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This was reposted due to an unwanted and frankly annoying troll spamming my last article

Over the years, I've noticed that people really HATE Aurora in Keys To The Kingdom from disney Princess encantada Tales: Follow Your Dreams. I've honestly never understood the hate she received, mainly because no one ever freaking EXPLAINS it! I've always asked and they just say "SHE SUCKS," o "SHE'S A GIRLY STEREOTYPE," o "SHE HAS A POP VOICE," and all that but they don't EXPLAIN! The reason this version of Aurora is so hated is even less explained than the plot holes in Frozen. First of all, encantada Tales gets WAY TOO MUCH hate. I mean, we're not it's target audience, it's meant for little girls. I mean, it hammers is it's lesson like something like Sofia The First (which is actually a pretty good mostrar for little kids to watch), so tu can assume that this is for little girls. I'm never one to say that a disney movie is meant for little kids but this one is. So it's really unfair for everyone to judge it so harshly because it's not meant for you. It's meant to teach little girls good life lessons about not giving up o taking the easy way out because tu should always rely on good hard work. I think it's cute and it's not doing anything awful o teaching bad life lessons. Hell, I'd much rather little girls watch this than something like Frozen, which shows boys as basically complete losers. This movie just shows women as hard working and responsible instead of making run of men o past disney films.

Now, to Aurora herself. In the original, while a very one-dimensional character with a personality that wasn't very well-developed, she did have a personality. Unfortunately, it was very interested, she had no layers, and no real depth to her. However, she was en general, general a harmless character and there was nothing really bad about her, mainly due to not having much development. But I will give her credit that she was dutiful and gave up her happiness for her kingdom, although that was done in a flawed way. Not because I thought she was spineless but más that I felt they didn't go into the pressures of becoming a princess, learning her parents were alive, knowing her whole life was a lie, and she has a new life that will cause her to leave the life she knew. It just seemed like she was only sad about Phillip but I don't go into that because I've already criticized Aurora enough in the past. However, she was a lot más layered in encantada Tales because she's más developed and has a three-dimensional personality, not the most complex o interesting one, but still one all the same. I will be going over her personality traits and why I like her so much. I'm going to try not to hate on the original Aurora and just talk about this one.

She's fun, playful, and has a sense of humor
We see that she does have a sense of humor because she does poke fun of King Hubert's forgetfulness, has a crooked little smile when it's revealed that there were giant chickens, and even says that she "chickened out" in the end of her story when she talked about taking the easy way out. I think that also shows her as fun and playful because she does like to have fun with people and acts playful with them por messing with them. She's not pointing out Hubert's forgetfulness to her friends to be mean, just to tease him. Plus, she does like to mess around a little bit por playing with the wand to get all dressed up, which I find to be really fun because it shows her playful side. She doesn't have to be like Ariel o Merida to playful and fun o be like Megara o Rapunzel to have a sense of humor. She's got a great sense of humor and even comentarios on how Sampson will have two whole days with Phillip and that he'll just have to wait two minutes, so she can have some time with him. She's very charming and when Duke is over-the-top freaking out over something, she just smirks at him the same way Ariel does with Flounder. She's incredibly charming and enchanting with her playful personality without having to go all out like Ariel does.

She's kind, sweet, and caring
When a little girl gives her crown made out of flowers, she accepts it and thanks the little girl with a hug. She's also very concerned whenever Duke is trying to get some papers for Aurora to sign and gets hurt. She tells him to be más careful and that she doesn't want him to get hurt. When Duke falls in the mote, she shows immediate concern for him. She also shows immediate concern when she finds out that Hubert had forgotten his speech and quickly dropped her work to find someone to deliver the speech to Hubert, so he wouldn't be humiliated in front of everyone at the Royal Counsel. She also shows immediate sympathy towards the farmer that told her how his cows were stolen, his pigs died, and a lobo ate all his chickens. She cares about people and treats them with true kindness. Even when she's stressed out, she doesn't stop when Duke offers to let her stop because she cares más about her people than she does of her own needs.

She's elegant and graceful
While this isn't a huge factor of her personality, más with her body movement. But I guess it does mean she's confident and comfortable in her own skin that she doesn't get awkward, shy, o clumsy. But she seems to hold herself in great poise and grace. She's very classy, has a certain amount of dignity to her, gentle, and dances gracefully. Not a major thing about her, just something I thought I'd point out because of how her fans amor this about her, though I couldn't care less if she's elegant o graceful.

Sometimes doubts herself but still tries
She wonders if she has what it takes to run the kingdom por herself and is afraid of making mistakes. That's something I wanted them to focus más on when she was brought to the castillo in the original. I amor how even when she doubts herself she still doesn't give up and continues to keep trying. I think it's very unique to have one of the three classic disney Princesses actually doubt herself and afraid that she'll make mistakes. We don't really get that with her original self o Snow White and Cinderella, at least that I know of. I find that it makes her más human to be afraid of making mistakes and not be so perfect like she was in the original. I mean, she seems confident most of the time but it shows that even confident people have their insecurities, which I really admire about this version of Aurora. But what I really admire about her is that despite her fears she doesn't give up and continues at what she's doing. I amor having a character that appears to have it all together like Aurora does but also be scared about messing up like any human being would but also be a role model por overcoming her fears and continuing to try. She doesn't let fear overcome her like Elsa o just be confident in what she does and overcome any conflict easily like Anna. She's a healthy mixture that I just love.

Wanting to break the fairy-tale princess stereotype
Many people say that she's a stereotype of a girly girl but I don't see it. I actually think the original Aurora is a stereotype of the fairy-tale princess but I won't get into that. She says she wants to mostrar everyone what a princess can be. Princesses are often looked at as beautiful young women that sing, dance, marry a prince, and live happily ever after. This is basically how annoying feminists view the disney Princesses and she wants to break the stereotype. She doesn't try to breaking por saying how tu can't marry someone tu just met like Elsa did. She wanted to break the stereotype por mostrando how a princess can be really smart, responsible, dutiful, and can actually run the kingdom with a kind and fair hand. I really admire her and disney for trying to mostrar the real side of being a princess while also not insulting past disney films. Today I actually watched an episode of Sofia The First and there was a princess who looked like a nerdy girl that you'd think would be a real bookworm that likes the indoors but she's not. She had spent her whole life traveling the world and having adventures with her parents, so she had never been to a real classroom. She actually didn't like the idea of being in a classroom all día instead of out adventuring. Same thing with Elle Woods from Legally Blonde, she's a girly girl thats into pink, clothes, her looks, and all the typical girly stuff. However, she's not just some bimbo, she's highly intelligent, got into law school through on her own, graduated as valedictorian with several job offers, and won a murder trial during her first año in law school. Yes, Aurora in this movie is shown to amor the color rosado, rosa but so what? That doesn't make a character bad and it makes her más unique in this día in age full of tomboys. She maybe girly but that doesn't make her a brainless bimbo. Aurora has shown in this movie that she's very smart and responsible.

She's responsible and dutiful
I amor how she's very smart in knowing she shouldn't sign something before lectura it, even if it'll take a very long time. I mean, it takes up all of her día but she knows she has to be responsible por lectura the papers before signing them. I mean, one of them could cause problems for her people and it would be all her fault for not lectura it. She cares about her kingdom and doesn't want anything to happen to her people. She listens to their problems and never complains. She does have her own needs but she doesn't let it overcome her amor for her people. They made her dutiful in the original but in this movie they expanded upon that trait. This shows what a strong woman she is, not in the fighting sense but in the emotional sense, which is just as good, if not better.

She likes to do thinks herself but knows when she needs up
tu can see when the hadas are offering to help Aurora that she really prefers to do things on her own, which I really relate to. She knows that she might not always have the help of others and she needs to be able to handle things on her own, especially as the future queen of both Stefan and Hubert's kingdoms. However, she does acknowledge when she needs help and will ask for it. I think this is a good lesson to teach anyone. Learn to be independent and able to do things on your own but when it gets to the point where she needs help, she'll ask for it.

She's hardworking and determined
I admire how determined and hardworking she is because no matter how hard something is, she sticks with it. Well, for the most part. She does try to take the easy way out but she realizes that even if she did it once that it was wrong. She goes through that entire stack of papers to sign that takes her until late at night to finish. That's INSANE and I could never do all of that, so I admire her for that. She's incredibly hardworking and never gives up. Even when she's trying to take the easy way out, she does her hardest to get it right, until ultimately she decides not to use magic but it only caused trouble. Like they say in Once Upon A Time, "All magic, comes at a price." She's a great role model that works incredible hard no matter what.

She's a daydreamer
This is an aspect of her character in the original movie that is carried on in this movie. After her song, she's imagining everyone back from their trip and Aurora is actuación like everything for her has gone well. I think that's pretty daydreamy. Plus when she looks up at the brightest estrella in the sky, like Phillip told her to do before she went to sleep, and pretended like she was actually talking to him through it. Almost like she could actually see his face. While I certainly would say her daydreaminess isn't up to the level of Ariel o Cinderella, she still is a daydreamer.

She's mischievous
The way she does poke fun at King Hubert does mostrar this side of her. Basically the same things as the fun and playful side of her. However, when she's playing with the wand to give herself a beautiful ball gown, dazzling earrings and necklace, and a jeweled tiara is pretty mischievous. She knows that the wand isn't a toy but she does it anyway, which shows she has a slight trouble-making side to her. I mean she's not mischievous like Ariel is because Aurora does know her limits. Although, that doesn't mean she won't still be mischievous because even when she turns her dress back into her nightgown and is about to to go sleep, she turns her nightgown rosado, rosa just for the fun of it. This was a side of her we got for only one scene in Sleeping Beauty but that was it, I wanted más of that and I'm glad we got it because she's very interesting here.

She's patient, fair, diplomatic, and reasonable
When she has to deal with the peasants complaints and the first party that came in was fighting like crazy, she managed to stay patient with them but she wasn't a pushover. She would tell them both to calm down. She's patient and kind but she has her limits, although she won't be rude about it like some of the más feisty heroines. At the end of the day, she'll listen to all of the complaints and give them the fair consideration and time that they deserve. Whenever two people are having a disagreement, she'll be reasonable, fair, and very diplomatic about it to make sure the solution she thinks of benefits both parties.

She's selfless
tu can see that hearing all of the complaints from so many people, even one dumb one about changing the royal colores o something. But she still sticks with it, despite the stress of the job. First of all, I amor how they're mostrando the less glamorous side of being a princess. That it's not all about being pretty, getting a prince, and living happily ever after. It shows the responsibilities and how tu have to put others needs above yours, which they mostrar with Aurora here. We see that she can be stressed out and isn't perfect. However, all she has to do is just look at the faces of her people that need her help and she instantly has the confidence to continue. She's incredibly selfless and is really serious about her responsibilities as a princess and the future queen.

She's compassionate
tu can tell that she really cares about her people, which I have GUSHED over a lot in this article. It's especially shown during the scene where she's talking to a farmer that lost his stalk. She shows instant sympathy towards him and even pulls out a handkerchief to wipe away a tear. She knows that his life stalk are his way of living and he could starve without them. She's always so kind and caring towards her people with their problems, no matter how big o small. She truly cares about her family, friends, and everyone in her kingdom. Usually with peasants going to the royals with their complaints it played for laughs, like Yzma with that one peasant, a scene from The Emperor's New School where Kuzco says it was the worst part of being Emperor, o when anastasia Tremaine/The Red queen was hearing complaints and told them that their problems bore her (this was in the segundo episode where she was still being portrayed as a villainess). It's refreshing to see peasants going to royals with their complaints and the royals are actually taking them seriously and trying to do their best to help.

She makes mistakes, learns from them, and fixes them
I always amor when a character makes mistakes, learns from them, and fixes them. She knows she made a mistake por taking the easy way, learns that she should never take the easy way out, and actually fixes it. It's nice to know that she actually is like a real human who can give into temptation. Magic is a powerful thing and power is very seductive. However, she learns knowing tu accomplished something through hard work is also very seductive. I know I would fall victim to the seduction of magic and bending anything I want to my will, but she's able to overcome it be realizing that using it was wrong. She's a great role model that grows, not amazingly well, but still.

Overall, she's a great, layered, and three-dimensional character in this movie with A LOT of depth to her. This is what I think she should've been like in the original in my honest opinion. There was nothing wrong with her in the original, other than being one dimensional and not having a well-developed personality, and was very harmless of a character. This version of Aurora and her movie are also harmless and don't deserve such HUGE amounts of hate, especially when they don't EXPLAIN the hatred for Aurora in this movie. Lastly, as for the pop voice, it's still a good voice, no Mary Costa and they should've gotten a más opera voice for her but she doesn't sing for most of her screentime, so it doesn't bother me that much. When it comes to speaking voices, she does sound the same as her original self, o at least good enough. So I figured that instead of just getting into a pointless argument where I get mad because people won't explain the problem with this version of Aurora, I just decided to talk about why I amor her.
Since it's Valentine's día soon I decided to write a few artículos relating to that and I decided to do a lista of my favorito! DP Couples, fittingly enough the last time I did this lista was around this time last year, since then my lista has changed a slight bit. Hope you'll like this article

11. mulan & Shang

Imo they're más best friends than a couple, their first meeting is hilarious though and I amor how mulan isn't afraid to mostrar off her feelings for Shang in a subtle way and how Shang chose to not kill mulan despite the fact that women wheren't allowed in the army, it shows that...
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I know we've probably had an excess of these over the last few months, but I don't care. In my humble opinion, there can never be too many artículos defending Walt's girls. I believe Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora just as much praise and recognition as any of the Modern o Renaissance princesses. The three classic Princesses receive a large amount of criticism. They include "weak", "passive", "need a man to save them", "boring", "do nothing", "need a man to save them", among others (that last reason is so incredibly stupid and sexist). These "arguments" are beyond cliché, mind-numbing,...
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hola everyone! The classic disney films had such a knack for capturing the splendor and wonder of magic so I thought I'd rate all the DP films to see which ones are the most magical.
For this, I took the 5 most likely elements of magic in the disney Princess films and added 1 category for the awareness of each 6 elements. This is because the más prominent magic would be in a story (or the world in the story), the más people should be aware of the magic as it would be hard to miss. Here are the 12 put together:

1. Magical Powers- Meaning that magic can be done without the use of items (like wands)...
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Hi everyone!

Recently, I publicado a pregunta asking fans to lista five personality traits most desirable in a disney princess. My traits poll, which was going to be the foundation of this article, was based on TheMusicalMolls' lista of traits; the first response. I didn't bother to check my pregunta again for other responses, but when I returned to my pregunta after I publicado the poll, I was surprised to see that más fans had bothered to answer my question. At that point, it was only a handful of people, and since I found their lists highly similar to TheMusicalMolls', I let it be. I hope I didn't...
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Here's my quick ranking on original DP films in part 1 of this articulo series. Part 2 will follow with all the sequels, prequels and shorts. Hope you'll enjoy it!

12. Princess and the frog:
I found the script to be very lazily written, with no wow moments to remember and no surprising twists. The movie crawled at deathly slow pace, making me skip scenes in between. The animación was pretty average with nothing memorable except a few scenes in bayou and death of Dr. Facilier. I found the sett ups to be unflattering and lacked the disney magic feel to it. The best set-up from the entire movie was...
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I'm sorry but I disagree with each side. I mean I agree with each side but I don't. I think both sides of the argument are taking things way too far, and it doesn't need to.

Frozen fans need to just accept that not everyone likes this movie and frozen haters need to learn that they are being just as rude as the frozen fans and they just need to stop.

Both sides really need to stop because they're ruining this movie for me. They already ruined Elsa for me, and soon, I'll hate the whole thing, even Anna, who's my favorito! DP.

 Me when frozen fans and haters start arguing
Me when frozen fans and haters start arguing

I find it awkward that...
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posted by anukriti2409
Here's my ranking of disney Prince, barring Prince Hans as he's the DP villain. Hope you'll find it entertaining.

11. Florian:
Apart from canto and mostrando courtesy and respect to a young maid of lower status, there's literally no interaction and no scenes to understand his personality. It was kind of creepy for me that he'd kiss a supposedly dead maiden. So yeah, he's the last in my list.

10. Naveen:
Spoiled rich brat who didn't even learn after plundering all the ancestoral wealth and thought of fixing it the easy way to find a rich girl to marry. Too flirtatious, too lazy, too laid-back...
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I, myself only knew 7 out of 14. Who knows, tu might know más than me o know less than me. Either way enjoy lectura and absorb the knowledge!


1) Production designer Richard Vander Wende devised a simple color scheme for the film, inspired por its desert setting. Blue (water) stands for good, red (heat) for evil, and yellow (sand) is neutral. For example, the villainous Jafar is clad in blacks and reds, while the virtuous jazmín wears blue. Another example is in the Cave of Wonders, where the lamp's chamber is blue, and the ruby that tempts Abu is bright red.

2) jazmín was originally...
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posted by 220340
 Rapunzel, anna, and ariel
Rapunzel, anna, and ariel
Did tu ever know that Elsa and Anna had a cousin? Well tu do now! Elsa and Anna have a cousin and there cousin is Rapunzel. Never knew that? Now tu know. Rapunzel is cousins with the sisters Elsa and Anna. Rapunzel seems like she forgot she had cousins. I am not sure about Elsa and Anna if they forgot they had a cousin. How are they cousins? Elsa and Anna's mom is the sister of Rapunzel's mom. Now they are Cousins. Another weird thing. Both shows are created por the same person. I never knew they were cousins till I saw a YouTube mostrar that dicho they were cousins. Another weird thing. Ariel...
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posted by laylastepford
 Honorary Mention: Cinderella's Father
Honorary Mention: Cinderella's Father
Okay so I basically grew up without parents in a large sense. That being said, I always yearned for a loving, stable and consistent mother and father to teach morals, values, effective and constructive communication, consequences for actions, real love, respect, trust, honor, etc. Since Walt disney founded the company under those family and character-based values, I have always been very attached to the disney brand. That being said, I was thinking about the disney Princesses' parents and if I could have traded my childhood situation with one of them, which would it be? Since I also amor lists...
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posted by Sparklefairy375
From anukriti2409 and sweetie-94's artículos about most beautiful things from DP movies, I was inspired to make one. But my version is a little different: this one is most beautiful things from each DP movies, from the first until the latest ones. Well, hope you'll be enjoyed my articulo and sorry for mistakes I may be made.

1. The Ending (Snow White and Seven Dwarfs)

 The scene of Snow White's movie ending (credit to image from sweetie-94's article).
The scene of Snow White's movie ending (credit to image from sweetie-94's article).

The movie isn't really my favorite, so it's kinda hard for me to decide the beautiful things from that. It was while Snow White and her Prince...
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posted by laylastepford
My entire life, Belle has always been my absolute favorito! princess. When I was just a toddler I dressed up like her for halloween and when I got married, I even tried to find a dress that resembled her yellow vestido (in white, of course).

In so many ways, Belle reminds me of myself. As someone who relates so closely to and identifies with Belle, I wanted to share my well-detailed analysis of her character. I believe we all know our favorito! characters the best so I would encourage others to write an articulo about their favorito! princess. I hope that this will help others understand Belle a little...
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The disney Princesses wear some of the cutest little outfits, both inside and outside of ceremonies and balls, so I wanted to do a fun and light-hearted ranking of all of their outfits! (I will be doing a segundo countdown with the ceremonial outfits and ball gowns ranked.) I ranked them based on which I'd like to wear most:

Peasant/Work Outfits:

7. Snow White's Brown "Servant's" Outfit:
For something that is made to look incredibly unflattering, it's actually not that bad. Aside from being torn and having different-colored patches, it's really just a plain dress.

6. Tiana's Blue Work Uniform:...
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As some of tu may know, I recently did my version of a "Prettiest Princess" articulo which rated the en general, general attraction of each princess. That articulo was done with a heavy bias towards what males like best about females so I wanted to make one with the bias towards what females like (in friends). What females look for in friends will of course vary por personality so I decided to use the disney Princesses as the model for my female scale. I made a ranking lista for each of them (of course, it is subject to my opinion of their rankings) and then combined all 13 lists to see how they'd rate each...
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added by MaidofOrleans
Source: for the original imágenes
added by sweetie-94
Source: sweetie-94
The gang was walking back to the cottage when a arbusto, bush popped up in front of them. mulan gasped at what she saw growing on it. She hurried to the plant. "You guys have to see this!" she exclaimed. The others rallied around. The reactions were mixed. Shang felt his nerves dance a bit, Pocahontas theorized, and John and Merida exchanged scowls. "Cherries?" Merida said. "Mulan, I get tu have very valuable things and traditions where tu come from, but it's just a fruit." John replied. "Just a fruit? John, these are delicate." mulan stated.

"Mulan, it's not like glass where tu throw it and it breaks."...
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