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I'm kinda lovin you--CB/NS Fiction--One shot

A/N: Ah hola guys, Well I'm in such a good mood today, Much better than yesterday sorry about my little rant on my other fiction, but it's okay now =]
Anyway I was in such a mood to write a new fan fiction and obviously it's a one shot I thought about starting a new story but I just don't have the time o energy to write two at the same time so I'll keep going with the one shots. But this one is kind of different I always wanted to do a double couple one and it was always going to be Chuck and Blair and another couple I wanted to do Nate and Vanessa but I don't think they've got many fans, and anyway I'm currently working on a one shot with just them so I thought what about Nate and Serena cos I've just noticed how many Serena and Nate fans there are so they seemed the obvious choice. So I hope tu all like this. Let me know what tu thought. Thank tu for lectura xoxo


Setting; The end of season 1/start season 2. All four of them are in the Hamptons. Nate and Serena have been hanging out all summer, the thing with Katherine hasn't happened. Serena and Dan are over with no chance of repair. The whole thing with Chuck and Blair did happen, he did leave her at the heliport and now he's in the Hamptons to try and make it up to Blair.

        Chuck stood nervously siguiente to his best friend. Nervous because he had no idea what Blair was going to say...Or do to him when she finally glanced him. He could pretty much guess her response... “Go to hell Bass!” o something along those lines. Nate had been filling him in on all the goings on of the summer, since he had been spending so much time in the Hamptons and with Serena and Blair. Chuck needed to know all about this 'James', who was he? What did he mean to Blair? If he actually thought about it for a minuto it was obvious Blair was only using James to get back at him. But if that's how Blair wanted to play it. Then that's how they would play it.
Just at the segundo Blair entered, the room stood silent. She always was at her most beautiful during the summer, she had that glow. Just as everyone stopped staring at Blair she spotted Nate and was about to go over for a chat but then she saw who was standing beside him.
“What is this Basshole doing here?”
He chuckled.
“Nice to see tu too lover”
A look of disgust crawled onto her face.
“Ugh...Would tu excuse us Nate?”
Nate felt a relief, he felt so awkward being around Chuck and Blair while they argued.
“Sure...I'll go find Serena”
And off he went, leaving Blair dragging Chuck por his tie to a quiet corner of the room.
“Look I'm sorry tu didn't deserve it”
“You're right I didn't”
She stood there silent for a minuto waiting for him to speak next. If he thought he could get around her with that shoddy apology he had another thing coming.
“So tu forgive me now?”
She laughed out, the laugh that kind of dicho 'you're joking right?'.
“Oh of course Chuck, I mean I really should be thanking tu I mean I just loved being left on my own in Tuscany. I had the time of my life”
tu could just tell Blair had been spending way to much of her time with Dan Humphrey. He tittered and said,
“You're still annoyed”
“No annoyed is what I am when I go shopping and the dress I want isn't in-store, this is indifference...”
He stood there looking at her seemingly confused.
“I've decided to let it go, I've been annoyed at tu all summer and I've decided you're not worth it”
“Fine, I'm just trying to make it up to you”
She giggled and answered like she had done so many times before, in a way in which to hurt him.
“Tell someone who cares”
The yell came from the opposite side of the room, James was calling her over.
“Now if you'll excuse me my...”
She paused for a segundo to think about the finishing to that sentence. “...boyfriend is calling”
Chuck knew that comentario was aimed to hurt him, as if Blair could have someone else who could make her feel the way Chuck did. But for now, she wasn't with him. But Chuck made a promise to himself por the end of the summer, she would be.
        Blair wasn't the only one who looked beautiful at the party.
It seemed weird to Nate that he enjoyed spending so much time with Serena. It had been so long since they had actually hanged out, and now with Chuck and Blair at loggerheads only taking notice of eachother, and his mother trying to keep his 'family' together he could do with a friend.
        She didn't seem to be having a good time, some how talking to boring city bankers on vacation didn't seem like Serena's idea of fun. So she was más than grateful when Nate rescued her.
“Ohh Nate, thank tu another minuto with those guys and I would have to pretend to faint just to get out of there”
He smiled that flawless smile of his and replied,
“Well consider me your lifesaver”
She giggled in that quirky little way she usually did.
“You want to get out of here?”
“What about those two?”
Nate asked pointing over at Chuck and Blair trying to keep their eyes off eachother but failing in every aspect.
“I'm not taking no for an answer”
Serena knew Blair wouldn't be happy if she abandoned her at the party, alone with Chuck. So she grabbed onto Nate's arm and made a quick dash for the exit.
        They made their way down to the soothing air in the garden. Serena kept on laughing at the thought of what Blair would think of her leaving the party without her. Nate smiled at the sight of Serena's laugh. She didn't notice she just continued to dance around in the garden.
God she was truly beautiful.
“You're happier than usual”
“Well it's summer and tu know how I get in the summer”
“Yes I do”
He replied and dicho nothing más he just smiled at her, and she smiled back.
_ _ _
        It had been a few days, And they were all hanging out on the beach. Nate and Serena tanning up on the sand while Blair and Chuck were busy having another argument.
Nate couldn't help but gaze over at Chuck and Blair well half the playa was staring at them, he wouldn't be surprised if Manhattan could hear them. But that's what they did. He looked at them for a second.
“Don't tu think they're perfect?”
Nate asked while sitting siguiente to Serena. She wondered who for a while until it was obvious who, Chuck and Blair. Arguing. As they had done ever since they arrived in the Hamptons but having dicho that it would feel weird if Chuck and Blair didn't argue.
She lifted her Dior sunglasses and placed them on her head while gazing over at Chuck and Blair.
“Yeah they are if they'd stop arguing for one segundo and stop being so stubborn”
He tittered as a reply, maybe he was jealous of Chuck and Blair. Not of Chuck being with Blair he wasn't in amor with her anymore, if he ever was. But no it was something else, even though Chuck and Blair always argued, never agreed on anything, hurt eachother at every opportunity. It was obvious they loved eachother and no one could come in-between them, and Nate kind of wished he has someone like that.
Maybe Vanessa? Should he call her again, they had left things on a cliffhanger the last time they spoke. Maybe Vanessa could be the Blair to his Chuck.
        As soon as he got back to the house the first thing he did was rush to his room and flipped open his cell phone and got the contact lista on Vanessa's name. But as soon as he did something felt wrong, like he shouldn't be calling Vanessa at all. The one person he actually did want at this segundo was his first, Serena.
He had spent all día with her and now all he wanted was to get back to her, even walking to the house he missed being around her. Maybe Serena was the one and all the others were just gateways, Blair...Vanessa...They weren't made for him...Serena was.
Now he had made a decision and he was sticking to it.
Yes. Serena. No going back. He was going to tell her tonight.
_ _ _
        Avoiding Chuck seemed like a good idea, avoid Chuck, spend time with James. Lovely.
If only it would work out that way. Actually avoiding Chuck was easier dicho than done.
Just as Blair had finished a quick comprar around East Hampton she bumped into Chuck and he wasn't alone.
“Ah...Chuck, Oh Chuck and friend. Hi”
With his arm around her she replied,
“She doesn't speak English”
Blair laughed.
“Of course. How stupid of me to assume”
She rolled her eyes as she tried to make her escape before being stopped por Chuck. He sent his latest conquest into the limo, while he joined Blair walking down the sidewalk.
“What Bass? Shouldn't tu be getting back to your girl”
He stepped out from standing beside her to stepping in front of her and stopping her in her tracks.
“You're my only girl”
For a moment she actually felt flattered, but she knew that's all it was. Just a way to tempt her. But she wasn't having any of it.
“And what, until I decide to forgive tu tu sleep with any girl going?”
They broke eye connection, Chuck gazed to the floor.
“You want me to get rid of her? Say the word it's done”
Blair wanted so much to tell him how she felt then and there all the things like get rid of her, I amor you. But she couldn't let herself do that. She would lose, and everyone knows Blair Waldorf never loses. But she did answer with an honest answer,
“No I don't want tu to do it because I say so...Do it because tu want to”
He didn't reply. He just walked back towards the limo and gave the driver some sort of instructions and he drove the foreign girl away- back to where she came from. Blair gazed on at what was happening, she could see he was doing what she had asked. Sending her away. He wondered back to her with a very pleased look on his face. Now he knew she had no más excuses to turn him down.
He grinned cheekily at her.
“Good...I might see tu later”
The smile quickly vanished.
Blair began to walk away but then turned back to answer his question.
“I have a fecha with James...So I better go”
She loved making him wait she knew it killed him seeing her and not being able to have her. But he shouldn't worry this wouldn't be the last they saw of eachother this summer.
        Nate was still over at the house, Serena thought another ten minutos in the shining sun and she might go find Blair, do some shopping. o maybe go find Nate. He had been surprisingly fun this summer. Maybe it was good for her getting over Dan in the Hamptons, she nearly didn't come but boy was she glad that she had. Staying away from everyone would have been the worst thing to do. Being with friends was great.
Being with Nate was great.
That was odd, she had been thinking a lot about Nate the last few days rather to much maybe. She thought she might be starting to like him again.
No. Not like. Love. She was actually in amor again.
        It was the siguiente Tuesday afternoon. Blair had gotten Chuck out of her system por now. She and James had had a lovely lunch and now she was outside in the garden on the swing.
She was so peaceful just sitting there like a lost princess. Waiting for her prince. Luckily for her, he had just arrived. He joined her on the other free swing.        
“Chuck, what are tu doing here?”
“I was just passing”
“You should of kept on going”
Blair dicho staring at the floor, with no emotion.
“Are tu okay?”
He had never asked her that before. She replied,
“Of course I'm okay”
She wasn't. She had been having a lovely time with James. But then mother dearest had to ruin it. Blair had gotten a visit from her, she had told her she was ashamed. She had heard news of Blair and James and she had come to the Hamptons to express her feelings about everytime she saw Blair it was with a different man. Why couldn't she just be a lady. Not a slut, with a different man every month. She didn't exactly use those words but Blair knew what she meant. She was ashamed of her daughter. But she always had been.
Chuck and Blair kept swinging back and forwards. Their hands quickly brushed the others as soon as they did both gazed up from the floor at the other.
Their hands brushed again.
It was fate.
The third time, they made sure that they held onto the other's hand. It wasn't just a brush of fingers it was a squeeze of the palm. They held onto each other's hand like nothing else mattered. He stood up and stood in front of her.
Still holding her hand.
Blair looked up at him she knew what she wanted him to do. He wanted it too.
Chuck pulled her up off the oscilación and into his arms. He kissed her and all the anguish that she had suffered through the summer just went away. It was all worth the pain for that one kiss. But it wouldn't last forever, no matter how much they both wanted it too. Chuck spoke first,
“I've got to go”
She couldn't lie anymore, play the game. She just wanted him to stay.
“Somewhere I have to be”
“You'll come back wont you”
“For you? Always”
He was such a romantic. He really was. He left Blair's corazón skipping a beat. Her stomach was fluttering. It was aching when he left.
This wasn't lust anymore.
        Nate was so nervous making his way into the restaurant. He had arranged to meet Serena there, the moment he saw her sitting there she waved over at him to signal him to come over. The segundo that he did he just couldn't wait. The way she greeted him was enough to push him into saying it, she kissed him on the cheek, maybe it was only a friendly kiss but it mattered to him.
“Hey, I've already got a drink but I can order another one for you...This place has got the best cocktails, I think I'll....
She was mumbling on and on, one of the best things she did, but he had to interrupt her.
“You're the one. tu always have been”
“I think I'll have the steak...”
She dicho lectura the menu but as soon as she heard what Nate had said, she placed it down on the table. “...Wait what?”
“All summer I've been getting these feelings for tu again...I...”
Serena was shocked. That was the only word for it. She had no idea he felt that way. He's only broke up with Vanessa three months ago, and now he was reviving all these old feelings, but the weird thing was she didn't feel scared. What he was telling her, was what she wanted him to say.
She had been getting the same feelings.
“Nate....I know what tu mean”
“You do?”
“I thought it would take longer to get over Dan but, It didn't...I know what tu mean because I feel the same”
He was shocked too. They had wasted the whole summer just being friends. They could have been so much more.
“You wanna get out of here?”
Serena nodded, Nate threw down some money on the mesa, tabla and they both left. Just as they exited Nate got the courage to tell Serena, just hoping she would say it back.
“I amor you”
She held onto his hand and wrapped her other arm around his neck and replied,
“I amor tu too”
Both ran out of the restaurant with the biggest smile known to man on their faces. They were perfect match.
No other couples could even compare now. Nate and Serena were the new Romeo and Juliet, apart from all the sorrow. Of course.
        Chuck knew now what he had to do. To get Blair he had to say it. But if this afternoon was anything to go by, he could have her any time. But he didn't want that, he wanted to tell her how he really felt.
He arrived at house just as he saw something that resembled Serena and Nate besar in the moonlight. Maybe the fake romance was turning into a real life fairytale.
Not the only ones either.
Just as he was about to knock. Blair answered.
She sighed.
He let out a puff of air then began,
“This is hard for me”
“What is?”
“This is...”
He stepped adelante, hacia adelante and took a hold of her in his arms, kissed her with all the amor that had been building up all summer. The regret of what he had done to her, left her in Tuscany. He should never have done that.
She kissed him back too, she could not stop herself. James...James who? Chuck was the one for her, always had been. She moved her hands up into his hair as he held onto her waist so tight, he never wanted to let her go.
This was the time to say it.
“Love tu Waldorf”
She smiled.
“Love tu Bass”
Both laughed. Those special three words eight letters had finally been said.
        The non-judging breakfast club was complete, just like it should be. Nate and Serena and Chuck and Blair. It was always meant to be like that. Here's hoping it would remain that way forever.

A/N: Well I hope tu all Serenante and Chair fans out there liked this. And I'm sorry, I know I'm biased cos I amor Chuck and Blair and I'm a so-so Serena and Nate fan so I'm sorry if I let Chuck and Blair dominate more, but I've never written any Serenate fan fictions before so I'm sorry if it didn't come across well but I tried my best. So I hope tu liked it. Leave me some comentarios much appreciated. Thank tu xoxo
-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope tu enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!
- I'm sorry for taking this long to update, it's because i was not home, i've been visiting my aunt in canada and i really did not have the time.... but finally i got home, and started writting. enjoy

C: What is it?
N: tu can't tell anyone... really!
C: Fine man... talk
N: My dad was arrested... and my mom... lets just say she's not...
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A Million amor Songs Later

A/N: Oh God my head is killing me. We had a party on Saturday and it's Sunday so my head is just BOOM! But I'm still gonna write this, Since I've got nothing better to do. Okay so here it is chapter 3 and this one is gonna give tu guys some answers, And Since I've written the last two mostly from Blair's point of view, I thought I would do this one from both of them, Blair and Chuck. I hope tu all like it, Let me know what tu thought. Thank tu xoxo

Chapter 3: Standing Strong

        It had been three days. It was now Tuesday....
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posted by nataliaryanfan
Okay,this was not written por me,but I read it on fanfiction.net and I loved it!I hope tu do too! Enjoy =)
She was fourteen.

After two days of student life in the High School building of Constance Billiard, she was finally getting it.

Nobody wore perfect uniform in the High School, thinking that a bright capa and a light bracelet was pushing it.

The skirts were shorter, and not all plaid. The shirts and blouses were in a variety- some ruffled, some trimmed, some patterned; some chiffon, some cotton. The shoes were the Manolo Blahnik’s and Jimmy...
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A/N: hola all! Okay, so I was planning on updating the story once más before Thanksgiving but it really didn’t happen. Instead, I finished making my CB vid, so tu should go check THAT out on youtube! *gasp* (Username: ChuckBlairLuvA) Hehe. ;p Anyways! I’m really going to try updating this as soon as possible…and as often as impossible. Thank-you for all your reviews. I really amor this story, so on with it! PLEASE REVIEW! =D
CH.4—Cold Goodbyes
    The elevator slowly began to move. Both of them should have been ecstatic at their final departure when it...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
The first episode of the segundo season is set in the Hamptons and is titled "Summer, Kind of Wonderful," a take from the John Hughes' film "Some Kind of Wonderful." The premiere aired on the CW on September 1st with 3.4 million viewers, an impressive number for The CW network. Season 2 is set to have 24 episodes in all.

It was also announced that The O.C. alum Willa Holland will be reteaming up with Josh Schwartz and will estrella in three o más episodes of Season 2, playing Agnes, a 16-year-old model working for Eleanor Waldorf. Her character is set to create havoc for Jenny Humphrey. John Patrick...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
Chuck's thoughts after episode 1 of Season 2 (his frustrations in not being able to say those words) and how he plans to win Blair back...or the beginning revelations of it...PLEEEEEEEEASE REVIEW! =D


"That's all I need, Chuck. Three words, eight letters, and I'm yours," she spoke with such sincerity and yet such an extreme bitterness.

Chuck stared on at her in disbelief of what she had just requested of him. He had to spit something out. He had to say something. He just didn't know it would be this difficult. Of course, he had very strong feelings for her and he knew he loved...
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Source: gossipgirlonline.net
added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirlonline.net
added by hallemay550
Source: gossipgirlonline.net
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Source: gossipgirlonline.net
posted by luvrgirl101
Blair braced herself as she walked through the tunnel to the airplane. She was breathing hard, really hard. Why was she flying commercial again. Oh right, she was flying commercial because Lord Marcus wanted to mostrar all of his people that he was just like them. Not only were they flying commercial, they were flying coach, ugh. She was probably going to get some sort of infectious disease.

At that very moment, she felt a warm, gentle hand on the small of her back, at first she somehow believed it was Chuck; he was the only one who had ever touched her like that. With so much care and gentleness,...
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Congrats,Mariel,on winning GG fan of the month!You deserved it! :)

1.Is Gossip Girl your favorito! mostrar on TV?
Yes, at least right now it is.

2.Why do tu like Gossip Girl?
Well, honestly I started watching it only because it happened in the UES, which is where I live, so I was quite curious to see how it would be. Then I started watching the mostrar a lot and I just really liked it, but I became a real fan after episode 7. Chuck and Blair moved me, they were (and are, in my opinion obviously) perfect together and they matched their personalities perfectly.
So right now I can say that, yes… I’m...
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posted by nataliaryanfan
Gossip Girl is an American televisión teen drama inspired por the popular novel series of the same name, written por Cecily von Ziegesar. Gossip Girl satirizes and revolves around the lives of socialite young adults growing up on New York City's Upper East Side who attend elite academic institutions while dealing with sex, drugs, jealousy, and other teenage issues.

The series first aired on September 18, 2007 in Canada on CTV before premiering in the U.S. a día later on September 19, 2007 on The CW, following America's siguiente parte superior, arriba Model.[1][2] The premiere episode also became available on the iTunes...
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added by neeki
Source: gossipgirlonline
“Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?”


Author: LittleDancer-123x (Melanie)

Rated: T+ because of occasional language, and strong references to eating disorders.

Published: December 11th 2008

Story Type: Multi-Chapter

Summary: Inspired from the line “Do I need to stick my finger down your throat and hold your hair back?” 2x13. Goes back to freshman year, and works up to present day, how Blair’s disorder developed and how Chuck was there along the way. Multi-Chapter. CB, SB friendship....
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Source: TV Guide
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Source: http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/gossip-girl/photos