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Wizard-on-wizard combat in the films
escritura battle scenes was never Rowling’s strongest suit, but her fight scenes became electric on the screen, más o less literally: The effect when two thrown spells locked in mid-air is particularly splashy and creative, with the clash of energy throwing off heavy, wet detritus that looks like paint. Scenes like the Battle For Hogwarts at the end of the series, the Ministry Of Magic showdown in Order Of The Phoenix (with good and evil wizards zipping around as light and dark clouds, and the sense that más action was happening just off each of the screen’s four edges) and the Dumbledore vs. Voldemort face-off (see below) are executed with thrilling style, and even simpler confrontations like the classroom duels in Sorcerer’s Stone are packed with tension and unpredictability. Rowling’s print fights tended to rely on the same small handful of spells over and over; on the screen, combatants often dispensed with words and fought with effects.

Half-assed plot points in the movies
A movie adaptation practically never includes as much detail as the book that spawned it, and there’s nothing wrong with that—except when the movie makes efforts to cram the details in, but leaves out the connective tissue that makes them make sense. For instance, the film version of Half-Blood Prince is just as obsessed as the book with the identity of the titular mystery prince, but when Snape announces that he’s the prince, he doesn’t actually bother with the just one más sentence that would have explained what the título means. Why does Prisoner Of Azkaban take the time to have Harry slowly read off the names of the creators of the Marauder’s Map, but leave their identities a mystery, even though Harry is connected to all four and even speaks to one of them about the map? And in fact, bringing that point up would explain why he thinks the ciervo, despedidas de soltero Patronus he sees in the forest is his father, which makes no sense otherwise. Why preserve Kreature’s hatred of everyone who enters the Black house, but not touch on who he is and why he has to serve them? Why animate the cat Patronus protecting the bench from the Dementors in Dolores Umbridge’s court, but not explain the setup, even when it becomes crucial to the action sequence that follows? fans will get all these things but find their vagueness annoying, whereas casual watchers are just likely to be confused.

Hogwarts Castle
Hogwarts castillo is as important a character to the Potterverse as any of the wizards who inhabit it: It’s full of secrets, personality, and, well, magic. But unlike many aspects of the film series, which had some early growing pains, the Hogwarts sets were pretty much perfect from the outset. Over the course of a decade of working on the Potter films, production designer Stuart Craig oversaw the construction of thousands of sets, a good number of which were the sprawling corridors, grand halls, and creepy dungeons of Hogwarts, all rendered in a vaguely gótico style that evokes glittering fantasía and grubby realism alike. Though its bridges, passageways, and forests were spread out over various unconnected sets, the Hogwarts of the films feels like an actual magical castillo some lucky location scout stumbled across, a place fans could actually visit and explore. And in a way, they soon can: The film sets will be reconstructed as part of a permanent Potter exhibit at Leavesden Film Studios in Hertfordshire, England.

“Dumbledore is gay”
The revelation that Hogwarts’ headmaster is gay would have been absolutely fine, even intriguing, had it been implied anywhere in the text of the books. But it wasn’t. (Dumbledore’s proclivity for “flamboyant” clothing doesn’t really count, right?) Rather, J.K. Rowling dumped that little tidbit on the world at a Deathly Hallows lectura after the final book was released, citing no evidence other than it’s what she “always thought,” and pointing to Dumbledore’s close friendship with notorious Dark Wizard Gellert Grindelwald as a potential romance. Rowling is well within her rights as an autor to imagine extended backstory for her characters, but casually dropping a major, potentially controversial detail about one of the series’ most beloved characters at the exact moment Potter mania was at its zenith smacks of opportunistic revisionism.

“Hedwig’s Theme”
There are few aspects of the Harry Potter cine that aren’t directly stipulated por the books, but one of the purely movie-centric bits of the Potterverse has become an unforgettable piece of the franchise. The “Hedwig’s Theme” leitmotif, composed por John Williams for the first movie, has permeated every film installment in different arrangements, becoming as integral a part of the series as Hedwig herself. The theme’s twinkling melody has served as a familiar opening salvo in the trailers and films alike, invoking a Pavlovian response from super-fans dying to see what those unmistakable notes portend.

The movie Dursleys
As the Harry Potter libros progress, Harry’s cartoonishly spiteful Muggle family, the Dursleys, feels más and más like a holdover from the series’ kiddie beginnings. While the libros manage to progress Harry’s relationship with his Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and cousin Dudley enough that their final parting with Harry has some emotional resonance, the films never make them seem like más than shrill comedic relief killing time with funny faces and pratfalls before the real action starts. The disconnect is most egregious in Order Of The Phoenix, where the looming threat of Voldemort and escaped Dementors is offset por the Dursleys’ silly mugging. Thankfully, the Dursleys were excised from the last two films, which had más pressing matters to address than Dudley’s hilarious girth and Aunt Petunia’s ridiculous outfits.

Watching the kids and the series grow up
While it’s a fair cop to suggest that the child actors cast as the leads in the first Harry Potter movie were chosen for their looks as much as anything else—which is par for the course, dado Chris Columbus’ George Lucas-like focus on special effects rather than boring ol’ flesh-and-blood actors—Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint ultimately grew into talented actors who made the material their own. (To a lesser extent, so did Tom Felton and Matthew Lewis. Both were generally underserved por scripts that marginalized o removed them, but both had their moments in the spotlight.) And checking in with them every año o two to see how they’d changed and matured was fun in its own right, like meeting up with childhood acquaintances at odd intervals. In a way, the Harry Potter cine serve as a fictional take on Michael Apted’s 7 Up documentary series: Viewers actually got to watch the actors mature as the characters did, without recourse to any special effect but nature.

Dei ex machina
One of the dangers of setting a story in a magical world is that even the most suspect plot contrivances can be explained away por “Magic!” For as much as Rowling talks about how planned-out her tale was, she does exhibit a habit of bending her own rules, introducing oh-so-convenient new spells/devices o altering the abilities of anterior ones to fit the situation. Hermione’s Time-Turner, the ever-reappearing Sword Of Gryffindor, Dumbledore’s Deluminator, the various unexplained magical protections Harry has against death: Chalk all these developments up to the fickle, fluctuating, mysterious nature of magic, and don’t try to resolve them with what tu already know about the wizarding world. The deus ex machina isn’t an inherently bad device, nor is it productive to pregunta the verisimilitude of fairy tales, but Rowling’s continued reliance on them undermines the otherwise-convincing world she builds throughout the books.

The movies’ casting
The young cast members aside, much of the movies’ strength came from the terrific supporting cast and their suitability for their roles—particularly Maggie Smith as Professor McGonagall, Jim Broadbent as the huffy Professor Slughorn, Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid, David Thewlis as Lupin, Gary Oldman as Sirius Black (he overplayed the crazy a bit in Prisoner Of Azkaban, but he really sold the character’s rakish carelessness and deep sadness later on) Michael Gambon as Dumbledore (stepping in without missing a beat after original Dumbledore Richard Harris died), Imelda Staunton as the treacly Umbridge, Ralph Fiennes as Ol’ Noseless tu Know Who himself, and particularly Alan Rickman as Snape. The latter, above all, seemed to revel in his role, and his snappish, protracted syllables and palpable disgusted malice were a highlight of any movie where he got más than a moment of screen time.

fans protested practically every aspect of the libros left out of the movies, but few stood up for the novels’ tone-deaf S.P.E.W. plotline, which seemingly set out to compensate for the series’ most prominent female character, Hermione Granger, being too smart and too often right. To balance out Hermione’s positive elements, Rowling sent her off on a quest no one appreciated: to free house-elves from what she saw as enforced servitude, based on her experience with one badly abused member of their tribe. Forming the organization Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (even the acronym is strained), she heads off on a shrill, ignorant civil-rights campaign that ignores what the actual house-elves want. In the process, she embarrasses her friends and annoys everyone else, particularly her supposed beneficiaries. It’s a comic plotline that isn’t ever funny, and an issue plotline over a non-issue.

The Weasley twins
fred and George Weasley began the Harry Potter series as likeable but broad comic relief, mercilessly teasing their younger brother Ron and generally terrorizing/delighting the students of Hogwarts. As the series expanded, however, the twins’ laid-back charms became a merrily flickering bit of light in an increasingly dark wizarding world. Whether they were cracking jokes about their interchangeability (“We know we’re called Gred and Forge!”), ending their matriculation at the Dolores Umbridge-controlled Hogwarts in a literal blaze of glory, o flouting the looming specter of tu Know Who por selling a “constipation sensation” called “U-No-Poo” at their joke shop, fred and George Weasley could always be counted on to lighten the mood… which made one of the brothers’ ultimate fate in the final book that much más heart-wrenching.
Unseen deaths
For every Valiente Dobby o noble Dumbledore who gets reverentially ushered off the wizarding plane, there’s a Lupin o tonks receiving a cursory offscreen death. Granted, not every one of the dozen o so named characters who die can have an extended farewell, but some are killed off in such a vague, half-assed manner, it’s hard to decide whether to mourn them o wait for their surprise return: Mad-Eye Moody’s death in Deathly Hallows is addressed so perfunctorily, it seems almost like Bill Weasley is making a tasteless joke when he informs the Order, while tonks and Lupin charge bravely into battle, only to reappear as corpses a few pages later. It makes the deaths feel más arbitrary and less meaningful, as if Rowling got a taste for blood and wanted to up the body count without doing the dirty work of actually killing her characters in a memorable way.

The heroic themes that include reckoning with doubt
It’s rare to see children’s entertainment without some form of message, even if that message is as broad as “Believe in yourself.” But Rowling’s libros go further, with messages familiar to fantasía fans, but still worth repeating. And they’re executed particularly well throughout the series, as she underlines the importance of loyalty, bravery, and especially friendship. Courage under fuego and determination even against unbeatable odds come up again and again in her work, often in thrilling and satisfying ways. But the deepest message of the libros may be a pointed suggestion that just because society, government, and particularly the media say something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. por setting her good-vs.-evil battle in a world where the media and government are largely deluded pawns, and the public sees only what it wants to see, the libros urge a healthy skepticism of institutions, and a spirit of inquiry and self-sufficiency rather than obedience and passive acceptance.

Moral relativity
Even as the Harry Potter libros matured over time, they maintained a fairly black-and-white moral tone: Evil people might enmascarados as something kinder (as Defense Against The Dark Arts teachers always seemed to), but with the exception of the tragically complicated Severus Snape, none of them ultimately revealed much complexity. Which is why it’s continually odd that as the protagonists’ situation worsens, they adopt their enemies’ habits without a segundo thought. When a DADA teacher first introduces them to the Unforgivable Curses, they’re shocked and horrified, but as soon as Harry really gets upset, he’s pulling out the torture curse, and por the end of the books, he’s controlling people’s minds without a qualm. Even the mild-mannered Molly Weasley is striking her enemies dead. And when, in book seven, it becomes clear that dealing openly and fairly with the goblin Griphook might get in the way of Harry’s quest to destroy Voldemort, he doesn’t once consider appealing to Griphook’s better nature, striking a deal with him, o even explaining the problem, he just sets out to cheat him as best he can. It isn’t that the heroes should never stoop to moral compromise, it’s just unsettling that they don’t stop to consider the compromise: The ends clearly justify any means. Incidentally, it’s continually interesting to see how the film versions dulce de azúcar, fudge this dynamic, softening the heroes’ behavior wherever possible.
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
added by KateKicksAss
added by lucius_malloy
Source: goolge
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by KatiiCullen94
Source: google imágenes
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
posted by DivyaHarry
The Cullens are weird. Not in a vampiric sense but in common sense. They are trying to stay camouflaged but they keep failing. Lets review, shall we?

1. They go to high school over and over again. They try to blend in with the other non-sparkly, non-Adonis(y), non-vampiry and nonsensical humans. Aside from this, they pout in the cafeteria during lunch hour. Why? They could just eat their lunch elsewhere. They don't eat, so it's unlikely that no one has noticed them not eating.

2. High school is a crowded place. People keep bumping into each other at some point. Let's say the Cullens are very...
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I see a lot of Twiight fans arguing the same points over and over again, and frankly, they have no idea what they're talkinng about.

First I'd like to point out:

Some Twilight fans are saying that they are confused with Harry Potter because they haven't read the libros and the cine don't explain clearly enough. Well, guess what, that does not make Twilight better than Harry Potter, it is not out fault tu haven't read Harry Potter. When we argue Harry Potter vs. Twilight I was under the impression that we were including both libros and movies, not just the movies. So the fact that your confused...
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I suspect I'm not the only one, am I? XD...... Anyways, tu know you're obsessed with Bellatrix when....
Credit: Me Myself and I

1. tu throw away all of your hairbrushes.

2. tu wear at least some black every day.

3. tu rip your clothes on purpose.

4. tu call people tu don't like "filthy mudbloods".

5. tu yell "CRUCIO!" at people when tu get mad.

6. tu carry knives on your person

7. Your desktop background and screensaver are of Bellatrix.

8. Whenever you're typing a word that starts with a "B" o an "L", tu accidentally type out a Bellatrix o a Lestrange instead.

9. tu think her birthday should...
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I found this online. It's a real conversation a bookstore employee apparently had with a Twilight fan. It didn't happen to me. I found it funny, thought tu guys might too.

(A customer in her late teens approaches me in the bookstore.)
Customer: “Hey, do tu guys sell the Twilight books?”
Me: “Yes, they’re right over there.”
Customer: “Have tu read them?”
Me: “Yes, I have.”
Customer: “Didn’t tu just amor them?!”
Me: “Well, actually, they aren’t really my type of book, so–”
Customer: *suddenly furious* “Are tu f***ing serious?! These are the best libros ever written! I’m going to tell Edward to come and bite tu and drink all your blood!”
Me: *backing away* “Have a nice day, ma’am…”
posted by ilovereading
I was thinking about difference in Harry Potter and Twilight background and this is what I concluded. Enjoy!

Knowledge of magical beings not soo very far from their backyards
Harry Potter: As I can get from HP libros and The Tales of Beedle the Bard, wizarding world was known to Muggles, but because of witch hunt and victims of it in both sides, wizard decided to go underground and not to be commonly know to people. They don`t use spells in front of Muggles and if sombody does manage to discover their secret, they erase their memory.
However, there are exeptions. Families of Mugle-borns ofcourse...
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posted by june13
were are tu harry asked ron over here can't tu see me am right in front of you.
no i cant see tu it's so drak a cat even could not see in here.

hah ron very funny, lets try to find a light swicht for tu can see.
ron i found one. well then turn it one then
i am don't worry

boo am going to suck your owls blood.
right then the sun came toungt the window and then edward begin to spark

look harry this vamiper sparks how sad is that.

ron is he waring girls cothing
yay i think he is

no am not but am in amor with a human girl

harry and ron at the same time laghed them selfed silly

and that's the end of this fine story

Thank you.

Just so tu know, this is a Twilight fan speaking.

Twilight may NOT be the best book ever, i didnt say that it was (keep that in mind), when i read it, i saw alot of flaws, like in breaking dawn, Meyer made it clear that vamps cant inject sperm, and yet, somehow Bella got pregnant. I've read this articulo por XDRoseLuvsHP, and i totaly agree. I believe that People like Twilight más thatn HP because it...
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added by youknowit101
Source: crackandship@tumblr
added by Italktosnakes
Source: Whatthefawkes.tumblr.com
posted by bakura1234
It has a PLOT! It has Subplots.It has several characters with depth.JK is not afraid to sacrifice the good guys. The characters aren't one dementional. JK researches her material, has good use of Latin and history within her books. Spells are named after Latin words and do what the Latin words do. Names of soem characters give hints as to what that character is such as Sirius which means Dog estrella for más Albus which means White (pure wizard). tu can relate Harry Potter to WWII because of similarities tu could learn some history from the books.
Harry Potter teaches a good deal about prejudice...
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posted by Kersian
Okay this is más of an opinion, since my view of the activity is based off opinion.

Now whenever someone posts something on the internet and someone else responds negatively to it, they respond in the same way to that person. In a very negative tone. This is in fact what I see at times in forums.

First Twilight and Harry Potter fans, if tu post anything on the internet, whether they are opinions o facts, tu have responsibilities with it. tu are exposing yourself to others in the internet. tu are responsible for the positive o negative replies. So don't blame others for your actions....
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added by death-eater