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posted by Thecharliejay
1.    1
Realization. Even though it may seem impossible, the truth is, nothing is impossible. If tu keep thinking it's impossible, then it will be. Have faith
Analyze the situation. Create a lista of "pros" and "cons" to help tu better understand why you're seeking amor o acceptance from this person.
2.    3
Don't worry about things tu can't help. Acknowledge the impossibility as something that is totally out of your hands (ex: marriage, age, sexuality, hang-ups) and know that if something is meant to be, it will be.
3.    4
Don't take it personally. Perceiving the situation as a personal attack, is not advised. There is no point por contemplating why. In fact, it may create a mysterious attraction to them therefore prolonging infatuation, not to mention causing tu a world of pain.
4.    5
Plan wisely. Set aside a time for any duration. por reflecting, not brooding, tu gain insight for your siguiente possible crush.
5.    6
Admit tu have a crush. Allow yourself to feel it. If tu don't, tu are at risk for "Romeo and Juliet Syndrome". The forbidden amor possibility becomes más attractive.
6.    7
Don't dwell. Instead, go out and make new friends, o hang out with the old, But never be mean about them! It will only get back to them and then tu will have lost a friend.
7.    8
mover on. Remember that it's not the end of the world. Someone else may share your feelings, but this specific person just wasn't the right one. Just remember that its a crush-no matter how strong.
8.    9
Mesmerizing. When tu start remembering good times tu had with your crush, immediately find something else to focus your energy and time on. Don't allow yourself to wallow in self pity for too long.
9.    10
Be honest. Tell them how tu feel. If tu find out that he o she doesn't have any feelings for you, it will be easier for tu to get over it.
10.    11
Avoid anger. They didn't do anything wrong and getting angry is just going to push them further away and destroy your friendship. Come to terms with the fact that it isn't their fault they aren't attracted to tu that way. This is hard, but a few tears (or a few buckets of tears), a few chick-flicks and treats and a few peppy songs tu can dance to will keep tu on your feet.
11.    12
Keep in mind, if tu are madly and hopelessly in love/lust, be patient. Don't be too clingy, but continue on as normal, being your wonderful self and mostrar him/her how awesome tu are. He/She might just realize one día that they have been blind this whole time and confess their love; after all, amor is just friendship on fire.
12.    13
Understand that if all else fails, think about how devastated tu would be if the two of tu started dating/getting serious and then broke up. Think of that when tu get that feeling. Keep in mind how important your friendship is.
13.    14
It's not healthy to keep hoping they will one día feel the same. Try to emancipate yourself from them for a while so that tu can rid yourself of your feelings for them, because if tu don't, the time tu spend around them will be tense and bittersweet.
14.    15
Avoid thinking about them. You'll only feel worse if tu do. Meet new people, talk to your friends.
15.    16
Instead of fantasizing about how great things could be with your crush, pick someone else. Imagine how great things would be with them. You've probably been doing this with your crush for so long that imagining being in a relationship with someone new might be the breath of fresh air tu need to get the ball rolling on getting over him/her.
1.    1
Maintain some type of distance. While being close to someone may stir emotions, avoiding someone who is regularly seen definitely will. If the person is close, either request "space" o continue normal activities. If the person is not, keep a distance, but not a "duck-and-cover" type of avoidance.
2.    2
Spend time with the person. tu will see their negative qualities, which will be beyond what tu can oso, oso de if you're not meant to be.
3.    3
Look at them closely. Find the physical flaws. And then think... "He/She's not that hot! What am I thinking?!" And find someone that tu can get, and still be friends with your crush.
4.    4
Stop fantasizing about them! They aren't important. They don't define who tu are, that's your job.
5.    5
Remember that this person is not the end of the world. Someone else may feel the way tu do about YOU. Just remember that its a crush--no matter how strong.
6.    6
Focus on the trait of theirs that is your least favorite. That means, if he is so perverted and tu don't like it, o if she is self-centered and tu can't stand it, focus. It will allow tu to see him/her as what he/she is, as well as get tu over him/her.
7.    7
When tu start remembering a good time tu had with your crush, convince yourself it wasn't all that great por remembering a much better time tu experienced with someone else.
8.    8
Ask yourself a reason why tu want to get over it. Are tu married/in another relationship? If so, it's easier to prioritize if tu think it through.
9.    9
Try to minimize contact with your crush.
10.    10
Focus on your other interests.
11.    11
Go to the gym and work out. Get your mind off of it and feel better about yourself.
12.    12
Find comic relief. See the humorous side to things, read comic libros o deep thoughts before tu go to bed.
13.    13
Make an exciting change to make yourself feel sexy. Treat your self to a hair-cut, o a new outfit. Make yourself feel confident.
14.    14
cruzar, cruz out o erase his/her name anywhere tu might have written it (e.g your notebook, your textbook, the muro of your bedroom, etc.)
15.    15
Avoid all eye contact with them and try not to look longingly at his/her nose. You'll be más likely to get over the crush if tu aren't always staring at him/her.
16.    16
Act a bit más unpleasant around them than your usual temperament. They may act unpleasant back and won't seem as attractive to you, but be warned, tu may lose out on a relationship with another person if tu are too mean.
17.    17
tu know tu will see this person again. They are your best friend and tu don't want to lose them. Try to your time with them and start spending time with other people (namely ones of the sex tu are attracted to). Start dating and don't feel obligated to your best friend, they're not dating you.
18.    18
Learn from the experience and come out stronger.
19.    19
Accept! Always remember that the toughest part will be to observe your best friend be normal around tu while tu could struggle to do so. There is no way around it but to accept that everything cannot possibly be reciprocated.
20.    20
Try falling out of love/lust. Make lists of all the things that go against being attracted to him/her - amor is blind, try to voluntarily open your eyes.
21.    21
Don't let them see how upset tu are. If they know, it'll only make them feel bad and they might start avoiding you. Act like nothing happened and maybe mention another person tu think is hot. If they start liking tu back, then that's great. Hope it all works out. If they don't, then just keep this up until tu find someone else.
22.    22
Consider the possibility of letting them see tu with someone else. Act nicely. Sometimes people don't realize what they could have had until the opportunity is gone. If they don't start liking tu back at this point, it's really time to stop crushing on them and meet new people.
23.    23
Remember that if they liked tu but changed their minds at the last minute, tu shouldn't get angry o blame things on them. Your friendship should be strong enough to not let something like that keep a good thing down.
24.    24
Accept it. Whether your window of opportunity came and went, o they're just not into you, acknowledge the reality of the situation. Tell yourself the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
25.    25
mover on. Make a promise to yourself to get over it. If you're lectura this article, you're ready to take this step, so just do it.
26.    26
Reassure yourself. Look in the mirror every morning, smile, and tell yourself, "You're worth it." Really mean it. tu didn't do anything wrong, and right now there's someone else out there for you. And it always helps to remind yourself that they are the ones that are going to be missing out on you.
27.    27
Maintain your decision. If tu find yourself slipping, remember the promise tu made to yourself.
28.    28
Associate. If and when tu catch yourself thinking about your crush, pick out something about them that tu dislike, and focus on it. Be honest. tu may have built a fantasía of them in your head, but in reality they're not as great.
29.    29
Distract yourself. Go out with your friends and have fun. Meet new people. Find a mostrar o a game to immerse yourself in. Keep yourself busy and happy.
30.    30
Take care of yourself. Keep well-groomed and put on your best clothes. It will do wonders for your self-esteem. Remember step three.
31.    31
Find someone else. It can be difficult to get over someone if you're sitting there alone on Friday nights. Instead, call up that girl/guy tu have History class with who always smiles at you.
32.    32
Live life. You're a great person and he/she was a fool not to see that. Before tu know it you'll be back on track.
33.    33
Get it out. A good cry always helps. just let your feelings pour out and before tu know it. He/She will be just a thing of the past.
34.    34
If tu can not get over it try to do the stuff tu amor like video games tv lectura o whatever. Think about upcoming events that will make tu happy. This may seem weird but it works 91 percent of the time

•    Really focus on trying to find another boy/girl that you're interested in. It's hard to stop loving him/her when they're the only one tu see. But don't neglect your best friend.
•    If tu are upset after finding out they don't like you, talk to someone tu trust, like a friend o counselor, about how tu feel. Tell them how you're hurt and ask for advice. Holding things in makes tu depressed, and that can make everything much worse.
•    Tell him/her as soon as possible that tu have feelings for them. Waiting only makes it worse. It's not fair to tu to have to keep it in, and tu can't get over them until tu know they don't feel the same way. It'll get worse before it gets better, but it will get better. And who knows? They may even confess to liking tu back!
•    Still be friends with them. It's not fun to lose a friend because of a problem in a relationship and it's even harder with a best friend. Once tu do get over them, you'll be glad tu guys are still friends.
•    Since they are your best friend tu probably see them everyday at school so try to just kind of be yourself and act normal. It is hard but if he/she is your best friend then tu were probably a little más comfortable around him/her to begin with so just act normal and don't try to impress him/her o make them like tu back. It does not work!
•    Try not to tell your friends about it because they will only tell everyone else and it will get to him/her and make them feel very uncomfortable. It only makes it worse.
•    Some songs might make tu feel sad, but listening to others like, "Teardrops On My Guitar" por Taylor rápido, swift might make tu accept the concept that your crush might not like you.
•    Do nott listen to amor songs o slow songs. It can cause tu to become desperate.
•    Make sure you're over them when you're not around them AND when tu are. Sometimes you'll find that tu have gotten over them during a time apart, but the segundo they come up to you, tu fall for them again.
•    Don't tell them tu amor them if tu know for sure that they only want to be friends. This could damage the friendship.
•    Don't overindulge on treats. tu will feel even más depressed in the morning.
•    Whatever tu do, do not cut contact with the person. Because they aren't in amor with you, when tu avoid them they will eventually just hang out with other people, causing a rift between tu two. This can be hard to fix and can ruin any hopes of being close friends again.
•    Try to be thankful for the wonderful friendship tu have, always wanting más could destroy your friendship.
•    Don't try to change yourself to become what tu think is attractive to the other person - they will only see tu as fake and insecure, a person who is not fun to be with, even as friends!
•    Don't attempt to make them jealous - if they really only see tu as a friend, besar another guy/girl in front of them won't really affect them, and you'll just end up feeling regretful and disappointed with yourself later.
•    If tu do tell them, don't automatically assume how they're going to react. This sometimes makes tu seem extremely foolish. If you're good enough friends, this might not affect your relationship as much as tu think.
•    Delete their phone number.
•    Did tu have a certain route in the hallway that tu took to class where tu ran into your crush? o maybe it was a hangout that tu always saw him/her. Attempt to avoid these places because the más tu don't see your crush the easier it will be to get over them!
•    You have to remember that your crush for a boy/girl will just come and go. And if tu kept thinking about him/her, just say this to yourself "There is not only one but many fishes in the water."
•    If your crush doesn't like tu for who tu are, well, all I can say is that he/she will "REGRET" someday.
•    Listen to inspiring songs like, "Forget You" por Cee Lo Green.

•    Try not to get too depressed. It will be hard, but remember that life keeps going and it's better to go at the same speed.
•    Don't stay alone for too long, you'll get bored and start thinking of the person.
•    Don't keep thinking of the person. The más tu think about them, the más likely tu are to stay attached to them.
•    Don't become bitter! Just because the person doesn't like tu in that way doesn't mean tu can be unfriendly towards them. Don't let your pride get wounded! Sometimes people just aren't right for one another! It says nothing about who tu are.
•    Don't let your self-esteem drop. tu are still a wonderful person who deserves to be loved; this just wasn't the one who could amor tu in that way. tu will find many though who can. So keep faith in yourself!
•    Don't break down o mostrar aggression if the person tells tu he/she is in a relationship with someone.
•    Don't demand the person about ending a relationship with a significant other.
•    Don't jump into another serious relationship too soon. fecha for fun, fecha someone tu normally wouldn't have been interested in, have some fun as a single person. Seeing that there are plenty of people out there who want to be with tu will help tu mover on and feel better about yourself.
•    Don't do anything outright mean o embarrassing. The goal is to get over your crush, not make your neighbor's life a living nightmare, o to lose out on other potential relationships.
•    Do not become rude o disrespectful around them. Treat them like a normal human being.
•    If the two of tu are friends on MySpace o a similar site, consider taking them off your buddy lista o at least removing your subscription to them. When tu see a bulletin they've publicado o a blog they wrote, just skip past it.
•    Don't talk to them when you're under the influence of alcohol. tu will say something tu regret.
•    Remember not to gossip o talk bad about them behind their back, because it will come back to haunt you.
 Jones's taken picture Beautiful Insanity February 2019
Jones's taken picture Beautiful Insanity February 2019
Musical promoter. Artist and director rejected legal proceedings after an attacker allegedly estola his picture in a draft online last año in 2019, the picture was partial to his new album speculated to release later this año and it consisted of Jones shirtless with tatuajes drawn all over his arm.

The "Razilee and Elijah 2" Director never responded to the claims when his picture was stolen from a private group chat last año February 2019. - until now.

Jones recently responded to the claim and expressed that he had no intentions of proceeding with 'legally filing a dispute' against the attacker...
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About a few months ago, I reviewed a game called Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner: Raidou Kuzunoha Vs. The Soulless Army. Yep, that name still doesn’t roll off the tongue too well. I enjoyed the game, despite the many faults it had, with its story pacing, bosses that offer insane difficulty spikes and pretty lacking battle gameplay. Despite that, it had a ton of style and I loved the story for what it was and the characters. So when I heard that the story continued later on in a sequel, I was down for that. Thankfully, the game is far less expensive and costs about the same price as most...
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So let me start this articulo off por saying I’m a fucking idiot. A few years ago, I made an articulo called parte superior, arriba Ten Japan-Only Games, back when I did this horrible thing called parte superior, arriba tens, and I truly was the Watchmojo of this website. On that list, I included a little Konami game called Shadow of Memories for the Xbox, stating that it did come to Europe, but not to America. Well it turns out it did. Only the Xbox version never came to America. But the PS2 version did, under a new title, Shadow of Destiny, for some reason. Why was it changed from Memories to Destiny? I don’t know. Point is,...
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Birds Of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation Of One Harley Quinn is the 8th film of the DC Extended Universe. The film stars Harley Quinn, along with one of the Batgirls (Cassandra Cain), three members of the Birds of Prey (Office Montoya, Black Canary, and Huntress), and the villainous Black Mask.

Where the Characters Came From

Harley Quinn didn't come from the comics. She was created por Paul Dini and Bruce Timm for the 1992 show, Batman: The Animated Series. She was so popular, that she became a regular characters in the comics. Renee Montoya was also a creation of Batman: The Animated...
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I’ve never played the first Gungrave game. Gungrave is a weird sort of property that came into existence as a video game first before getting adapted into a video game. Little did people know that it was actually based on a video game first and foremost before it was adapted into the strange anime that we see. Gungrave is a very smart and well made game about a man named Beyond the Grave who is brought back from the dead to exact revenge on his once best friend who betrayed him and took over the mafia with the help of aliens and works alongside an anime girl. But in Overdose, he works alongside...
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Ho ho ho, everybody. Merry Christmas. It’s the final día of the 25 Days of navidad and boy, did I save a big stinker for last. Considered one of the worst games of all time on a technical level, Ride to Hell: Retribution was dead on arrival. No game in the modern age had got as much attention for being as much of a broken mess as Ride to Hell… except maybe Fallout 76. Published por Deep Silver and developed por Eutechnyx (Yeah, try pronouncing that one), Ride to Hell had bigger ambitions than what we got. It was planned to be an open world sandbox game set in the 70s, playing as a bigger...
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So I have a vague memory of this game. I remember seeing this game in a Game Informer magazine (Yeah, remember fucking gaming magazines) when I was in elementary school. Alongside games like Resident Evil Revelations, o I think, I don’t remember the exact issue, I saw this game on the side and how the reviewer thought it was the most boring game imaginable. So I avoided it for years up until now… and who boy, gaming journalism may be a joke now, but that guy was totally right. The game as developed por Vectorcell, known best for jesús Christ Superstar on the IOS. I feel like I’m gonna...
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Dragon Ball Z, a mostrar from many people’s childhood, myself included. It was a mostrar that had stylish animación and art to it, insane battles, and a mostrar where characters would die. In the 90s, this shit was hardcore. Dragon Ball Z has dwindled in popularity recently, still very much popular, but not as much as it once was, probably due to Super being… the worst fucking thing. Hey, speaking of the worst fucking thing, Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22. Why 22, we’ll get into that. Published por Infograms in America, but Bandai in Japan, the game was developed por Tose Software, who has made...
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Ah yes, Jenga, the fun childhood pastime of playing with a set of wooden blocks, because someone was just that bored. I never played much of the board game when it was at its peak of popularity. I was más of a CandyLand kid. Aw yeah, coming up on the dulces Cane Forest, motherfucker! But, I do understand the basic concept of the game, stacking bricks to make a tower and pulling them out and making sure it doesn’t topple over. What I don’t understand is making a full game for the Wii and selling it at full retail price. Who made this game and why would they make it. Oh wait, it’s an Atari...
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Willy Wonka and the chocolate Factory was one of my favorito! films as a kid. A classic film starring Gene Wilder filled with adventure and whimsy… We’re not talking about that one. The Tim aparejo, burton remake, Charlie and the chocolate Factory, which felt más drab but at least the visuals were nice… also not what we’re talking about, technically. The video game, Charlie and the chocolate Factory for PS2, published por Warner Bros. Interactive, who now own the Mortal Kombat license. Weird, mentioning Mortal Kombat in each articulo thus far. The game was developed por High Voltage Software, who...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Theme Song

Kevin: *Plays piano*
David: *Playing bass*
Liam: *Playing drums*
Liz: *Plays guitar*
Mr. Nut: *Sings* Welcome everybody to The Nut House. Thankfully this is not in Laos. Come on everybody into The Nut House. tu can wear anything except for a blouse. Come on everybody, step into The Nut House.
Everyone: The Nut House!

Episode 18: Camping

At The Nut House, Kevin and Liam were making plans.

Liam: That's my favorito! spot.
Kevin: Which is why I recommended it.
Wayne: *Walks in with Miss. Heart*
Kevin: Here come the amor birds.
Wayne: What's up guys?
Liam: We're just planning a camping trip.
Miss. Heart:...
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posted by Canada24
This is a movie I had no interest in seeing. I was worried having an entire film about Joker will kinda ruin the character.. But the fact the film is rated R does imply I'm probably wrong.

But after I saw Chris Stuckmann's spoiler review. There is a interesting thing he spoke about, that I want throw in my own 2 cents about.

Before this film was even released. There were 2 things that people were worried about. Sympathizing with Joker. And the violence on screen.

Firstly, Chris says this isn't even the most violent film he's seen. He actually states Deadpool is más violent than this movie. But...
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Well, looks like a fun little holiday is right around the corner. That’s right, día of the Dead. Halloween, that’s for children who go out and eat candy. But día of the Dead, that’s a real man’s holiday. In all seriousness, I am far from being Mexican. I’m the whitest, pastiest motherfucker around. But I still really enjoy the skeleton designs and the history of día of the Dead. And tu know what else I love? Masked wrestling, which is más commonly known as lucha libre. día of the Dead and luchadores. It’s not a Lucha Underground game, everyone. It’s Guacamelee. The full edition,...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Other than horrible gaming journalists not understanding how indie games work, another thing people say is how unfair they can be. Cuphead is unfair because your character only has three hearts on them. Hotline Miami is too hard because enemies can kill tu in one hit. Slime Rancher is too hard because I can’t feed my Slimes in time. But there is a game out there that I can say with slight certainty that it can feel really unfair at times. A game so difficult that it already has me cursing before the game starts. A Bastard’s Tale.

A Bastard’s Tale follows a knight, I’m going to...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Oh man, first 2064, now we’re talking about this game. I feel like the moment I was honest about my sexuality I started to notice homosexual games más and more, not that I’m complaining. I can, however, complain about the possible seedy practices that happened behind the scenes of this game, as mentioned in NikPiks, but…. Don’t focus on that right now. Let’s just talk about the game itself, and see if it manages to be good on it’s own. Let us talk about Dream Daddy.

Now tu probably remember seeing this game all over the place a few years back. Every major let’s player was...
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This review is going to be… a bit harder to talk about. So I bought a game called Revolution 1979: Black Friday, a game that is based on the actual Black Friday of 1979 where thousands of protestors were shot and killed for protesting against their ruler. It was the darkest moment during the Iranian Revolution but is practically never discussed outside of the country. That is where 1979 Revolution comes to discuss matters.

1979 Revolution follows the experience of Reza Shirazi as he is interrogated for information on his involvement with the revolution and his connections to the groups...
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posted by Renegade1765
A few months ago, a friend of mine on DeviantArt asked me for consejos on what makes an interesting villain, because she was escritura a Pokemon fanfiction. I told her my opinion, which gave me an idea. Not the "What makes a great villain" part, that's a topic for another day. I'm talking about the concept of humanity and what actually makes us human. People across history and the world have pondered this question, and I think I'll do my take on it.

For starters, many people have asked the question: Are we born evil, o are we made evil? Personally, I think there's always a little evil inside...
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There are the lista of Animated cine of the año 2000 Scorecard.

There is the opinion of the scorecard, no matter, When tu love, like, neutral, dislike o hate the movies.


*Chicken Run (Aardman) - Love
*Rugrats In Paris: The Movie (Nickelodeon) - Love
*The Emperor's New Groove (Disney) - Like
*The Road To El Dorado (Dreamworks) - Like

There are the lista of Animated Movie Protagonists of the año 2000 Scorecard.


*Ginger The Hen (Chicken Run, Aardman) - Love
*Chuckie Finster (Rugrats In Paris: The Movie, Nickelodeon) - Love
*Kuzco (The Emperor's New Groove, Disney) - Neutral
*Tulio and Miguel...
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posted by windwakerguy430
Hello everyone and welcome to the siguiente half of In-Indie. I was able to binge a whole lot of new indie titles to get this out and boy, do we got some greats and some… not so much. But we’re here to talk about not just a great, but one of the best. A game that many online are calling the Dark Souls of the indie scene…. Wait, that’s not rig- Hollow Knight, everybody.

So yeah, this is a game that many would compare to Dark Souls and I would as well, but not for the reasons a subhuman, like, a video game journalist, would call this a Dark Souls game. Yes, the difficulty is there, which...
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