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posted by sweetie-buttons
Belle yelled in surprise as Phillipe bolted, causing her to go flying through the air and land unceremoniously on her back. She lay there, winded, trying to catch her breath.

She was about to call for Phillipe when she realised he had turned around and cantered away immediately after throwing her off. She didn't know what had provoked such erratic behavior. She usually wasn't the one to ride him, but he was as friendly to her as to her father. He had always been a well-mannered horse. For him to behave in this manner showed there was something very wrong going on. Her father was in trouble.

She considered going back and finding Phillipe again, but decided against it. If he had reacted so violently just then, he likely wouldn't behave calmer the segundo time around. She only hoped his frantic arrival at the village indicated to the villagers that there was something wrong.

She then considered going back to ask the villagers for help, but decided against it. There was no time to waste if her father was in danger. And, she admitted to herself, she simply felt too proud and awkward to ask the villagers, none of whom she'd really connected with, for help in finding her father, who she held so dear to her. She could rescue him herself.

At least Phillipe had taken her a good distance before abandoning her. She was currently at a crossroads. One path was bright and sunny, with a clear path winding through the woods. Another was dark and foreboding, with barely any light to lead the way.

Usually in her stories, the hero found adventure when they picked the más dark, dangerous path instead of the safe, clear one. But she wasn't looking for adventure. She was looking for her father.

With that in mind, she advanced down the sunny, inviting path. Her father would've probably been sensible enough to take it. He could be scatterbrained, but surely he'd remember the path to the fair, which likely wasn't the dark, gloomy one nobody could see in.

As she progressed further down the path, she felt más and más uneasy, despite the bright, welcoming sunlight and clear paved path. She was so used to the usual path through the village that an unfamiliar place, even a bright and inviting one, seemed intimidating to her.

She told herself she was an explorer discovering a new land, walking through the path that led to it. o Little Red Riding capucha, campana walking through the woods, unaware of lobos and danger.

She scolded herself for such childish fantasies. Her father was in real danger, and all she could do was think about the fairytales she'd read?

Still, it did help calm her down. Her imagining came to a halt as she found herself facing a cave that cut the trail off. It was even darker than the other path she'd seen.

Should she proceed? She could imagine her father going in, thinking it was a path to the fair, only to get stuck.

The thought made her shudder. If she proceeded, she'd get stuck to. But she'd find him, maybe, and they could find a way out together.

Imagining this was the cave full of jewels and treasures she'd been seeking in her expeditions, she stepped inside. She almost jumped. It was such a jarring change, being bathed in sunlight, and then obscured in darkness, as if a black cape had been pulled over her.

She finally found her voice after a few steps inside. "Papa?"

Papa, Papa, Papaa...

She jumped in surprise upon hearing her voice's soft echo. She had spoken barely above a whisper, and yet the sound had carried through the cave, repeating itself.

She forced herself to speak louder. "Papa?"

This time, the echo was louder and clearer, like a chorus of singers. She was so entranced por it she almost forgot to listen for an answering voice.

Nothing. She could practically hear his voice in her mind, hear him saying "Belle? Is that you?" And then she'd cry out in joy and run blindly through the cave and into his arms, and then they'd both go inicial and put everything behind them.

Right. inicial to the routine, mundane village.

Her footsteps sounded like drums as they pattered through the cave. The only thing competing for their noise, other than her echoes, was her rapidly beating heart. She knew the cave was silent, but it felt anything but.

She gasped audibly as she saw a glimmer of light up ahead. It was small and faded, but she could clearly make it out. She started running, almost tripping over the rocks and managing to regain her balance, as the light became wider and wider.

It felt like a breath of fresh air to run out of the damp, dark cave and into the open again. The sunlight was even brighter than in the woods, and the sweet smells of the outside world were like música to Belle's ears. She felt like an imprisoned woman who'd finally been let out of captivity.

She quickly became aware of the most prominent detail: a tall, rocky tower stained with moss siguiente to a gushing waterfall. It towered over her, gloomy and dismal compared to the bright outdoors. It looked like an illustration from one of her storybooks, like the prisons and towers made to hold princesses.

And they were always rescued por a dashing prince.

Had Papa climbed up there? If so, there must've been a ladder o stairs somewhere. Belle approached the tower until she was close enough to touch it, reaching a hand out and resting it against a mossy stone. She almost pulled it away after feeling how cold and rough it was.

Was there some kind of ritual? Did she have to tap certain stones in a specific order for them to open up? She'd read something like that in one of her books. Or, más likely, there was a ladder o stairs nestled somewhere around.

Belle carefully edged around the tower, keeping her hand on the stones. She didn't know why. It was as if she was afraid the tower would disappear if she let go of it, like her stories always did after she closed the book.

It took her a while to realise she had just mindlessly done three circles around the tower. She couldn't find anything except grey stone after grey stone, and the occasional moss.

There must be someone in there. Belle highly doubted the tower was built for no reason. If that was the case, how did they venture out to get comida and supplies? Why did they choose to live in such a remote, if pretty, location? What if the inhabitants were currently away? What if they were unfriendly? Had they captured Papa?

Stowing all these preguntas in the back of her mind, Belle cupped her hands around her mouth and called, as loudly as she dared. "Hello?"

She waited for a few moments, observing the tower, without getting any reply. Gathering her courage, she called again, much louder.

"Hello? Is anyone up there?"

She jumped as she saw a movement in the window of the tower. Squinting, she could see that it was a girl. She couldn't make out her full features, but she could see that she had long, blonde hair.

Belle heard the girl call something down to her. She couldn't make out what.

"Hello?" she called, this time as loudly as she possibly could. "Who - are - you?"

She felt rather ridiculous, screaming at the girl. It had the opposite effect Belle was expecting, as she quickly disappeared back into the tower, leaving it as empty as it was before.

This was ridiculous. She was wasting time. She had to focus on finding her father.

She considered turning back and forgetting she ever found this tower. But she decided not to. Something about it drew her to it. Besides, she had come so far. She couldn't turn back now.

She couldn't figure out what to do, though. Should she call up again? Should she continue advancing around the tower?

She was still thinking about it when she saw something long and yellow cascade down the tower, stopping siguiente to her. At first she thought it was a rope, but now that it was siguiente to her, she could see that it was hair. Reaching out to touch it, her guess was confirmed.

It must be the hair of the girl in the tower. It was the only feature of her she'd noticed before, but she didn't know it was this long. It had to be almost the length of the tower. Belle was amazed. The longest hair she'd seen only reached the waists of the girls in her village.

For a moment, she just stared at the hair, amazed and confused. Why had the girl let her hair down? What did she expect her to do?

Oh! Of course. She wanted her to climb it.

But how? Belle felt uneasy climbing someone's hair. Would it even support her? If the hair was this long, there had to be something magical about it. Maybe it was made for climbing.

Still, she decided to call up, to make sure she actually intended for her to climb it. "I'm - coming - up!"

She heard a muffled response. She wasn't even sure if it was a yell, and she had to strain her ears to hear it. Still, she took it as an agreement.

She uneasily took a handful of the blonde hair. Trying not to pull on too hard, she placed a foot against the tower. When she tried to place another, it immediately slipped off due to the moss.

She yelped quietly as she felt herself rising off the ground, grabbing tightly onto the hair before loosening her grip. She tried to grab onto the tower, only to feel herself being risen higher. She had no choice but to grab onto the hair. She realised the girl was pulling her up. She forced herself to relax as she continued her ascent, amazed her body weigh was actually being supported.

As Belle reached the window, the hair stopped pulling her up. She found herself face to face with the girl in the tower, who had a frying pan aimed at Belle's face.
I know that most people don’t like Snow White, they either don’t like the princess o the movie o even both. I’m not going to try to change anyone’s opinion about this movie but I am going to try and point out what makes this movie important and hopefully I may persuade a few to change their minds.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs was Disney’s first movie was premiered December 21, 1937. It was a huge hit and quickly disney became known around the U.S.A. por its widespread release in 1938 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs earned four times más money than any other movie released that...
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posted by Swanpride
Someone in the disney merchandise department seems to have decided that Belle’s flor is the rose – a decision I don’t really agree with. Yes, I know, the rose is featured very prominently in the movie. But it’s not really a symbol for Belle; it’s a symbol the need of the Beast to find true love. Which is, btw, the meaning of red roses: True Love. Seeing Belle as the rose, she would be symbolically under glass for the whole movie, and that doesn’t suit her character at all. In fact, shortly after the Beast puts the glass over his rose possessively, Belle flees from the castle....
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All right, here's the results of the Favourite Pocahontas Character Countdown! And also my first article, so take a look at the results and (hopefully) enjoy!

15. Ratcliffe
The bad guy of the movie proves to be the least favourite character of most fanpoppers too. Not surprising, considering he isn't one of the most powerful villains in disney history. He's just greedy and doesn't understand the Indians. Nothing that makes tu hide behind the sofá with your hands over your eyes.

"I HATE people like him." - fhghu

"He gets on my nerves. Not the best villain either. He's too much of a sissy...
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Alright, confession time: I set out to do this role model countdown with a certain level of zeal that I'm sure surprised some of you, but truth be told: it's part of some deeper research I've been working on for a while.
As many of you, I'm a student of both film and feminism, and I'm particularly fascinated por how women are portrayed and have evolved in disney animation. I've been researching and escritura about my findings with disney and feminism for a while, but I wanted to see what tu GUYS, the devoted fans, see in your favorito! (or least favorite) heroines. Are they truly good role models?...
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 But Daddy - just one más cream-coated yoghurt pasa, pasas de uva sponge cake... PLEASE?
But Daddy - just one more cream-coated yoghurt raisin sponge cake... PLEASE?
This idea sort of hit me in the face whilst I was doodling in the back of my French book on Tuesday when I should have been doing a listening exercise about someone wanting to be a doctor. What if Ariel didn't want our world for our basura and our legs but our marvellous food? That underwater stuff must be dead gross.
I actually started escritura this around a doodle of fat Ariel, but yeah. My French book's at school so improvisation time!

Basically, fat Ariel has gained a lot of weight recently and her father has forbidden her from eating any más of this awful barbaric human junk. He's put her...
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 Little did they know, they just had their culo handed to them por a girl on the first day.
Little did they know, they just had their culo handed to them por a girl on the first day.

10.The Chinese Recruits vs. Themselves
What can be said? This is a hilarious battle that poor mulan started that resulted in a big pile up at the end. But it's not a serious battle, nor is it significant to the movie in any way. It's just a fun little fight.

"Hilarious, but not really significant. :P" (aiemerrysirius)

"This is pure silliness." (tigerranma)

 Townsperson: I just got my culo kicked por a stove.
Townsperson: I just got my culo kicked por a stove.

9.The Servants vs. The Townspeople
Probably the most comical fight in disney history. Each of...
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 Another bun, yay!
Another bun, yay!

10.Tiana's bun from building site
Many people dislike this hairstyle, I have no idea why. Maybe because they, I don't know, wanted to see her hair LOOSE at once. But no, we got another - BUN, yay!

And the person who was really persistent to eliminate this one is: TigerRanma, so I gonna include some of her comentarios for this one.
 "If tu don't like my bun, one out of 20, I will kick tu with this hammer"
"If tu don't like my bun, one out of 20, I will kick tu with this hammer"

"I don't like buns that much. She's dressed all casual in this scene. Would've been nice to see it loose here for a change instead of all the buns."

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9.Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Finally, Snow White and the Seven Dwarves gets last place. I'm sick of it winning first place everytime. This film is so overrated and overappreciated.

.....Most people dicho Snow White's voice was annoying and the songs were bad. That's all I have to say. I refuse to write any más hatred about this film. From now on whenever I write artículos I'm just automatically going to put Snow White last, o not even bother including it in countdowns, as it's going to lose anyway.

"ANd I hate Snow White's canto voice! Horrible!" (skypirate)

"I only like Heigh Ho...
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This is the results of a countdown I did it's not my personal opinion if it was than it would be completely different but I agree with the parte superior, arriba two anyway don't get upset this isn't my opinion this is what the people of fanpop think though I completely disagree with alot of this some of the animación was terrible some were okay some were good though unfortunatly Snow White and Tiana are not on the lista because they have no sequels but I bet they would be good if they did I amor all disney sequels except for THAT HORRIBLE POCAHONTAS SEQUEL
 12.Belle in encantada navidad I completely disagree with this I think she looks okay but people think she was poorly animated
12.Belle in Enchanted Christmas I completely disagree with this I think she looks okay but people think she was poorly animated
 11.Aurora in encantada Tales I disagree I think she looks great but people think she looks like fanart and not a good one
11.Aurora in Enchanted Tales I disagree I think she looks great but people think she looks like fanart and not a good one
 10.Belle in Belle's Magical World I agree she has looked better she's still beautiful in this movie but as alot of people includeing me have dicho the animación is poor
10.Belle in Belle's Magical World I agree she has looked better she's still beautiful in this movie but as alot of people includeing me have said the animation is poor
 9.Jasmine in The Return of Jafar the animación isn't that good but she's still beautiful but fanpop thinks she dosn'tlook like jazmín
9.Jasmine in The Return of Jafar the animation isn't that good but she's still beautiful but fanpop thinks she dosn'tlook like Jasmine
 8.Ariel in Return To The Sea I think she's still beautiful but I think she looks the worse she looks OLD but atleast she looks good for her age
8.Ariel in Return To The Sea I think she's still beautiful but I think she looks the worse she looks OLD but atleast she looks good for her age
 7.Cinderella in Dreams Comes True she is still beautiful but bad animación and that her lips are red when in the original they were a natural pinkish melocotón color
7.Cinderella in Dreams Comes True she is still beautiful but bad animation and that her lips are red when in the original they were a natural pinkish peach color
 6.Pocahontas in Journey To A New World the animación looks okay dispite the horrible story I guss people voted for her because she left John Smith o whatever
6.Pocahontas in Journey To A New World the animation looks okay dispite the horrible story I guss people voted for her because she left John Smith or whatever
 5.Jasmine in The King of Thieves the animación is okay she looks like a lovely bride her and aladdín finally get married but people thought she didn't look like jazmín
5.Jasmine in The King of Thieves the animation is okay she looks like a lovely bride her and Aladdin finally get married but people thought she didn't look like Jasmine
 4.Jasmine in encantada Tales she looks absoutly gorgeous she almost looks as good as the original good animación but some people on fanpop found something off about her
4.Jasmine in Enchanted Tales she looks absoutly gorgeous she almost looks as good as the original good animation but some people on Fanpop found something off about her
 3.Mulan in mulan 2 the animación was good she looks gorgeous plus she finally gets married but some people thought she didn't look like her original self
3.Mulan in Mulan 2 the animation was good she looks gorgeous plus she finally gets married but some people thought she didn't look like her original self
 2.Cinderella in cenicienta 3 A Twist In Time I agree with this spot for her she looks gorgeous some people think she looked más beautiful in the third than the original movie I think her hair looks gorgeous when she's banished and is on the barco
2.Cinderella in Cinderella 3 A Twist In Time I agree with this spot for her she looks gorgeous some people think she looked more beautiful in the third than the original movie I think her hair looks gorgeous when she's banished and is on the boat
 1.Ariel in Ariel's Beginning I agree she looks gorgeous almost as good as the original some think she look even prettier than the original she won the spot as number one looking the best in sequel truely gorgeous
1.Ariel in Ariel's Beginning I agree she looks gorgeous almost as good as the original some think she look even prettier than the original she won the spot as number one looking the best in sequel truely gorgeous
This is the results of a countdown I did it's not my personal opinion though I agree with most of the results but not all of the results please keep in mind I didn't make the lista the people chosed it their all beautiful but their(except for Snow White Aurora and cenicienta in her first and segundo film but in the third she's heroic) not damsels in distress they don't wait for their prince to save them they try to rescue themselves they can slay their own dragon they can dream their own dreams their not like cenicienta sitting in a dark old dusty ceiler o Snow White and Aurora waiting for a prince to come and save them they rather rescue themselves.
 9.Aurora she's considered the least heroic because she's a damsel in distress she barly did anything except waited for her prince and sleep
9.Aurora she's considered the least heroic because she's a damsel in distress she barly did anything except waited for her prince and sleep
 8.Snow White she's considered slightly más heroic than Aurora probably because she has más personality than Aurora but she didn't do anything heroic just waited for her prince to come
8.Snow White she's considered slightly more heroic than Aurora probably because she has more personality than Aurora but she didn't do anything heroic just waited for her prince to come
 7.Cinderella she's not heroic at all in the first and segundo but is very heroic in the third she's willing to fight for her prince and her happily ever after and doesn't wait around for someone to help her
7.Cinderella she's not heroic at all in the first and second but is very heroic in the third she's willing to fight for her prince and her happily ever after and doesn't wait around for someone to help her
 6.Jasmine she's heroic in the series she saves aladdín and Genie and distracts Jafar while aladdín tries to steal the lamp but fanpop thinks she's not heroic because she didn't save anybody in the movie
6.Jasmine she's heroic in the series she saves Aladdin and Genie and distracts Jafar while Aladdin tries to steal the lamp but fanpop thinks she's not heroic because she didn't save anybody in the movie
 5.Belle she's heroic for she saved the beast and her father but fanpop think her heroicness is más in words and she's a damsel in distress in the lobo sceen
5.Belle she's heroic for she saved the beast and her father but fanpop think her heroicness is more in words and she's a damsel in distress in the wolf sceen
 4.Tiana she's one of the very few princesses who actually kills the villian but people think it was an acident rather than on purpose
4.Tiana she's one of the very few princesses who actually kills the villian but people think it was an acident rather than on purpose
 3.Ariel she the very first heroic princess she saved Flonder from being eaten por a tiburón and Eric twice and killed the minions and in the broadway version she killed Ursula but they think the other two are más heroic than her
3.Ariel she the very first heroic princess she saved Flonder from being eaten by a shark and Eric twice and killed the minions and in the broadway version she killed Ursula but they think the other two are more heroic than her
 2.Pocahontas she stoped a war and the hate between two different worlds and saved her true amor but there is one who is más heroic than her
2.Pocahontas she stoped a war and the hate between two different worlds and saved her true love but there is one who is more heroic than her
 1.Mulan we all knew she would win from the very beginning she saved her father her amor intreast the emperor and all of china and killed the villian she's definatly the most heroic
1.Mulan we all knew she would win from the very beginning she saved her father her love intreast the emperor and all of china and killed the villian she's definatly the most heroic
For sure, all Disney’s girls have amazing hair, but some are better than others. Here they are in order voted on fanpop:
 Cute, black and short
Cute, black and short

9.Snow White: last as always. People don’t really like her hair “black as ebony tree” probably because of its shortness. Although cute, her hair can’t really compare to others because there’s not much to do with, can’t make any hairdo of it, it can’t float on wind and it always looks like mass of something, not hair.
 Blond-brown with bangs
Blond-brown with bangs

8.Cinderella: Another girl with short hair. We never really figured out is her hair brown...
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posted by disney_prince
Main Spot:

The Official disney Princesses:
link from link (1937)
link from link (1950)
link from link (1959)
link from link (1989)
link from link (1991)
link from link (1992)
Pocahontas from link (1995)
Mulan from link (1998)
link from link (2009)
link from link (2010)
link from link (2012)

Disney Princess related:

Additional disney Princesses / Heroines:
Alice from link (1951)
Wendy from link (1953)
link from link (1953)
Maid Marian from link (1973)
link from link (1985)
link from link (1994)
link from link (1996)
link from link (1997)
link from link...
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posted by princecatcher93
 I ship Ship and Water
I ship Ship and Water
So, I got this idea from the amazing CRaZy_rawR's. I'm a crossover and I like escritura crossovers.None of them are the cañón couple.
L = amor Relationship: Like Belle and Adam, Ariel and Eric
F= Family Relationship: Like Elsa and Anna
FR = Friend Relationship: Tiana and Charlotte
ER = Enemy Relationship: Me and tu guys jk! mulan and Shan Yu.
Okay tu ready?

My Little Ships

Snow White and Naveen: FR
Ship Name: Snow Frog
I don't know why, but I think Snow and Naveen would be great friends, both enjoy each other. They would be great friends, her with her sweet sass and him with his sexy sass. I...
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It's been discussed lately which princess is más Mary Sue-ish. Belle, Snow White, Rapunzel, Cinderella... all these have been mentioned. I'm ashamed to say that I dicho (that sounds strange) that Rapunzel was the most Mary Sue-ish princess (though I also dicho there was a far marge from her to a Mary Sue).

I wish we would stop talking about which princess is the most Mary Sue-ish, because none of them are. In this articulo I'm going to try and prove it. I'll lista some flaws they have, and I'm going to name what I think is their fatal flaw. I'm dividing these artículos por era, because I need to...
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added by cheerswag813
added by JaDangerz
Source: disney
added by tiffany88
Source: disney bóveda, bóveda de
NOTE ♥ This is not necessarily my personal opinion but the majority of Fanpoppers' choices.

9. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Despite its lack of appreciation on Fanpop, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs remains an iconic film praised for its groundbreaking animation. Before Snow White, animación in America was used primarily for silly short stories and propoganda. It was considered absurd when Walt himself first embraced the idea of creating a full-length, animated feature film. Critics all thought that no one would ever take a simple, overstretched cartoon seriously on the big screen....
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added by princesslullaby
posted by dimitri_is_hot
I'm sorry, I was really lazy so I photoshopped quickly and some not at all. Even I disagree on some of them. Well, let me know which celebrity tu think could play a disney princess!!!

Liv Tyler as Ariel
I think that Liv's face is fresh and she can rock the red lipstick and the hair.

Rachel Mcadams as Aurora
Rachel's lips and blonde hair reminded me of Aurora. They also both have the same body type.

Natalie Portman as Belle
I'm not sure what it is, maybe it's the feminine traits.

Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella
Scarlett's lips and eyes make me think of Cinderella.

Nicole Scherzinger...
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