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Damon wished he would stay unconscious until he died, so he wouldn’t have to feel anything anymore. Part of him wondered why he didn’t just switch off his humanity, so he wouldn’t feel any pain. But if he wouldn’t feel the pain, neither would he feel the joy he felt when he thought about Elena.
Elena. Damon hoped she would never hear that message on her voicemail. He hoped Stefan would be decent enough to erase that message.
Stefan. Damon knew his brother hated him, but this much? Then why did he sacrifice himself to save his life? Why did he registrarse Klaus to get the cure? And where was...
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Bonnie unchained Damon’s other hand and he dropped on the ground. With his unbroken and unbitten arm he tried to drag himself out of the cage, though he had no idea where the entrance was.
He felt how Bonnie grabbed his foot and dragged him back. In a reflex he kicked her and she fell backwards.
“You son of a bitch! My lip’s bleeding!” Bonnie cursed.
Damon kicked her again.
“You’re going to pay for this!” Bonnie exclaimed furious.
Then everything went quiet. Damon waited for Bonnie to do something horrible, but another aching stayed out.
Then Bonnie lifted up her feet and stamped his broken arm with her high heels. She grabbed his hair and dragged him to the wall, throwing him against it.
“You’re not playing por the rules, Damon!” she dicho furious. “No one told tu tu could try and get away from me!”
Damon woke up and looked around. It was pitch dark, but he knew actually where he was. He felt blood streaming over his arms and on his naked chest. He looked up and saw the blood was coming from his wrists. The cuffs were cutting in his flesh and due to Bonnies anti-healing spell his wounds wouldn’t heal.
He jerked his arms, but the más he jerked, the sharper the cuffs cut.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”
Damon looked around, trying to see where she was.
“Each time tu do that a little bit of flesh is sliced, so do that for an hora o so and tu will be free, but tu will also...
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Jeremy’s eyes bulged as he stared at Damon like he had betrayed him. Damon let go of the destornillador and fixated his eyes on the blood.
“What?” he dicho confused. He looked at his hands, which were covered in blood and he crawled backwards.
Upstairs Alaric was finally liberated from the invisible force and he raced downstairs to the kitchen. His face went pale when he saw Jeremy lying on the ground, bathing in blood. He saw Damon, sitting in a corner, his expression shocked and confused.
“What have tu done?!” Alaric yelled, paying no attention to Damon’s wounds. He ran to Jeremy,...
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Damon got up and pulled Elena up. He brought her to edge of the roof where he looked down. He looked back at Elena. “Do tu trust me?” he asked, reaching out his hand. This time Elena didn’t hesitate. “Of course I trust you” She lay her hand in his and Damon lifted her in his arms. He stepped on the edge and jumped. They landed soft on the ground and after holding Elena in his arms a few segundos he put her down. Elena stared at his lips as if she had to restrain herself from besar them.
Then everything happened really fast. Damon gasped and his eyes bulged. Someone grabbed Elena’s...
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Caroline rushed into the hospital to the reception room. “Where’s Elena?”
The woman looked up. “Can I help you?” she asked calm.
“Where’ my friend? Elena Gilbert?” Caroline repeated agitated. “She’s supposed to be here. She overdosed”
The woman looked through her files. “Elena Gilbert” she mumbled in herself. “Oh” she dicho when she found the file she was looking for. She looked up at Caroline. “Maybe it’s best if tu talk to the doctor first”
But Caroline had no interest in talking to any doctor. She leaned adelante, hacia adelante and pierced her stare into the woman’s...
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The doctor came outside and Stefan and Bonnie got up. “How is she?” Stefan asked afraid. The doctor bowed his head. “I’m truly sorry” he said. “We did everything we could, but we couldn’t save her”
Stefan lost his balance and Bonnie helped him sit down.
“Can we see her?” Bonnie asked. The doctor nodded. “Do tu think you’re able to see her right now?” she asked Stefan. Stefan nodded. “Yeah, I have to” he dicho and he got up. They walked into the room and shut the door. The nurse was still in there, cleaning up. Stefan walked to the cama and held Katherine’s hand....
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Caroline had convinced Elena to leave the house to enjoy the summer weather. “Just because that perra is visiting tu doesn’t mean tu should stay inside” And so they walked around the streets. misceláneo streets. It was a total coincidence they ended up at Alaric’s loft, seeing Alaric and Damon working, shirtless, it was hot. The weather. Elena crossed the street, while Caroline walked further.
“Hey, Caroline!”
Caroline looked around when she saw Alaric waving. She flashed to them. “You couldn’t tell me?“ she asked Elena. Elena pulled her shoulders. “Sorry” “Mind if I get...
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After Damon had made that awkward phone call, he was the one being called. “Miss me already?” he said, thinking it was Caroline.
“Are tu okay?” Alaric asked. Without awaiting an answer he continued. “How good are tu with cars?”
“I can drive them quite well” Damon bragged.
“Yeah, I know, but not’s not what I meant” Ric said. “Remember I spent the night in prison?”
“Well, since I’m planning on telling the siguiente generation of Saltzmans I couldn’t possibly forget” Damon smirked.
“I had to leave my car there, on the street” Alaric said. “And a tow truck brought...
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Kelsey watched how Stefan and Katherine took off from behind a tree. It had been this close before she got busted. She came from behind her árbol and walked further into the woods in the direction of the hotel Klaus had kept his prisoners. At first sight the place seemed to be deserted. She entered the hotel and covered her mouth. The bodies were lying there for a little longer than a mes now.
“You get used to it”
Kelsey startled. She recognized Klaus’ voice.
“Don’t be rude” Klaus said. “Turn around. I can’t compel you, so I’ll have to trust on your manners”
Kelsey slowly...
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Stefan looked up when he heard the door open. Damon and Katherine entered, but they were alone. “Where’s Elena”? Stefan asked, looking over Katherine and Damon’s head.
“She’s in the car with Caroline…and Bonnie” Katherine added grumpy. Stefan looked outside to see the car.
“The car that’s still on the road” Damon cleared up.
“Ah” Stefan said.
“Where did that treacherous perra go?” Katherine tried to be neutral.
“You mean Amber?” Stefan said. “I don’t know. I thought she was right behind me, but I only turned around when I was here and por that time she was gone”...
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“Damon, I feel sick” Elena moaned. The racing had made her feel nauseous. And her neck beat painful. Damon braked, but kept Elena in his arms. He examined Elena’s wound. “That looks awful”
“It hurts” she complained. Her face was withdrawn and she gagged, but didn’t throw up. Damon pulled her up and held her with one arm. His other arm he brought to his mouth and bit. He held the wound against Elena’s lips. “No” Elena groaned. “I don’t want that. It’s disgusting”
“You have no choice. I’m not letting tu die” Damon said. “Come on, drink”
Elena averted her...
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Katherine stepped over the many corpses that were spread all around in the hotel. She had a gruesome feeling these were not just Klaus’ victims. Apparently Klaus and Stefan had killed the entire staff and all the guests and now used this as a place to hide. She hoped Klaus story would take long enough for her to grab Caroline and Elena and get out of there. It was weird enough she could sneak behind Klaus’ back, there was most certainly a catch.
“Elena?!” she yelled.
Caroline lifted her head and opened her ears. She had heard something. “Did tu hear that?” Tyler shook his head....
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Damon slammed the door open and breathed heavy through his nose. Though it was pitch dark, he could smell the scent of fresh blood. So could Stefan and Katherine. Stefan bent and touched the ground.
“I don’t understand” he mumbled desperate. “Amber is my friend. Why would she attack Elena?”
“Maybe because she’s a psychotic vampire?” Damon snapped sarcastic. He was having so many different emotions right now there was no room for pity for his brother. “Seriously, what were tu thinking? How long have tu known this chick? What made tu think tu can trust her? She tried to kill...
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“…and I find it really low of the two of tu to walk out on me like that. Just thought tu should know” Derek ranted.
“Derek?” Alaric said. He pointed at Damon and then himself. “We get it”
“Yeah, and not because tu repeated yourself over and over and over again for the last hora and a half” Damon dicho sarcastic. He vowed his hands over his chest. “We deeply regret our disgusting behavior and if we hurt your delicate feelings, please be so good to forgive us. If it helps tu can party with us, but after that tu can fuck off. tu can choose which way. Leave o stake”
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An elefante was walking between Kelsey and Amber, while they headed to an unknown destination. “Where exactly are we going?” Amber asked. “We’ve been walking for hours. I’m hungry” she complained.
“There’s plenty of comida around” Kelsey said, waving her arm. “You mean like a rabbit?” Amber asked disgusted. “Yes, Am, like a rabbit” Kelsey confirmed. “Come on, we have to get moving”
“Where are we going?” Amber repeated her most urgent question.
“To a seguro place” Kelsey answered, with a whiff of fear in her voice. “I need to get tu somewhere safe”
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It was as if it was open day. After Stefan had treated Bonnie with a visit it was now Jeremy’s turn. He was standing on her doorstep and hadn’t decided whether he would persist o just turn around again when the door opened and Bonnie appeared. “How long are tu going to stand here? o were tu just admiring my door?” she dicho a little short.
“Fine, I’m leaving” Jeremy dicho annoyed. He turned around and wanted to walk away, but Bonnie grabbed his arm, making him turn around again. “I’m sorry” she apologized. “You want to come in?” she offered.
“Sure” Jeremy said...
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“So, what’s your story” Tyler asked. Now that he had someone to talk to his captivity had become less hard. “Who brought tu here?”
Caroline sighed. “Stefan… And Amber” she said. “I was busy with the murder on Derek Janders and I found out who Amber Lindy, his girlfriend was. But when I wanted to warn Elena Stefan sneaked up on me and kidnapped me. And Amber put the files on fuego so all traces would be gone”
“What about your mother?” Tyler asked. “Doesn’t she wonder where tu are?”
“I guess she’s compelled” Caroline dicho soft. She groaned. “I just want to...
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“Where is she?”
Stefan slammed the door and grabbed Katherines throat. He growled threatening. “Where is she?” he repeated. Katherine took his hand and pulled it away. “Depends on who you’re looking for” she dicho sober, not in the least intimidated.
“Amber” Stefan panted. “Where is she? I’m going to kill her” Katherine laughed scornfully. “Well, that’s great, Stefan, can I do it?” she dicho sarcastic. “But before we get to that point of epicness, can tu fill me in on the why?”
“She attacked Elena” Stefan explained. “I left Elena alone; she was too scared...
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Stefan and Elena slipped through the woods. Stefan up front watching and listening carefully, Elena right behind him, looking around, jumping up por every little noise. They sneaked más adelante, hacia adelante and Stefan stuck out his hand to Elena. “Sssh, I hear something” he dicho soft. “Stefan, I’m scared” Elena dicho with a trembling voice. “Sssh” Stefan insisted. “There are people over there” he dicho and he nodded at a point far ahead of them. Elena squeezed her eyes, but didn’t see anything. “I want to go home” she moaned. Stefan rolled his eyes, irritated. “Geez” he let out...
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