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Andy and his friends were sitting in a bar. There was no one but them. Andy was holding his phone in his hands and looked from lincoln to Justin. “You guys really want to do this?”
lincoln waved with his taped hand and shot Andy an angry look.
“I’ll take that as a yes” Andy dicho and he dialed a number.
At Daphne’s house the phone started ringing. Cas, who was still awake, lifted his head. He had heard this sound before and he had seen how Daphne o Zoey had responded to it. There was absolutely nothing to it. And so he walked toward the ringing object and picked up the horn.
“Emmanuel, this is Andy speaking. tu know, Daphne’s cousin” Andy started. Before Cas could actually say something he continued. “Look, man, I think we kind of started off the wrong foot. Let’s start over. Do tu know the castillo Café?”
There was a minuto long silence, because Cas didn’t realize Andy had stopped talking and was waiting for Cas to answer.
“I have never heard of a place like that” Cas eventually replied.
“Well, it’s really easy to get there. tu have a pen and paper?” Andy said.
“Yes” Cas answered short.
“Okay, this is how tu get there” Andy started. “You’re in Allen Street. Go south-east to Front Street. tu take the first calle on your right, that’s Front Street. Turn right to 5th Street, then left to Wilcox Street. Number 403 is where we’ll be waiting for you. Don’t let us down”
Before Cas could say anything else Andy had hung up on him.
“You reckon he’s taken the bate?” Justin asked.
“I know he did” Andy dicho confident. He got up. “Well, we have no business staying here any longer. Let’s go to my place. I have some girls there who are craving for my attention”
That being dicho he and his friends left the bar.
The door to the ladies opened and Meg appeared.
“Oh, boy, toying with poor, innocent Castiel” she dicho threatening. “That is my job”
Jo and Dean were waiting for Cas to come back, so they could leave. Sam was in another room, on his laptop, lectura the online news papers to find out if anything out of the ordinary had happened. Ellen was in yet another room, cleaning the weapons, while she was thinking of a reason to convince Jo to come inicial with her, instead of putting her life on the line when she went with Dean and Sam.
Their bags were packed, all they could do was wait until Cas came back. Sam walked out his room and joined Dean and Jo.
“I think I have something” he started. “In Cornell, Wisconsin. Woman tells...
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Damon looked from Elena to Derek. “What are tu doing?” he asked slowly. Elena took a few steps in Damon’s direction.
“Damon, it’s okay” Elena dicho careful. “I’m fine” Damon quickly cast a look at Elena, before looking at Derek again. “Can tu leave the house now?” he asked. Derek nodded and quickly walked past Damon and Elena. When he was gone, Damon looked at Elena.
“What were tu doing?” he repeated his question.
“Training” Elena dicho fast. “Victoria’s building an army to fight all super naturals and Derek and I figured we should do the same” She wiped...
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“Gerard committed suicide last night” Zoey said. “I found him hanging in our bedroom”
Daphne covered her mouth. “Oh my God, that’s…awful” she said

Daphne threw her arms around Zoey and Zoey faked a few tears and sobs. She pushed Daphne away and dicho she had to tell Alexia. She put her bolso, monedero on the dresser, knowing Daphne would see the letter and be too curious to leave it where it is.
And indeed, a minuto later, Daphne stormed outside, hysterically crying how everything was her fault.
Zoey walked back inside, trusting Daphne would need some time to calm down. She opened Daphne’s computer and connected a portable hard drive to it. The hard drive contained a fake video of Cas doing things with Alexia.
Zoey copied the video to Daphne’s files and then removed the hard drive. She closed the computer and called Alexia.
“Let’s go, Lex” she said. “We’re going to your grandparents”
The siguiente morning.
Zoey was talking with the mortician, while Alexia was watching cartoons. At least Zoey was under the impression Alexia was watching cartoons. Until her little girl let out a shriek.
Zoey, scared something had happened to Alexia, jumped up and ran into the sitting room. Alexia was staring at the screen.
“Lex, what’s going on? tu almost gave mommy a corazón attack” Zoey dicho and swallowed a few times to calm down.
“Mommy, come look” Alexia dicho breathless. “Uncle Emmanuel is on TV”
Zoey rushed to the televisión and increased the volume.
“Last night the police arrested a man named Castiel for the abuse of a four año old girl” the newsreader said.
“Alexia, go play outside” Zoey dicho trembling.
“Why do they call him Castiel, mommy? His name’s Emmanuel” Alexia dicho confused.
“Now!” Zoey yelled and Alexia ran outside.
The door of Meg’s motel room opened and Meg stared at the door way. She was still stuck under the Key of Solomon.
“Anna told me tu were innocent for a change” Sam said.
“Well, now that you’ve discovered I’m actually a saint, could tu get me out of here?” Meg suggested. Sam shook his head and walked towards her, though kept a seguro distance. “First I want to set a few things straight. Castiel is not going to leave prison, unless tu do something. Personally, I don’t care if tu killed that man o not. What I do care about is that you’re the only one who can get him out of there” Sam said.
“Why would I help him? What’s in it for me?” Meg wanted to know.
“If tu do the right thing, then I guarantee tu Dean and I will never try to kill tu again. You’ll be off our radar for good” Sam said.
That was a tempting offer. “What do tu want me to do?” she asked.
Meg was sitting at the table. It was 9pm and Cas hadn’t shown his face yet. Jo had left shortly after Anna. She wasn’t confident enough to stay alone with Meg. Meg let her hair loose, when Cas landed before her feet.
He examined her and was pleasantly surprised por what he saw. He shook his head and reminded himself why he came here.
“Meg, I…we…” he faltered as Meg got up from her chair and walked towards him.
“Is there something tu need to tell me?” she asked.
“Yes. I had a very revealing conversation with Anna. She gave me some very good advice” Cas dicho uneasy. Meg was...
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“You look upset” Daphne noted. “I didn’t mean to upset you. I thought this was what tu wanted”
“You kind of took me por surprise. I wasn’t expecting to see tu here” Cas explained.
“Right, of course, I’m sorry” Daphne said. She looked around, a little nervous. Then her eyes fell on a small café. “Did tu have breakfast yet?” Cas shook his head. “Perfect, let’s go that café over there” She dragged Cas along and entered the café. She ordered two coffees and breakfast of the house. While they were waiting for their order Daphne intertwined her fingers.
“So, tell...
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The siguiente morning.
Cas came downstairs and saw Daphne was very occupied. The smell of coffee penetrated his nose and there was something baking in the oven.
“Oh, you’re awake” Daphne noted. She walked to him and guided him to the table. “Now, tu sit down here,” She pushed him down on a chair and poured him a cup of coffee. “and enjoy your coffee. Breakfast will be ready in a minute”
“Why are tu doing all of this?” Cas wondered.
Daphne opened the horno and took out the baking sheet. There were chocolate croissants on it. She put a couple on a plate and brought them to Cas. “Be...
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Zoey got in her car and drove away. She was going to check all places Daphne went. While she drove she dialed a number.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Gerard asked when he picked up.
“Nothing, eh, I’m just calling to say I’ll be inicial late” Zoey said.
“It’s 10:30 pm. How late is late?” Gerard asked grumpy.
Zoey sighed. “Look, something happened. Daphne escaped. She’s now wandering around somewhere. I need to find her before she hurts herself” she explained.
“Well, at least you’ll be free of her then” Gerard dicho annoyed.
“Gerard!” Zoey snapped shocked.
“What?” he snapped...
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“I arrived at Daphne’s house in the afternoon. Lex was watching TV. Shannen was not there. Lex dicho she was going to see where she was. She went upstairs, while I waited. A few minutos later she and Shannen came downstairs. Shannen was actuación strange. Her hair was messy and she wore her clothes inside out. And when I told her she turned all red. I wanted to know more, but then Daphne’s husband Emmanuel came downstairs. I didn’t even know he was in the house. I thought he was at the hospital. When he left I asked Shannen what she was doing with him upstairs and she confessed that she...
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Confused and tired of all the lies and secrets Cas came back home. He entered the house and walked into the kitchen, where Zoey was still sitting at the table. Her head lay on Daphne’s book; she had fallen asleep.
Cas tapped Zoey on the shoulder and she jumped up. She saw Cas leaning over her and she sat up. She rubbed her eyes. “I fell asleep” she dicho difficult. She yawned and stretched her arms. “How was your day? Alex wasn’t a pain in the ass?”
Cas shook his head.
“Is something wrong? tu act a little strange” Zoey noted. She yawned again. “Well, of course, tu must be...
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Cas slowly opened the door of Daphne’s room. She looked his way and smiled weak. Cas took that a seguro sign and walked towards the bed.
“Are tu still angry with me?” he asked careful.
Daphne shook her head. “No. Are you?”
“No” Cas answered, though that wasn’t completely true.
Daphne sat up and sighed. “Listen, Emmanuel, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been treating you”
“I know the reason and I understand” Cas replied.
“That doesn’t make it okay” Daphne said. She sighed again. “I’ve had some time to think and I’ve realized something. I don’t amor tu the...
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Daphne didn’t even bother to turn off the engines. She hadn’t fastened her seatbelt, so she just had to open the door and get out. She left her door open and ran through the woods, in the direction of the lake.
Cas didn’t see her coming; he was still lying at the same spot, Alexia still lying with her head on his belly.
Zoey, however, did see her coming. She sat up. “One furious sister/wife coming our way”
Cas lifted his head and covered his eyes. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about”
“Oh, you’ll find out in one…two..three” Zoey counted as Daphne reached them.
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Daphne was lying on the bed, Mitch on parte superior, arriba of her, when they heard the door open. Daphne pushed Mitch off of her. “Quick, get under the bed”
Mitch reluctantly shoved underneath the cama while Daphne put on her clothes. She walked downstairs where Cas was waiting in the hallway.
“What were tu doing?” he informed.
“Not that it’s any of your business,” Daphne started with raised eyebrows. “but I was sleeping. I was tired”
Cas nodded in understanding.
“What’s that?” Daphne asked, with a nod at the vase.
“Oh” Cas said. “Macky gave this to me as a token of his gratitude”...
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Daphne was cooking cena and Cas was putting the table. He was doing it with so much caution it made Daphne giggle. He looked at her and frowned. “What? Am I doing it wrong?” he asked concerned.
“No, honey, but it’s called putting the table. tu don’t have to put so much effort to it”
The door opened and Zoey walked down. She raised her hand. “Wait…Just hear me out” she said. “I’m sorry. I totally overreacted. I didn’t mean to be such a bitch. It’s just that I’m worried. I’m trying to look out for my little sister”
Daphne smirked. “And I amor tu so much for...
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One week later

A corrosive, burning pain spread across Caroline’s face and with a shriek she woke up. She wanted to wipe the vervain of her face, but her hands were tight. She was sitting in some kind of room. There was a cama and a desk. There were curtains and a carpet. tu couldn’t say Klaus was no good host. But despite the nice room, Caroline would amor to get out of it, after spending a week in it. A hand holding a napkin stretched to her face and cleaned it. “I’m sorry I had to do that” Caroline opened her eyes and looked at the girl. “Yeah, I bet you’re sorry” Caroline...
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Meg took Cas’ scarred hands in hers and looked at them closely.
“Where did tu leave the bandage?” she asked.
“Bathroom” Cas mumbled numb.
Meg let go of him and climbed off the bed. She left the room and headed to the bathroom. She opened the door and held her breath.
Cas pushed himself up and stumbled out of bed. He staggered to the window and opened it. He looked down and tried to figure out the best way to fall down. He had to be dead, not crippled.
Meg cleaned up the blood and collected the bandage, before she went back to Cas’ room. She opened the door and dropped the bandage....
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Jeremy was walking outside. After his meeting with Veronica he didn’t want to go straight home. He told Alaric he’d go see Bonnie and since Ric would definitely check his alibi he was now on his way to Caroline’s.
When he was almost there he saw there was light burning upstairs. A window swung open and a guy, who Jeremy didn’t recognize, climbed over the edge and climbed downstairs using the pipes. He landed on his feet, but then lost his balance.
For a moment Jeremy considered helping the guy, but then decided to stay put. The guy scribbled up and walked away.
Jeremy pulled out his...
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The siguiente morning
Elena had just left for school and Damon was cleaning the table, when he heard strange noises.
“Show yourself” he dicho annoyed. What was it with people thinking they could just walk in here like they owned this place? He did. And Stefan and Elena did. Anyone else should learn how to knock.
The weird noises stopped and an old familiar appeared.
“No, not tu again” Damon groaned. “Whatever you’re selling, I’m not buying it”
“I need your help” Derek dicho nervous.
“Why is that?” Damon dicho sarcastic.
Derek conjured his cell phone and showed Damon the last few...
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