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posted by anukriti2409
As often as disney princess sidekicks are talked about, it feels to me that the side characters of villainous role are often over-looked. So I wanted to write an articulo talking about their characters and how evil were they. I have tried to rank them basis 3 primary traits: loyalty to main villain and evil plan, scale of meanness/evilness and their importance of role in en general, general story development. So here's my ranking of the villainous side characters from DP movies. Hope tu guys enjoy it!

13. Wiggins:

más than being loyal to Ratcliffe, he was a loyal servant of British government. He was más of a diplomat and took a neutral stance on many subjects like - how to treat savages (Indians) o how to find oro in new colony. He often corrected Ratcliffe in favor of Indians - gifting Indians on greetings, saying that Indians attacked them rightfully as they felt the colonists were exploiting their resources. But he was also seen to carry out all orders as dado por Ratcliffe without hesitation, including taking care of his pet Percy.
He's hardly an evil mind, rather más like a clueless person who shares his opinion irrespective if it gained him criticism o points from Ratcliffe. But since he worked with colonists to exploit the new land of their natural resources, that's his only meanness in him that he supported a wrong cause.
Importance of role in the story development:
He's one of the most forgettable character from the movie and his actions barely affected anyone. His interaction with Ratcliffe and his actions in movie are of little recall and importance. His only contribution towards evil plans of Ratcliffe is por invoking an evil idea unintentionally. When he walks in he tent, he seems to have been attacked por Indians with arrow between his head. He jokes at it por saying that it was his invention of a contraption which ignited the idea in mind of Ratcliffe as to how to extract oro from Indians, which they might be hiding.

12. Percy:

For better half of the movie, he was very much loyal to Ratcliffe. He often acts as if liking Ratcliffe's action and is seen nodding his head in approval of speech dado por Ratcliffe to his crew members on arrival on new settlement. Later however, he was reformed and joined the Indians.
He's más spoiled than mean. He acts arrogant and pricey most often. Asking for special treatment and treating other below him. But he had a change of corazón por the end of the movie and decided to be friends with Meeku.
Importance of role in the story development:
He only adds fun and entertainment in the movie and has no significant role o decisions to make. His actions never incites any evil thing to happen o he never does anything bad to anyone except being shocked por Meeku's over friendliness with him and therefore avoiding and chasing him.

11. Lucifer:

Very true to his mistress, Lady Tremaine but often acted on his own accord, but in favor of his mistress only.
He's wicked, sneaky and mean character. He's also spoiled and acts pompous. He saw that Lady Tremaine treated cenicienta bad and always took advantage of his position. He knew he cannot be treated back badly and that his actions will only result in trouble for Cinderella, so he often liked creating nuisances that would make Cinderella's life harder and miserable. He's also very clever and a good manipulator, at one point had cenicienta sent out Bruno because he played a victim.
Importance of role in story development:
His character is más created for comic relief but also to balance the allies of Cinderella. He's always after the mice and created troubles for cenicienta time and again.His non-stop mean acts often did lead cenicienta in problems. However, his role is quite secondary to the en general, general story and is más directed towards sub-plots of mice and cat sequence.

10. Le Fou:

Loyal por default to Gatson. No matter how Gatson treats him, he's always fooling around Gatson and pleasing his ego por going out of his way.
His evilness only comes off when Gatson isnt happy with something, though supporting a mean person is mean in itself, his main actions that comes off as truly mean por his own are: passing a snide comentario about Maurice as a lunatic and to convince lynch mob that Maurice was a madman to talk of Beast, bcoz no such things exist and to attack on Beast's castle. On his own, he is merely a blind follower of the most popular person in the village.
Importance of role in story development:
He can be remembered for his foolish, babbling fan-following kind of nature. His actions and dialogues are mainly to support Gatson's character. He can be dado worthy attention to cheer up Gatson most often throughout the movie and praise him to ends. His single act that could have led to a possible change was to make the lynch mob believe that Maurice was lying about Beast which Belle proves almost immediately with magic mirror.

9. Duke of Weselton:

100% towards the gain of his own benefit and kingdom via trade-able goods from Arendelle. Although, he is introduced as primary antagonist to hide the Prince Hans's true identity, he acts an independent villainous character in the film.
Even though he's introduced as a comic relief, his primary intentions are to exploit the trade with Arendelle and has keen interest in knowing why the kingdom had locked its gates for years. He wants to establish himself with queen Elsa so as to reap benefits from Arendelle's trade-able goods. His selfish, pompous personality can be seen through as he's quick to jump to defend himself and accuse others for causing problems. His pure evilness is revealed when he orders his bodyguards to find and kill Elsa, in hope to stop the eternal winters. He's also impatient with Hans when he's helping the kingdom's citizens with warm clothes and demands an action against Elsa for almost killing him. It can be debated that beyond his selfish interest of economic nature, whether he was truly a cold-hearted evil because his actions resulted from the attack on him, his fear of dark magic and Elsa being a sorcerer. Although he did order secretly to kill Elsa behind everyone's back. So his evilness is dubious in intentions.
Importance of role in the story development:
His role is also significant in at least being the catalyst of the story at two points - one for calling out Elsa a monster, making her even más nervous that she runs away and in turn sets a curse for eternal winter out of fear. And secondly, he also secretly sends his bodyguards along with Hans in hope to eliminate Elsa, which led to her capture por Hans.

8.Hayabussa - the falcon

Very true to his master, Shan Yu, he never left his side and acted as loyal guard and messenger. He searched for his master in the snow avalanche as well.
He's as ruthless and vicious as his master. He's vigilant and never fails to support his master's evil plans.
Importance of role in en general, general story:
Although he's very secondary in the development of the story, his contribution are nonetheless, significant with his small changes. Hayabusa was the one that brings the doll to Shan Yu, making him think of the master evil plan. He's also vigilant during last ambush attack and retrieves the sword from Li Shang's hold and gives it Shan Yu.

7. Flotsam and Jetsam:

100% loyal to their mistress, Ursula. They were almost the beloved sons of Ursula and would have done anything to fulfill her evil plans.
They are pure evil at heart, enjoy being wicked and exploiting other people's weaknesses and indulge in pleasure watching Ursula manipulate others. They are intelligent henchmen, unlike others, and complete every task dado to them por Ursula. They are sneaky and cunning and are the ones to exploit Ariel's vulnerable situation and leading her to Ursula as a solution. They also aid Ursula in finding out Ariel is in amor with a human and eventually leading for her to make a master evil plan.
Importance of role in story development:
Their contribution is significant to story line as they are the ones that found out with their unique capability to turn their merged eyes as crystal ball, actuación as a portal for Ursula to view outside world. They were the ones that inform Ursula of Ariel being in amor with a human and therefore being the catalyst in drafting the evil plan. Their hindrance in course of Ariel has been of significant attention, first exploiting her very cleverly in her vulnerable state and leading her to Ursula to sign the deal and then later sabotaging the kiss between Ariel and Eric successfully to give Ursula another upper hand.

6. The Stabbington Brothers:

Not at all loyal to any one, except each other. They were neither loyal to Flynn nor to Mother Gothel. They only cared about their self-interests being fulfilled.
They were driven por their selfish interest and looked like those who'd do anything to fulfill their greedy goals. They had a brutal coldness to them and nothing pleased them más that to be able to take revenge from Flynn. They were simply not satisfied with the crown, but were wickedly happy to know that they could take revenge and even get a bigger claim from it. It didn't bother them even in the slightest to change their loyalties so earnestly, which make them cold-hearted.
Importance of role in story development:
Their role was quite important in the anti-climax when Mother Gothel convinced them to take revenge on Flynn and act as her allies. They were crucial in sending Flynn to prison and making Rapunzel convinced that she needs to go back to tower and that Flynn had betrayed her. Their another contribution was in revealing that an old lady tricked them and told them about Rapunzel's hair, which they confessed in the prison, which made Flynn go directly to tower to save Rapunzel, otherwise Flynn had no way of knowing whatever happened to Rapunzel.


His loyalty is deeply questioned as he was seen as a loyal valet of Prince Naveen initially but it was shown that he was actually only pretending to be loyal and only felt humiliated por Naveen's selfish act and disrespect. Because of Naveen's constant disrespect and his own weak character, he switches his loyalty with Facilier.
Because he was ill-treated por Naveen i could say that he was driven to treachery. He was shown to impress Naveen por being loyal but Naveen's constant disrespect made him feel insignificant and oppressed. He's not at all a virtuous man but at least he had a reason to act evil. Eventually his greed and weak character took hold of him, making him go against the good side. It could also be seen that he was más afraid of enacting as prince but was being manipulated por Facilier persistently to believe that he deserved that respect and has a right to take it por hook o crook if it isn't being dado to him por choice. He's más like a greedy cheat than pure evil. He was also seen a bit guilty at times for doing this to Naveen but never followed through the path of redemption, so he remains a mean and extremely greedy character.
Importance of role in en general, general story:
His role is quite important to the storyline as he's the one that eliminates Naveen's chance of finding a rich girl to marry and restore his wealthy status por impersonating him. Because he was willing to cheat his employer, Naveen was partly under spell because of him, though it was Naveen's own greed that led him to Facilier and finding out an easy way for his problems. Lawrence's continued treachery forced Naveen to redeem himself por going through a journey as Frog and having to interact with Tiana.

4. Diablo:

100% to his mistress. He's a loyal assistant and a confidante of his mistress. He's rather a second-in-command and in full knowledge of Maleficent's devious plans about Aurora. He has earned his respect and a kind of amor from his mistress por being efficient, más intelligent than the goons under her and a constant reliable help and fuente of information in times.
He's a wicked and mean por the virtue of his loyalty to an evil mistress. His evilness reflects in his actions towards serving his mistress in full capacity. He also acts second-in-command of Maleficent's goon force and rallies him against the attack of 3 good fairies, which is also to keep Maleficent winning.But he takes pleasure in knowing that Maleficent prefers him over remaining forces.
Importance of role in story development:
His most crucial contribution that caused the turn of events entirely was to find Aurora in forest in care of 3 good hadas and giving Maleficent an advantage in the plot. She in turns capture Philip, who could have protected Aurora. Diablo is also very intelligent and the only one to notice that 3 good hadas were trying to free Philip, sending the goons to attack and actuación as an alarm to Maleficent. He served loyal to her mistress till the end.

3. Iago:

Though he was most often seen tagging along with Jafar and participating in his plans, I doubt he had a loyal heart. At the end of the original movie too, he was más than willing to save him, knowing Jafar has been defeated, being trapped in the lamp.
He truly enjoyed being evil which reflected in his ideas on how to take revenge as well as how they could eliminate obstacles in the path. He was always annoyed with simple discomforts and wanted quick results. He seemed to suggest some foul ideas to Jafar and had filthy thoughts on revenge o cold-hearted back-stabbing ideas. He didn't even bother about Gazeem who was helping them find the lamp. His desperate revenge from Sultan and his outright cruel treatment to him was truly disgusting to watch. The way he imagined that they could just through the little princess down a cliff, was pure evil!
Importance of role in story development:
The fact that he came up with ideas on his own makes him rather más important to story and bringing new turns in the story every time. His non-stop blabber would spark some evil idea in Jafar's mind. His major contribution was to give the idea of jazmín being married to Jafar and thereby becoming Sultan and stealing the lamp in the anit-climax. Stealing the lamp really did turn the tide of events.

2. anastasia and Drizella:

considering only the original films, both are very loyal to their mother, the lead villain of the movie.
Both are extremely critical, wicked and mean characters. They take sadistic pleasure in making Cinderella's life harder and más miserable, treating her to humiliation and mental abuse. They are very cruel and cold-hearted towards cenicienta and were eventually physically violent with her.
Importance of role in story development:
Their role is primary towards story development as through their actions, we saw Cinderella's character strengths. Despite their relentless harassment, cenicienta never loses out her hope and maintains her virtuous character. Their cruel act of ripping Cinderella's dress was a crucial point of story, leading to Cinderella's wish coming true por fairy godmother.

1. Elite Hun Soldiers:

They are fiercely loyal to both Shan Yu as well as the cause of defeating Chinese Imperial Army.
Extremely ruthless and heartless to the core. They destroy an entire village, burnt it to ashes with no mercy. They take sadistic pleasure in killing people and making fun of those who tell them that they'll be defeated. The evilness run in their blood. They are cold blooded murderers.
Importance of role in story development:
Throughout the movie, their actions are making the story progress. They set off the plot por attacking he Imperial Army on Great muro of China and allowing for them to signal the Imperial Army for a más challenging war. They attack the village, making the Shang's army on más alert as well as mobilize in greater effort to save China. Their ability to pick from a doll, which region it belongs to is very crucial to knowing Imperial army position and therefore bringing about the destruction of village. They are also the only ones who survive the avalanche set off por mulan along with Shan Yu. It was their first defeat and hence made them rethink of their strategy por doing an ambush on Emperor in disguise. Elite Hun soldiers are critical to entire story development.

So what do tu think? Would amor to hear from tu all, as always!
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