I. Seasons of the Heart
A. Once upon a summer
-Main character: Josh, 12 cared for por Lou, 18 and aunt
- grandpa and uncle charlie want to see Lou happily married but Josh is scared of change
-young preacher teaches Josh and falls in amor with Lou
-Gramps moves in
B. The winds of Autumn
-Josh has a dog, Pixie
-He goes camping (bull scare,pg37)
-he has a crush (p67)
-survives a fight (p120ish)
-Lou's baby dies (p174)
C. Winter is not Forever
- Josh's friend Willie dates Mary Turley p23
-Sarah is born p.32
-Mary b/c a christian p.44 -(mother also, ps.84)
-Josh graduates pg 48
-Camellia becomes a christian again...
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