harry potter vs crepúsculo Club
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added by crazychocolate
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
Ron just wouldn't can it. We were all at the table, while Ron was blabbing about how Professor Snape had gave him detention. For crying out loud, if he just payed attention in class he wouldn't have!
"'Mione, can tu pass the butter?" he dicho with mouth full of chicken. I scowled at him and passed him some. "'Mione, tu don't look so good are tu ok?" Harry whispered in my ear. I shook my head. After riding a escoba and falling off because of stupid Malfoy hadn't done wonders on the headache i already had. "You want to go to the infarmery, im pretty sure the med-witch has." he began but Ron...
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added by ClaireVoyant
Source: pixiv.net
added by youknowit010
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
added by goodtimes
I would like to start por quoting Susanna Laitala, who wrote a review of Breaking Dawn for a Finnish newspaper: "... por Stephenie Meyer, who, in my opinion, is a very talented writer." I disagree: I do not think Meyer could write even a decent children's book, with a plot culminating in a giraffe finding his lost scarf. She would probably decide that the giraffe is suddenly carnivore who has green stripes instead of brown spots - she has already done so to the beloved villains of literature, vampires. Meyer's vampiros are in fact 'vegetarian': they drink only animal blood. In addition, they...
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posted by Renesmee_XD
The articulo is not mine I only used it cause everyone has always wrote artículos aganist Twilight how about Harry Potter now
I finished lectura Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a couple of days back. In my view, the book is much más tightly written than the last two books. And that itself is a relief. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are much better etched out in Deathly Hallows, and there are quite a bit of surprises, disappointments, revelations.

But when someone asked me today what I thought about it, I replied,...
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Alright everybody! I've been going around this spot a lot, and I have seen many people giving the same points over the series they like, over, and over again and never come out with something fresh and new. I have also seen that some people had made very rude comentarios on other user's posts(questions, foros entries, pictures, etc), and those rude comentarios end up in arguements, user's being flagged, and other things. I personally believe we should stop giving the same opinions and posting rude comentario in order to defend your side.

First of all, don't post the same facts and opinions! Here's an...
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added by goodtimes
added by youknowit101
Source: drappleluv.tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: trollposts@tumblr
added by sapherequeen