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Madame Medusa: Snoops, tu don't have a way with children. tu must gain their confidence... make them like you.
Snoops: Yeah? How do tu do that?
Madame Medusa: tu FORCE them to like you, idiot!

Penny: The water's coming in. Please pull me up!
Madame Medusa: Not until tu get the diamond!

Madame Medusa: tu get down there and find the big diamond, o tu will never see that teddy again!

Snoops: Welsher! Swindler! Chiseler!
Madame Medusa: [Pointing gun at Mr. Snoops and Penny] Shut up, Snoops! And don't move. If either of tu try to follow me, you'll get BLASTED!
Penny: [walking towards Madame Medusa] tu give me my teddy bear. tu promised.
Madame Medusa: [Pushing Penny away with her foot and walking backwards] Teddy goes with me, my dear. I've become quite attached to him.

[repeated line]
Madame Medusa: Snoops! Snoops, get down here!
Snoops: W-W-What's up, Medusa? W-What's going on?

[repeated line]
[Medusa's equipment isn't working properly]
Madame Medusa: Snoops! What's wrong?

Madame Medusa: High tide o not... that little brat is going to find me that diamond... tomorrow... o else!

Madame Medusa: Now my dear, you're going to find the big shiny, diamond for your aunty Medusa, aren't you...?

Madame Medusa: [Madame Medusa calls Penny into her bedroom] Come in! Come in!
Penny: [Penny walks in holding her teddy bear] Did tu wanna see me, ma'am?
Madame Medusa: Why, yes, my dear. Don't be so shy.
Madame Medusa: Now, I'm going to let bygones be bygones. Do tu know what would make Auntie Medusa very happy?
Penny: Yes, tu want me to find that diamond.
Madame Medusa: That's right, dear.
Penny: But I've tried as hard as I could. Honest!
Madame Medusa: Of course, tu have. But we must try harder, mustn't we?
Penny: Then, please, will tu take me back to the orphanage... like tu promised?
Madame Medusa: Penny, don't tu like it here? A big, beautiful barco all to yourself.
Penny: But if I don't get back to the orphanage... I'll never get adopted.
Madame Medusa: Adopted? What makes tu think anyone would want a homely little girl like you?
[Penny walks away in tears]

Madame Medusa: [Holding the Devil's Eye] Just look at it! Filled with power, for its owner!
Snoops: Let me look at it.
[Medusa only shows the diamond for a fraction of a second]
Snoops: I got... Hey, that wasn't much of a look.

Madame Medusa: Brutus! Nero, stop that infernal racket. I mean NOW!
[Hits one of the crocodiles on the head; Bernard pops out of its mouth]
Madame Medusa: [screams and jumps on a chair] AAAH! SNOOPS! SNOOPS, A MOUSE! OH, KILL IT! KILL IT!

Madame Medusa: At the siguiente low tide I'm going to put her down there, myself, and keep her there, until she finds it. And it is as simple as *that*!

Madame Medusa: [phone rings, Medusa comes in] Who could be ringing at this time of night?
Madame Medusa: Madame Medusa's Pawn comprar Boutique.
[Snoops's voice is on the line: "Hi, boss!"]
Madame Medusa: Snoops! Don't tell me, let me guess! tu found it! Ha ha! You've found the diamond!
[indistinct voice]
Madame Medusa: Give tu *time*? tu bungler! tu have been down there for three months!
[indistinct voice continues]
Madame Medusa: Bottles? What - Bottles? tu caught Penny sending messages in *bottles*! tu BLUNDERING fool, can't tu control a little girl! Shut up! I am taking the siguiente flight down to Devil's Bayou!
[slams the phone down onto the receiver]

Bernard: [as he, Bianca, Penny, and the swamp denizens escape successfully from the riverboat via the swampmobile] We did it, Bianca!
Bianca: Hooray! Oh, Bernard, Bernard, you're wonderful!
[chuckles as she and Bernard embrace; the others cheer happily as the swampmobile drives away into the distance]
Madame Medusa: [lamenting, as she is left clinging to one of the riverboat's smokestacks] There... goes... my diamond!
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
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added by amandajh
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