Bolt de disney Club
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1.    I still remember the fecha and time exactly of when I very first discovered BOLT, and I remember how, too. It was when I bought WALL-E on DVD, and there was a leaflet inside with a Bolt advertisement. This happened on the 27th November 2008 (I know, not as early as some but it’s still a credit) at 2:55 pm.

2.    I cut out the Bolt advert back then to mostrar my parents, and I still have it now, in the same condition.

3.    I’ve been drawing BOLT since the día I discovered it, too and still own the original pickies!

4.    I’m recognized throughout my school as the BOLT artist and novelist, since I also write BOLT fan fiction and share it with my school.

5.    My all-time favourite song is Barking at the Moon por Jenny Lewis. Since then, I’ve downloaded the same song in 27 other languages! Hindi, Arabic, Brazilian, Bulgarian, Cantonese, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Finnish, Flemish, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and my absolute favourite: Un Chat Un Chien Et Un Rongeur, in French!

6.    So far, out of everyone who've I've discovered and spoken to, I have the biggest Bolt Things Collection.

7.    The whole of my segundo sketchbook is covered with pictures I collaged of BOLT.

8.    I have a corner of my room where I display my Bolt Things Collection.

9.    Barking at the Moon in Russian is my mobile phone's ringtone, and a picture of Bolt performing the Super Bark is my phone's main wallpaper.

10.    I have memorized the whole script from Bolt and know the lyrics to both songs (Barking at the Moon and I Thought I'd lost tu por Miley Cyrus and John Travolta).

11.    I have watched Bolt every single night, without fail, since I purchased it on DVD the día it came out, which was June 15th 2009. This includes sleepovers at my house and at other houses (there’s such thing as an iPod). If someone is sleeping over mine, I still watch it, whether they like it o not.

12.    I've completed the Bolt video game on PlayStation2 format (which I bought on it’s release date) three times (I got so bored over 2009's Summer Holiday…).

13.    My nombre de usuario on was 'BoltsBiggestFan' (I came back with a new nombre de usuario and a new liking of bad language) and my fan Lema was this: "Out of every fan on Earth, I am the BIGGEST and most DEVOTED Disney's Bolt fan ever! My nombre de usuario isn't BoltsBiggestFan for nothing, tu know…"

14.    On Fanpop, I've found out about and joined every Bolt related club on the site.

15.    My correo electrónico signature on the school computers is, written in big, naranja text ‘Bolt’s biggest fan just emailed you!' with a moving picture of him underneath.

16.    On, on Boltfanclub (the most popular BOLT Group), I was the segundo highest Gallery Contributor, and on Bolt-Fan-Club and The-Superdogs-Squad, I actually was the highest Gallery Contributor (sadly, I left there).

17.    I made my own Bolt related club while I was on DA, named Bolt-Fan-Group, which, when tu typed in 'Bolt' and searched Groups, came up segundo to the parte superior, arriba on the list, underneath the most popular Bolt related group, Boltfanclub.

18.    I got a detention once for a huge drawing of Bolt I did in the back of my Science book.

19.    I re-wrote the lyrics of two songs (Total Eclipse of the corazón por Bonnie Tyler and Paparazzi por Lady Gaga) to tell just how much I loved Bolt.

20.    I am always the reason Bolt is ever watched in class at my school.

21.    My segundo art teacher had set me a separate 'Bolt Project', because I drew Bolt so much in his classes.

22.    On my iPod, I have the whole of the Bolt original soundtrack, which I listen to each night, even if it's not the whole way through.

23.    A boy at school told me to 'get a life and stop watching Bolt every night of your life, sad girl!' I grinned and enjoyed it. Bullies fail when they make BOLT jokes, because they are perfectly right! God, I’m so sad…

24.    With TuneUp Utilities 2008, tu can editar the Windows XP boot screen with your own pickie. Whenever my PC starts up now, I get a pickie of Bolt shown to me!

25.    I pretend to be Bolt in my room, and sometimes in public as well if I’m feeling especially stupid, por imitating the super bark, super jump and heat vision. What? I get bored…

26.    My future dream, which my friends are helping me with, is to own an American White Shepherd of my own one day, name it Bolt, then get a stencil and spray a lightning bolt mark on it's side. Just make sure it’s non-toxic spray, course!

27.    Look any direction in my bedroom, and tu will find something to do with Bolt. And that includes the ceiling and the floor. I have a Bolt duvet set and LOTS of Bolt posters and pickies plastered all over the walls.

28.    I adored the American White Shepherd dog AGES before the film came out, as well as gatos and hamsters. The Bolt film and I are perfectly matched!

29.    Me, Abby and Alice did this día at school based on the 2012 Olympics. We were chosen to be USA, which was be-awesome, and I did lots and lots of American themed Bolt pickies, one with Bolt's lightning mark and collar coloured like the American flag! And they all got featured!

30.    On my bedroom computer, I have truthfully got over 1240 Bolt pickies saved.

31.    Those saved pickies go across 16 folders:
anime Bolt Pickies, Bolt, Bolt 2 por MewIchigoZoey, Bolt CD, Game and DVD Covers, Bolt GIFs, Bolt Related fotos (photography), Group Pictures, Logos and Banners, lol Bolt (the Bolt pickies I captioned to be funny), Mittens, Other, Posters and Wallpapers, Rare imágenes Folder, Real Life Bolt (photos of American White Shepherds) and Rhino.

32.    I have three extremely rare Bolt postcards, which, for some reason, were all available for £1 each at a Sci-Fi Convention I went to with Abby. I bought all three of them, they're that amazing and rare that I HAD to have them.

33.    I have completed the whole of Panini's Bolt sticker album, after sending off for the last 20 o so stickers in the post and filling in the rest of the album.

34.    All of the Bolt sketches that were too big to scan are also placed on my walls along with ALL the other Bolt posters and pickies.

35.    I always use the phrases and words 'fully awesome', 'be-awesome', and 'ridonculous'! ALWAYS! Every day! On the internet, school, and yeah, even in real life! Go on, ask any of my mates, they will all tell tu I use these phrases every day!

36.    I made the best Plz accounts (a deviantART thing) for the Bolt characters, BoltDogPlz, MittensCatPlz and RhinoHamsterPlz while I was on dA and people still used them when I left.

37.    I wrote a really popular but untitled Bolt fan fiction story once, and was escritura a different Bolt 2 book named 'Disney's Bolt - The siguiente Generation', which was about Bolt, Mittens and Rhino's kids. The plot was thin and the characters were dull, so I ditched it and started planning ONYX.

38.    My next-door-neighbour had a female cat named Mikey (before she ever so sadly got hit por a car) that looked EXACTLY like Mittens, so much I actually used to call her Mittens! And not por mistake, either. On purpose. Poor Mikey… She’s in arco iris Bridge now, bless her.

39.    I take my talking Bolt plushie and my 14” disney Store Bolt plushie to cama with me every single night and to every sleepover that happens to occur.

40.    I had a segundo account on DA named 'Bolts-BIGGEST-Fan' for a couple of months, and yet another one named BOLTsBiggestEverFan.

41.    Holly strived to get me a birthday card with a dog that looked as much like Bolt as possible in 2010. And she succeeded! The dog on the front looked EXCATLY like Xeno, Bolt's son in 'Disney's Bolt - The siguiente Generation', the book I was escritura and scrapped.

42.    Abby got my birthday prezzies two months before the actual date, coz it was all Bolt! A Bolt gym bag (or drawstring bag, however tu say it), Bolt calculator and Bolt activity set. FULLY AWESOME!!

43.    The very first dA contest I held was about Bolt, with over 14 entrants who all believed I'm really Bolt's biggest fan, which I totally am.

44.    I also remember the día I saw BOLT in cinemas, despite not having enough cash to see it in be-awesome 3D o enough to book seats for the release día viewing. It was the 19th February 2009, at 11:50 in the morning. Ho, I was up at five waiting to see this flick!

45.    I have also still got the cinema tickets in mint condition from the día I saw BOLT.

46.    My upstairs XP computer's only account name was 'Bolt's Biggest Fan' and the contraseña was the word 'bolt'. That was before I started learning French, which made me change the name to ‘Fan N˚ 1 de VOLT’ and the contraseña to ‘voltstarmalgrelui’.

47.    My art signature is based on the Bolt tag logo with a lightning bolt beside it.

48.    I'm currently listening to the track from the Bolt soundtrack named 'A Fast Train' while I type, which is the backing score to the part where the Bolt trio are failing at riding atop the train. I really amor that part!

49.    Who else in the world owns a Bolt DUVET set at 15 years old? Siriusly??

50.    I own lots of exclusive Bolt merchandise that can't be found anywhere else now. A medium sized Bolt Wii Game Cover Poster, Disney's Bolt - Magazine Special, the Bolt Rescue House, a Bolt Gym bag and calculator and three really rare Bolt postcards.

51.    In Drama last week (this point written on July 12th 2010), we were practicing our 'original' sounds and actions, which personally described us. Jamie dicho to me to take the piss that my original sound was a Super Bark. How cool is that? (Again, the failed bullying thing…)

52.    My school pencil case once was a carrot with a zip down the side. I drew a smiley face on both sides just like Mr. Carrot.

53.    In Bolt - Book of the Film (the novel, in other words), I illustrated the whole book throughout with my own beautiful (self centred…) Bolt drawings to match each chapter, and I can tell tu truthfully I have read the whole book through at least 8 times.

54.    I now have the whole Bolt film on my iPod, except for the last 10 o so minutos of it. Damn dodgy downloads!! Grrr…

55.    With the Bolt DVD (which is special edition with a shiny slip cover around it), I still have the little advertising booklet, with the colouring page coloured and the maze completed, as well as the characters around the maze coloured as well.

56.    Abby’s homemade birthday card featured a drawn pickie of Bolt, and lots of lightning bolts and stuff, baring the words, 'To Bolt's Biggest Fan'.

57.    I reinstalled Windows recently, and I set the computer's name as Bolt-the-Super-Dog, the network's workgroup name as BOLT, and my full name as Bolt the Super Dog's Biggest Fan.

58.    I saw a Bolt pickie in an Argos catalogue, with loads of arco iris streaks trailing behind him with the disney Interactive logo siguiente to him (probably advertising the Bolt game), which I cut out and stuck on my PC monitor.

59.    As well as completing the Bolt Panini sticker book, I kept one of the empty packets and glued it together again neatly, and stuck that on my monitor too.

60.    The last thing I put on my monitor was the original card sign that came from the Bolt super bark figure and stand, bearing a pickie of Bolt and the words, 'Bolt & Friends'.

61.    My small Rhino plush still has the tag on his ear, and the disney Store 14" Bolt plush doesn't have it's tags, but I still kept them and put them on display.

62.    I have miniature little book that I carry around in my blazer pocket at school, which is specifically for all my Bolt art and doodles I do in lessons when I get bored.

63.    My favourite colours are only naranja and oro because of Bolt. If I hadn't liked Bolt, my fave colour would be Royal Blue. That's just my third fave now.

64.    I've calculated over time that I have spent over £75 of my pocket money on Bolt merchandise. It's not because I'm rich I have all that stuff, it's because I worked and worked my butt off for it!!

65.    I was escritura a series of books, now finished, called 'Hogwarts Secret Cats' (go ahead and google it, it exists), which was based around a group of four sibling gatos who went to Hogwarts school. I was bored, so I included Bolt as an important and main character! He's in Gryffindor for his courage.

66.    Sometimes, if me and a friend are in the shops o something and the conversation goes onto Bolt (and that's always my fault), I start being really loud and saying some of Rhino's quotes.

67.    I keep saying the phrases 'Fully Awesome', 'Be-Awesome' and 'Ridonculous' both in real life and on the internet, as I've already mentioned, but it's rubbing off. Because of me, Abby made a point of saying it as we were walking to somewhere, can't remember, because of me.

68.    For a while, I was drawing a lightning bolt on the inside middle of my arm and replenishing it with Sharpie every morning. T’was so fully awesome! Mum made me take it off, due to ink poisoning and whatnot. Maybe that’s why I felt so sick that week…

69.    One of the only reasons I want to go to Hollywood is so I can be in Bolt's place. In fact, make that America full stop.

70.    I sing 'Barking at the Moon' por Jenny Lewis down the school corridors if I'm feeing especially cheerful. This usually annoys the hell outta my friends.

71.    When I get my American White Shepherd with the bolt painted on it's side, (it's not an 'if' anymore, it's actually a 'when'), I will teach it all the tricks that mimic Bolt's amazing powers. 'Stare' will make Bolt stare manically at the person saying the command, 'Speak' will make him step a paw forward, a foot back, dip his head and growl, then bark. 'Jump' will make him run then jump a good distance, as well as normal dog tricks like Sit, Roll Over and Fetch.

72.    In Film Club at school, after watching Rush hora 2 (which is a REALLY good film, por the way), a really boring film was put on. So what did I do? Watched Bolt on my iPod until the battery ran flat. What else was there to do that was any más awesome?

73.    Inside my old año 10 school planner, there is nothing but Bolt drawings. Whether it's doodles, sketches o full on detailed and inked pickies, there are TONS of them! My current año 11 one is only completely blank of them because my tutor is a maniac. Siriusly.

74.    I keep having Bolt dreams, siriusly! I had one recently where Bolt was going round the town centre, attacking everything in sight with his Heat Vision and saying that my old Geography teacher put him up to it! Tiz true!

75.    There was one día in the Autumn of 2009, can't remember the exact fecha for this one, where I watched Bolt THREE times in one day.

76.    Even now, I still get my little Bolt figures and play with them in the Rescue House, pretending that Rhino isn't there and that Bolt's going in to rescue Mittens. And I'm now 15 years old. How does that make me look? Makes me look like Bolt’s biggest fan, that’s what!

77.    I know a rare song written about Bolt, which wasn't in the film at all. It's name is 'I Found Myself', por Chris Brucker. Simply type ‘I Found Myself Bolt’ into YouTube and tu will find it. I extracted the song from the video and stuck the song on my iPod, too.

78.    My correo electrónico address is even Bolt-themed!

79.    I can name every single one of Bolt's powers without watching the film whilst doing it. Look, I'll do it now! And these include the ones in the game, too.

The ability to ram into speeding vehicles, super strength, super speed, power to smash through brick walls, super jump, heat vision, Super Bark, ground pound, invincibility. There. That's all of them. I can't watch a movie and play a game and type at the same time, can I?

80.    Me and acebo were randomly playing patter-cake in IT on July 14th 2010 (how did I remember??), tu know, that hand-clapping thing? But acebo made up some Bolt lyrics for it for me.

81.    Once, I managed to smuggle my 14” Bolt plush to Thorpe Park, the first and last time I’ll be going there (SAW the Ride. Ugh. No.). He was discovered in my bag 5 minutos after I arrived at school…

82.    All the way to Thorpe Park, which took a good 2 hours, I listened and re-listened to the Bolt soundtrack and 'I Found Myself', the Bolt song por Chris Brucker, over and over again about three times without stopping, and had Bolt in my arms the whole way there. It was the same on the way back too.

83.    My bedroom door is COVERED with tons of Bolt pickies and some of my Bolt fan art, too.    

84.    I had a deviantART encuesta on my page asking visitors to my page whether they thought I was Bolt’s biggest fan o not. Aside from the two o three who dicho no, there were over 75 deviant users who thought I was!

85.    I once dragged my parents ALL around a shopping centre because of a rumour that someone told me that they had Bolt sticker libros on sale there. And there weren't. Damn.

86.    I used to use my Bolt drawstring/Gym bag as my P.E bag at school.

87.    On the front of my año 10 school planner, I had a huge, naranja felt lightning bolt, to represent my amor for Bolt. I got so bored in Art…

88.    The pickie I have stuck on the front cover of my newest Art book is one single pickie of Bolt that I drew with my tablet pad, but on the inside cover, it's COMPLETELY Boltified.

89.    I have memorised each of the phrases that my talking Bolt says, and in the order he says them. 'Hello, hairballs.' 'Your deal just expired.' 'You're a degenerate creature of darkness.' 'Tell the Green-Eyed man that I will not sleep, I will not rest, until my Penny is seguro from his evil clutches!'

90.    I have also memorised the name of each track in the Bolt soundtrack in the correct order off-by-heart:
I Thought I'd lost You, Barking at the Moon, Meet Bolt, Bolt Transforms, Scooter Chase, New York, Meet Mittens, The RV Park, A Fast Train, Where Were tu on St. Rhino's Day?, Sing Along Rhino, Saving Mittens, House on Wheels, Las Vegas, A Friend in Need, Rescuing Penny, A Real Life Super Bark, increíble TV, Jenny Lewis John Powell inicial At Last Barking At The Moon (Reprise and Medley).

91.    On my PC, I have some really rare Bolt concept art por Paul Felix and Jin Kim that weren’t featured in 'The Art of Bolt' either.

92.    I made Bolt out of paper once, using the origami steps to make a Scottie Dog and modifying it with sticky tape, scissors and pen.

93.    I have my own one of one of those flags Rhino has saying 'Bolt's #1 Fan' (even though Rhino isn’t the biggest fan). I just printed off the flag and painted a rod burgundy, then stuck the flag to the rod. Simples! AND DON’T tu DARE COPY ME, ANYONE!!

94.    On my bedroom door, I have a sign saying 'Welcome to the room of the BIGGEST fan of…' then the Bolt logo in silver gradient.

95.    I like going 'Internet Window Shopping' and 'Bargain Hunting' for Bolt items such as plushies, posters, stationary, etc… It never works out, coz we never seem to have any money. How I would ADORE that 30” Bolt plushie más than anything else in the ENTIRE WORLD…

96.    I have named all three of my drives on my upstairs computer after the three main characters of Bolt. C:/ is Rhino, D:/ is Bolt, and E:/ is Mittens.

97.    The only reason I know most of the states of America is because Bolt taught me!

98.    On the ratatouille PC game, my perfil names are 'BLT' and ‘BBF’, coz tu can only have three letters. BBF stands for Bolt’s biggest fan, of course.

99.    I have practiced over and over, and I can now say in a be-awesome strong French accent, VOLT estrella Malgré Lui! Took enough practicing, since I'm British!

100.    I have seven inicial made Bolt door hangers.

101.    I amor Bolt so much that I’ve been working on my own homemade Bolt costume! It consists of a mask, white fleece with a lightning mark drawn on in Sharpie, a white scarf for the tail and white track suit bottoms, topped off with two white gloves. Awesomeness.

102.    I wrote a special edition of The Misadventures of Onyx (a series of very short stories I’m escritura about the Onyx from my BOLT 2) named, 'I Thought I'd lost You', which was all about Onyx meeting Bolt.

103.    My perfil name on a fully awesome PC game named 'Crazy Chicken - Atlantis' is simply: Bolts-Biggest-Fan. (There's loads of those Crazy Chicken games, they're only on PC, only a fiver each, and only be-awesome!)

104.    I have two versions/designs of the Bolt 'Invincible' poster! One with a flame-coloured background, and one with the traditional red background, with naranja and oro lightning bolts behind it. Both bare the slogan 'Invincible!'.

105.    When England lost to Germany (4-1: FAIL!!) in the World Cup, I had no use for my England flags. So what did I do? Drew Bolt on them! Both included my fave phrase: 'I'm Bolt's biggest EVER fan!'

106.    I can write ‘ONYX + BOLT’ on a scientific calculator! And like I’m telling tu how?

107.    I have a part of my muro with 10 Bolt prints. I cut all the way around the edge of each Bolt still, then blu-tacked them to my wall. Fully awesome!

108.    I went out and bought a squeaky carrot from Wilkinsons one day, with Holly’s help, and drew a face exactly like Mr Carrot’s on it.

109.    I have two Bolt-shaped Silly Bandz, coloured elastic bands that always retain their shape when taken off. acebo gave them to me.

110.    In addition to the ‘Bolt’s #1 Fan’ flag, I’ve also made a black slim line ‘VOLT estrella Malgré Lui - fan N˚ 1!’ flag and a ‘Fan num 1 oe/de BOLT’ mini flag.

111.    I went to Hawkins Bazaar, a cool toy shop, with Abby once and got a rolling hámster in a ball. I coloured in the backs of it’s ears black, gave it a splodge on it’s side and named it Rhino!

112.    I wrote ‘BOLT’s #1 Fan’ and drew Bolt on my biblioteca card and on a blank jute bag I own.

113.    My broken nintendo DS Lite (still plays GBA, I suppose…) has a few Bolt stickers on it. Yay for simple reasons!

114.    I have over 50 Bolt-related videos on my hard drive and iPod altogether, some of them being of VOLT estrella Malgré Lui and the total folder size being over 2 GB!!

115.    I have visited the VOLT estrella Malgré Lui website and saved some amazing pickies, as well as played VOLT pinball and made some of my own VOLT fondo de pantalla using the Bolt disney Creator featured on the website.

116.    Speaking of foreign sites, I’ve also visited the Brazilian site (BOLT Supercão), the Japanese site (NOT TELLING HOW) and the German site (BOLT Ein Hund Fǖr Älle Fälle).

117.    I have typed 'Bolt' so many times on my keyboard that I can (these are not all at the same time, I can do them as separate skills) type it fluently with my eyes closed, type it fluently with one hand, and type it fluently with the keyboard UPSIDOWN! That is true! Well, I can sort of type with an upsidown keyboard anyway (I've been teaching myself due to boredom), but 'Bolt' is the only word I can type quickly and off-by-heart.

118.    My latest diary has the ‘Bolt’s #1 Fan’ flag in English, Russian, French and Spanish stuck on the front, along with five other mini Bolt pickies and a huge Bolt on the back.

119.    I once signed up to the Shaun the oveja foros (I know, sad as tu like, eh?) on which tu could have any conversation tu liked and could make clubs. I was the one to make the very first Bolt related club there!

120.    I was once so desperate to see BOLT again that I got my friend Liam to copy it for me when offered, even if the disc didn’t work.

121.    When I watch Hotel For Dogs, I don’t seem to forget about Bolt, since I always spot the white shepherd in the scene where about a hundred-or-so perros are running through the streets of dicho town.

122.    I first discovered and became obsessed with Bolt exactly two months, 16 days before it’s 2D UK release.

123.    The día I knew Bolt existed, I researched it instantly, wanting to know más about this strangely, overly interesting dog.

124.    Remember me saying that I still had the same very first ad for Bolt I found cut out? In the first mes of discovering it, I stuck that pickie por my bedside to estrella at every night, wondering why I felt so connected and drawn to this ‘BOLT’ film. THAT IS TRUE, I AM NOT A LIAR!! And now I finally know why - I was destined to be his biggest fan ever.

125.    My school changed it’s ties recently, so I drew Bolt on my old spares in Sharpie pen (the new ones are disgusting - blue and yellow!).

126.    Even though I had BOLT on DVD I still fought through Trojan Horse after Trojan Horse to download BOLT for my iPod, which eventually was successful.

127.    Since I have seen BOLT every night since June 15th 2009, in theory, I must’ve seen BOLT over 350 times! What an accomplishment!

128.    I amor mostrando off the fact I’m Bolt’s biggest fan in public por taking out my Bolt plushies, Bolt figures, Bolt Silly Bandz and especially my one-of-a-kind Bolt gym bag!

129.    I celebrate seven BOLT Days in a year, of which I’ve calculated are all accurate to their time:
November 21st 2008 was the USA cinema release date, November 27th 2008 was the fecha I discovered BOLT, February 4th 2009 was the French cinema release date, February 6th 2009 was the 3D UK release date, February 13th 2009 was the 2D UK release date, June 15th 2009 was the UK DVD release fecha and finally, August 4th 2009 was the Japanese cinema release date.

130.    On every single poster, advert and pickie I have saved to which this is applicable, I have put a huge, thick, fat off black cruzar, cruz over all of Rhino’s ‘Bolt’s #1 Fan’ flags, no matter what language. Because IT’S NOT TRUE!! I am the biggest fan, not him!

131.    My favourite and most resourceful pencil for me is my BOLT one.

132.    When I Googled my very first deviantART username, OnyxTheCat88, it came up with misceláneo pages about BOLT and stuff to do with Bolt’s #1 fan. Just randomly, too.

133.    Every other day, I brush my 14” Bolt plushie so he looks neat and tidy.

134.    I managed to fill a whole 200 page sketchbook with Bolt drawings alone.

135.    Me and acebo were pretending to have perros once (since we are both minus this wonderful pet) and I had my white shepherd named Bolt.

136.    Sometimes, frases from the BOLT movie accidentally slip into my everyday speech without people noticing. Example one: I see my año 9 English teacher in Sainsbury’s with Abby and make a Rhino quote. “Do my eyes deceive me? Is this some sort of apparition I see before me? o could it be…? Miss Wilkinson?” Example two: Mum is asking me to do homework and I make a Calico quote. “You are beginning to irk me, Mother. I am irked! And that will not do.”

137.    Every single one of my school passwords has had something to do with BOLT - but like I’m gonna tell my current one! *gasp*

138.    On all the websites I was/I am on, I always use the same theme for my username, featured below:
deviantART: Bolts-BIGGEST-Fan and BOLTsBiggestEverFan
Fanpop: BoltsBiggestFan and current
Triviala: BoltsBiggestFan
Quizilla: DisneysBOLTBiggestFanEVER
Spots VS Stripes (Cadbury’s Thing): BOLTno1FanEVER

139.    Because I’m currently getting set up for Work Experience, I just thought I’d add in the Interests section of my CV (or résumé) that I was the biggest fan of Disney’s BOLT. It’s even on my CV. Have I proved my point yet?

140.    I made a custom character called ‘Bolt’ on LEGO estrella Wars (I can be such a nerd).

141.    I have a BOLT computer screensaver! (Definition of ‘Screensaver’: a full screen animación which plays when your PC is left idle for a certain period of time.)

142.    If I meet a new person o friend at school, the first thing I tell them is the fact I’m Bolt’s biggest EVER fan. I mostrar them the imágenes of my Bolt covered room, my Bolt stationary set I use at school, my Bolt art… tu get the idea.

143.    I get teased at school for being a manic BOLT fan. Like I care, just proves my point, dunnit?

144.    My mate acebo has an iPod Touch, so guess what she did for me, being the most fully awesome person she is? She only got the RhinoBall App on it for me! I was so stuck into it during break at The Corner that I didn’t even notice a lady selling comida as she went through! What BOLT does to me, eh?

145.    I carved a detailed Bolt head into my 2010 pumpkin! Well, with my dad’s help, anyway…

146.    And finally… This is the point I treasure the most, as it's the most emotional link I have between me and Bolt. My talking Bolt plushie was at my side to comfort me and gave me something to cry into at about 5 o clock o so in the morning, at the hospital, when my parents announced my Grandma had passed away. I was devastated, and only the soft sound of Bolt saying, 'tell the Green-Eyed man that I will not sleep, I will not rest, until my Penny is seguro from his evil clutches!' when I squeezed his paw in anguish made me calm down a little. I sort of felt safe. Know what I mean? That is a TRUE story. Don't believe me? I would NEVER make up a story like that. I'm not that sick as to lie about something like that.

That was the very last point on the lista just to make people think. Think that Bolt is not just a film. I don't just amor him for the fun of it. I have that mental connection between Bolt and that reassuring comfort he brings in really bad times. That's the main reason why I think I am Bolt's biggest fan. Not JUST for the merchandise. Not JUST because I watch it every night without fail. It's because he was at my side at the worst moment in my life so far, and I will never forget that.
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added by HomelySausage
added by HumphreyAlpha
added by boltlovemettens
Source: bolt
added by boltlovemettens
Source: bolt
added by boltlovemettens
Source: bolt
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added by Bolt_Mittens
added by boltgirl21
Source: boltgirl21
added by BoltsONLYno1fan
Source: BoltsONLYno1fan ,Disney
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added by vagos
Source: Walt disney animación Studios/ Screencaps por Me
added by vagos
Source: Walt disney animación Studios/ Screencaps por Me
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added by No1fanofBOLT
Source: google