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prince michael jackson Pregunta

Jacko children's sad lives

Torn between warring factions, have the kids any hope of happiness?

Friday, 30 October 2009

Elizabeth Taylor has achieved what Michael Jackson's family have so far failed to do: put a smile on his children's faces.

Paris, 11, and Prince, 12, squealed with delight when the ailing actress took them on a trip to Universal Studios last week. But seven-year-old Blanket had no such joy. He was kept hidden at his 79-year-old grandma Katherine's LA home.

Happy times have been hard to find for the late star's three little ones. Since Michael's death in June, they've been pushed from pillar to post por the warring Jacksons.

One concerned family friend tells Now : ‘It's been a rough time for the whole family and the kids are suffering because of it. Ever since Michael died, they've been arguing over almost every aspect of the children's upbringing.'

The main fuente of the rows is that family members - led por Randy, Tito, Marlon and La Toya - are determined to give the children every opportunity to become big stars in their own right - much to eldest sister Rebbie's frustration.

She says that her privacy-obsessed brother Michael would ‘turn in his grave' at the idea.

‘She's the only one who's fighting this battle to give the kids their privacy,' says our insider. 'She feels that somebody has to stick up for what Michael would've wanted for them.'
 memo_99 posted hace más de un año
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prince michael jackson Respuestas

MrsPMJ said:
God bless Rebbie and the kids and everyone else.

Except; Tito, La Toya and Randy, who are just being selfish and not respecting Michael`s wishes -.-
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posted hace más de un año 
Ebonyscorpio said:
stop calling michael jacko...he's not a jacko
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posted hace más de un año 
yeah michael hate when people call him jacko i wish they would stop calling him that
memo_99 posted hace más de un año
but tu just called him jacko..."Jacko children's sad lives"
Ebonyscorpio posted hace más de un año
yeh she did thats saddddd
princeandme posted hace más de un año
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