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Repost with my new favorito! characters because for some reason this one got removed??? Like I searched for it because I was planning on making another articulo like this but I couldn't find this one.

I had good fun making my silly ‘how my favorito! characters would hold out in a zombie apocalypse’ article, so I decided to make another about how each would do in a horror movie. It is kind of vague as there‘s a vast many types of horror movies. So the characters won’t be as closely connected to one another as in the last one—characters A and B will interact with character C más than characters D and E, because D and E will work más with character G…if that makes sense.

Regina Mills (Once Upon A Time): Let’s take a good look back at that horror movie, Spiders, that Lana Parrilla (Regina’s actess) was in…Regina Mills is the one character in the entire movie that does not run past the gun and into the clearly hazardous cemetery. She actually looks around and uses her surroundings to her advantage unlike most every freaking horror movie character. However, due in part to the stupidity of our drunk party-hard pal she gets killed por the monster/ghost/slasher. And yes there will be a drunk party-hard pal in this lot. But while she’s around she pretty much figures out what the hell is going down and why it happened. In the case of a ghost/demon issue she was the one telling them not to use the Ouija board. She was the one who didn’t want to go on ‘the college road trip’. She didn’t want to hunt for that weird el espacio rock. Ect. Basically Gina can fit in any category and works with any character set. She butts heads with Icy a lot as everything is kind of her fault. She also doesn’t really like Nellie and Bella *CoughDrunkPartyPalsCough*. And she finds Nerissa’s skepticism to be rather off putting.

Azula (Avatar The Last Airbender): Much like the last article, she and Bella (and some others) have two rolls; the antagonistic role and the protagonist role. Some characters I can just see as horror monsters más than others. And I wanted to have a few types of monsters to work with.

Once again, I’ll start with her being the antagonist. por the end of avatar the Last Airbender, Azula had completely lost her mind. That said, tu probably know where this is going. Azula is the estrella of your classical psychological horror flick. tu bet it’s set in an asylum. However Azula is not a slasher type villain—I have someone else for that role—she’s that ‘monster’ tu almost feel bad for. Ya know, the one tu would sympathize with had she/he not been so damn scary. As an asylum patient she was abused and neglected to the point where she became so lost within her own madness that she really isn’t even human anymore. And to throw in another horror factor; whatever abuse she suffered left her with some terrifying gory deformity. That in mind—because of such abuse— Azula only attacks when she feels threated and scared. Which sadly is pretty much all the time. Her story can end in two ways; the movie would either end on a happy note where one of the characters (likely Isabella) sympathizes with her and ends up helping her, o she is simply killed like the rest of her victims.

In the segundo scenario, Azula still has it kind of crappy. She is the possessed one. She came to be possessed because she (due to her unsound mental state) drew the dark spirit towards herself. It fed on the dark thoughts she already had and the torment she already felt. Such a mental state led to a sort of opening. Of course she tried to fight it off (which happens in the first 20 o so minutos of the movie—that magical part of the movie that is sort of scary but the scary isn’t in full swing). It starts off with the very fun mirror scene—she just sees it behind her and slowly the visions get más and más terrifying. Though she is in the end saved through exorcism. Painful exorcism. That kind of exorcism that involves agonized screeching, blood, and backlash from the demon. This scenario works for the ‘ghost story’ and she’ll only be interacting with fellow ghost story characters. For the sake of this plot, she is Beatrice’s daughter.

Icy (Winx Club): Icy, Icy, Icy. I amor her. I amor her because no matter what scenario I put her in she will always be the angsty, cussing, cynical, badass one who hates everyone and everything. So what’s different in this scenario? She was the one who broke out the Ouija board and dicho ‘let’s do this shit’…and then regretted it when all hell broke loose. She suggested the super exciting college road trip and tu better believe she wanted to turn down the scary looking short cut. And for the record she was watching the funny el espacio rock fall and wanted to get the riches within it. So like Regina, she can pretty much go for any type of horror movie and interacts with pretty much all of the characters. She thinks Regina’s ability to actually think thing through is cute and admirable and it bothers her because she worked so hard to screw shit up. And Izzy’s ‘obnoxious’ victim act is annoying. She also thinks Nellie and Bellatrix are infuriating.

Bellatrix (Harry Potter): As mentioned above she’s another duo-scenario character. Though this time she has no connection to Azula really.

Any avid Harry Potter fan—or anyone with even the most basic knowledge of Bella—probably know what’s to come. Bellatrix is our slasher villain. In Harry Potter she was known for her sadism…her amor of killing people just for the fun of it. And she would cackle and enjoy every moment of it. Of course her first line of action is to kill the two enamorados in the middle of their (unnecessary) sex scene. Because she thinks seeing enamorados cry over each other is really hilarious—especially after slaughtering them in the upmost gory and unnerving way. Bellatrix chases everyone around in her sinister mask until she’s killed everyone o Icy admits that it was wrong to do whatever it was she did to provoke her…and let’s herself be murdered. However in the end she is killed por one of the survivors. In dicho scenario she belongs in the slasher flick and therefore really only interacts with others in that genre.

In scenario number two Bellatrix takes on the role as the más comic relief role. She’s one of our drunk college friends. Though she’s actually the más sensible of the two. Her goal in life is simply to bug Regina and call her a nerd o a dork whenever she figures something out. So basically she’s got the ‘football doucebag’ role. Of course with this role comes a degree of obliviousness. But like Lust in the last scenario she somehow makes it out alive but no one can even begin to figure out how…probably out crazied the crazy. In this scenario she can pretty much fall under any horror sub-genre.

Nerissa (W.I.T.C.H.): Nerissa also kind of has a duo role. She’s either the skeptic o the scientist.

As the scientist she can either work with Azula’s psychological genre o the to be talked about alien genre. Nerissa was the one who abused Azula and in essence caused her to become the way she is. And because of this…in this horror genre, she is the first to die as Azula deliberately targets her but then branches out. In the alien/ufo type, she is just curious. She want to study this ‘strange’ life form. She wasn’t too thrilled when Icy—on her quest for possible riches—broke into her makeshift research camp and messed everything up. Like gtfo Icy! The two of them pretty much fight it out until the end. And yes, she decided to die in the name of science.

However I also see Nerissa playing a more…universal (so to speak) role. Aside from the alien genre, she’d be the skeptic. The ‘uh uh, not possible’ one. When something crashes of a shelf it’s a mini-earth quake. Vampires? “Nah, they don’t exist.” Werewolves? “Ha! más like costumes.” Slasher? “Nope, nothing fun ever happens in this town.” Mutants? “I’m the scientist in the first scenario and I never made any mutants so…” The skeptic usually always dies. Nerissa dies.

Isabella Gisborne (Robin Hood): You’re all darn right I’m still shipping her with Bellatrix. Which is why she also has two roles. Though one is a flashback role.

Isabella, in Bellatrix’s slasher scenario was Bella’s lover. People *CoughIcyCough* bullied her for her sexuality until she took her own life. This is what caused Bellatrix to snap and just start slashing.

In another más vague scenario, one in which she can now probably fit in any horror sub-genre; she’s our screamer. Twig snaps, Isabella jumps like ten feet in the air. brindis, pan tostado pops out of the toaster, Izzy is probably screaming. She pretty much just shrieks and thrashes her weapon around and falls into traps. This frantic screaming actually serves to frenzy Azula más as she becomes frightened and confused. This can work two ways; she is either killed because she scared Azula enough o (as mentioned above) she was able to sympathize with and calm Azula down—taking her in as an adopted child. However in most scenarios her screaming only leads her to her grave.

Lust (Full Metal Alchemist): She’s one of the enamorados that Bellatrix goes after for the lols. However for the sake of breaking clichés, it’s her partner who gets his arse murdered. She tried to help and was actually doing good but he then told her to just make a break for it. This causes her to hesitate. She thinks about running but decides that she still wants to help. However that moment of hesitation cost her, her lover. After watching him die she tries to fight back, realizes that this is a horror movie, and makes a hasty retreat (until she runs into Bellatrix again). Of course she has just enough time to call the cops so we can get that role filled. In the end, while yes she does make it out alive, she ends up killing herself to be with her deceased lover.

Asami Sato (The Legend Of Korra): Every college road trip needs a designated driver...hi Sato!!! Yup she’s the poor soul stuck behind the wheel. The one who was sent out in the pouring rain to deal with that infuriating flat tire o smoking engine when suddenly aliens/zombies/slashers/whatever-else-is-in-a-horror-forest-when-a-car-breaks-down come out. All she wanted to do was drive her car, she didn’t volunteer for this bullcrap! Asami can also fill the role of the cop that Lust called. Either way around horror cine have it hard for her type of character.

Nehelenia (Sailor Moon): Come she’s from Sailor Moon…of course she’s an alien! No she’s not a friendly one that just so happened to crash land…if it was just an accident she’s clearly pissed as (some reckless UFO driver crashed into her and) she totaled her new UFO and decided to take it out on silly earthlings. Humor aside, she just wanted to invade Earth and experiment on its inhabitants. Despite what Nerissa would like to think, Nehelenia knows that she is the one doing the studying.

However I also offer her a role as a paranormal investigator as we do not have one of those yet. She in Azula’s little possession scenario was the first person Beatrice contacted, in hopes of figuring things out. So Nehelenia bought in her little team.

Beatrice (Umineko No Naku Koro Ni): I really like Beatrice as I could see her as either the mother of the possessed kid/teen (in this case, Azula) o as the actual ghost. In the case that she is the ghost she lingers around haunting her daughter (still Azula) for whatever reason. As a concerned mother…well she’s pretty much just that…a concerned mother who has no clue why it wasn’t the neighbor’s kid who got possessed. Well Beatrice…perhaps tu shouldn’t have let your daughter go to Icy’s little Ouija party!

Acxa (Voltron): I can see her having two roles. The most obvious of them is that she crash landed with Nehelenia and Haggar. She is different though, in that she is somewhat confused. At first she works alongside the other two and then kind of makes a shift to the humans' side because she doesn't quite roll like the other two. However she is still an alien so after she saves them the damage and world-domination she kind of disappears back into outerspace and doesn't look back.

The other role I can see her taking is the part of the loner. I can see her in a post-apocalyptic horror movie. Maybe zombies, maybe something different. Either which way I feel like she'd be the very quite passer by. The person that the man protagonists come across along the way. She helps them out, maybe gives them some supplies o swoops into the battle when they've almost lost and then goes on her way because she feels safest on her own.

Annie Leonheardt (Attack On Titan): Due to her being a Titan shifter, I can see her as a werewolf. We don't yet have one of those in our story. But with her it's one of those things where she very much did not want to be a werewolf. It just so happens that she was out during a full moon this one time and she got attacked and turned. I feel as though she'd also be that character who is with her group the entire time, hunting the werewolf, not actually knowing that she's been looking for herself this whole time. I like to think that (because of her hair color) she'd be this really odd albino werewolf. The transformation itself is painful and she has no control over it, she tries to resist it.

Kuvira (Legend Of Korra):

I can see her as a lobo too. But she's the alpha of the scenario. She was a born werewolf; deep black fur, glowing yellow eyes, the whole shebang. She is merciless and not afraid to make a mess. She is very much in control of her transformation, unlike Annie. I think in on scenario she'd take Annie as a captive partner in crime.

Haggar (Voltron): She would be the queen alien. She works with Nehelenia very closely and was probably the one who put it out there that she wanted to expirement on the people of Earth. Nehelenia does más of the capturing/abducting and Haggar actually runs the horrific experiments. She has some common ground with Nerissa being as they both have a knack for science.

Ming-Hua (Legend Of Korra): Ming is both our physic and our exorcist. Nehelenia is leading a two man team…unless those background characters count. She has been able to see the other side since she was just a child. She decided to become a ghost hunter and exorcist because of her experiences; she was possessed before and lost her arms in the exorcism. Instead of running from her fear she decided to become her fear. Why? Because she’s badass.

Jadis (Narnia): Hello background character who Icy sacrifices because someone needs to be killed off so that the mains can live! Until then she’s that character who thinks she knows it all. The one who is so certain that they should take *insert course of action* because *insert smart-sounding but not really action*.
I amor tu Jadis. 0:D

Nellie Lovett (Sweeny Todd): Bellatrix’s drinking buddy. It was her idea to get drunk in the first place. And it was her fault that Regina died. Thank tu Nellie. How did it happen? She didn’t listen when Regina told Nellie to pick up the cocina cuchillo and stab the slasher before the slasher could kill her. Instead Nellie just screamed, threw down the cuchillo and ran for the car…Sato’s car. She fumbled with the keys for a bit, dropped them, noticed the slasher was right por her, got scared, decided to pick up the keys, and just run until the slasher caught up with her. Done like a horror movie pro.

Sawyer (Lost): hola look it’s Lust’s sex buddy. :D Until he died we had a good beginning of the movie; he was fun and sarcastic and made fun of the other characters. He was always glad to help Bellatrix call Regina a nerd. She slapped him a few times. He enjoyed sharing a drink o two with Bella and Nellie. He always talked big, but when it came down to it he just didn’t act. He didn’t think Lust could handle the slasher (even though she was very capable) so he took the blade.

*Bounas* Me: This time I’d be the segundo to die! I would probably end up following Regina, after she dies, I’m screwed.
posted by MileySelena982
Never mind the haters. All they do is break tu down. Build yourself up and ignore them. Don't they look so small from up here?

When they make a nasty comment, pretend they aren't there. They'll never get to tu that way. When they kick and scream at other peoples hating comentarios about them, don't they look silly?

When they ask why tu like what tu do, ask them why they like what they like. "How's it feel, huh?"

Hater will say many things, some the probably don't mean. But, if someone does hate, ask them, "Why? Why do tu do it? Do tu have nothing else to do with your life?" Just ignore them, they hate that. All the want is attention. And whatever tu do, don't give it to them.

Pieyaiyai pieyaiyai pieyaiyai eat them till u cry. [wait 4 about 16 seconds, then do verse 1] The empty pie tins, were 1st known as frisbees, spinning, spinning, they look so dizzy. The tins looks shiny, it reflects the sun, yes bakerys r our number 1! [chorus] Pie ay ay, im a birdie who likes pies, throw little pecks straight down into peoples eyes. Pie ay ay ay, im a birdie who likes pies, keep throwing them at the cogs until they die. [wait about 16 más seconds, then start the 2nd verse] Now they have bakeries, so many snacks 2 taste. No, we shouldnt let them go 2 waste. From brownies to cakes, and galletas and pie, colorful, fruitful, yummy snacks oh my! [repeat chorus twice] Pieyaiyai pieyaiyai pieyaiyai eat them till u die. [wait 4 about 30 seconds, then repeat verse 1, after that u repeat the chorus 2 mor times, then wait 4 about 16 mor seconds] Pie ay ay ay, im a birdie who likes pies, eat all the treats, till ur so full u could cry. The end, hope u liked it(and san it rite).
Mr.Mosby: I'm so glad zach is gone for my whole life!
Zach: Hi Mr.Mosby!
Mr.Mosby: *screams* what are tu fdoing here!
Cody: he's getting held back!
Mr.Moasby: and you?
Cody: I'm just droping him off.
Mr.Mosby: Oh great!
Brianna: Rich girls coming through!
Mr.Mosby: Oh tu must be the hetrick sisters!
Rochelle: yeah! now go find our maid!
Mr.Mosby: tu don't have a maid.
Brianna: Then go get us one!
Mr.Mosby: tu can't have a maid!
Rochelle: why not?
Zach: *wripers in Mr.Mosby's ear* Say that there too prety to have one.
Mr.Mosby: Your too prety to have one.
Brianna: oH well, that's great! Let's go Rochelle!...
continue reading...
posted by shutyourface
The blode curdurling sound of a monkey killing a innersent plátano even the thought makes me scream.
i am the leader of a very special groupe H.B.S
that stands for help bananas society
every minite a plátano is being tortured but
there is someone helping that someone is me
bobby flobby hobbie jo thats my name but tu can call me bobby jo

i shall return with a más stories of the help bananas society

dum de de de dum dum dum de dum

(thats the tune of are clubes song)

plátano plátano oveja are there friends
posted by jblovesme4ever
one día that ugly little rabbit waz walkin down the buunyy trail when suddenly a wich came out of now where she had the blackest skin peter asked wats ur name she replied with nastynes in her voice mrs white but of course that stupid bunny dicho hello there mrs white this made the wich angery so she took peter back to her cottege peter thought phh well were are just goin on our first fecha ohh how wrong waz he then wich finaally got him inicial AND TREW HIM IN THE CLOSET AND SILLY BUNNY DECIDED TO GO inicial AND SO WHEN HE LEFT THE CLOSEST A SWARM OF BEES CHASED HIM INTO THE WICHES ROOM AND HE WOKE HER UP ANS SHE dicho WHAT WICH MADE BUNNY CRI SO THIS MADE THE WICH HUNGERY SO SHE dicho COM HERE PLZ AND WHEN SHE DID WELL LETS JUST SAY BYEBYE BYEBYE BYE BYE PETER COTTEN TAIL HELLO BUNNYZSOUP


posted by dinglebell14
I was like totally like walking like down the like, cotton dulces road like 45 like segundos hace and I like saw a hot like dog and totally yelled, "Like tu like skinny little like pot head like monkey." And then I like totally like kicked a puppy. Then I like went inicial and like told my brother I like think he like is a like talking wierner with like talking wierner powers that like let him like mow the lawn.
That was like a like better like día in the like life of a like polar bear.
P.S. ~ Don't tu wanna mix cotton dulces and popscicles!
As I weaved through the crowded hallway, I focussed on the rhythm of my footsteps. I was lost. It was as if I was a new student o something. Now that Annabella was gone, the hallway made me dizzy with fear. I stood in this hallway and whined, begging for her not to leave. This is where I shared the last hug I will ever share with Annabella. When you're with your best friend, nothing matters. When tu know you'll never see her again, not even a faint light of happiness appears at the end of the freight tunnel.
I had a hard life. We all do. I lived in a small mountain town in North Carolina...
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posted by Puppetmaster111
hola guys! My friends Sydney is on fanpop now! She is on Lady gaga site and Skillet site! I am so far her only fan, so if tu guys want to be a fan of bubblegirl2 then go to the two clubes ubove there! Plez check out her profile! She is realy nice and cool and she is a christian, and realy cute! No I'm not a lesbian, but she told me to say that! She will be happy to registrarse tu guys with your fans! So... pppplllllleeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeee!!!!!!
posted by Diblover111
 This picture is also done por ak-47
This picture is also done by ak-47
Please note: Everything before the dotted line thing is not done por me, it is done por
ak-47. Just a couple differences in our writing: 1 They did theirs in 3rd person, I’m doing mine in 1st, point of view Dib. 2, They mention Dib is in pajamas, in mine Dib is in his normal clothes. Oh, and this story will continue. This is just the first part. Ok, here it is…

Dib stumbled out from the door, coughing and wheezing. He took a few steps adelante, hacia adelante before turning his eyes, red rimmed with smoke and exhaustion towards his burning house.
"Dad! Gaz!"
With a burst of adrenaline, he sped back towards...
continue reading...
posted by I_love_Mikey
I'm here to tell tu that I amor you.
I'm here to hold your hand.
You're here to tell me that tu hate me.
You take my hand and throw it back.

I'm here to tell tu that I'm yours forever.
You're here to say, no, and never.
I'm here to explain that you're the best.
You're here to tell me tu could care less.

I'm here to hug tu when you're sad.
You're here to tell me my hugs are bad.
I'm here to tell tu how smart tu are.
You're here to say smart I'm far from.

I'm here to tell tu that I amor you.
I'm here to hold your hand.
You're here to tell me that tu hate me.
You take my hand and throw it back.

I'm here...
continue reading...
posted by I_love_Mikey
Before tu read this, note that this is not in anyway encouraging the abuse of illegal, o even legal substances. This is simply stating that it will take tu down a dark road - one that once tu start, tu can't go back. You'll be falling through quicksand, without arms, and no one's going to pull tu out.

I am lost.
An impossible path I'd sought.
But only treachery it brought.
And pre-decided fights I had fought -
All of which I, unfortunately, lost.

Loved, I am, and also feared.
Silence blares, it rings out clear.
Yet, we stay together, huddled near.
The silence is still all I can hear.

Lies persist...
continue reading...
posted by candyangel
1. Chickens say jerk jerk.

2. Cows say moop moop meep.

3. Bunnies say chirp chirp.

4. Lobsters say clurp clurp clurp.

5. Chickens say burgack burgack.

6. dragones say shlurp shlurp.

7. Snakes say slither tither slither tither.

8. Elephants say near near fear near.

9. Moose say poooo poooo low.

10. Bears say guro guro guro.

11. Alligators say pow pow bow pow.

12. pescado say blub blub blub.

13. unicornios say ashshnifafurfur.

14. Monkeys say quack quack quack brack.

15. Frogs say rebite rebite.
posted by itachifan1
yfouydfosidyfosdiuyfsdifosdyiyreuoiyroiweyroweuiyrouiweyoirwukdkdkngnqwckslfogkdfpogkdfopkgdopfkgopdfkgpodfkgdpofkgpdofkgdpofkgdfpokgfdopgkodfopgkfdogkkodpoxpxpcl[zxpccfjcjcjjfdsoidjfoisdfjisojdfosdijfosidjiofjsodjfsodjfosidjfsodjjjjjjjjjjjjfsidjfdisojfsdiofdijsofjdsiofjidsojfidsofjsdojfdsijofdjqefgbbxodkpfokpsdkofpspdkfpoksdopkfpodskfopsdkfpksdopkfokpdsokpfokpsdokdospopkdfsopksdodfoskopdfsopdfsodfosokdspkofdsokpfokpdsokpdfsokpdfsopkdfsokpfsdr0ew9ru9e8wrewihfrdbckzxnhcxzjucoisedausueoisaueoaisjd isao dsiodjisoajdisoajd s s odjiajoisaojd siodisaiodisaidiosaoidioasiojdijasijdsijoasdisdaiodsaoidiosaoewq09e80wq8e90w8eq09w8eq09w8eq90w8e0q9w888888eeeeeeeee09wq8e90wq8e908wq9ewq980e89wq90e09wq90ew9q0e89w90q89e8wq8e9wq80e9e89w0q9e89wq89ewq990iotgvioksoiaiowiuqwouqw0q09qwueqw98euqw0euwq09euqw0ndjksjdsajdasjlljdskjsdakjljkdsjklsdaAUZXCVBNM,,,.FGHJKKqwertyuiopasdfghjklef8asiodasoiudioasudioasudiouasouduioasudiosaudisaourjhdjsieiruhcvflkjdfldslkdjflskdjfskldjfskldjfsldjfsdlkjfsdlkjflkdsjfkldsjfdsklfjdskljfjkitrieioieoisjdioisadjisoiajdisajidosajdsoiadjsiajdsiajdsaioooojdiosadjsaiodsijodjiiaojsdjiisajoodijsaioidjosaijdjsaiodjisiajjidsaoisdaoidisjoaijosdaioajsdiojijosdijodsaijosidjoaijsodo8ewq90ewq903eq908e9znmklxkmkasaw90e8-09eriq09we8w9q08ewq908e90wq8enskadjsaodosaidhosahdosahudsaoidhsoahdsaohdoisadisaidhasodhoasiohdihoasdasjdoiasjodiasjodjsaiodjasoijdaosijdsoiajdoasjdiasjdoiasjdoajsdoasjdoasjdiosaiojjioeiowioeiwqiojeiojwqiojejiwqiojeoixczjfioxzjcfjixzojciioxzjcioxzjcxozicjxcjzxiocjxjioczoicjzxojcxozijczxoijcxzoijcxzoijcxzojcxzoicxzioreuir...
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posted by CullenProperty
I'm a little pawn still in your game
And tu ignore my advances
I turn my head and I look away
But I can't control my eyes are on you

Oh, you're on the run and I'm chasing you
Feels like war with all your glances
I'm just a boy without a clue
And I can't control following you

But it's alright, alright with me
it's alright, alright with me
it's alright, alright with me
it's alright, alright with me

I know tu better than tu know
You can fight but it's not over
I say to stop but tu start to go
I guess that means it's L-O-V-E

I say to look but tu turn away
I say we put our best foot forward
Will tu believe,...
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mysterious amor

- chapter 13-

"Ok tu can open them now."
When I opened my eyes my mouth droped.
"Go carts! How did...when did...THATS AWESOME!"
He laughed "I thought tu would like them."
"Well tu were right! " Then I realized I was actuación like a 6 año old in front of the hottest guy I had ever seen.
"I mean umm... there...great?"
"Dont worry your not actuación like a six año old." Mathew smiled at me.

How did he no that?

Then of course me being me.i
I dicho the stupied possible thing any body could EVER say.

"You look so cute when tu smile like that." I could just imagin the big hearts in my eyes....
continue reading...
Angelas POV

-Jenna, Jenna, wake up!!-I said
-Huh..I'm awake, mum. I'm awake. School time?!-She answered
-No, silly, it's Angela.
-Angela? What da.?
-Listen, and listen carefully. I'm a werewolf. I'll mostrar you.
-Hahaha.-She started laughing!
-Shut up, and listen, Jenna! PLEASE! And I have a talent..My dreams are actually reality. Whatever I do in my dreams actually happens. If I dream in Paris, I will really be in Paris! I can take pictures and do everything like when I'm awake.
-Angela, why are tu kidding with me?
-I'm not-I yelled -Please believe me, please!
-Show me!
-Okay. Jump on my back!

continue reading...
posted by lexie2635
This is my first fanfiction.I hope tu like it. Please comentario down below about what tu like, what tu don’t like, and what tu want to see next.Short chapter.

A penpal relationship is often used to practice lectura and escritura in a foreign language, to improve literacy, to learn más about other countries and life-styles, and to make friendships. As with any friendships in life, some people remain penpals for only a short time, while others continue to exchange letters and presents life-long. Some penpals eventually arrange to meet face to face. Some pen pals even get married....
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posted by Shelly_McShelly
A husband went to the doctor and tells the doctor
"I think my wife is going deaf"
-Doc-"Just to find out do this test on her
stand 50 feet away from her and ask her something if she doesn't respond mover 10 feet closer and try the same thing as so forth"
So the husbad got inicial and found the wife preparing cena and asks her
"Honey, Whats for dinner" No reply
he moves 10 feet closer and tries again
"honey whats for dinner" No reply
so he moved 10 más feet closer and tries again
"honey whats for dinner" she respuestas back and says
"For the third freaking time its chicken"
posted by Bibelot
Washington Post Competition asked for a two line rhyme with the most romantic first line and least romantic segundo line.
This is the (hands down!!) winner...

'My darling,my love,my beautiful life;
Marrying tu simply demolished my life.

I see your face when i'm dreaming;
That's why i always wake up screaming.

Kind, intelligent, loving and HOT;
This describes everything you're not.

I want to feel your sweet embrace;
But don't take the paper bag off your face.

I amor your smile, your face, your eyes;
Damn,I'm good at telling lies!!!.'
added by tanyya