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While the Princess Party line of DVD's had the goal of accompanying disney Princess-themed parties, the Princess Stories line has the much más general purpose of serving as everyday entertainment for young girls everywhere. As a result, there's a significant dip in quality from the Party line to the Stories line. We're going to take and look and see just how bad that decline is!

DVD Content
Just like in my last review, I'll go over all of the categories of the DVD one at a time. But first, it's necessary to talk about the presentation. When tu first pop in the disk, you're shown a young girl's bedroom from a first person point of view. The "main menu" is represented as a bulletin board in her room, and the menus for the various features are also shown as different parts of her room as we'll soon see. But the main attraction for this DVD gets the royal treatment:

 Menu for Story Selections
Menu for Story Selections

If tu select "Story Selections" from the main menu, you'll get this screen, where tu can manually choose which stories to watch and in which order. If tu select "Play All" instead, you'll go through all of the stories in order. The major difference though is the presentation. "Play All" is recommended because you'll see extra animación of the jewelry box opening, the note from mom in front of it, and the four charms magically forming into a charm bracelet once you've seen all the stories. But no matter which option tu go with, you'll see the animación of the charms opening and the princesses briefly introducing their stories, as well as saying goodbye once it's over. tu view all of this from the perspective of the little girl in the room, so a child watching this would feel like these princesses are directly telling them the stories from their own bedroom.

Now let's talk about each of the stories and see how well they fit the DVD's theme, "A Gift from the Heart."

Wish Upon a Starfish (~21 mins)
 Ariel's Story
Ariel's Story
The rosado, rosa charm is for Ariel's story, which is an episode from The Little Mermaid TV show. In this episode, Ariel finds a figurine of a ballerina and wishes she had "two tails" so that she could dance like a human. Ariel sings a song about it, and then her and her friends meet a deaf mermaid named Gabriella and her interpreter, an octopus named Ollie. Gabriella sees Ariel canto and wishes that she too could sing. Through her interpreter, Gabriella tells Ariel and her friends about a magical starfish that has the power to grant wishes. They all set out to find the starfish, facing some dangers along the way.
This episode has a good message. The twist at the end -- spoilers -- is that although the starfish tries to grant the mermaids' wishes, his magic doesn't seem to work anymore. Gabriella is upset that she won't be able to sing because she wanted to express herself, but Ariel explains that she already expresses herself beautifully. Gabriella then shows Ariel that she doesn't need human legs to dance, and the two proceed to dance together underwater. The moral is that tu don't need magic to make your dreams come true, and it gets just enough focus in the last few minutos for it to stick in kids' minds. I think it fits the DVD's theme well too, since Ariel and Gabriella mostrar each other how to get what they wish for as a result of their friendship.

The Big Surprise (< 5 mins)
 Belle's Story
Belle's Story

The golden charm is for Belle's story, which is actually not an excerpt from either of the sequels, but is instead más like a slideshow. It's told in storybook format, with pages turning on the screen and text to follow along with. In this one, the beast has been locked away in his study for quite some time. Belle and Chip make him a wreath to cheer him up, but when they go to the study, they're unable to find him. Meanwhile, Lumiere and the beast are looking for Belle and are unable to find her, since she's wandering around the castillo as well. They finally cruzar, cruz paths; Belle presents the beast with the wreath and he immediately thanks her. He then gives her a storybook that he wrote, explaining that this was the reason he was in the study all that time. Belle is also thankful for her gift, realizing how special it is since it came from his heart.
It might sound like a charming story as it does fit the theme well, but unfortunately, the visual accompaniment is beyond cheap. Sometimes short clips from one of the sequels are shown, but most of the time, there are only stills on the screen. Whenever a detail is missing from the scene, like a character o item, they add imágenes of the needed character o item. The art styles don't match though, so the imágenes look like lazily tacked-on stickers! It is all voice acted thank god, but that's not enough to distract from the en general, general shoddy quality.

The favorito! Gift (~6 mins)
 Cinderella's Story
Cinderella's Story
The blue charm is Cinderella's story. Sadly, this is of the same storybook format that The Big Surprise was. Here, cenicienta doesn't know what to get the king for his birthday. She seeks help from her mice friends and the townspeople, but all the suggestions are for things he already has. At last, Cinderella's fairy godmother advises her to give him something from her heart. At the party, cenicienta sings him a song that the fairy godmother apparently taught her. The king later reveals that of all the gifts he received, Cinderella's song was his favorite.
Again, it sounds like a charming story. And it's true that the visuals aren't as bad this time. They use clips from cenicienta II, which had much better animación than Belle's Magical World, and also don't rely on those awful stickers. But there are still a few issues, the first being that the message is spoonfed to the viewer. When the king tells cenicienta that her gift was his favorite, he says something like "While your gift was not the most expensive, it was priceless because it came from your heart." Honestly, I think they would have been better off if they cut that piece of dialogue and made the younger viewers actually think about why he liked it so much. But maybe this bit of dialogue was necessary because the song that she sings is "IF tu CAN DREAM"! YES, the disney Princess theme of the time is what plays when tu reach this part of the story! And it isn't even Cinderella's part of the song that plays here; it's the freaking chorus! I laughed so hard when I came across this. All I heard was this pop música coming out of Cinderella's mouth and I was thinking "What?!!" XD
So tu might have figured out what the segundo problem is! This one absurd detail completely takes me out of the story. I'm sorry, but when I hear pop música playing when cenicienta is supposed to be singing, I don't feel like anything is coming from her heart. And the best part is, her fairy godmother was supposedly the one who taught her this song! Is the fairy godmother like the genie, where she's suddenly aware of our universe? And does this mean that the other disney Princesses exist in Cinderella's universe? The preguntas are endless!
Alright, alright. If I forget that song choice for a moment, I'd say that on the whole, this story's actually not that bad. The only issues are the spoonfed message and the very short running time, which Belle's story also suffered from.

Bad Mood Rising (~21 mins)
 Jasmine's Story
Jasmine's Story
The green charm is Jasmine's story, and it's an episode from her show, the aladdín TV series. jazmín and aladdín must visit kid ruler King Mamood of Korkistan(?). His mood actually affects the weather there, and as of late, he's been feeling down, resulting in poor weather conditions that prevent crops from growing. jazmín tells him a story to cheer him up, resulting in sunny weather, but he wants her to stay so that she can tell him a story everyday. She and aladdín try to get away, but later jazmín agrees to stay with Mamood once it becomes clear that the people of Korkistan will suffer if she doesn't. aladdín and friends must come up with a plan to sway the young king if they're going to get jazmín back.
This is another good story with a fitting message. aladdín succeeds por -- spoiler alert -- requesting that he say goodbye to Jasmine. Seeing how much they amor each other, with some help from their friends, is what convinces King Mamood to free her. It actually puts him in a good mood. He quickly learns the benefit of doing nice things for others and sets out to perform good deeds. There were a few good comedic moments as well, so it's an all-around good choice of episode for this DVD.

 Menu for Bonus Features
Menu for Bonus Features

It's now time to look at the bonus features, and surprisingly, there aren't that many.

Magic Wand Play
Magic Wand Play is a lousy addition to the DVD. When tu select this, tu can view Belle and Cinderella's stories with a few small changes. The first change is that tu now have the option to turn the page manually, but this is almost pointless because after tu read a page, there isn't a pause; the story continues and turns the page automatically. The other feature is the ability to click on characters and hear their thoughts, but in both stories, there are only five instances where tu can click on a character to do this. The worst part is that these extra thoughts add nothing to the story, with maybe one exception. In Belle's story, tu can click on the beast and hear him say that escritura Belle a storybook made him feel good inside. That does enhance the message, but everything else sounds like deleted dialogue that was thrown back in as a supposed "bonus feature." Don't bother to check this out (not that I thought tu ever would!).

Princess Craft Time -- Charm Bracelet (~4 mins)
This is a video tutorial, following six young girls as they create charm bracelets, similar to the one shown after viewing all four stories. They're guided por an unseen narrator. (According to the DVD guide, it's Cinderella's fairy godmother.) The girls have to act a little, and they're not great at the start of the video, but once they're making bracelets, they're perfectly fine. They seem to have a lot of fun while making them, so their happiness throughout the video is pretty genuine. tu can choose to either play the video all the way through o go step por step, so if tu wanted to make a bracelet, that option would come in handy.
One side note: As tu can see from the screencap, the girls are all dressed as disney Princesses. I like that not all of them were dado the princess they look the most like. They got a blonde girl to dress up as Belle, an Asian girl for Ariel -- it's just nice to see that they changed it up a little.

"If tu Can Dream" música Video
As I dicho in my review of the Princess Party Volume One disk, this song features all eight princesses. The voice actrices for the Renaissance girls all reprise their roles here. Everyone gets their own specific lyrics, but they all come together for the chorus. It has a magical kind of feel that matches the presentation of the DVD perfectly, so it makes sense to have this as a feature.

How To Be a Princess
This is the closest thing there is to a game on the entire DVD. tu answer six multiple-choice preguntas that all ask "what should tu do" in certain situations. Most of them deal with manners, but some are a bit más intuitive. For example, the first pregunta explains a situation with Cinderella. She received a gift from a friend, and although she thanked her on the spot, cenicienta still wonders if she should also send a thank-you card. When tu select an answer, the fairy godmother tells tu whether o not tu answered the pregunta correctly and then explains the reasoning behind the correct answer. These preguntas stuck with me as a kid, so I'll definitely say it makes a good addition to the DVD.

There are just a few more, very short sections to go over!

 Menu for Magic Wand Play
Menu for Magic Wand Play

The wand is a shortcut to the menu for Magic Wand Play, but tu can also get here from Bonus Features. tu can either play both of the stories back-to-back o separately.

 Menu for Set Up
Menu for Set Up

In Set Up, tu can change the language to either English o French. Subtitles are offered, but only in English.

 Menu for Sneak Peaks
Menu for Sneak Peaks

Sneak Peaks gives tu access to the trailers and promos that play when tu first insert the DVD.

Now that we've gone over the content, we can assess the en general, general quality of the disk.
The stories are the main draw to this DVD, but on the whole, they're okay at best. The two TV episodes are the highest quality stories, but even then, tu can quickly tell that they were borrowed from existing media and not made specially for the disk. The two storybook-style stories are much shorter and simply not up to par with the quality of the episodes. They're both very short, averaging just five minutos in length, and can appear very lazy. All of the stories have good messages and nice introductions, but they do not make this disk worth the purchase because the technical quality is rather low and the total runtime is only about one hour.
And unfortunately, the bonus features do not save the DVD. Magic Wand Play is in fact not magical and was put together very hastily. The other features are much better, though. The Princess Craft Time spot is perfectly fine and gives viewers directions for a pretty fun activity; the "If tu Can Dream" música video is of good quality and can easily be enjoyed por young girls; and How to Be a Princess is good for those young girls who enjoy taking princess-related cuestionarios and tests. Three out of four for the bonus features isn't bad, but they're not enough of a draw to make the DVD worth purchasing. The charm bracelet activity is fine, but tu could probably find similar craft activities elsewhere. The música video is also fine, but it can be found on other, en general, general higher-quality disney Princess disks. And the princess examen simply isn't long enough o fun enough to make this DVD even worth glancing at.
As tu can tell, my en general, general recommendation is to just stay away from this one. The stories are collectively pretty lacking, and the bonus features don't offer enough to salvage this volume of the Princess Stories line.

I also wanted to discuss how well this disk holds up, probably already know the answer to that one. The animación of the two episodes is less forgivable now than it was in 2004 (when this came out), as is the quality of the slideshow stories. The bonus features for the most part are fine, but far too little in number. And because there are only four princess stories, half the members of the lineup at the time were practically excluded from the disk. Aurora and mulan get their own preguntas in How To Be a Princess, but Snow White and Pocahontas don't appear anywhere else aside from the música video. As a result, this disk lacks the potential saving grace of at least featuring most of the princesses. If tu have a younger female relative and can find this DVD for less than $3, it might be worth a purchase, but anything más and you'll likely find this a waste of money.

And that brings us to the end of the review! Thanks so much for your time, and I hope tu enjoyed reading. Have tu ever looked at this DVD o are tu just now hearing about it? Whatever the case is, feel free to share o just comentario down below!
 And it had such a nice cover!
And it had such a nice cover!
posted by rhythmicmagic
Other than Disney, my big fandom is Harry Potter. I generally sort people into houses, so I thought it would be fun to play Sorting Hat with the princesses. My sorting isn’t just por traits and house characteristics, but also a lot por personality, so some of them might not make too much sense at first.

Snow White: Hufflepuff
I know, none of tu expected it. Snow White in Hufflepuff, this is probably the biggest shocker in an articulo of mine since I put Ariel’s canto voice at the bottom of my list.
All sarcasm aside, is there really any other house for her? She is one of the most hardworking...
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Don't get me wrong. I amor the Disney Princesses. They are all wonderful characters that symbolize the beautiful animated films they represent. However, I have to wonder, would disney executives be sending a better message to their young fans if they instead called the line Disney Heroines? The reason I say this is because there are so many wonderful animated women in our favourite disney films that are excluded from this branch of disney entirely. Luckily, Pocahontas and mulan were made exceptions which I think was a much needed change. If every girl can be a princess, as one of the company's...
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added by princess_caz
added by PrincessFairy
added by PrueFever
Source: Walt disney
 Iconic disney Kisses <3
Iconic Disney Kisses <3
In light of Valentine’s Day, I decided to write an articulo on the disney Princess couple’s that I believe have the best and most realistic relationship. Oh, and spoiler alert: I only really like 4 of them.

Couples I DON’T like…

10. mulan & Shang

 mulan & Shang
Mulan & Shang

I amor mulan – she’s intelligent, Valiente and selfless. And Shang’s no novice either; in fact, his bravery, leadership and courage are practically matchless. But their relationship, it was too sudden; too forced. They lacked chemistry. Make no mistake, I amor mulan and Shang, they’re great – just not together....
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added by PrincessFairy
added by ElafTalebHEJ
added by disneyprince
hola everyone! PPGBelle4 here! :) Fhghu and I decided to collaborate on a lista for fun, so why not do one on our prettiest princesses? Here is our lista combined and averaged. Anyway, I hope tu like it, and please comment!
PPG: PPGBelle4
FHG: Fhghu
8. Jasmine

FHG Ranking: #9
PPG Ranking: #9
Average Score: 9

FHG: She looks like an alien in my opinion. She has a big nose and extremely large eyes. She just looks weird nearly the whole time. I could only find one good shot of her. ONE. There is only one heroine who is fuglier than her, and is overrated in beauty A LOT. *cough*Meg*cough*.

PPG: Okay,...
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added by blablablu95
posted by magicfairydust
 platija is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting parte superior, arriba image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
Flounder is the fairest of them all! no, I just couldn't find a fitting top image, but heyy, everyone loves Flounder!
This took a lot of thinking. I think I changed my mind like 31364684321354652 times, but here we have it! Magicfairydust's prettiest disney princesses. I took into account what the princesses could look like at their prettiest, and also what they usually look like. It was pretty close :)

10. Pocahontas
I know, I know, I KNOW! SHOCKER! but tbh, I really don't think she's THAT gorgeous! I mean, I think she's beautiful in her own way, and she's very exotic, but she just doesn't have enough absolutely gorgeous shots. Oh gosh, I'm going to get so much hate for this one. She has the best body out...
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All right, first off a little history about myself. When I was a little girl I used to enjoy the little mermaid. Ariel was actually one of my favorito! disney princesses/movies.

Now that I am older however, I have just recently watched the little mermaid one, two and the third movie which is Ariel's beginning.

I couldn't believe what an awful role model she is and how selfish she is. I searched on the internet to find others with my similar view on her and I stumbled across this articulo here: link

My articulo here is solely debunking everything this particular person is going on about and finally...
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posted by KataraLover
I figured since Merida is now in the line-up I should remake my prettiest disney Princess list. I wanna make it clear that I think all of them are beautiful, just in different ways. Please comentario telling me what tu think.

 Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie
Classically beautiful but plain with a poorly drawn nose, quite common, and looks MUCH prettier in the third movie

I know I'm going to get attacked por several people but I actually don't think she's all that special. First of all the animación is too old fashioned and her diseño is too simply so those are two things that work against each other. However...
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As my last countdown was boring, senseless and weird, I decided to go with a much más simpler and faster countdown topic this time. Since my last countdown was not elimination por votes, I decided to try out the elimination por comentarios this time. So, here are the results!

#11: Pocahontas
Many think of Poca's smile as forced and unemotional, and I guess that is true. She hardly smiles in her film, and basically all her pretty moments are non-smile ones. So no surprise she ended up last.


"Pocahontas, looks really forced and unnatural. Maybe it is because of her animación style and the...
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 The Official disney Princesses
The Official Disney Princesses
Yes, I know there has been quite a few of these done (I was acctually begining to feel a bit left out), but I just thought I'd throw my two cents out there. Enjoy!

10. mulan

 The Asian Beauty
The Asian Beauty

Mulan is a natural beauty. She traded her elegant traditional wear for an earth-green set of armor, cut her silk black hair to a man’s length, and wiped off every trace of makeup. And tu know what? She still got the guy, and looked good doing it. So maybe she did pass herself off as a dude for 90% of the movie – but hey, that’s what makes her who she is.
9. Snow White...
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 10. Nani: the only animated disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my lista
10. Nani: the only animated Disney character with a normal body shape, she defiantly deserves a place on my list
This is my parte superior, arriba 10 Prettiest disney princesses (some exceptions) this is my own opinion, so please don't be rude and say I'm wrong, but please do feel free to comentario your thoughts on my lista :) thankyou! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
9. Snow White: her skin is as white as snow and her lips are as red as blood, she grabs spot number 9
 8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten disney Princess, stunning none the less.
8. Eilonwy: known as the forgotten Disney Princess, stunning none the less.
 7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
7. Jasmine: her gorgeous Raven hair and exotic beauty is unique and sexy
 6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
6. Megara: her beautiful dark red hair and curvy body makes her unbelievably beautiful and sexy
 5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my lista
5. Rapunzel: her gorgeous doll like green eyes, adorable smile and of course her famous long locks give her spot number 5 on my list
 4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x más gorgeous.
4. Belle: Her beautiful chocolate hair and hazel eyes (defiantly the best eyes out of all the Disney princesses) really makes her an undeniable beauty, her smartness and wittiness makes her 10x more gorgeous.
 3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fuego truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 disney beauty for a long time, but the siguiente two have just gotten past her, sorry
3. Ariel: I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for not making her number one. Her famous fire truck red hair and beautiful face has made her my number 1 Disney beauty for a long time, but the next two have just gotten past her, sorry
 2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th disney princess!
2. Anna: with her beautiful auburn plats, large blue eyes, freckled face and adorable button nose, know wonder Anna's funny and awkward personality has made her the official 12th Disney princess!
 1. Elsa: Anna's older and más mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any anterior disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful disney
1. Elsa: Anna's older and more mature magical sister. To me Elsa is on a whole new level to any previous Disney princess, her platinum blonde loose braid, gorgeous blue eyes, lightly freckled face and gorgeous ice dress makes her the most beautiful Disney
Hello! It's been a while, but I randomly had this thought and no real place to share it. I know the título sounds a bit outlandish, but I think my theory may have some merit.

To understand the Rapunzel story fully, we have to understand the origin of the fairytale and what its morals might be for the time it was created. The original german fairytale about a poor man stealing rampion plants from a witch has been heavily connected to possible sexual assault and the witch as a cultural icono has always been linked to a amargo, amargos older spinster woman, who usually never found a husband and was therefor...
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posted by sweetie-buttons
Welcome to my segundo Mary Sue Test! This is for Anna. I'll be doing one for Elsa next.

Unique traits without contacts o hair dye- No, Anna's hair and eye color are pretty realistic.
An odd name- No. 'Anna' is a common name, if her pronunciation isn't.
Looks constantly comentó on- No. I can't remember Anna's looks being comentó on much.
Always the hero- Sort of. She saved Kristoff from the wolves, falling off the mountain, saved them from Marshmallow, and saved Elsa from being executed. 1.
Multiple characters falling for her- No. Hans only pretended to, and Kristoff didn't until the end....
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