 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: Rango, Attack the Block, Hugo

Okay, so I know Hobo with a Shotgun is nothing like these other films. Rango is a más creative story, Attack the Block is más clever with it's wit, and Hugo is Hugo, of course it's great. But fuck ya'll, I want an excuse to talk about this cult hit and I'm gonna do it (I promise not all my choices will be cult stuff. popular stuff will mostrar up on here). Hobo with a Shotgun is brutal, violent, disgusting and doesn't shy away from it's graphic content. It is a disgusting vigilante movie through and through and yet it is one of my favoritos just for the concept and the visual effects. Not to mention, it gets to a point where it starts to just have fun with the concept. Yeah, I know some people don't want their heroes to be violent killers, but tu gotta think about the kinds of people in this city. Pedophiles, sex traffickers, people who light a school bus with children inside on fire. These are the absolute worst people. Even minor criminals in this film try to unload a botella doble, magnum into a baby. Plus the camera work in this film is something I always aspire to be. Hobo with a Shotgun is like a Tarantino film on a budget and I can respect that.

2012 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: Resident Evil: Retribution, The Devil Inside, That's My Boy

If tu know me, you'd know I amor the subtle psychological horror of Silent Hill. Silent colina 3 is an amazing piece of horror media, one of the best out there and it's one of the reasons I cannot stand Revelations. Say what tu will about the original Silent colina movie, whether tu liked it o not (I didn't), but at least it had style and focus and a basic desire to be somewhat related to the games, but Revelation tries it's own thing and fails miserably. This is no different than escritura fanfiction because tu think tu can do better, but failing. And I wouldn't even be upset if the movie was at least a laughable disaster like other video game movies. calle Fighter: The Movie and Double Dragon at least have the decency of being a hilarious mess, but Revelations, despite being a horror movie, is boring. And it's one thing to be a boring movie, which is a problem in and of itself, but being a boring horror movie. If tu don't leave your audience uncomfortable, even a little, tu failed as a horror film. Then again, I guess it was the start of what to expect from Hollywood horror films, so it was at least a pioneer in boring horror films, so... yay?

2012 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: Wreck-It Ralph, The Avengers, Django Unchained

I know The Avengers is a big deal and I like The Avengers, but I have to give it to Hotel Transylvania. Around this point, I was pretty tired of animated movies, I thought they were pretty lackluster... Little did I know that frozen 2 would come out and change my mind, but I was a lot más critical... well less critical and más of a piss baby who just wanted old disney movies. But Hotel Transylvania came out and really changed my mind. I can shit all over Adam Sandler all día and I'm sure many have, but when he tries, he can really be a funny and talented person... if it's a rare sight. Basically, his performance as Dracula wasn't half bad. Yes, the rapping part makes me wanna fucking die, but aside from that, it's not bad. I really amor the wacky animation. CGI animación was always about making más realistic movements while still having a cartoon style, but Hotel Transylvania proved that tu can still make the fun, zany animación style that caricaturas are known for in the computer generated animation, which I think I loved most about the movie. Hotel Transylvania is just an en general, general fun animated family film that I think anyone should give a try. Also, Mavis Dracula... That alone makes this my film of the year.

2013 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: Grown Ups 2, Man of Steel, Hangover Part III

Oh, M. Night, tu cheap son of a B, taking two bad films on this article. Now After Earth is the complete opposite of Airbender. Airbender was a boring, borderline offensive film to watch. After Earth is an incompetent movie that is so bad that I can't help but laugh at it, but that's mostly due to both the overacting of Jaden Smith as well as my knowledge of his other things like his Twitter account and Neo Yokeo. After Earth is, sadly, aside from Jaden's acting, not a very memorable film. In fact, I remember nothing aside from the bad actuación that had me gasping for air in laughter when I watched it with friends. Yes, I made my friends suffer through this. I am a horrible friend, I am aware. But seriously, is there anything worse than a film that tu can't remember? Well, I guess falling asleep, but surely no film made me do that...... After Earth is a forgettable experience. If tu really want to laugh at Jaden, well, I'd prefer tu didn't, but his Twitter is always there. But he did make the theme song for Into the Spider-Verse, so cut him some slack.

2013 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: The World's End, The lobo of muro Street, The Conjuring

tu know, it's hard to get good giant mecha in movies. Sure, there's The Iron Giant, but that's not a mecha. Now Pacific Rim, that's a mecha. I know del Toro made one other action movie aside from Pacific Rim and that was... Blade II. That was the best Blade movie, but that's not much of an achievement. But Pacific Rim is an absolute joy to watch. It manages to have the amazing creature designs that del Toro is known for while giving mecha enamorados like myself something truly amazing. I have never seen mecha designs this creative since I watched Evangelion as a wee lad. Yes, really. I probably shouldn't have been watching Evangelion, but I did it anyway. The movie is an enjoyable action film, appealing to both people who like a good story and people who want a dumb action film. And it clearly worked since we got Pacific Rim: Uprising...... We don't talk about Pacific Rim: Uprising, people.

2014 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: A Million Ways to Die in the West, Amazing Spider-Man 2

The Nut Job is a movie my friend had me and two other friends sit down to watch and laugh at, but wow, there was nothing to laugh at. It was just a middle of the road, bland kids movie. I can't even remember it other than I didn't care for it. It also made my friend look like a huge douchebag in front of everyone for making us sit through it. Do I have anything más to say? Not really. The Nut Job is dull. I see no reason for anyone to watch it in a sea of better kids movies, even better ones that came out that year.

2014 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: Whiplash, Birdman, The Babadook

I think this was a no brainer for anyone. If tu are anyone who watches cine regularly, tu had to have seen John Wick. It's common practice that everyone loves John Wick. There is not a human being on this planet. If tu dislike John Wick, tu either haven't seen the movie o tu are a heretic. Okay, in all seriousness, John Wick is a very good film. It doesn't do anything incredibly new with the action movie genre, but it builds it's world so perfectly about a world of highly trained killers and executes it so well with amazing scenes of action and great camera work, not to mention Keanu Reeves is at his best ever in this film. A lot of people gave Keanu Reeves shit in his older films, but it's nice that he is finally getting the recognition he deserves for John Wick. And since the sequels won't be appearing on here, I'll just say John Wick 2 and 3 are equally great films that everyone should give a try. John Wick will be a film trilogy that sits in the league of other great trilogies, like Back to the Future, Toy Story, Evil Dead and the original estrella Wars. These are bold claims I'm making, but I refuse to take them back.

2015 Worst Movie.

Runner-Ups: The Gallows, terminator Genysis, Pixels

Oh my god, I forgot that this movie came out this year. In fact, I forgot this movie came out at all. Man, I was in high school when this film came out and thought it was the biggest piece of shit ever produced. And yeah, in the reality when Avengers was still huge and Marvel was getting bigger, it did suck. Fantastic Four (And I'm not using the number 4 in it, that's stupid) had no right to be has boring as it was. This film was a failure in every single regard. Every character was an absolute piece of shit, there were long scenes of nothing happening, the film was trying to be a kids film but had extremely violent imagery and it ended up appealing to no one. It's actually kind of impressive how much wrong was in this film. I'm impressed a movie this incompetent can come out in the modern age of Hollywood films, and yet here we are. Films can have a wide divide, films can even be hated por the general public but a big budget film being this tone deaf and just a mess all around is rare these days. So, I'm amazed that Fantastic Four can be this bad, but it's still a piece of shit.

2015 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: Hateful Eight, The Revenant, Creed

I was always a fan of Mad Max when I first watched it in high school, the segundo one to be exact. I really liked the cine (Except Thunderdome). So when I heard that they were making a new one with the director behind the classic animated film Happy Feet, I was... skeptical. But then Fury Road came out and my mind was blown. The movie was a blast to watch, continuing the story of everyone's favorito! Australian anti-hero as he travels around, fighting viscious warlords in big trucks and causing as much chaos as possible. I really did enjoy the new characters Fury Road introduced like Immortan Joe and Furiosa, Furiosa especially. I was worried it would try to be a "Women can be just as strong as men" film and shove it down our throats, but no, it didn't need that. I mean Furiosa has a fucking mechanical arm. tu don't need to convince me any further. Fury Road is a film that appeals to my kind of dumb enjoyment. Giant wastelands with souped up cars, lots of pistolas going off and a lot of violence. Everything I amor in life.

2016 Worst Movie

Runner-Ups: Suicide Squad, Bad Santa 2, Sausage Party

People can blame 2016 for a lot of things, but this is what I hate it for. For subjecting the world to Norm of the North. A film that is so awkward and so pandering, and yet was able to get a theatrical release. It was meant for straight to DVD, but it managed to hit theaters alongside other great animated films that year. Norm of the North is a very cliche film. If you've seen any animated film por Illumination, then tu get the idea of Norm of the North. Sure, tu miss out on the amazing Polar Dance, which I am so sure tu are dying to see, but trust me, it ain't worth it, famsquad. And for some reason, Norm of the North got two sequels. Thankfully, they were straight to DVD, so theaters weren't subjected to this. Those theater workers gotta deal with families crying because disney ruined Coco with a frozen short film. The last thing they need is hearing Norm of the North coming to a theater.

2016 Best Movie

Runner-Ups: The Witch, Green Room, Kubo and the Two Strings

Sure, there were better cine that came out in 2016. I mean, The Witch was a far better horror movie than Don't Breathe. But Don't Breathe made me excited to watch a horror movie in years. After being so tired of bad horror movies, which was the majority, Don't Breathe was a breath of fresh air. No garbage jumpscares (For the most part), no bad CGI, no terrible writing. It was as real a horror movie as it could get. I never thought I would be scared por a blind old man with a gun, but Don't Breathe manages to do it. It was a film that was enjoyable to watch and did make me a little uncomfortable, especially the final forty five minutos of the film. You'd think a movie about sneaking around the house would get boring, but no, it stays tense and always manages to keep tu on edge. It was also the first movie I bought on DVD AND Blu-ray just because I enjoyed it so much. Sure, it's not the best film of 2016 from a technical standpoint, but it's still my favorite.

2017 Worst Movie

Okay, I'm gonna stop with the runner ups now because 1. I'm tired of editing and my computer is REALLY tired of it what with the hard slow downs it's been doing, so please understand when I say fuck it. 2. I know exactly what the last three worst films are. I have no reason to think of anything else. So yeah, The Emoji Movie. What más is there to say that hasn't been dicho por literally everyone else. It's a dumb idea. It's a horrible idea, even. What was Sony thinking? We got this instead of the Popeye movie. What a shitty titty, I tell you. What a giant waste of resources and employees. I won't drag out what many have dicho before. Just know it gets shit for the right reasons. tu hate it, I hate it, everyone hates it. Movie on.

2017 Best Movie

So much great cine came out in 2017. Get Out, Shape of Water, Loving Vincent, Blade Runner 2079, Logan. It was really hard for me to pick one. But Baby Driver just managed to beat all of them. Baby Driver was a treat to both the eyes and the ears. The eyes because it had that classic Wright film style to it. And the ears because the whole movie was all about music. Seriously, if there is one scene tu had to watch from that movie, let it be the scene where Baby is running from criminals while they are playing the song Hocus Pocus por Focus (Yes, really). Baby Driver manages to create a unique style for the crime drama that we (Or me, since my dad loved that stuff) have seen a dozen times and I am so glad that this film has gained tons of praise. The Oscars still continue to disregard it, but hey, winning the Oscars is not a sign of quality. And Baby Driver is proof that tu don't need some glorified chunk of fake oro to be a mark of quality.

2018 Worst Movie

I don't get it! I just don't get it! Everyone of my friends, everyone of my family members, they all talk about Ready Player One like it's an amazing film, and I look at it and I think "Wow, this is shit". I did an articulo on why I hate it, so I won't linger on this too much (Shameless promotion). But Ready Player One is not a great film. If this film was made in the 90s, maybe it would fit in, but this was made in 2018. It's boring, it's insufferable, I don't find it engaging in the slightest, and it's nothing más than a giant promotion for all sorts of things like Halo and Overwatch and Warhammer and shit. I don't care about any of this movie and especially me, a person who absolutely despises leet gamer culture with a passion. If tu like Ready Player One, that's perfectly fine, but if I never see this movie ever again, it will be too soon.

2018 Best Movie

On the polar opposite side of the spectrum, another movie I did an articulo on, Into the Spider-Verse is a visual masterpiece. This is the ultimate Spider-Man film. Reimi trilogy, Amazing Spider-Man, Homecoming, everyone go home. Spider-Verse is the best Spider-Man movie. It did so much más than just be a great animated film. It reminded me and many others why I amor Spider-Man so much. It's a charming film but isn't too afraid to have más serious moments. It's a film that is stylish as all hell too, looking like a moving comic book and having all that rap música you'd expect in the urban setting of New York. And best of all, it redeemed Miles. Miles was always seen as being a rather dull character in the comics, but Spider-Verse made Miles an acceptable Spider-Man. Hell, Miles in Spider-verse is what I prefer than any of Peter Parker's portrayals. I honestly can't sing the praises of Spider-Verse enough, but I'm just preaching to the choir. How could Sony, after one año prior make The Emoji Movie, come out with the greatest animated film ever in my opinion. I don't know how, but I'm glad. All is forgiven. Please, go watch Spider-Verse if tu haven't. Even if tu aren't a big superhero fan, it's amazing in every way.

2019 Worst Movie

Okay, I am sure a lot of tu are tired of hearing people complain about Rise of Skywalker. And I understand, of course it would be exhausting to hear people complain. But... This movie is a mess in everyway. Yes, the prequeals were absolute bastardizations of estrella Wars, but at least they had decent ideas that were victims of poor executions. Rise of Skywalker was an absolute disaster. And this isn't because I don't want my precious franchise tainted with these new characters. I liked The Force Awakens. Yes, it was just A New Hope, but it was still good. But Rise of Skywalker was absolute trash. Characters like Finn are thrown in the trash and never taken out, the movie tries to appeal to new fans por having a bad romance between Rei and Kylo Ren, while trying its hardest to appeal to old fans with Palpatine and Chewbacca but fails to appeal to either one. The movie is tripping over the dominos that the other two films prior set up and just making a mess. This is not due to one side, like how everyone says it's all JJ Abrahms fault. I can't stand JJ, but he's not in total blame. The blame goes to the constant mess that was the behind the scenes meddling of JJ, disney executives, George Lucas and many more. And remember when I dicho the worst thing a film could do was make me sleep. Well guess what? I fell asleep in the theater watching Rise of Skywalker I was so bored. This was the first movie to make me fall asleep as an adult that works nightshift. Rise of Skywalker is not the most barebones film, not the most poorly acted, and not the cheapest, but for how much wrong it does and how much bad stuff happened in the background, it's obviously one of the worst. But hey.... We got the Mandalorian.

2019 Best Movie

Shoot, a Tarantino film finally makes the list. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is unlike the rest of Tarantino's films, where it isn't very violent o action packed (Well, not until the last ten minutes, then it's pretty violent), but it is very dialogue heavy and has some of the best characterization I've seen in his films. Tarantino has a way of making even long drawn out scenes of dialogue interesting, and this film is no different. Normally, I don't give a shit about celebridades and just see them as characters in a film, but I really did enjoy the actuación of both Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio. They felt like both people who were in the actuación industry of the late 60s while also feeling like real friends. I loved the style of 60s Hollywood as well. Again, the movie is very dialogue heavy, so don't come into this expecting severed limbs o people getting shot all over. Hell, there's barely any blood spilt until the last few minutes. But this is a Tarantino film in history, so this film is as historically accurate as his other film, Inglorious Bastards... I'll let tu think of the rest from there.

So there. I've been editing for three hours. Would've been less if the computer was faster. See tu later when I talk about games in either a día o a week, depending on how frustrated I get with this. Happy 2020, suckers.
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house*
Tom: Hello everypony.
Master Sword: It's such a beautiful day, and nothing can ruin it.

Then, it started raining.

Audience: *Laughing*
Master Sword: I wish I brought my umbrella with me.
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: I can't believe this is actually happening.
Master Sword: Well, it could be worse. Oh wait, it is.
Tom: Why?
Master Sword: There is no crossover parody today. Instead, we will be having a musical performance...
continue reading...
posted by Seanthehedgehog
Welcome to the block. And now for your hosts, Master Sword, and Tom Foolery.

Audience: *Cheering, clapping, and whistling*
Master Sword & Tom Foolery: *Standing in front of a house* HAPPY NEW año ASSHOLES!!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: Let's get some fireworks! *Sets up a firework*
Master Sword: Let's shoot some pistolas into the air! *Grabs a Glock 18, and shoots twelve bullets* I amor Austrian guns!
Audience: *Laughing*
Tom: *Sees firework go off in the sky*
Master Sword: That was great, but seriously people, it's just the beginning of a new year.
Tom: There's no need to get excited about it....
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posted by peterparkerrbu
Every link game has two essential components: a lista of words and a letter grid that appears random. The players must buscar the grid for the listed words and drag their ratón over them to highlight them. The lista is automatically rubbed out for each word that is highlighted.

The words can be shown backwards, diagonally, horizontally, and vertically. The words are divided into categories o topics in order to assist players with their requests.
Game rules
The player who is the youngest at the start of the game goes first. Before revealing the first word, rotate the playing board in a clockwise...
continue reading...
posted by elsafan1010
I was born in autumn (November 19th) so I am used to rains and storms. It rained heavily in Istanbul this year, and on parte superior, arriba of that, there was a lot of lightning. In fact, my school was closed due to the extremely strong wind. As I write this right now, I have mixed feelings about the rain.

Although the rain makes most people sad, I always like to feel a little sad. That peaceful sound of rain, drop por drop and its beauty. Moreover, I amor water, and rain is made of water. I amor icy weather, and tu can't imagine how wonderful it is to snuggle up in your warm duvet at inicial watching the rain....
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posted by Canada24
Here's an articulo I've been putting off for a long culo time, and I should finally get too..
Won't have photos, feels like extra work, and already have a lot to remember..

I'll only do 5 now.. So at least I have it out there..

Let's start with the easiest pick. The one most people actually like, about the man child hockey player who turned to golf, tu know, the most cliche'd thing probably ever.. I haven't seen this movie sense, well, forever. But I still remember some of the lines..

Here's another one I actually really enjoyed. It actually does mostrar that Adam can...
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Halloween night 1963
In haddenfield illinois there would be
A gruesome case of sibling rivalry
Beetween kids in the myers family
Micheal a six año old lesurely
walked into his sisters room silently
And butchered her body so violently
he left for a mental facility
and when the state hospital deputy
relaxed the maximum security
and micheal would stop waiting patiantly
for another chance at a murder spree
his doctor sam loomis tried legally
to put him away for eternity
said "my patient has no humanity"
but others did not exactly agree
they dicho "micheal was the epitome of the ideal patients activity
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posted by Canada24
I hear there’s a Patrick estrella spinoff now. Man, let the mostrar die already.. I know it’s weird, a 27 año old still talking about Spongebob. But I feel no shame in saying.. It’s still something I throw on occasionally. Anything from the first 3 seasons. I kinda pretend the others don’t exist, I hear it gotten better for a while, but I still don’t like Tom Kenny’s higher voice. The reason I like the old ones is Spongey is far más likeable. He feels like an actual adult, o least a teen. He’s just kinda immature, but he still has moments that prove he’s smarter than he looks.....
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As the título suggests, these are what work for me.. So tu know...

Never ever watch the news, all they do is tell sad stories and make tu feel worse about this than tu already do..

I live at a lake place, and know a path that's my usual for walks. I go alone though, I like the alone time.. Just getting outside, it really helps..

To me, continuing to play video games, watch youtube and watch tv, just as I did before all this.. It really helps..

This my biggest one. Always stay optimistic.. Enjoy the little things.. Like seeing something on netflix. Whatever it is..

Episode 1;

Roman: (meets Niko at the barco stop).

Niko: (stressed) What took tu so long!

Roman: Sorry.. I was at a party.. But anyway.. (singing) Welcome, home, Cousin. tu know that, I missed ye-

Niko: [Off-Screen] NO! [On-Screen] NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR tu SING!


Roman is driving them too the apartment, though he's driving very slowly, much to Niko's anger.

Roman: Do tu think Mallorie's mad at me?

Niko: Because you're in the right lane behind a bus and tu won't go around it? (sarcastically) No, I'm sure she finds it charming.

Roman: No,...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. tu can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 21: Take Out

Kevin is driving his truck with Liam riding shotgun. They are going to The Nut House to pick up an order they made on the phone.

Liam: Did tu hear that parks are being reopened?
Kevin: That's good. We're making some progress.
Liam: A lot of people think we...
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Set of hands, who here remembers Road Rash? It was a fun little arcade game where the goal was to race as a motorbike racer against other motorcycle racers to win races and get prize money. tu also beat the shit out of your opponents with chains and bats while running over pedestrians and taking out cops. It was insane. Some games have tried to bring that style back, and one of those games was Road Rage. Developed por Team 6 Studios, this little indie game from 2017 was regarded as one of the worst games out there, as recently as 2017. We’re still getting broken trash games that can contend...
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Vroom in the Night Sky is considered por many to be the worst game on the nintendo Switch, let alone one of the worst games ever. Developed por Poisoft, a studio that clearly doesn’t speak English, Vroom in the Night Sky was once a Wii U exclusive, but was able to crawl it’s way out of the bargain bin console and onto your nintendo Switch. I want tu to let that sink in. Trash like Vroom in the Night Sky was able to survive the Wii U and yet Wonderful 101 remains trapped on there. This was the game that was considered better than Vroom in the Night Sky. May god forgive us all.

So from...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog

Song: link
 Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear
Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

The Canterlot Highway Patrol is a very busy organization, protecting everyone on, and around the highways of Canterlot. Of course, there are some ponies that despise them, and call these police ponies Chips, o chippies for short.

Jon Baker, and Frank Poncherello, two CHP officers, were riding Harley Davidson motocicletas on one of the highways.

Jon: *Riding his motorcycle siguiente to Frank* It sure is a nice day.
Frank: Not just with the weather, but with the activity. Things are going easy for us.

A blue GT500 passed them...
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Welcome to the segundo episode of Cultober II: The Return. Yesterday, we looked at a classic horror film that is regarded for its escritura and effects. Now we will be looking at a classic B-monster film that is known for its cheese but loved for its premise nonetheless. Today we will be looking at what many consider the king of classic b-movies, 1958’s The Blob. The original, of course.

Young enamorados Steve and Jane are at Lover’s Lane when a meteorite crashes into earth. From within, a gelatinous creature known only as The Blob emerges from within and begins to devour residents of the...
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posted by windwakerguy430
So at this point, I’m going to assume indie games with a chill cyberpunk bar setting that has drink mixing mini-games is going to become its own niche genre. VA-11 HALL-A was the best of that genre, but I guess we can assume the 2nd topper for it would be The Red Strings Club.

The Red Strings Club is an interactive indie título where tu play as a bartender named Donovan and occasionally his favorito! customer, best friend, and possible gay lover, Brandeis, as tu go through the story of a corporate empire wanted to change the world for the better, which in short takes away their ability...
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added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by Blaze1213IsBack
added by Blaze1213IsBack