friends Were they on a break?

teNaxx posted on Oct 13, 2008 at 09:28PM

Do you think Ross and Rachel were on a break or they have broken up? Or is it the same?
And do you think Ross had right to sleep with whoever he wants 'that' night or he was cheating on her?
And was Rachel supposed to forgive him?

friends 12 respuestas

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hace más de un año mandigliz said…
i think ross was cheating on her
hace más de un año kakarot said…
i rcently watched the episode an rachel said maybe we should just take abreak.not that ross was right to sleep withe copy girl but common, he had just heard mark pick up the phone at rachels apartmant. what was he suppose to think. they were on a break, still probably shouldnt hve slept with the copy girl.
hace más de un año tyrocks00 said…
no i think they were on a break
hace más de un año ToEkNeE said…
They were technically 'on a break' which is the same as a break up. Since they had just broken up he had no right to sleep with another woman because that's practically cheating. It was Rachel's decision whether or not to forgive him. I think in reality she should have forgiven him. Why? Well, because Ross made a mistake. He didn't know what to do, he has never been with another woman other than her and carol. She should have understood that it cheating isn't something Ross would do. But in the show its good she didn't forgive him because it brought tension. The break up is the key part of their history. Without it there would be no history.
hace más de un año padme768 said…
-they were on a break

-he didnt have the right to sleep with some1 else
-he was drunk though

-rachel had invited mark over
-as a friend though

-rachel was the one to ask for a break
-she didnt want to though

-ross was insanly jelaous
-he just loved her so musch and so he did that
omg i could go on and on like this for (p)ages!!!dont bother with this whole "we were on a break" thing...SOOOO comlpicated! seriously, dont!
hace más de un año funnyshawna said…
i think that they were on a break...but that ross shouldnt have slept with that girl...but that rachel should have still forgiven him...because she still loved him...and they were perfect together.
hace más de un año preslay23 said…
they were on a break!!!
hace más de un año leytonfaan_18 said…
I'm on Rachel's side with this one. Yes they were on a break but that doesn't mean you go and sleep with someone else that night, even if you were drunk. [Tbh I think the drunk excuse for cheating on someone is pathetic].

So no I don't think Rachel was "suppose" to forgive him. Maybe she loved him but he hurt her didn't he? It all ended up perfect in the end anyways XD
hace más de un año Iheartdrwho said…
They were on a break. whether or not Ross should have done what he did is a diff issue
hace más de un año Chandler_Head said…
I'm on Ross's side. They were definitely on a break, so he should have been allowed to sleep with whomever he wanted to. Saying he cheated on her in this instance is the same as saying he cheated on her when say, he married Emily, because they were just as much in a relationship then as when they were when Ross "cheated" on Rachel.
hace más de un año 555YJ said…
totally agree with padme!!! THEY WEREN'T ON A BREAK!!! but they were in a way... but NO!!! (head ake) in both cases, what Ross did was dum, stupid, ignorant to Rachel's feelings...
(two hours latter): ... irresponsible, wrong, selfish..
(three hours later): ... puthetic, hurtfull, BAD, ...
look guys i can go for a LOT more hours so i'm done!!! (and inconsiderent, mean,...)
hace más de un año orkneymatrix said…
They were on a break, yet Ross had no right to sleep with Chloe because it was just a couple hours later, and it was too soon.